Unit 3 Our Hobbies-Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday -Section C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:20488).zip


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展开 科普版英语八上Unit3OurHobbies_Topic3Whatwereyoudoingatthistimeyesterday_SectionC_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公.zip科普版英语八上Unit3OurHobbies_Topic3Whatwereyoudoingatthistimeyesterday_SectionC_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公.zip
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Class 7 Grade 8 What were you doing at this time yesterday? 江门市第九中学 何美珠 2017. 11. 10 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the key words. knock at / take a shower 1 1. When the cat knocked at the door the mouse _ . was taking a shower come out / sleep 2 2. The mouse was hungry. When he _ of the bathroom to look for food, the cat _ . came out was sleeping wake up / carry 3 3. When the cat _ , the mouse _ his cake. was carrying woke up enjoy / chat 4 4.The mouse and the cat _ happily while they _ the moon. were chatting were enjoying The Past Continuous Tense (过去进行时) was / were + doing sth Tom and Jerry Do you the names of these stories? Read and understand . Match the following pictures with the titles of stories. Then share the story you like best with the class. A.Snow White B. The Little Match Girl C.Black Cat Sir D. Ma Liang and His Magic Brush ( ) ( )( ) ( ) 1a The Little Match Girl Read 1a and complete the table. Time It was snowy and dark _ . Place A poor girl was walking _ _. Weather The wind _ strongly and the snow _ on her long hair. What the little girl did 1.The little girl was selling _ in the streets. 2.She _ any matches , and she felt _ and _ . 3.She lighted matches and saw a warm _, a delicious _, a beautiful _ and her kind _. 4. She _ against the wall the next morning and was _ . on the last evening of the year. in the streets with was blowing was falling down matches didnt sell coldhungry stove roast goose Christmas treegrandmother was lying dead 1b no shoes Key points : in a low voice 低声地 他们正在低声地聊天。 They are talking in a low voice. in a high voice 大声地 Key points : pass by 经过 be afraid to do sth 害怕去做某事 他很害怕游泳. He is afraid to swim. = be afraid of sth / doing sth 害怕去做某事 He is afraid of swimming. Key points : warm sb up 使某人暖和 a fourth match 又一根火柴 a /an +序数词 意为 “再一,又一” 她想再吃一个苹果。(之前已经吃了一个) She wants to eat a second apple. Key points : hear sell give feel beat light think see go hold heard sold gave felt beat lighted, lit thought saw went held Pay attention to verbs infinitivepast tense 1c Use the mind map to write key words. Retell the story 1 2 3 4 5 Could you give the little match girl another ending? Homework: Read the story of Snow White , Tell the story to your classmates. Listen and read the story, then underline the phrases below and guess their meanings. in a low voice pass by fall down be afraid to do warm sb. up a fourth match hold sb. in ones arms 低声地 经过 落下 害怕做 温暖某人 划了第四根火柴 把某人搂在怀里 a / an +序数 词 “再一; 又一” 低声地 经过 落下 害怕做 温暖某人 第四根火柴 把某人搂在怀里 in a low voice pass by fall down be afraid to do warm sb. up a fourth match hold sb. in ones arms We learn the phrases. Listen to 1a, then answer the following questions completely. 1. When did the story happen ? 2. What did the poor girl sell ? 3. How many matches did she light? The story happened on the last evening of the year. She sold matches. She lit 4 maches. 4. Why was she afraid to go home without selling one box of matches? Because he father would beat her. in a low voice 1. _ . pass by 2. _ . fall down 3. _. be afraid to do 4. _ . warm sb. up 5. _ . Make sentences with the following phrases. Girl little snow evening home walk shoes match 火柴 Hand cry low hear sell give coin wind blow Fall down long hair cold hungry window afraid Box father beat warm three delicious beautiful Christmas tree old stand grandmother smile arm morning wall lie down knock at the door take a shower wake up 结局大意:当小女孩点亮第 4 根火柴后,四周突然变得光亮起来。她亲爱 的奶奶走到她跟前,抱着她。对她说,亲爱的,不要放弃希望,坚强起来。相 信我,亲爱的小孙女。明天一起会变得更好! 第二天早上,小女孩醒过来了。她发现她正躺在医院的床。她的身边摆着一些 干净暖和的衣服,还有一些硬币。原来是好心人把她送来了医院。她得救了。 明天又是新的一天,我们相信她一定能过上美好的生活。 开场场景:小女孩手持火柴,已点燃了 3 根火柴,现在她正在冷得发抖,准备 点燃第 4 根火柴。 ( When the little girl lighted a fourth match, there is a big flames around her. It Was very very bright. She felt warm .She was falling into a dream. In the dream , she saw her grandmother. ) little girl : Grandma, I miss you ! Grandmother: Dear , I know you are very hungry and cold . But dont give up your hope , Believe me , my dear girl , it will be better tomorrow. (On the morning of the next day , the little girl woke up . She found that she Was in hospital . On the bed some warm clothes and some money were next to her . Oh, she knows , some kind people sent her to the hospital. She was saved. Maybe she would live a happy life one day. ) 小猪佩奇 ,又名粉红猪小妹 ,故事通过讲述小猪佩奇与家人 的愉快经历,向大家宣扬传统家庭观念与友情,鼓励小朋友们积极 主动的体验生活。 佩奇是一只非常可爱的小猪,5 岁了,她和她的爸爸、妈妈 以及弟弟乔治生活在一起。她最喜欢跳泥坑,最喜欢吃的是意大利 面和巧克力蛋糕,最喜欢办成小仙女公主,最喜欢喝橙汁,也很喜 欢去她的爷爷奶奶家玩。 乔治是佩奇的弟弟,已经上幼儿园了性格非常像现实中的小男 孩,活泼调皮,喜欢吃意大利面和巧克力蛋糕,喜欢喝果汁,最最 喜欢的是恐龙,自己有个恐龙玩具,无论是谁问他问题,他总回答 “恐龙!” ,最喜欢跳泥坑。 猪爸爸是佩奇和乔治的爸爸,会开车,也会做饭。有时有点 迷糊,但非常疼爱佩奇和乔治,也非常喜欢逞强,经常说自己是某 方面的专家(实际上他基本全都不擅长) ,是跳泥坑的世界冠军。 猪妈妈是佩奇和乔治的妈妈,是个非常温柔贤惠的妈妈,主 要是在家里给全家做饭做家务,也工作,但是是在家里工作。 1 (八年级上册)Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C 导学案 Part 1 Write a short story of Tom it was quite frightful. There was then a knocking at the town gate, and the old King went to open it. It was a Princess standing outside at the gate. But alas! what a state she was in because of the rain and the terrible storm. The water ran down from her hair and her clothes, in at the top of her shoes and out at the heels. But she said that she was a real Princess. “Well, we shall soon learn it.” thought the old Queen. but without saying one word. She went into the bedroom, took all the sheets off the bed and laid a pea on the bottom of the bedstead. Then she took twenty mattresses, laid them on the pea and finally placed twenty more eiderdown quilts on top of the mattresses. On the top of all these, the Princess was to lie all night.In the morning she was asked how she had slept.“Oh, terribly badly,” said the Princess. “Not a wink have I slept the whole night. Heaven knows what there must have been in the bed! I lay on something very hard so that I am black and blue all over my body! It is quite horrible!” Now, they saw well that she was a real Princess, as she had felt the pea through twenty mattresses and twenty eider-down quilts. Nobody but a real Princess could be so sensitive.So the Prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real Princess, and the pea was put into a cabinet of curiosities, where it is still if no one has taken it away. (八年级上册)Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday? Section C 教学设计 一、教学目标: 1. 完成对过去进行时的进一步学习。以动作发生的瞬间为时间标杆,另一动 作同时进行的过去进行时运用。 2. 以小组合作形式对童话故事进行重构 3. 利用思维导图的形式吸引学生对关键词或关键图片进行联想。 4. 课文讲解方面:对 be afraid to do sth / be afraid of doing sth 的掌握;a +序 数词的用法及含义。 二、教学过程: Step 1: 两组 daily report 课前展示,一组关于 Peppa Pig 家族的介绍,另一组 是以健康为主题,建议同学减肥的有趣对话。 Step 2: 导入:以课文 .2. 的过去进行时练习进行复习。 “was/ were + doing sth ”过去进行时 (小组合作)Ask & Answer : 以一问一答的形式展示学生对话。 认识 Tom & Jerry 这部电影,从而引入以下这些儿童故事的配对选择。 Step 3: 课本 1a , 儿童故事与名字进行配对 Step 4: 从中点出今天的课程主要学习 The little match girl . Step 5: 播放视频 The little match girl . 学生把课文读一遍。 Step 6: 完成课本 1b 填空,并对答案。 Step 7: 课文要点讲解 (导学案) Step 8: (小组合作)课本 1C,以思维导图的形式,对以下 5 幅图进行小组合 作活动。先针对图片,联想出相关的单词,再根据这些单词说出句子并 重新对图片进行解说。一共有 5 幅图,每一个小组完成一幅图的任务。 完成之后把思维导图展示出来。第 6 小组有一个特别而秘密的任务,他 们要为 The little match girl 编写另一个新的结局并把剧本用英语表演出 来 。 结局大意:结局大意:当小女孩点亮第 4 根火柴后,四周突然变得光亮起来。她亲爱的奶 奶走到她跟前,抱着她。对她说,亲爱的,不要放弃希望,坚强起来。 相信我,亲爱的小孙女。明天一起会变得更好! 第二天早上,小女孩醒过来了。她发现她正躺在医院的床。她的身边摆 着一些干净暖和的衣服,还有一些硬币。原来是好心人把她送来了医院。 她得救了。 明天又是新的一天,我们相信她一定能过上美好的生活。 开场场景:小女孩手持火柴,已点燃了 3 根火柴,现在她正在冷得发抖,准备 点燃第 4 根火柴。 ( When the little girl lighted a fourth match, there is a big flames around her. It was very very bright. She felt warm .She was falling into a dream. In the dream , she saw her grandmother. ) little girl : Grandma, I miss you ! Grandmother: Dear , I know you are very hungry and cold . But dont give up your hope , Believe me , my dear girl , it will be better tomorrow. A kind man sent the poor girl to the hospital. (On the morning of the next day , the little girl woke up . She found that she was in hospital . On the bed some warm clothes and some money were next to her . Oh, she knows , some kind people sent her to the hospital. She was saved. Maybe she would live a happy life one day. ) Step 9: 小组合作活动结束,课堂结束。
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Unit Our Hobbies_Topic What were you doing at this time yesterday _Section C_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:20488) 科普
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