Unit 4 Seasons-ListeningThe weather in Canberra -ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版(编号:f2a7f).zip


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17A Unit 4 SeasonsListening & Speaking 班级: 姓名: 小组:【学习目标学习目标】1. 能够听懂堪培拉的天气介绍,完成图片排序、填空等听力任务。2. 能够掌握预测内容,听关键词,做笔记等听力技巧。3. 理解听力文本的内容与叙事结构,并复述所听内容。4. 能口头谈论广州的四季,表达对四季的看法。4. 进行小组合作学习;5. 了解南半球的天气特点,并与中国天气做比较。【课前准备课前准备】1. 写出写出 12 个月份。个月份。12 months in a year. 一月 J_二月 F_三月 M_四月 A_五月 M_六月 J_七月 J_八月 A_九月 S_十月 O_十一月 N_十二月 D_2. 中国的四季与月份。中国的四季与月份。Months Which season? (spring, summer, autumn, winter)3-5 March - May6-8 June August9-11 September -November12-2 December - February3. 拓展小知识:澳大利亚的四季与月份。拓展小知识:澳大利亚的四季与月份。澳大利亚(Australia) ,首都为堪培拉堪培拉(Canberra) 。其领土面积 7686850 平方公里,四面环海。拥有很多独特的动植物和自然景观的澳大利亚,是一个奉行多元文化的移民国家。中国处于地球上的北半球,澳大利亚处于南半球,因此澳大利亚的季节与中国完全相反。澳澳大利亚的季节与中国完全相反。澳大利亚的大利亚的 12 月月-2 月为夏季,月为夏季,3 月月-5 月为秋季,月为秋季,6 月月-8 月为冬季,月为冬季,9 月月-11 月为春季月为春季。因此,当中国是夏季的时候,澳大利亚是冬季;当中国雪花飘扬的时候,澳大利亚正是人们都穿着当中国雪花飘扬的时候,澳大利亚正是人们都穿着短袖的夏季。短袖的夏季。4. Word-building. 写出下列单词,并熟读。写出下列单词,并熟读。2暖和的_寒冷的_炎热的_阳光明媚的_干燥的_湿的_下雨的_多云的_有风的_下雪的_凉爽的_ 预习情况家长签名:_【课堂导学课堂导学】STEP 1. Warming-up1. Quiz: What do you know about Australia?2. Guess and Predict: What season is it in Canberra?MonthsGuangzhou ChinaCanberra Australia3-5 March - May6-8 June August9-11 September -November12-2 December - FebruarySTEP 2. ListeningKelly is talking about the weather in Canberra, Australia.1. Listen for gistListen to Kelly and put the photos in the correct order. (Finish Exercise A on P48)TIPS: Listen for keywords. 听关键词:月份,季节,名词,形容词等。2. Listen for details. Listen again and complete the table. (Finish Exercise B on P48)TIPS: Take notes. 做笔记时采用缩写,如 November 可以先用 nov 替代,之后再补齐。3. Listen for ideas and structures. (1) What can you see in different seasons in Canberra?(2) What will people do in different season in Canberra?(3) Which season does Kelly like?Listen to Kelly, and complete the notes. .3Our autumn is from March to May. Its usually sunny and dry. There are (1)_ and brown (2)_ on the trees. They are beautiful. I like autumn best.Months Weather Things we see Feelings Summer in Canberra is usually dry and hot. Its from December to February. We usually go to the (3)_ and spend a week there. I dont like summer, but I like the summer (4)_.Months Weather Things we do FeelingsIn Canberra, spring is from September to November. I love the spring weather here. Its warm and sometimes rainy. There are lots of small, white (5)_ on the trees. Winter in Canberra is from June to August, and its very cold. Some people like going to the (6) _ Mountains. I dont like going out in the cold weather. I usually stay at home. Conclude: When we talk about the seasons, what can be included 包含包含?TIPS: 介绍四季时考虑:1. 月份;2. 气候;3. 景象(There is/are) ;4. 活动 (We will/ People like doing); 5. 个人看法(We like/dislike)STEP 3. Speaking1. Retelling If you are going to visit Canberra, which season will you choose? 假设你要去堪培拉游玩,你会选择哪个季节去?原因是什么?I will visit Canberra in _. (spring, summer, autumn, winter)_ in Canberra is from _ to _. The weather is _ and _. There are _.(things to see 景象景象)I will _. (things to do 活动活动)2. Discussion: The Weather in Guangzhou4Kelly wants to visit Guangzhou next year. She wants to know about the weather in Guangzhou. Discuss in your group and decide which weather is the best for her to visit. Introduce the weather. 小组讨论,向 Kelly 推荐到广州玩的最佳季节,并说出尽可能多的原因。小组转圈说。Group Leader: Dear Kelly, We are group _. We think you can visit Guangzhou in _. (spring, summer, autumn, winter)S1: _ in Guangzhou is from _ to _. S2: The weather is _ and _. S3: There are/is _.(things to see 景象景象)S4: There are/is _.(things to see 景象景象)S5: You can _. (things to do 活动活动)S6: You can _. (things to do 活动活动)Group Leader: We think _ in Guangzhou is _. Why not come to visit Guangzhou in _?TIPS: 广州的月份与季节参考MonthsSeasonMonthsSeason3-5 March - MaySpring9-11 September -NovemberAutumn 6-8 June AugustSummer 12-2 December - FebruaryWinter TIPS:小组转圈说 (组长 group leader 引导,分配每人任务)1. Write down your ideas; 准备阶段:思考、写下自己的观点2. Talk to your group members in turn; 交流阶段:小组内分享、修改重复的观点3. Present your idea one by one; 展示阶段:转圈说,每个组员都要发言。4. requirements 要求:上台展示要大声,自信,脱稿;台下要认真倾听。STEP 4. Self-Evaluation 自我评价 1. 了解中国和澳大利亚的气候差异 A.好 B.一般 C.差2. 完成 listening 任务 A.好 B.一般 C.差3. 完成 speaking 的任务 A.好 B.一般 C.差3. 小组合作参与情况 A.好 B.一般 C.差STEP 5. Homework 作业: 写一篇文章,标题为 The Weather in Guangzhou,介绍广州的四季。