Unit 4 Our World-Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.-Section C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:c15b3).zip


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展开 科普版英语八上Unit4OurWorld_Topic3TheInternetmakestheworldsmaller._SectionC_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开课_编号.zip科普版英语八上Unit4OurWorld_Topic3TheInternetmakestheworldsmaller._SectionC_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开课_编号.zip
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i nteresting n ew t rue e asier r elaxed + net Guess: What is it? Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller Section C The Internet is changing the world. We can share our feelings with others. Be careful of the cheating on the Internet. act in a dishonest way(欺骗 ) become different (改变) use together (分享) Pre-reading Ask and answer in pairs. 1.Do you often use the Internet? 2. How long do you spend on the Internet every day? 3. What can you do on it? Part 1 What can we do on the Internet? ? The Internet? ? Brainstorm do shopping share (分享)ideas make friends read e-books send emails study chat online listen to music find information . Try to say more. The Internet buy something learn to cook Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 A.The Internet is not perfect. B. We should use the Internet carefully. C. The Internet is changing the world. D. The Internet helps make life easier. Match the main ideas of each paragraph. Fast reading Find the key words / topic sentences. (找出关键词或中心句) Part 2 What is the best title for the passage? A. The advantages(优点) of the Internet. B. The disadvantages(缺点) of the Internet. C. The Internet. Listen and choose. Part 3 The Internet makes our lives more _. For example, we can get_, make _, send_ or chat_ , do_, _, listen_ and watch_, This helps make life _. interesting Advantages. Detailed Reading Read Paragraph 2 carefully and fill in the blanks. all kinds of information emails shopping to musicmovies easier Grasp the points and take notes quickly. (抓住要点,速记笔记) study friendsonline Part 4 Watch the video and check T(true) or F(false). 1.All the information is true. ( ) 2.Some people use the Internet to try to get money by cheating. ( ) 3.Some young people spend too much time reading. ( ) F T F Not all playing games 通过欺骗 Part 5 Disadvantages. Page 101 The Internet can make our lives more_, bring us to a _world, help our dreams come_, help make life _, make us _. From the passage, we learned : We should use the Internet carefully ! Dont spend too much time on it! interesting new true easier relaxed Group work Can you give him some advice? Post-reading Tom needs our help. Tom is not happy because of _. His mother said _. the Internet he spent too much time on it Work together to give some advice to Tom. Group work Tom needs our help. Your advice. SummarySummary 1.Learn the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. 2.Use the reading skills in your study. 3.Learn how to give some advice. 1. Send your advice to Tom by email. (Tom_L) 2. Searchfor more informationabout theadvantagesanddisadvantages oftheInternet. 3. Finish the exercises on P101-102. Its true that the Internet can make our life_. But if you spend too much time _or _, its not good. Its bad for_. I think you shouldnt _ You can _. Your mother will be happy if you can do this. 仁爱版八年级上册学生学案仁爱版八年级上册学生学案 Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller Section C Part 1. Ask and answer in pairs. Then share different ideas in class. 1.Do you use the Internet after class? 2.What do you often do on the Internet? 