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类型Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.-Section C-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:004b9).docx

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    关 键  词:
    Unit Saving the Earth_Topic All these problems are very serious._Section C_教案、教学 下载 _九年级上册_仁爱版(科普版)_英语_初中

    1、授课材料(教材)的电子文档授课材料(教材)的电子文档 TheThe earthearth isis 4.64.6 billionbillion yearsyears old.old. WeWe humanshumans havehave livedlived onon thethe earthearth forfor onlyonly 3535 000000 years,years, butbut duringduring thisthis period,period, wewe havehave changedchanged ourour planetplanet a a lotlot in

    2、in manymany ways.ways. SomeSome thingsthings weweveve donedone areare veryvery goodgood forfor thethe earthearth whilewhile somesome areare bad.bad. _ AllAll overover thethe world,world, peoplepeople havehave cutcut downdown millionsmillions ofof trees.trees. WhenWhen itit rainsrains oror whenwhen t

    3、hethe windwind blows,blows, thethe earthearth isis takentaken away.away. ForestsForests havehave becomebecome deserts,deserts, soso manymany kindskinds ofof animalsanimals andand plantsplants areare disappearing.disappearing. _In_In bigbig cities,cities, carscars andand busesbuses havehave pollutedp

    4、olluted thethe air.air. NowNow manymany peoplepeople inin citiescities havehave healthhealth problems.problems. _Factories_Factories havehave alsoalso pollutedpolluted thethe landland andand thethe water.water. AsAs a a result,result, manymany riversrivers andand lakeslakes areare nownow dead.dead.

    5、_A Aroundroundthetheearth,earth,theretheres sa aspecialspecialkindkindofofoxygenoxygencalledcalled “ozoneozone”(O(O3 3).).ItIt isis importantimportant toto thethe earth.earth. ButBut nownow airair pollutionpollution isis destroyingdestroying itit andand makingmaking a a veryvery bigbig holehole inin

    6、 thethe ozoneozone layer.layer. TooToo muchmuch harmfulharmful radiationradiation fromfrom thethe sunsun passespasses throughthrough thethe holehole andand reachesreaches thethe earthearth directly.directly. ThisThis isis veryvery dangerousdangerous becausebecause thisthis kindkind ofof radiationrad

    7、iation cancan causecause cancer.cancer. _Carbon_Carbon dioxidedioxide (CO(CO2 2) ) inin thethe airair hashas increasedincreased a a lot.lot. ItIt mainlymainly comescomes fromfrom burningburning oil,oil, coalcoal andand wood.wood. ThisThis hashas formedformed a a blanketblanket aroundaround thethe ea

    8、rth.earth. TheThe heatheat fromfrom thethe sunsun cancant t escapeescape soso thethe temperaturetemperature isis rising.rising. ThisThis isis calledcalled “thethe greenhousegreenhouse effecteffect”. . ItIt causescauses thethe levellevel ofof thethe oceansoceans toto riserise andand thethe climatecli

    9、mate ofof thethe earthearth toto change.change. AllAll thesethese problemsproblems areare veryvery serious,serious, soso wewe mustmust dodo somethingsomething now.now. 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本课题是仁爱版九年级上册 Unit2 topic2 section C 的阅读课型 的教学设计。其指导思想是依据新课标 ,通过促进学生语言技能、语 言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的整体发展来

    10、培养学生 综合语言运用能力。为体现“整体设计目标,体现灵活开放;开发课程 资源,拓展学用渠道”的基本理念,本课努力实施新课程所倡导的“任 务型教学” 。在设计本课时,我利用多种图片让学生感知环境的恶劣变化 发现现在的环境现状以及严重影响,一步步地调动学生的学习兴趣,并 使其乐于参与教学活动成为教学的主体。 本课设计的最大特色是以引导学生认识到环保的重要性为线索,逐 步拓展阅读后的语言生成能力,例如有 5 个不同的倡议形式呼吁大家参 与环保,以及最后环节每个同学参与环保行动并在白板上贴上自己的行 动便条,以达到情感文化品格的最后塑造,前后呼应,融为一体! 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容

    11、分析:本课是九年级第二单元话题的第三课时。通过阅读 1a,进一步学习各种污染对地球造成的危害和造成这些污染的原因, 培养 学生通过图片预测文章大意的能力,其中出现了很多关于环境的专业术 语,需要学生了解。1b 是训练学生运用不同的阅读策略完成不同任务和 给每段话选标题;1c 培养学生精读文章,合理地运用资源策略查找与环 境危害相关的信息,通过读写的结合训练,引导学生关注全球环境的现 状,意识到环境保护的重要性,树立正确的环保观念。 2. 学生情况分析:语篇是仁爱版英语上册的内容,这一阶段的学生,在 经历了两年的初中英语学习后,有了更丰富的词汇和语言表达能力,但 是对于阅读语篇理解后解决问题的方

