(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第二册第三单元Section Ⅱ课文知识点与讲义(含答案).zip


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新人教(2019)必修二第三单元Section Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking重点词汇讲解重点词汇讲解Point1 function 用法详解(1)n.作用;功能;职能fulfil/perform a function 发挥功能The only task is to make it perform a function.唯一的任务就是使它发挥功能。The function of smile is to show happiness and put people at ease. 微笑的作用是表示快乐和使人感到自在。(2)vi.起作用;运转function as 起到作用function well/properly 运转正常This machine is not functioning properly.这部机器运转不正常。The sofa can also function as a bed.这沙发也可以当床用。归纳拓展work as 当;担任;担任工作act as 担任角色serve as 用作;充当(事物做主语)经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)When we eat,the nutrients from the food help keep our body(function) well. (2)The function of a cash-machine is (provide) people with cash when the bank is shut. (3)A typical PDA can functiona mobile phone,fax sender,and personal organizer. 2.用 as 的相关短语填空(1)How long have you a gardener? (2)He a pioneer in proposing the new method of growing rice. (3)The accidenta reminder of safe driving. 参考答案1.(1) functioning(2)to provide(3)as2.(1)worked as(2)acted/acts as(3)serves asPoint2 confirm 用法详解(1)vt.证实;证明;确认confirm+sth./that 从句/wh-从句(尤指通过提供更多证据)证实It has been confirmed that已确定Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.裁员的传言后来被证实了。It has been confirmed that they will leave their hometown for Canada.已经确定他们将离开家乡去加拿大。(2)vt.使确信confirm sb.in sth.(使)某人确信某事The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights.在山里步行使他更加确信自己有恐高症。归纳拓展confirmation n.证实;确定;批准;确认经典例题 单句语法填空(1)Please send email(confirm) your reservation for the hotel. (2)It(confirm) that the meeting will take place next week. (3)After six months,she as the clubs new manager. (4)There was frost on the ground,(confirm) that fall had arrived in Canada. (5)Im still waiting for the(confirm) of the test results. 参考答案(1)to confirm(2)has been confirmed(3)was confirmed(4)confirming(5)confirmationPoint3 press 用法详解(1)vt.(被)压,挤,推,施加压力 (=push/squeeze)pressagainst把贴在She pressed her face against the window.她把脸贴在窗子上。(2)vt.按,压(使启动)press a button/switch 按下按钮/开关She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。(3)vt.催促;敦促;逼迫press sb.to do sth.催促/逼迫某人做某事They are pressing us to make a quick decision.他们正催促我们尽快做出决定。(4)n.报纸;报刊;新闻界;出版社press conference 记者招待会The story was reported in the press and on television.这个故事在报刊和电视上报道了。归纳拓展pressure n.压力express vt.表达impress vt 使铭记,使印象深刻经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)(press) by his parents,the boy is determined to stop playing video games. (2)It is not wise to press the guests (stay) a little longer. (3)Its said that someone has given away the story to press. 2.单句写作(1)按下按钮,机器就能运转了。 ,and the machine will work. (2)下周他们将召开记者招待会。They next week. 参考答案1.(1)Pressed(2)to stay(3)the2.(1)Press the button(2)will hold a press conferencePoint4 comment 用法详解(1)n.议论;评论;意见,见解。常与介词 on,about 和 upon 连用。 make a comment about/on/upon 评论No comment!(通常用于回答记者的问题) 无可奉告! He made no comments on our proposal.他对我们的建议没有做评论。She made helpful comments on my work.她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。(2)vt.评论,评注,批评;提意见,发表意见comment on/upon 评论comment+that 从句 发表意见说Would you care to comment on any troublesome students in your class?