Unit 2 Keeping Healthy-Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:c0abe).zip


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Unit 2 Keep Healthy Topic3 Section A 1学习目标学习目标 1.能正确拼读并运用重点单词与短语,听懂有关预防流感的对话。 2.能运用情态动词表示征求意见或提建议。 3.了解流感, 拥有保持健康的思想, 更好地进行体育锻炼。 二、听力练习听力练习 1 (圈出所听到的流感症状)(圈出所听到的流感症状) fever headache cough backache toothache sore throat toothache sore eyes stomachache 3、自主学习自主学习 2 分钟,翻译下列短语,然后小组内核对并互相纠错、分钟,翻译下列短语,然后小组内核对并互相纠错、 大声朗读。大声朗读。(勾出你所听到的建议勾出你所听到的建议) Should 1.drink lots of boiled water 2.take some cold pills 3.lie down and take a good rest 4.brush your teeth twice a day Shouldnt 5.work on the Internet too long 6.go to crowded places 7.play sports too much 8.eat hot food boiled cold pills Internet crowded places hot food 煮沸的 感冒药 互联网 拥挤的地方 辣的食物 4、听力练习听力练习 2 (勾选出你所听到的短语勾选出你所听到的短语) 5、小组探究性学习(观察例句,讨论)小组探究性学习(观察例句,讨论) 思考:Must we.开头的疑问句怎样作答? 肯定回答:Yes,we _ . 否定回答:No,we _ ./ _ . 六、唱一唱,回顾医生的建议六、唱一唱,回顾医生的建议 First should, First should, do exercise. Second should,Second should, keep room clean. We should, We should, keep air fresh. We should prevent the flu. Third should,Third should,wash our hands. We should,We should,change our clothes. Finally should,Finally should, away from crowd. We should prevent the flu. 七、学后反思七、学后反思 本节课学生学到了什么?是否积极主动参与教学活动? 1. exercise often 2. keep the air fresh 3. go to bed early 4. wash hands and change clothes often 5. keep our rooms clean 6. drink enough water 7. take some medicine 8. keep away from crowded places 学习目标学习目标 1. 能正确拼读并运用本节课所学单词与短语,能正确拼读并运用本节课所学单词与短语,听懂有听懂有 关预防流感的对话或文章。关预防流感的对话或文章。 2. 能能谈论有关预防流感的话题,并能运用情态动词表谈论有关预防流感的话题,并能运用情态动词表 示征求意见或提建议。示征求意见或提建议。 3.了解流感,了解流感,能听从他人建议,积极预防感冒能听从他人建议,积极预防感冒。 The Flu Do you know the flu? What is the flu? 流行性感冒(简称流感)是由流行性感流行性感冒(简称流感)是由流行性感 冒病毒(简称流感病毒)引起的急性呼冒病毒(简称流感病毒)引起的急性呼 吸道传染病,临床表现为发热、头痛、吸道传染病,临床表现为发热、头痛、 肌痛、乏力、咽痛和咳嗽。流感能加重肌痛、乏力、咽痛和咳嗽。流感能加重 潜在的疾病(如心肺疾患)或者引起继潜在的疾病(如心肺疾患)或者引起继 发细菌性肺炎或原发流感病毒性肺炎,发细菌性肺炎或原发流感病毒性肺炎, 老年人以及患有各种慢性病或者体质虚老年人以及患有各种慢性病或者体质虚 弱者患流感后容易出现严重并发症,病弱者患流感后容易出现严重并发症,病 死率较高。死率较高。 cough /kf/ fever the symptoms of the flu 症状症状 Task 1 Pre-listening /fi:v(r)/ headache sore throat /hedek/ /s: rut/ tirednes 疲倦疲倦muscle aches 肌肉疼痛肌肉疼痛 /msl / /eks/ /tadns/ feverfever coughcough toothachetoothache stomachachstomachach e e headacheheadache backachebackache soresore throatthroat soresore eyeseyes While-listening 独立完成独立完成 A.Listen to the passage and circle the symptoms that you hear. B. Listen again. Check () the advice you hear. Should 1.drink lots of boiled water 2.take some cold pills 3.lie down and take a good rest 4.brush your teeth twice a day Shouldnt 5.work on the Internet too long 6.go to crowded places 7.play sports too much 8.eat hot food While-listening 小组合作小组合作 What should we do to prevent the flu? / prvent / Task 2 Pre-listening 阻止,预防阻止,预防 Lets discuss it together! We should do exercise to build us up. 使身体强壮使身体强壮 / bld / What should we do to prevent the flu? We must keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time. What should we do to prevent the flu? 