Unit 4 Amazing Science-Topic 1 When was it invented -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版九年级上册(编号:e38fe).zip


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江口三中生本智慧课堂 Unit4 Topic1 Section A 展示课展示课 江口三中江口三中 杨俊芬杨俊芬 Learing Aims 学习目标 1.记住P81-82的单词及重点短语。 2.能熟读,理解1a对话。 3.掌握bemadeof/from/by/in的用法。 rocket_metal_ satellite_spaceship_ 锁_手提电脑_ 数码的_ 被允许做某事_ 玩电脑游_ 由制成_被制造_ 被用来做_某天_ 变成真的;实现_ 火箭火箭 金属金属 卫星卫星 beallowedtodo lock laptop digital 宇宙飞船宇宙飞船 playcomputergames bemadeof/from bemadeby beusedto/for someday cometrue Preview show: Lets do a dictation ! Show time Round 1 Reading show Read 1a Read1aandanswerthefollowing questions. 1c 记住文中重要句子 1. I was not allowed to play computer games last night. 中文:_ 2. Its bad for your health if you spend too much time on them. 中文:_ 3. Its used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. 中文:_ 4. I hope your dream will come true 中文:_ 5. I wish I could go into space some day. 中文:_ 切记!切记!没有hopesb.todosth.结构 A: Whats the lock made of? B: Its made of metal. A: Whats it used for? B: Its used for locking the door. n.锁锁 v.(用锁(用锁 )锁上,被锁)锁上,被锁 住住 lock/met al A: Whats the paper made from? B: Its made from wood. A: Whats it used for? B: Its used for writing on. paper/woo d computer desk /wood chopsticks/bamboo sweater /cotton watch/metal 一、观察,思考,讨论,总结用法。 1. A model rocket/The lock is made of metal. 2. The paper is made from wood. 3 . A model rocket was made by me. 4. The shoes were made in China. Round5 练习用be made of/from/in/by填空。 My watch _ metal. The table _ _ wood. The computer _ _ Zhejiang. The radio _ his father. (一)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Smokingisnot_(allow)inpublic. 2.Themodelrocketis_(make)ofmetal. 3.Ispenttwohours_(walk)homelastnight. 4.Thelockisusedfor_(lock)thedoor. 5.Ihopeyourdream_(come)trueinthenearfuture. 6.Thislaptop_(develop)inJapanin1985. (二)用适当的介词填空: 1.Thedeskismade_wood. 2.Thepaperismade_wood. 3.MP3isused_listeningtomusic. 4.Thewatchismade_Japan. 5.Themodelplanewasmade_myfather. Summary We learn: 1.Some words: lock, rocket, metal, satellite, spaceship 2. Some phrases: be made of, be used of,some day, come true 3. Some sentences: 1. I was not allowed to play computer games last night. 2. Its bad for your health if you spend too much time on them. 3. Its used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. 4. I hope your dream will come true 5. I wish I could go into space some day. We can: Use the passive voice. (一)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Smokingisnot_(allow)inpublic. 2.Themodelrocketis_(make)ofmetal. 3.Ispenttwohours_(walk)homelastnight. 4.Thelockisusedfor_(lock)thedoor. 5.Ihopeyourdream_(come)trueinthenearfuture. 6.Thislaptop_(develop)inJapanin1985. (二)用适当的介词填空: 1.Thedeskismade_wood. 2.Thepaperismade_wood. 3.MP3isused_listeningtomusic. 4.Thewatchismade_Japan. 5.Themodelplanewasmade_myfather. Thank You! 九年级英语九年级英语 Unit4 Topic 1 Section A . Material analysis 本课是九年级第四单元第一话题的展示课。主活动是 1a 和 2。1a 通过 Kangkang 和 Jane 谈论火箭模型,引入本课的语法:一般过去时的被动语态。 1c 则是检查学生理解的能力。2 重点操练 be made of,be made from。3a 以听 的形式让学生加深对 2a 的句型和 1a 的语法的理解。本课的听力训练及文本示 范朗读在预习课中已经处理。本节课主要为小组合作学习方式的展示课,展示 他们自主预习,小组合作学习效果 。 . Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,初步学习一般过去时的被动语 态。 1. Words and phrases: lock, metal, be made of, be made from, be made in, be used for, be allowed to do sth. Sentences: 1. I was not allowed to play computer games last night. 2. Its bad for your health if you spend too much time on them. 3. Its used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. 4. I hope your dream will come true 5. I wish I could go into space some day. Grammar: was/were +pp 2. Difficult points:be made of 和 be made from 的用法辨析。 . The key points and difficult points . Learning strategies:课前预习,小组合作学习。 . Teaching aids:多媒体。 . Teaching procedures Step1. Preview detection.(Check the words and phrases.) a. English monitor A records and reports the results. Then present the learning aims and read together.