你愿意谈谈你对你们班上调皮学生的看法吗?He commented that he thought it was time for us to go home.他发表意见说他认为该是我们回家的时间了。经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)Joan(comment) that it was a better play than usual,and I agreed. (2)The play(comment) by the audience so far. (3)The minister refused to comment publiclythese affairs. 2.改为同义句I commented on his actions,speech without any prejudice.I his actions,speech without any prejudice. 参考答案1.(1) commented(2)has been commented(3)on/upon2.made a comment about/on/uponPoint5 in shape 用法详解(1)状况良好stay/keep in shape 保持体形/健康keepin good/great shape使处于非常好的状态To keep in shape,I do a series of trainings every day.为了保持体形,我每天做一系列的体能锻炼。Tim is in good shape physically even though he doesnt get much exercise.即使蒂姆没有进行太多的锻炼,但他的体形却非常好。(2)在形状上Dogs are different from wolves in shape.狗和狼的身型不同。归纳拓展(1)out of shape 状况不佳,变形,(身材)走样in the shape of 呈的形状,以的形式(2)shapeinto 使成为;把做成be shaped like 形状像shape ones character/future 塑造某人的性格/未来经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of the year will help you (shape) your year ahead. (2)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stayshape. (3)We have been told at some time that Italy is (shape) like a boot. 2.翻译句子(1)她的帽子变形了。_(2)一个好老师有助于塑造小孩的性格。_参考答案1.(1)(to) shape(2)in(3)shaped 2.(1)Her hat was out of shape.(2)A good teacher helps shape a kids character.Point6 keep track of 用法详解(1)掌握的最新消息;了解的动态With eleven thousand employees,its very difficult to keep track of them all.对于一支 1.1 万人的员工队伍,很难及时了解到所有人的动态。(2)记录I use a small notebook to keep track of all the new sentences I learn. 我用一个小笔记本记录我所学到的所有新句子。(3)与保持联系She managed to keep track of her friends. 她设法与朋友们保持联系。归纳拓展(1)lose track of 不了解的动态;与失去联系 (2)track n.小道,小径;足迹,踪迹;轨道;跑道 vt.跟踪;追踪off the beaten track 远离闹市;偏僻的;打破常规track sb./sth.down 搜寻到;跟踪找到经典例题 1.翻译句子(1)我记录了我所花过的所有钱。_(2)老师应该了解每个学生的动态。_(3)我与老师保持联系有 10 年了。_2.单句语法填空(1)We have never been able to track the person who wrote the story. (2)His mind wandered so he would lose track what he was doing. (3)Sometimes tiny beaches can be found the beaten track. 参考答案1.(1) I have kept track of all the money I spent.(2)Teachers should keep track of each student. (3)I have kept track of my teacher for 10 years.2.(1)down(2)of(3)off Point7 discount 用法详解(1)n.折扣,常与介词 on,at 连用。 get/give/offer a discount on 给打折at a discount 打折;减价Theyre offering a 10% discount on all chairs this month.本月他们给椅子售价统统打九折。They were selling everything at a discount.他们销售的所有商品都打折。(2)vt.给打折;打折出售discount prices/fares 对价格/票价打折This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily.这迫使航空公司对机票价格大幅打折。(3)vt.认为不重要;对不全信;低估We shouldnt discount the effect of AIDS.我们不应低估艾滋病的影响。经典例题 翻译句子(1)这些货物将减价出售。_(2)这家商店的衣服打九折。_(3)如果你在网上购物,获得折扣更多。_参考答案(1)These goods will be sold at a discount.(2)The clothes in this shop are discounted at 10%.(3)If you shop online,you will get more discounts.Point8 account 教材 P31Laura needs an app that will add money to her bank account.劳拉需要一个能给她的银行账户加钱的应用程序。用法详解(1)n.账户;账目open/close an account 开立/结清账户I dont have a bank account.我没有银行账户。(2)n.描述;叙述;报告give a full account of 详尽地描述She gave the police a full account of the incident.她向警方详尽地叙述了所发生的事情。(3)n.解释,说明;理由,原因on account of 由于;因为on no account 决不(位于句首时引起部分倒装)take account of /take sth.into account 考虑到;顾及One must take the audience into account when making speeches.做演讲时必须要考虑到听众。