一直,总是一直,总是 We had better wash hands and change our clothes often. What should we do to prevent the flu? We must keep away from crowded places. What should we do to prevent the flu? crowded /kradd/ 拥挤的 远离远离 1.Use “First,Second,Third,Finally” 2.Use“We should.”/ “We must.”/ “We had better.” 小组展示小组展示 While-listening 1. exercise often 2. keep the air fresh 3. go to bed early 4. wash hands and change clothes often 5. keep our rooms clean 6. drink enough water 7. take some medicine 8. keep away from crowded places prevent the flu do exercise 预防流感预防流感 做运动做运动 build us up wash hands often 增强体质增强体质 勤洗手勤洗手 keep air fresh change clothes often 保持通风保持通风 勤换衣勤换衣 keep rooms clean keep away from 保持室内干净保持室内干净 远离远离. crowded places 拥挤的地方拥挤的地方 集体集体合作,大小声合作,大小声记短语记短语 Make similar conversations after the example. Example: A: Must we take some medicine to prevent the flu? B:No, we dont have to. / No, we neednt. A: Must we do exercise to prevent the flu? B: Yes, we must. Post-listening 小组探究性学习 Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu ? 肯定回答:肯定回答: Yes, we must. 否定回答:否定回答: No, we neednt. / No, we dont have to. 注:此处不能用注:此处不能用 mustnt (禁止;不准禁止;不准)回答回答 First should, First should, do exercise. Second should, Second should, keep room clean. We should, We should, keep air fresh. We shoud prevent the flu. Third should, Third should,wash our hands. We should, We should,change our clothes. Finally should, Finally should, away from crowd. We should prevent the flu. 当堂检测 ( ) 1.-Must I take the medicine every day? -No, you _. A、mustnt B、havent C、dont have to D、must ( ) 2.We _ eat junk food(垃圾食品垃圾食品). A、must B、have to C、shouldnt D、should ( ) 3.We should do more exercise to _us_ . A.build.on B.build.up C.build.in D.build.to C C B 1.We know how to prevent the flu. 2.We can use must/had better/ should to give advice. 1. 完成完成P44第三题。第三题。 2. 小组合作制作手抄报来展示如小组合作制作手抄报来展示如 何预防流感。何预防流感。 3.背背1a以及以及P(43)-(44)的单词。的单词。 Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福. 仁爱版八年级上册教案设计仁爱版八年级上册教案设计 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu? Section A 1. 整体设计思路、指导依据说明整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本课时主要侧重听说训练,读写为辅,通过一系列教学活动,使学生能灵活 掌握基本的听说能力,并鼓励学生能准确用英语表达。此外,要特别注重学生在 获得知识的同时情感意识的发展。本节课依据课程标准,以“如何预防流感”为主题, 在情境中巧妙引入新知识,以听说为主线,环环相扣,循序渐进地展开知识学习。 本话题的教学内容与学生的实际生活非常贴近,容易引起学生学习兴趣。通过小 组合作学习,让学生主动地去参与,并互动交流,在愉悦中收获新知识。 2. 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本单元谈论如何保持健康。本话题主要以谈论体育锻炼有助于健康,介绍了 如何才能保持健康,怎样才能预防流感。教育学生要珍惜健康,加强锻炼。本节 课是听说课,主要内容有:1. 通过听力练习了解流感症状及应对措施。2.通过电 视台记者对 Dr. Li 的采访对话呈现了如何预防流感的话题,学习提出建议的句型, 并能通过小组合作制作手抄报,展示所学知识。3.学习使用 must 征求建议,巩 固预防流感的表达。 4.能通过一首改编歌曲记住本节课的重点知识,用 first, second, third, finally 有序地进行表达。 学生情况分析:学生情况分析:初二的学生,经过了一年的学习,有了一定的英语基础知识 和听说能力,但是实际语言运用的能力还是比较薄弱,所以,本节课设计充分考 虑到让学生在充分学习了本课的知识后,再与学生一起开展各种活动消化并应用 所学知识。 3. 教学目标分析教学目标分析 1. 能正确拼读并运用重点单词与短语:prevent the flu, build us up ,keep away from, take some cold pills, change our clothes often, go to crowded places 等。听懂有关 预防流感的对话。 2. 能运用情态动词表示征求意见或提建议。 We should/had better/. Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu? Yes, we must. Must we take some medicine to prevent the flu? No, we dont have to./ No, we neednt. 3.学会运用听力练习的基本方法:听前预测和准备。 4.了解流感, 保持健康的思想, 更好地进行体育锻炼。 学习策略:学习策略:1. 创设情境,在情境中提高语言交际能力,突显语言交际功能。 2. 在小组活动中积极与他人协作,取长补短,共同完成学习任务。 4. 教学重点、难点分析教学重点、难点分析 1. prevent the flu, build us up ,keep away from, take some cold pills, change our clothes often, go to crowded places,等短语的理解及运用。 2. Must we? 的回答语 No, we dont have to. / No, we neednt. 5. 教学用具教学用具 多媒体辅助教学 6. 教学过程设计教学过程设计 Step 1 Warming-up A song -健康歌(动画视频导入) 设计意图设计意图: 动画视频能在短时间内活跃课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣,让学生轻松愉 快进入到本课有关流感预防与健康保健的学习中。 Step 2 Presentation 1. Watch some pictures of the flu with question. Q:Do you know the flu? What is the flu? 2.Lets look at some pictures to remember the symptoms of the flu.(Pre- listening) 设计意图设计意图: 通过生动的图片和文字直观了解流感及其现状。做好听前准备。 Step 3 Listening (Task one) 1. Lets listen to 2 on Page 44, listen and circle the symptoms of the flu that you hear. 2. Learn some new words and review some phrases by themselves.(自主学习) 3. Listen again and check advice . 设计意图设计意图: 通过自主学习,做好听前准备和预测,降低听力练习的难度;通过听 力练习,进一步了解有关感冒怔状及治疗建议。 Step 4 Listening (Task two) 1.What should we to prevent the flu? (look some pictures and discuss in group) We should/had better/must.to prevent the flu. 2.Play games together to review some new words and phrases. (Pre- listening) 3.Listen to 1a and answer the following questions. (While-listening) 设计意图设计意图:由此引出如何预防流感这个话题,让学生根据所展示的图片来谈论如何 预防流感,加强学生的表达能力。同时也让学生体会听前准备的重要性。 Step 5 Practice From now on ,we have learned some ways to prevent the flu? Look at the examples, try to find out how to answer the Must-questions. Then play a game together to practice the grammar key point in class. Example: A: Must we do exercise to prevent the flu? B: Yes, we must. No, we dont have to. / No, we neednt. 设计意图设计意图: 通过观察例句,找出规律,两两对话,巩固所学句型。让学生进行机 械操练,增加学生的语言输出机会。 Step 6 Consolidation Lets sing together. 设计意图设计意图: 根据本课学习内容,进行歌曲改编,并教会学生如何有趣的记忆所学 内容。通过歌曲复述李医生的建议,巩固 1a 有关预防流感的表达,训练学生综 合语言运用能力。并学习对的信息进行加工处理的能力,为活用语言打基础。 Step 7 当堂检测当堂检测 Step8 SummaryHomework 1.新单词、短语 2.掌握 must 句型。 3. Make a poster about preventing the flu and report the poster. Student can use some pictures and sentence structure of exercise 3 on Page 44. Use the sentence “We should/had better/.” 设计意图设计意图: 通过学生小组讨论,共同探究,制作海报并进行汇报展示小组成果。 通过制作预防流感的宣传海报来拓展学生在预防流感这方面的知识、意识,与实 际生活结合起来,体现学以致用的学习理念。 设计意图:设计意图:通过总结和作业巩固今天所学内容。 7. 板书设计板书设计 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu? Section A A: Must we? B: Yes, we must. A: Must we? B: No, we dont have to. / No, we neednt . 小组表现记录: 最佳班级小医生 小组作品展示 8. 教学评价教学评价 在课堂中评价方式主要采用 1. 鼓励性评价,评价语言以学生参与英语教学活动 时所表现出来的兴趣,态度和交流能力为主要依据,以 good / well done/ wonderful/ excellent 等给学生加以评价;2. 竞争性评价,以给小组打分的形式进 行评价。 9. 导学反思导学反思 本节课学生学到了什么?是否积极主动参与教学活动?
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Unit Keeping Healthy_Topic Must we rcise to prevent the flu _Section A_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:c0abe) 科普
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