Its November in Australia!But its hot! How much do you know about Australia?Which one is Australia?A. B. C. D. Which animals can you see in Australia?A. B. C. D. Where is Australia?A. B. C. D. China Australia Which is the capital of Australia?A. New YorkC. CanberraB. SydneyD. LondonWhat will happen on Christmas in Canberra?Why?A. B. MonthsGuangzhou ChinaCanberra Australia3-5 March - May6-8 June August9-11 September -November 12-2 December - FebruarySummerAutumnSpringWinterSummerListeningListeningLets find out more about the weather in Canberra! Listen to Kelly talking about the weather in Canberra, Australia. A Put the photos below in the correct order. Write the numbers 1- 4 in the boxes. ab1243cdAutumnSpringwinterSummerTIPS: Listen for keywords. 听关键词:月份,季节等。听关键词:月份,季节等。1st Listening: Listen for gist.B Listen again and complete the table below.November warm December dryMaysunnyJune coldTIPS: Take notes. 做笔记时采用缩写。做笔记时采用缩写。2nd Listening: Listen for details.C Listen again and complete the notes.Our autumn is from March to May. Its usually sunny and dry. There are (1) _ and brown (2) _ on the trees. They are beautiful. I like autumn best. Summer in Canberra is usually dry and hot. Its from December to February. We usually go to the(3) _ and spend a week there. I dont like summer, but I like the summer(4) _. 3rd Listening: Listen for ideas and structure.orangeleavesbeachholidaysC Listen again and complete the notes.In Canberra, spring is from September to November. I love the spring weather here. Its warm and sometimes rainy. There are lots of small, white (5)_ on the trees. Winter in Canberra is from June to August, and its very cold. Some people like going to the (6)_Mountains. I dont like going out in the cold weather. I usually stay at home. flowersSnowyConclude 总结When we talk about the seasons, what can be included包含?_How to talk aboutSeasons?_When we talk about the seasons, what can be included包含?1. Our autumn is from March to May. 2. Its usually sunny and dry. 3. There are orange and brown leaves on the trees. 4. They are beautiful. I like autumn best. 1. Summer in Canberra is usually dry and hot. 2. Its from December to February. 3. We go to the beach and spend a week there. 4. I dont like summer, but I like the summer holidays. Months weather Things we see. Feelings Months weather Things we do. Feelings When we talk about the seasons, what can be included包含?How to talk aboutSeasons?Months weather Things we see. Feelings Things we do. Post-ListeningPost-ListeningRetellingIf you are going to visit Canberra, which season will you choose? 假设你要去堪培拉游玩,你会选择哪个季节去?原因是什么?You can begin with.I am _. I will visit Canberra in _. (spring, summer, autumn, winter)_ in Canberra is from _ to _. The weather is _ and _. There are _.(things to see)I will _. (things to do)Discussion: The Weather in Guangzhou Kelly wants to visit Guangzhou next year. She wants to know about the weather in Guangzhou. Discussion: The Weather in Guangzhou Discuss in your group and decide which weather is the best for Kelly to visit. Introduce the weather. 小组讨论,向Kelly推荐到广州玩的最佳季节,并说出尽可能多的原因。小组转圈说。Group Leader: Dear Kelly, We are group _. We think you can visit Guangzhou in _. (spring, summer, autumn, winter)S1: _ in Guangzhou is from _ to _. S2: The weather is _ and _. S3: There are/is _.(things to see)S4: There are/is _.(things to see) S5: You can _. (things to do)S6: You can _. (things to do)Group Leader: We think _ in Guangzhou is _. Why not come to visit Guangzhou in _?The Weather in GuangzhouRequirements要求:1. 大声,自信,脱稿2. 认真倾听 Evaluation&Evaluation&HomeworkHomeworkSelf-Evaluation自我评价1.了解中国和澳大利亚的气候差异 A.好 B.一般 C.差2.完成listening任务 A.好 B.一般 C.差3.完成speaking的任务 A.好 B.一般 C.差4.小组合作参与情况 A.好 B.一般 C.差Group-Evaluation小组评价 Which group has done the best job?Homework 作业 写一篇文章,标题为The Weather in Guangzhou, 介绍广州的四季。-1-Text Analysis:The listening material is from Unit 4, Book A 0f Grade 7, Oxford English. The topic of unit 4 is Seasons. The topic for Listening is The Weather for Canberra. A girl named Kelly is talking about the weather in Canberra. The listening tasks involve putting four photos into correct orders and completing a table. The material itself is not too difficult. However, the background knowledge of the quite different seasons in Australia and the expressions of months might be a barrier for students. Student Analysis:Students in grade 7 have grasped some basic skills of listening. However, they lack the background knowledge of the weather in Canberra, and they are not very familiar with the expressions of 12 months. And furthermore, to talk about the weather is another higher requirement for them. It would be hard for them to retell what they have listened to and to reproduce their input. Teaching Aims:Students are able to:1. Knowledge(1)Learn some new words. E.g. Canberra, November, December, warm, dry, sunny. (2)Use some language patterns. E.g. there are, we usually go to2. Skills(1)Grasp basic listening skills, such as, predicting before listening; listening for keywords and taking notes;(2)Understand the ideas and discourse structure of the listening material; (3)Retell the listening material;(4)Relate the material to their daily life experiences and talk about the weather in Guangzhou following the patterns of the text. 3. EffectsExpress their opinions on the weather in Canberra and in Guangzhou.