Unit 3 Getting Together-Topic 3 What would you like to drink -Section C-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:70e5a).zip


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1、 review some new words of food and drinks and review some phrases: fish;chicken; rice; juice; vegetable; eat, out, eat out, dinner, have dinner, why, Why not ? 2. learn and review sentences of having meals and ordering food May I help you ? What would you like to eat/drink? Would you like to .? Why not . ? What/How about .? 3. Learn to order food 学习目标 教学过程 Lead -in words A Review have meals order food B Practice sentences C Production have meals order food D chicken 初出茅庐-guessing game of food and drinks 1 eggs apple juice hamburger fish jiaozi vegetables rice 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B A Where did I eat those food? Eat in a restaurant = Eat out C Robot can help order food(点餐) in a restuarant , Can you order food? Would you like to have dinner with me? Yes, Id like to . 1.Ask someone to go with you Practice the sentences -开火车 第一组: Would you like to have dinner with me ? 第二组: Yes, Id like to . 第三组: Would you like to have dinner with me? 第四组: Yes, Id like to . 第五组: Would you like to have dinner with me? 第六组: Yes, Id like to . 第一组: Would you like to have dinner with me? 第二组:. . Yes, Yes,rice and rice and fishfish,please.,please. May I take your order? May I help you ? the waiter (服务员) customers(顾 客) How many dialogues can you say ? A:May I take your order ?/ May I help you ? B:Yes, rice,please. C:May I take your order ?/ May I help you ? D: Yes, fish,please. . What would you like to eat ? Let me see,Id like some vegetables. the waiter (服务员) customers(顾 客) A glass of apple juice,please! What would you like to drink? the waiter (服务员) customers(顾 客) 看图回答问题-师生对话 1. What would you like to eat ? 2. What would you like to drink ? Id like some . Id like some / a glass of. 肯定:Good idea! 否定:No, thanks. Id like some. Would you Would you like some like some jiaozi?jiaozi? the waiter (服务员) customers(顾 客) 肯定:Good idea! 否定:No, thanks. Id like some. Why not have Why not have some fish and some fish and eggs?eggs? the waiter (服务员) customers(顾 客) 肯定:Good idea! 否定:No, thanks. Id like some water. What about What about some milk?some milk? the waiter (服务员) customers(顾 客) 1. rice noodlesrice 2. hamburgers 3. potato chips fried chicken When you see question mark ,you ask “ Would you like some .; Why not have some.; What about some . When you see ,you say “ Yes, Id like to.” When you see ,you say”No, thanks ,Id like some .” Thank you ! Here you are! the waiter (服务员) customers(顾 客) Help yourself to some fish!(请随 便吃些鱼) Thanks.Thanks. customers(顾 客) A : May I take your order / May I help you ? B: Yes ,rice and fish ,please. (可替换) A :What would you like to eat ? B: Let me see, ld like some vegetables. customer /waiter: Why not have some fish and eggs? customer : Good idea! customer /waiter: What about some milk ? customer: Good idea! 或: No, thanks. ld like some water. customer : Help yourself to some fish. customer: Thanks./Thank you . Finish 1a Read the conversation and guess the title A. Visiting a Friend B. Eating out waiter : Here you are. customer: Thanks./Thank you . Customer 1(顾客1): _? Customer 2(顾客2): Yes. Id like to. Waiter (服务员): _ ? Customer1(顾客1): Yes,What would you like to eat ? Customer 2(顾客2): Id like some rice. Waiter(服务员): _ _ _some fish? Customer(顾客1) : Good idea! What about some vegetables? Customer(顾客2)_ Waiter(服务员): _ ? customer(顾客1): A glass of apple juice Waiter(服务员): _ customer(顾客): Thank you . customer(顾客1): Help yourself to some fish customer(顾客2): _ Finish the conversation Would you like to have dinner with me May I take your order/ May I help you Why not have Good idea What would you like to drink Here you are. Thank you 考考你的记忆力-抢 答 1. May I take your order?1. May I take your order? 2. What do you have for 2. What do you have for breakfast? breakfast? 