    12、式与能力有待进一步的加强与提 升。基于前两节课的学习学生对于本篇内容有所熟悉,这就降低了学生 的阅读难度, 同时学生可以用自己的方法去帮助对语篇进行分析与理解, 以及更好的解决文章后出现的问题,但学生需做好课前预习工作,才能 更好达成本课程设计的目标。 三、教学目标(以下各项可整合)三、教学目标(以下各项可整合) 1. 语言能力目标:1) Read and understand the text clearly. 2) The students are expected to practice their oral English and written English concerning

    13、the environment. 2. 学 习 能 力 目 标 : Listening; speaking; writing; communication and interaction. 3. 思维品质目标:The students are able to realize the importance of protecting our environment and heighten their awareness of environmental protection. 4.文化品格目标:The students are able to take actions to protect o

    14、ur environment with their efforts. 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 1. 教学重点: Help the students to analyze the bad effects on people and the environment. Encourage the students to practice their oral English and written English. 2. 教学难点:Help the students to analyze the bad effects on people and the environment. 五

    15、、课堂风貌设计(活动名称)五、课堂风貌设计(活动名称) 1. 兴趣课堂: 1. Lead-in: Show some pictures and help the students to know todaystopic:Theenvironment.Helpstudentsknow something about their learning aims. 2. Watch two short programs and encourage the students to think what they can do to protect our homethe earth. 2. 自主课堂: T

    16、ask 1Skimming I.Answer the following questions. How old is the earth? How long have we lived on the earth? Has the planet changed a lot ? Are all the things we have done good for the earth? II.Read the passage and try to find the best titles of paragrah2-6. Task 2Scanning I.Present some pictures to

    17、the students and help the students to describe the problems according to the passage. 1. People have cut down millions of trees. 2. Cars and buses have polluted the air. 3. Factories have also polluted the land and the air Help students to describe more problems mentioned in the passage. Task 3 Find

    18、 some information about the effects on the environment. Step 4Production Divide the whole class into several groups. Help students to arouse the publics awareness of environmental protection in different ways. 3.“英语做事”课堂: Step4Production Divide the whole class into several groups. Help students to a

    19、rouse the publics awareness of environmental protection in different ways. Areport about factory pollution Hi, I am _ from CCTV. Now I am standing in Chongqing Steel. Muchsmokeiscomingout.Theheavy smoke_(bad effects) Weshould _(m easures). So people can have a better environment. Adialogue about tra

    20、ffic pollution W: Good afternoon, Doctor Wu. D: Good afternoon, Xiao Wang! W: Doctor Wu, we now have a serious problem. The air is being polluted. D: Yes, cars and buses can produce much waste gas. So the air is polluted _ _(bad effects) W: It is so serious. What can we do? D:_ _(measures). W: Hopef

    21、ully the air will become fresher in the future. Thanks for your interviewing. D: You are welcome! Aletter about fewer trees Dear editor, I am a middle school student. I write to you to tell you something. These days, the villagers in our area are cutting down many trees. If we cut down so many trees

    22、, _ _(bad effects) SoIthinkwe _(me asures) Hopefully our village will become beautiful again. Yours, Wangtao Aspeech about the ozone hole Dear friends. My topic today is about the ozone layer. Air pollution is destroyingitandmakingaverybigholeintheozonelayer. _(badeffects). Fortunately we can do a l

    23、ot to protect our environment. We can _(measures). So for our earth, for our health, please reduce air pollution. Lets protect our environment. Thanks for your listening. An announcement about the greenhouse effect Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I am from the Green Organiza

    24、tion. Our aim is to prevent the rise of temperature.Weallknowthemorecarbondioxide _(bad effects). So we set up this organization. We do hope that all of you can join us in this activity.You can _ _ _(measures). With our efforts, we can say goodbye to it. So please join us! Thanks for your attention.

    25、 4. 人文素养课堂: Ask students to write down one thing they can do to protect our earth in the daily life; and stick the paper on the blackboard. Imagine what the earth will be like if we all do this for our earth. 六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图)六、教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) Step 1 Lead-in (用 3 组图片让学生感知今天的话题, 并引起对课题的兴趣 探讨。) Show

    26、 some pictures and help the students to know todays topic: The environment. Help students know something about their learning aims. Step 2 Presentation(让学生感知昔日美丽的地球环境,而发现今日环境 的问题,属于对文本的提前猜测。 ) Present some pictures to the students and help the students to describe the environment in the past Step 3

    27、Reading (通过对各个部分的阅读处理帮助学生理解文本, 并能自 我陈述。 ) Task 1Skimming Answer the following questions. How old is the earth? How long have we lived on the earth? Has the planet changed a lot ? Are all the things we have done good for the earth? Read the passage and try to find the best titles of paragrah2-6. Task