( English monitor A states) b. check the answers (teacher shows the answers by ppt). c. Read and remember the words and phrases for a while and do a dictation,then check in pairs. Step2. English monitor B introduces the tasks. “Coming up next, its our show time, I would like to introduce the tasks.(介绍各组任务), Now , please stand up and communicate you answers in groups. You have 5 minutes to do it. Step3. Show time. Round 1. Reading (1a) a. Read the conversation together. b. Ask a group to read. Round 2. Finish 1c. A team to show their answers. Round 3. Key sentences. a. A team to show their understanding of the sentences. b. All the students remember the sentences in pairs, then show. Round4. Make up a similar conversation.(task2 on page 82)。Teacher shows two examples, then ask a group to show. Round5. Grammar : be made of/from/by/in a. A group shares the answers. Step4. Consolidation. Practice more about be made of/from/by/in a. One group shares the answers, and states the reason. Step5. Assignment and evaluation. (一)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Smoking is not _(allow)in public. 2. The model rocket is _(make)of metal. 3. I spent two hours_(walk) home last night. 4. The lock is used for _ (lock) the door. 5.I hope your dream _ (come) true in the near future. 6. This laptop _(develop) in Japan in 1985. (二)用适当的介词填空: 1. The desk is made _ wood. 2. The paper is made _ wood. 3. MP3 is used _ listening to music. 4. The watch is made _Japan. 5. The model plane was made _ my father. Unit4 Topic1 Section A 教学流程(简略)教学流程(简略) Step1.问候问候 Step2. 英语课代表汇报完成情况,展示学习目标。英语课代表汇报完成情况,展示学习目标。 Step3. 对照检查单词短语,单词短暂记忆,听写检查。对照检查单词短语,单词短暂记忆,听写检查。 Step4. 主持人李怡介绍各组展示任务。主持人李怡介绍各组展示任务。 Step5. 学生站立交流各组疑难问题,依次展示。学生站立交流各组疑难问题,依次展示。 1. 课文朗读展示(抽查)课文朗读展示(抽查) 2. 1c 练习(组展示)练习(组展示) 3.重点句子背记。重点句子背记。 4.编写对话(编写对话(ppt) 5.语法解析语法解析 Step6. 达标检测达标检测 Step7.家庭作业家庭作业 课题:课题: Unit 4 Topic1 Section A课时:课时: 2 学习 目标 1. 记住 P81-82 的单词及重点短语。 2. 掌握be made of/from/by/in 的用法。 学习 过程 任务与内容 方法与要求总结与反馈 课 前 预 1.我会预习 基础知识 我能记住本课的单词 rocket_ metal _ satellite_ spaceship_ 锁 _ 手提电脑_ 数码的_ 1.能根据音 标拼读 Section A 的 单词并记住 单词。 习2.从课文中找出下列短语 被允许做某事_ 玩电脑游戏_ 由制成_ 被制造_ 被用来做_ 某天_ 变成真的;实现_ 2.自己朗读 课文,并找 出自己不理 解的单词、 句子。 自 主 学 习 记住文中重要句子。 1. I was not allowed to play computer games last night. 中文:_ 拓展: sb be allowed to do sth 某人被允许做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 2. Its bad for your health if you spend too much time on them. 中文:_ 拓展: spend 时间/金钱 on sth 在上花费时间(金钱) spend some 时间/金钱(in) doing sth 花费时间(金钱)做某事 3. Its used for sending satellites or spaceships into space. 中文:_ 拓展: be used for doing sth. -(被)用来 (强调用途或作用) be used to do sth. - (被)用来去做(强调目的) 4. I hope your dream will come true 中文:_ 5. I wish I could go into space some day. 中文:_ 拓展: wish/hope to do sth. 希望做某事 hope 的用法与 wish 相似 切记!切记!没有 hope sb. to do sth. 结构 1.个人熟读 课文理解并 记忆句子。 2、对子或组 内核对案。 合 作 探 究 我会讨论 展示提升 一、观察,思考,讨论,总结用法。 1. A model rocket/The lock is made of metal. 2. The paper is made from wood. 3 . A model rocket was made by me. 4. The shoes were made in China. 总结 1:以上四句话均为被动语态,第 3,4 句为一般过去时一般过去时的被动语态, 其构成: _ 总结 2: 句子(1)中 be made of 的意思是 _ (看得出材料) 。 句子(2)中 be made from 的意思是 _ (看不出材料) 。 句子(3)中 be made by 的意思是 _ 。 句子(4)中 be made in 的意思是 _ 。 1. 积极合作: 独立思考, 小组讨论, 相互解答, 组长监督, 突破学习难 点。 2、讨论结果: 总结和发现 规律,小组 展示探究内 容。 达 标 检 测 我会做题 能力提高 当堂检测: 练习用 be made of/from/in/by 填空。 My watch _ metal. The table _ _ wood. The computer _ _ Zhejiang. The radio _ his father. 家庭作业: (一)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Smoking is not _(allow)in public. 2. The model rocket is _(make)of metal. 3. I spent two hours_(walk) home last night. 4. The lock is used for _ (lock) the door. 5.I hope your dream _ (come) true in the near future. 6. This laptop _(develop) in Japan in 1985. (二)用适当的介词填空: 1. The desk is made _ wood. 2. The paper is made _ wood. 3. MP3 is used _ listening to music. 4. The watch is made _Japan. 5. The model plane was made _ my father. 评价效果 1、当堂检测: 规定时间内 独立完成。 2、检测结果: 发现不足, 查缺补漏, 巩固学习知 识
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Unit Amazing Science_Topic When was it invented _Section A_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_仁爱科普版九年级上册(编号:e38fe) 科普 英语
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