(4)vt.说明的原因;解释;说明; 认为是account for sth.是的说明(或原因);解释;占(比例)(=make up)The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.天气不好可能是人来得少的原因。经典例题 1.一句多译(1)你能解释你迟到的原因吗? (explain) (account) (2)女生占班级人数的 30%。 (account) (make) 2.单句语法填空(1)His exam results were not very good,but we must takeaccount his long illness. (2)The match was put offaccount of the weather. 参考答案1.(1)Can you explain why you are late?Can you account for the reason why you are late?(2)Girls accounts for 30% of the class.Girls make up 30% of the class.2.(1)into(2)on新人教(2019)必修二第三单元Section Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking重点词汇讲解重点词汇讲解Point1 function 用法详解(1)n.作用;功能;职能fulfil/perform a function 发挥功能The only task is to make it perform a function.唯一的任务就是使它发挥功能。The function of smile is to show happiness and put people at ease. 微笑的作用是表示快乐和使人感到自在。(2)vi.起作用;运转function as 起到作用function well/properly 运转正常This machine is not functioning properly.这部机器运转不正常。The sofa can also function as a bed.这沙发也可以当床用。归纳拓展work as 当;担任;担任工作act as 担任角色serve as 用作;充当(事物做主语)经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)When we eat,the nutrients from the food help keep our body(function) well. (2)The function of a cash-machine is (provide) people with cash when the bank is shut. (3)A typical PDA can functiona mobile phone,fax sender,and personal organizer. 2.用 as 的相关短语填空(1)How long have you a gardener? (2)He a pioneer in proposing the new method of growing rice. (3)The accidenta reminder of safe driving. Point2 confirm 用法详解(1)vt.证实;证明;确认confirm+sth./that 从句/wh-从句(尤指通过提供更多证据)证实It has been confirmed that已确定Rumours of job losses were later confirmed.裁员的传言后来被证实了。It has been confirmed that they will leave their hometown for Canada.已经确定他们将离开家乡去加拿大。(2)vt.使确信confirm sb.in sth.(使)某人确信某事The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights.在山里步行使他更加确信自己有恐高症。归纳拓展confirmation n.证实;确定;批准;确认经典例题 单句语法填空(1)Please send email(confirm) your reservation for the hotel. (2)It(confirm) that the meeting will take place next week. (3)After six months,she as the clubs new manager. (4)There was frost on the ground,(confirm) that fall had arrived in Canada. (5)Im still waiting for the(confirm) of the test results. Point3 press 用法详解(1)vt.(被)压,挤,推,施加压力 (=push/squeeze)pressagainst把贴在She pressed her face against the window.她把脸贴在窗子上。(2)vt.按,压(使启动)press a button/switch 按下按钮/开关She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。(3)vt.催促;敦促;逼迫press sb.to do sth.催促/逼迫某人做某事They are pressing us to make a quick decision.他们正催促我们尽快做出决定。(4)n.报纸;报刊;新闻界;出版社press conference 记者招待会The story was reported in the press and on television.这个故事在报刊和电视上报道了。归纳拓展pressure n.压力express vt.表达impress vt 使铭记,使印象深刻经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)(press) by his parents,the boy is determined to stop playing video games. (2)It is not wise to press the guests (stay) a little longer. (3)Its said that someone has given away the story to press. 2.单句写作(1)按下按钮,机器就能运转了。 ,and the machine will work. (2)下周他们将召开记者招待会。They next week. Point4 comment 用法详解(1)n.议论;评论;意见,见解。常与介词 on,about 和 upon 连用。 make a comment about/on/upon 评论No comment!(通常用于回答记者的问题) 无可奉告! He made no comments on our proposal.他对我们的建议没有做评论。She made helpful comments on my work.她对我的工作提出了有益的意见。(2)vt.