    28、 2Scanning I.Present some pictures to the students and help the students to describe the problems according to the passage. 1. People have cut down millions of trees. 2. Cars and buses have polluted the air. 3. Factories have also polluted the land and the air Help students to describe more problems

    29、 mentioned in the passage. Task 3 Details Find some information about the effects on the environment. Step 4Production(用不同的号召写作方式让小组共同解决阅读完文本 后的生成) Divide the whole class into several groups. Help students to arouse the publics awareness of environmental protection in different ways. Areport about f

    30、actory pollution Hi, I am _ from CCTV. Now I am standing in Chongqing Steel. Muchsmokeiscomingout.Theheavy smoke_(bad effects) Weshould _(m easures). So people can have a better environment. Adialogue about traffic pollution W: Good afternoon, Doctor Wu. D: Good afternoon, Xiao Wang! W: Doctor Wu, w

    31、e now have a serious problem. The air is being polluted. D: Yes, cars and buses can produce much waste gas. So the air is polluted _ _(bad effects) W: It is so serious. What can we do? D:_ _(measures). W: Hopefully the air will become fresher in the future. Thanks for your interviewing. D: You are w

    32、elcome! Aletter about fewer trees Dear editor, I am a middle school student. I write to you to tell you something. These days, the villagers in our area are cutting down many trees. If we cut downsomanytrees, _(bad effects) SoIthinkwe _.(measures) Hopefully our village will become beautiful again. Y

    33、ours, Wangtao Aspeech about the ozone hole Dear friends. My topic today is about the ozone layer. Air pollution is destroyingitandmakingaverybigholeintheozonelayer. _(badeffects). Fortunately we can do a lot to protect our environment. We can _(measures). So for our earth, for our health, please red

    34、uce air pollution. Lets protect our environment. Thanks for your listening. An announcement about the greenhouse effect Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I am from the Green Organization. Our aim is to prevent the rise of temperature.Weallknowthemorecarbondioxide _(bad effects

    35、). So we set up this organization. We do hope that all of you can join us in this activity.Youcan _(measures). With our efforts, we can say goodbye to it. So please join us! Thanks for your attention. Step 5 Practice and activity (通过两段典型的新闻报道,让学生知道保护 地球的重要性以及唤起自己的绿色环保行动;写下一件生活中能为环保 做的事情,并一起行动粘贴在白板上引

    36、起大家的共鸣,感受贡献自己一 份力量的意义。 ) Watch two short programs and encourage the students to think what they can do to protect our homethe earth. Ask students to write down one thing they can do to protect our earth in the daily life; and put up the paper on the blackboard. Imagine what the earth will be like if

    37、 we all do this for our earth. Step 6 Summary and Homework(课后练习) Try to write a passage about some environmental problems and the effects. 七、教学评价七、教学评价 1. 评价内容: 本堂阅读课充分地调动了学生的兴趣,因此对文本的把握也更清晰, 利用多种图片让学生直观感受文本内容,以及最后的新闻报道也让学生 意识环保的重要性,也积极参与活动获得文化品格的培养!在设计本课 时,我利用多种图片让学生感知环境的恶劣变化发现现在的环境现状以 及严重影响,一步步地调动

    38、学生的学习兴趣,并使其乐于参与教学活动 成为教学的主体。 本课设计的最大特色是以引导学生认识到环保的重要性为线索,逐步拓 展阅读后的语言生成能力,例如有 5 个不同的倡议形式呼吁大家参与环 保,以及最后环节每个同学参与环保行动并在白板上贴上自己的行动便 条,以达到情感文化品格的最后塑造,前后呼应,融为一体! 2. 评价方法: 对本堂课堂教学过程从学生和教师两个维度:第一,学生在课堂教学中 的情意过程:师生教学氛围平等和谐,教师鼓励学生发现问题,学生积 极尝试并乐于合作;学生有效地投入到课堂活动中,并体验在英语学习 中的成功。第二,教师在课堂上的教学过程:教师能利用多种形式维持 学生的注重和兴趣

    39、,所提的问题做到有利于建立学生的思维模型和认知 能力;多样的活动方式也让学生得到文化品格的培养。 八、板书设计八、板书设计 fewerfewer treestrees(deserts(deserts/ / disappear)disappear) moremore carboncarbon dioxidedioxidetraffictraffic pollutionpollution (the(the greenhousegreenhouse effect)effect)problemsproblems(pollution(pollution / / healthhealth problems)problems) thethe ozoneozone holeholefactoryfactory pollutionpollution (radiation(radiation/ /cancer)cancer)(pollution(pollution/ /bebe dead)dead)

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    本文标题:Unit 2 Saving the Earth-Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.-Section C-教案、教学设计-省级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(配套课件编号:004b9).docx

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