3. Would you like to have 3. Would you like to have dinner with me? dinner with me? 4. Would you like some 4. Would you like some jiaozijiaozi? ? 5. Why not have some fish 5. Why not have some fish and eggs? and eggs? 6. What would you like to drink?6. What would you like to drink? 7. What about some vegetables?7. What about some vegetables? a. A glass of apple juice, please. b. Good idea. I like vegetables very much. c. Rice and fish, please. d. I often have bread and milk for breakfast. e. No, thanks. Id like some rice. f. Good idea. g. Yes, Id like to. Choose the correct answer(s) for each question. 1. a, c 2. d 3. f, g4. e, f5. e, f6. a 7. b, e, f Read 1a again and mark T(true) or F(false). T F F 1. The two men eat in a restaurant .( ) 2. The man in green dont like fish or eggs. ( ) 3. They want something to drink.( ) like dont want Individual work 小试牛刀:句型操练-快速反应-抢答(给出一个或几个词,说一句含有 这个词并跟点餐有关的句子) Would you like to have dinner with me ?dinner Yes, Id like to . Id =I would May I help you , sir?May Here you are . What would you like to eat ?What eat Why not have some fish and eggs? Would you like something to drink ?Would drink Help yourself to some fish. help yourself Good idea! Here Why not fish eggs Good 初露锋芒-句子接龙-抢答 小小编剧就是你! Put the following sentences in the correct order and make them a whole conversation . ( )Here you are. ( 1 )May I help you , sir? ( )Ok. 16 yuan , please. ( )Yes ,two hamburgers, please. ( )No , thanks . ( )Two hamburgers. Would you like something to drink? 2 3 4 5 6 大 显 身 手 你和你的同伴到“KFC”吃东西,先写出点餐的对话,然后每个小组派三个成员 上分别扮演服务员和顾客来表演对话,并使用桌上的道具。 Customer 1(顾客1): Would you like to have dinner with me? Customer 2(顾客2): Yes. Id like to. Waiter (服务员): Welcome to KFC 或Welcome to The Snacks of Yunnan. May I help you ?或 May I take your order ? Customer1(顾客1): Yes,What would you like to eat ? Customer 2(顾客2): Id like some. Waiter(服务员): Why not have some.? Customer1(顾客) : No, thanks.或Good idea! What about some.? Customer 2(顾客2):No, thanks.或Good idea! Waiter(服务员): Would you like something to drink ? customer(顾客1或2): A glass of ./ No, thanks. customer1(顾客1): Help yourself to some. customer2(顾客2); Thank you/Thanks. Waiter(服务员): Here you are customer(顾客1或2): Thank you . example Dont waste ! eat healthily!Dont waste ! eat healthily! 节约光荣,保持健康!节约光荣,保持健康! W o u l d y o u l i k e to h a v e d i n n e r w i t h m e ? W h a t w o u l d y o u l i k e to e a t / d r i n k ? W h y n o t h a v e s o m e . . . ? W h a t / H o w a b o u t s o m e . . . ? Having meals s o m e e g g s ; s o m e v e g e t a b l e s ; t w o h a m b u r g e r s ; s o m e f i s h ; s o m e j i a o z i . . . making suggestions Countable nouns and uncountable nouns Summary The winner just choose one kind of homework ! Homework 1. Finish 4a 、4b and sing the song. 2. See the TV programme“Chinese Restaurant ”and find out the waiter who speaks English best. 3. Find out a western restaurant in Kunming and whether you have a chance to speak English there or not . Thank you ! Unit 3 Getting Together Topic 3 What would like to drink? Section C (1a-4b) 授课内容授课内容人教版七年级上册 授课年级七年级 授课类型授课类型阅读及对话复习课 学 时 数1 个学时 教学目标教学目标 1. Knowledge aims (1)Review some words of food and drinks : rice;hamburger;chicken ;vegetable;egg; juice.;Review and learn some words which is related to having meals: eat ;out;why ;eat out; why not (2) Learn some useful sentences about having meals and making suggestions (2.1)Would you like to have dinner with me? Yes, Id like to. (2.2)What would you like to eat? Let me see. (2.3)Why not have some fish and eggs? Good idea! (2.4)Help yourself to some fish. Thanks. (2.5)Here you are. 2. Skill aims (1)let students understand the conversation of ordering food 、having meals and make suggestions. (2)Let students learn to make conversations of ordering food 、having meals and making suggestions (3)Let students learn to use the words of having meals. 