评论,评注,批评;提意见,发表意见comment on/upon 评论comment+that 从句 发表意见说Would you care to comment on any troublesome students in your class?你愿意谈谈你对你们班上调皮学生的看法吗?He commented that he thought it was time for us to go home.他发表意见说他认为该是我们回家的时间了。经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)Joan(comment) that it was a better play than usual,and I agreed. (2)The play(comment) by the audience so far. (3)The minister refused to comment publiclythese affairs. 2.改为同义句I commented on his actions,speech without any prejudice.I his actions,speech without any prejudice. Point5 in shape 用法详解(1)状况良好stay/keep in shape 保持体形/健康keepin good/great shape使处于非常好的状态To keep in shape,I do a series of trainings every day.为了保持体形,我每天做一系列的体能锻炼。Tim is in good shape physically even though he doesnt get much exercise.即使蒂姆没有进行太多的锻炼,但他的体形却非常好。(2)在形状上Dogs are different from wolves in shape.狗和狼的身型不同。归纳拓展(1)out of shape 状况不佳,变形,(身材)走样in the shape of 呈的形状,以的形式(2)shapeinto 使成为;把做成be shaped like 形状像shape ones character/future 塑造某人的性格/未来经典例题 1.单句语法填空(1)A quick review of successes and failures at the end of the year will help you (shape) your year ahead. (2)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stayshape. (3)We have been told at some time that Italy is (shape) like a boot. 2.翻译句子(1)她的帽子变形了。_(2)一个好老师有助于塑造小孩的性格。_Point6 keep track of 用法详解(1)掌握的最新消息;了解的动态With eleven thousand employees,its very difficult to keep track of them all.对于一支 1.1 万人的员工队伍,很难及时了解到所有人的动态。(2)记录I use a small notebook to keep track of all the new sentences I learn. 我用一个小笔记本记录我所学到的所有新句子。(3)与保持联系She managed to keep track of her friends. 她设法与朋友们保持联系。归纳拓展(1)lose track of 不了解的动态;与失去联系 (2)track n.小道,小径;足迹,踪迹;轨道;跑道 vt.跟踪;追踪off the beaten track 远离闹市;偏僻的;打破常规track sb./sth.down 搜寻到;跟踪找到经典例题 1.翻译句子(1)我记录了我所花过的所有钱。_(2)老师应该了解每个学生的动态。_(3)我与老师保持联系有 10 年了。_2.单句语法填空(1)We have never been able to track the person who wrote the story. (2)His mind wandered so he would lose track what he was doing. (3)Sometimes tiny beaches can be found the beaten track. Point7 discount 用法详解(1)n.折扣,常与介词 on,at 连用。 get/give/offer a discount on 给打折at a discount 打折;减价Theyre offering a 10% discount on all chairs this month.本月他们给椅子售价统统打九折。They were selling everything at a discount.他们销售的所有商品都打折。(2)vt.给打折;打折出售discount prices/fares 对价格/票价打折This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily.这迫使航空公司对机票价格大幅打折。(3)vt.认为不重要;对不全信;低估We shouldnt discount the effect of AIDS.我们不应低估艾滋病的影响。经典例题 翻译句子(1)这些货物将减价出售。_(2)这家商店的衣服打九折。_(3)如果你在网上购物,获得折扣更多。_Point8 account 教材 P31Laura needs an app that will add money to her bank account.劳拉需要一个能给她的银行账户加钱的应用程序。用法详解(1)n.账户;账目open/close an account 开立/结清账户I dont have a bank account.我没有银行账户。(2)n.描述;叙述;报告give a full account of 详尽地描述She gave the police a full account of the incident.她向警方详尽地叙述了所发生的事情。(3)n.解释,说明;理由,原因on account of 由于;因为on no account 决不(位于句首时引起部分倒装)take account of /take sth.into account 考虑到;顾及One must take the audience into account when making speeches.做演讲时必须要考虑到听众。(4)vt.说明的原因;解释;说明; 认为是account for sth.是的说明(或原因);解释;占(比例)(=make up)The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.天气不好可能是人来得少的原因。经典例题 1.一句多译(1)你能解释你迟到的原因吗? (explain) (account) (2)女生占班级人数的 30%。 (account) (make) 2.单句语法填空(1)His exam results were not very good,but we must takeaccount his long illness. (2)The match was put offaccount of the weather.
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