3. How long do you spend on the Internet? Part 2. Match the main idea of each paragraph.(搭配段落大意)(搭配段落大意) Para. 1 A. The Internet is not perfect. Para. 2 B. We should use the Internet carefully. Para. 3 C. The Internet is changing the world. Para. 4 D. The Internet helps make life easier. Part 3. Read the passage and choose. ( ) What is the best title for the passage? (选出适当标题)(选出适当标题) A. The advantages(优点)(优点) of the Internet. B. The disadvantages (缺点)(缺点)of the Internet. C. The Internet. Part 4. Detailed Reading : Read Paragraph 2 carefully and fill in the blanks. The Internet makes our lives more _. For example, we can get_ make _, send_ or chat_, do_, _, listen_, watch_, This helps make life _. Part 5. (True/ False) Read paragraph 3 and check.(判断正误)(判断正误) 1. All the information is true. ( ) 2. Some people use the Internet to try to get money by cheating. ( ) 3. Some young people spend too much time reading. ( ) Group Work Your advice Dear Tom, I am sorry to hear that. Its true that the Internet can make our lives_. We can _ on the Internet. But if you spend too much time playing _and listening to_, its not good. Its bad for _. I think you shouldnt _and you should study hard. You can chat with your friends and _ in summer or winter holidays. Your mother will be happy if you can do this. Group Work Your advice Dear Tom, I am sorry to hear that. Its true that the Internet can help make our lives_. Sometimes we can use the Internet to_. But if you spend too much time _and listening to_, its not good. Its bad for _. So, dont _ or _on schooldays. You can use _ on weekends after you finish your homework. Your mother will be happy if you can do this. Group Work Your advice Dear Tom, I am sorry to hear that. Its true that the Internet makes our lives _. Sometimes we can _ on the Internet. But if you spend too much time chatting _ or _ on the Internet every day, its bad for _. You had better _online on weekends. I hope you can use _ at the right time and dont make your mother angry. Your mother will be happy if you can do this. Group Work Your advice Dear Tom, I am sorry to hear that. The Internet can help make our life_. We can _ on the Internet. But if you spend too much time watching _ or _ on the Internet every day, its bad for _. So, dont _ or _on schooldays. And you should _. You can use _ on weekends after you finish your homework. Your mother will be happy if you can do this. 1 仁爱版初中英语八年级仁爱版初中英语八年级 上册上册 Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller Section C 一、一、教学设计教学设计 (一)(一) 教学目标教学目标 1、 语言知识 掌握重点单词和句型: (1) 单词: correct, safely, true, perfect, cheat, search (2)句型: 1)This helps make life easier. 2) Some people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by cheating. 2、语言技能: A. 阅读,读短文理解大意,给出文章标题,并完成练习。 B. 通过观看视频了解其他同学使用互联网的情况,完成一篇小短文。 C综合复习该话题前面所学句型。 3、文化意识: 培养学生对高科技产品的正确认识,正确利用互联网帮助学习 4、情感与态度: A. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,采用游戏、小对话、小组比赛等灵活多样的 授课形式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲; B. 培养学生学好英语的信心,鼓励学生积极大胆,敢于模仿,克服不愿开 口或羞于开口的心理。 5、学习策略: A. 学生认真听录音和老师的发音,大胆开口,反复模仿; B. 能利用补白词填补交际中因思考所需的沉默时间 C学生在学习中善于利用图画等理解大意; D鼓励学生养成做笔记的良好习惯。 (二)(二) 教学内容教学内容 1、 教材内容的地位、作用与意义: 本课时的教学内容作为一篇精读材料,是学生了解本单元主题相关内容和掌 握阅读理解技能与表达能力的重要载体。 2、 教材的编排特点、重点和难点 A. 教材编排特点: 本单元的中心话题是“如何正确对待因特网” ,本节课课文以时间的顺序介绍 了因特网的特点,因特网的优点和缺点等方面的情况。设计这篇文章的目的是 2 让学生了解因特网的特点,从而提高学生如何正确使用因特网的意识。 教学重点: 1) 提高学生的阅读理解的技能 2) 培养学生的语言表达能力 C. 教学难点 1) 引导学生运用本节课所学语言知识介绍因特网的相关信息 2) 培养学生的语言表达能力 (三)(三) 教学对象分析:教学对象分析: 1、 授课班级的学生为鹤山古劳中学八年级的学生,是一所乡镇农村中学, 学生的英语起点较低,日常生活中接触英语的机会不大,尤其口语表达 能力比较薄弱,但对英语学习的兴趣浓厚。对于本单元因特网的话题比 较感兴趣,虽然内容较多,学起来有一定难度,但还是努力能利用课文 所学的词汇和基本句型表达自己的想法。 2、 学生在学习过程中,通过不断的模仿,尽量克服不愿开口或羞于开口的 心理。