-2-4. Cultural awareness(1)Enrich their background knowledge of Australia and the weather in Canberra;(2)Understand the differences in seasons in the Northern and Southern hemisphere.5. Learning strategy(1)Use a mind map to conclude the ideas and the discourse structure of the listening material;(2)Share and cooperate with others through group work.(3)Relate what they have learnt to their daily life experiences.(4)Reflect on and evaluate their studies. Teaching Methods:This lesson is a task-based design. Students are aimed to complete a series of tasks. First, listen and understand Kellys introduction of the weather in Canberra. Second, talk about their choice of seasons if they are to visit Canberra. Third, be a guide and introduce the weather in Guangzhou to Kelly. The tasks are interactive and linked together, serving to transfer input to output. Use of Media: The use of media includes PowerPoint, radio and blackboard. Teaching focus:The focus of teaching will be on helping students grasp and understand the ideas of the listening material and the discourse structures in introducing the weather. And through input, students are to relate the material with their daily life experiences and further, produce output. Anticipated difficulties:It might be difficult for students to understand the quite opposite weather in Canberra. And how to follow the patterns of weather introduction and talk about the weather in Guangzhou might also be difficult for them. -3-Procedures StageTeacher activityStudents activityStage AimStep 1:Warming-up1.show Ss two photos of Australia and talk about the photos;2.guide Ss to have a quiz“How much do you know about Australia?”3.ask Ss to guess and predict: “What season is it in Canberra?”1. look at two photos of Australia and talk about the photos;2.have a quiz;3.guess and predict the seasons in Canberra.1.arouse Ss interest and curiosity in the topic.2.enrich Ss background knowledge on the weather in Canberra.3.reduce difficulties in words and background knowledge in listening.1. Listen for gist guide Ss to listen to Kelly talking about the weather in Canberra and put the photos into the correct order. listen to Kelly talking about the weather in Canberra and put the photos into the correct order.guide Ss to listen for the gist of the text;2. Listen for detailsguide Ss to listen to Kellys introduction again and complete the details in the table. listen to Kellys introduction again and complete the details in the table.guide Ss to listen for the details. Step 2Listening 3. Listen for ideas and structures1.lead Ss to listen for more details. 2.guide Ss to reflect on “what to include when introducing the weather.”3.help Ss make a mind map and help Ss understand how to talk about weather. 1.listen for more details. 2.reflect on “what to include when introducing weather.”3. conclude and make a mind map.1.lead Ss to pay attention to the ideas and discourse features;2.conclude the ideas and make a mind map; 3.help Ss understand the discourse structures. 1. Retelling guide Ss to choose and talk about the season in Canberra with help provided. choose and talk about the season in Canberra if they visit it. 1. create a chance for first outputretelling;2. check Ss understanding of the listening material.Step 3:Speaking2. Discussion ask Ss to introduce the weather in Guangzhou to Kelly. be a guide and introduce the weather in Guangzhou to Kelly. 1. relate input to Ss daily life experiences; 2. guide Ss to apply what they have learnt to real-life tasks;3. provide Ss a chance to express their opinions.Step 4:Evaluation ask Ss to make self-evaluation and group-evaluationmake self-evaluation and group-evaluationguide Ss to reflect on and evaluate their studies. Step 5:Homeworkask Ss to write an article to introduce the weather in Guangzhou.write an article to introduce the weather in Guangzhou.provide further chance of output and consolidate what Ss have learnt within the class.
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Unit Seasons_Listening The weather in Canberra _ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级公开课_牛津深圳版(编号:f2a7f) 沪教版 英语 _unit
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