3.Emotional aims Help students to cultivate the consciousness of saving and eating healthy food. 教学内容教学内容 1.Words:rice;hamburger;chicken ;vegetable;egg ;juice;Review and learn eat ;out;why ;eat out; why not 2.useful sentences and conversation (2.1)Would you like to have dinner with me? Yes, Id like to. (2.2)What would you like to eat? Let me see. (2.3)Why not have some fish and eggs? Good idea! (2.4)Help yourself to some fish. Thanks. (2.5)Here you are. Conversation:(W=waiter) A: Would you like to have dinner with me? B: Yes, Id like to. W: May I help you, sir? A: Yes. What would you like to eat? B: Let me see. A: Why not have some . and .? B: Good idea. W:Help yourself to some . Here you are! A&B: Thanks. A:Would you like something to drink? B:Yes, a glass of apple juice, please. . 重点难点重点难点 Learn the expressions and sentences of ordering food 、having meals and making suggestions 教学方法教学方法 任务型教学、直观教学法、情景教学法 学习方法学习方法 听说读写练结合及小组合作学习 教学过程设计教学过程设计备备 注注 课题引入课题引入 I. Lead -in Give students some pictures of food and drinks then Let students guess the words of food and drinks “chicken、fish、rice、juice、hamburger、vegetable、jiaozi、egg”,Then ask students two questions”Where can I eat those food? (lead in :eat in a restaurant and eat out ” ) 教学步骤教学步骤 及及 主要内容主要内容 Step 1 Review and consolidate the sentences of having meals and ordering food by asking students to review and practice the sentences ,during practicing and reviewing, teacher will give them pictures and conversations. Step 2 Reading comprehension(individual work) 1. Read 1a and choose the title. 2. Read 1a again and finish 1b quickly . Divide the students into 5 groups,each time there are questions,they will have a competition ,the group who got the right answers first will get a point, the winner will have the chance to choose their homework. 3. Reviewing by filling in the blanks of the conversation in 1a Step 3 Check their memory and quick response 1. Students finish task 3 2.The Teacher say the questions and students in different groups answer the questions quickly. Step 4 Practice the sentences Before students say each sentence, students will see one or two words ,when they see the words ,they will say a sentence they have learned(in 1a) quickly. Step 5 Sentence Solitaire 1. Ask students to finish task 2,put the sentences in correct answer and make them a whole conversation 2. Students will make a sentence solitaire ,who know the answer will stand up and say the answers quickly. Each time students get the right answer ,their groups will get a point . Step 6 Make a whole conversation of ordering food by putting the sentences in correct order and answer quickly. Production Step 7 Role -play Give students a restaurant-KFC , First write down the conversations of ordering food in KFC,then each group send three students to act out the conversations by performing (prepare menus of each restaurant and prepare some real food ) eg: Customer 1(顾客 1): Would you like to have dinner with me? Customer 2(顾客 2): Yes. Id like to. Waiter (服务员): Welcome to the Chinese Restaurant, May I help you ? / May I take your order ? Customer1(顾客 1): Yes, What would you like to eat(问另一位顾客) ? Customer 2(顾客 2): Id like some. Waiter(服务员): Why not have some.? Customer(顾客) : No, thanks.或 Good idea! What about some.? Waiter(服务员): Would you like something to drink ? customer(顾客): A glass of .juice/ No, thanks. customer(顾客): Help yourself to some. Customer(顾客):Thanks. Waiter(服务员): Here you are. customer(顾客): Thank you . . Step 8 What they should learn from the this topic Dont waste ! eat healthily ! Step 9 Summary Summarize the words 、sentences and conversations by using a mind map. students read together. 作业作业 本课作业本课作业 1. Finish 4a 、4b and sing the song. 2. See the TV programme“Chinese Restaurant ”and find out the best waiter 3. Find out a western restaurant in Kunming and whether you have a chance to speak English there or not .
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