采取小组活动形式,让学生在小组交流中互相学习;在学习中善 于利用图画、视频等理解课文大意。 (四)(四) 教学策略与过程教学策略与过程 1、 教学设计思路:教学设计思路: 本节课的主要活动为本节课的主要活动为 1a/1d/2b 本节课以阅读形式介绍了因特网的利弊,首先,在本节课以阅读形式介绍了因特网的利弊,首先,在 Lead-in 的环节,通过游的环节,通过游 戏:戏:”Guess what it is”复习复习“主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语+宾补宾补”的结构,在的结构,在 Reading 的环节分为其一快速阅读,要求学生快速阅读文章了解文章大意,的环节分为其一快速阅读,要求学生快速阅读文章了解文章大意, 其二细读,通过听课文录音看视频的方式,并利用英文解释判断单词含义其二细读,通过听课文录音看视频的方式,并利用英文解释判断单词含义 以及寻找细节信息填补句子,培养学生全面看待事物的能力。以及寻找细节信息填补句子,培养学生全面看待事物的能力。2b 通过观看通过观看 同龄人使用因特网的烦恼的视频信息写一篇介绍同学们如何使用因特网情同龄人使用因特网的烦恼的视频信息写一篇介绍同学们如何使用因特网情 况的文章,教师通过全面分析因特网的特点,给学生提供一些关键词,帮况的文章,教师通过全面分析因特网的特点,给学生提供一些关键词,帮 助学生辩论因特网的优点及缺点。然后小组合作将讨论结果写成短文在班助学生辩论因特网的优点及缺点。然后小组合作将讨论结果写成短文在班 级展示,要求学生通过自己的实际情况参与掌握本课。级展示,要求学生通过自己的实际情况参与掌握本课。 2、 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Introduction (1). Lead-in. Introduce the Internet in this way: Put the word “Internet” into eight sentences, ask students to guess the title according to them. It makes our life interesting.(I), It bring us to a new world. (N), It help our dreams come true.(T), It make our study easy.(E), It make us relaxed.(R), Its like a net around us.(NET) -Internet. 设计目的:把设计目的:把 Internet 单词中每个字母拆分成单词中每个字母拆分成 5 个个“主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语+宾补宾补” 句子,巧妙的结合因特网的特点,让学生兴趣徒增,活跃课堂气氛。鼓励学生运用创新思句子,巧妙的结合因特网的特点,让学生兴趣徒增,活跃课堂气氛。鼓励学生运用创新思 3 维,对关键词进行联想学习。既让学生记住单词,并从中掌握了单词的趣味含义。维,对关键词进行联想学习。既让学生记住单词,并从中掌握了单词的趣味含义。 (2).Show a short movie about different people using the Internet in different ways. (3).Learn the new words in the sentences. Step 2 Revision and brainstorm (1). Ask students to discuss some questions in pairs. (2). Encourage some students to share their opinions. (3). Summarize the opinions. 设计目的:该部分起到衔接前两节课的作用,通过复习设计目的:该部分起到衔接前两节课的作用,通过复习 Section A 和和 B 的知识的知识 点,为本节新知识点点学习做准备。并学习新单词点,为本节新知识点点学习做准备。并学习新单词 perfect, change, share, cheat 等,并解决读前的问题。为等,并解决读前的问题。为 1a 的学习做好准备。的学习做好准备。 Step 3 Reading (1). Fast-reading 1) Scan the passage to get the main idea of each paragraph. 2) Listen and choose the best title for the passage. (2). Detailed reading. 1) Read Paragraph 2 carefully and complete the information of the advantages of the Internet. 2) Read paragraphs 3 (Tom_L) 2、Search for more information about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. 3、Finish the exercises on P101-102. 设计目的:检查本节课所学知识,培养学生能把英语学习跟日常生活结合起来,设计目的:检查本节课所学知识,培养学生能把英语学习跟日常生活结合起来, 创设真实情景训练写作能力。创设真实情景训练写作能力。 3、 教学媒体的选择与运用教学媒体的选择与运用 A. PPT 展示展示 B. 视频播放视频播放 C. 任务卡任务卡 D. 黑板黑板 4、 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller Section C The Internet perfect cheat share search (五)(五) 教学评价教学评价 (1)通过课文略读、精读、任务型教学等让学生因特网的优点及缺点。 (2)课堂开始时的问题引入能更好地调动学生的学习兴趣;课堂领读单词能促 进师生的互动,并缓解学生紧张的课堂气氛。 (3)课堂活动的环节为本节课的一大亮点,通过视听模式,引导学生对课文内 容和重点短语的重现;运用多媒体的呈现方式,引出互联网的话题,能激发学 Advantages Disadvantages G1 G2 G3 G4 5 生的学习兴趣;通过小组讨论环节,能很好地发挥学生的创造性思维能力。为 学生能积极参与课堂活动,提供很好的平台,培养学生的创造性思维能力和学 习积极主动性。 (4)课后作业能激发学生独立探究的能力,能把所学的知识与真实生活结合起 来。 二、二、教学反思教学反思 本节课基本能突出学生的主体地位,教师起到很大的指导作用,在每个环本节课基本能突出学生的主体地位,教师起到很大的指导作用,在每个环 节中互动模式比较多样,能体现到预言帝实践性和交际性。处理教学有整体性,节中互动模式比较多样,能体现到预言帝实践性和交际性。处理教学有整体性, 利用教材有创造性;课堂教学容量和难度适合学生水平。利用教材有创造性;课堂教学容量和难度适合学生水平。 不足之处:不足之处: (1)因为借班上课,教师在教学环节的指令上一些学生可能还没领悟清楚,在)因为借班上课,教师在教学环节的指令上一些学生可能还没领悟清楚,在 执行中不够紧凑。执行中不够紧凑。 (2)课堂的时间分配上不合理,前面的部分较慢,导致后面的文章总结的时间)课堂的时间分配上不合理,前面的部分较慢,导致后面的文章总结的时间 不够,本计划多让学生进行课堂展示环节的时间相对只能剪短,一些学生积极不够,本计划多让学生进行课堂展示环节的时间相对只能剪短,一些学生积极 性没得到展示。性没得到展示。 6
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Unit Our World_Topic The Internet makes world smaller._Section C_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_仁爱科普版八年级上册(编号:c15b3) 科普
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