Unit 4 Having Fun-Topic 3 What time is it now -Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:601aa).zip


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Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 3 What time is it now? Section B 巩固练习 堂上练习 一.单项选择。 ( )1. What are your favorite animals? _ A. Coke. B. Tigers.C. Hamburgers. D. Blue. ( )2. _ is it? Its six oclock. A. What B. What color C. What time D. How ( )3.“12: 45”reads _. A. a quarter past twelve B. a quarter to twelve C. twelve forty-fiveD. three quarters past twelve ( )4. Its seven oclock and its time _. OK. Lets go. A. goes home B. go home C. to go home D. going home ( )5. Mike often gets up _ 6:40 _ the morning. A. in; inB. on; on C. at; at D. at; in 二、同义句转换 1. What time is it? _ _ the time? 2. Its twelve forty-five. Its a _ _ one. 3. Thank you for helping me. Thank you _ your _. 4. Its time to have breakfast. Its time _ _. 三、书面表达。 根据表格中的时间及活动,以 Li Xins Sunday 为题写一篇 50 词左右的短 文。 7:30 a.m.get up 8:00 a.m.have breakfast 9:30 a.m.go to the zoo 12:00 have lunch 2:30 p.m.go fishing 4:45 p.m.go home 6:00 p.m.have dinner Li Xins Sunday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 学校:广东省江门市新会区 双水镇桥美学校 执教:梁艳明 教材:仁爱英语七年级上册 课题: Unit 4 Topic 3 Section B 1. Its ten to nine. = Its eight fifty. 2. Its eight oclok. 3. Its nine fifteen. = Its a quarter past nine. 4. Its eight thirty. =Its half past eight 8:50 8:30 9:15 8:00 What time is it ? 1. 直接表述 如: 1:15 one fifteen 2. 借助past和to表述 (1) 当分钟数小于或等于三十分钟时,用past 。 如:10:10 ten past ten 分钟数为15分钟时 :a quarter past+点钟数 分钟数为30分钟时:half past + 点钟数 (2)当分钟数超过三十分钟时,用 to。 如:1:55 five to two 分钟数为45分钟时:a quarter to + 点钟数 What time is it, please? =Whats the time, please? Its half past six. (Its six thirty.) get upIts time to . What time is it, please? =Whats the time, please? Its a quarter to seven. (Its six forty-five.) have breakfast Its time to . Make up conversations after the example. Example: A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its a quarter past sixa quarter past six. . A: Its time to get upget up. 6:15 Make up conversations after the example. Example: A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its a quarter to sevena quarter to seven. . A: Its time to have breakfast. 6:45 meet friends at home _Time: Do: _ 8:30 _ Time: Do:_ 9:00 go to the zoo Make up conversations after the example. _ Time: Do: _ 10:00 see the animals _ Time: Do: _ 11:30 go home Make up conversations after the example. You may begin like this: Kangkang gets up at a quarter past six in the morning get uphave breakfastmeet friends at home go to the zoosee the animalsgo home Describe Kangkangs day with the information below. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Its Sunday today. I get up at _ in the morning and have breakfast at _.I read English at 9:10. At about 10:45, I help my mother _. And we _ _ at 12:10. I go shopping with my friends at about _ in the afternoon. We _ _ at 5:20. I have a very happy day. 7:30 8:00 cookhave lunch 3:15 (录音P100-2 ) go home (视频P99-1a ) What are Janes favorite animals ? Janes favorite animals are elephants . Listen, match the children with their favorite animals. Then write down their reasons. Kangkang Michael Maria Jane pandas monkeys elephants tigers cute clever kind strong (录音P99-1a ) 1.It is time to go to the zoo.该是去动物园的时候了。 =It is time for going to the zoo. New points 2. What are your favorite animals ? 你最喜欢的动物是什么? =What animals do you like best ? 该是上课的的时候了。 It is time to _ _ . It is time for _. have class class Exercise1: .单项选择 。(10分) ( )1. What are your favorite animals? _ A. Coke.B. Tigers.C. Hamburgers.D. Blue. ( )2. _ is it? Its six oclock. A. What B. What color C. What time D. How ( )3.“12: 45”reads _. A. a quarter past twelveB. a quarter to twelve C. twelve forty-fiveD. three quarters past twelve ( )4. Its seven oclock and its time _. OK. Lets go. A. goes home B. go homeC. to go home D. going home ( )5. Mike often gets up _ 6:40 _ the morning. A. in; inB. on; on C. at; at D. at; in A C C C D Exercise2: 同义句转换 1. What time is it? _ _ the time? 2. Its twelve forty-five. Its a _ _ one. 3. Thank you for helping me. Thank you _ your _. 4. Its time to have breakfast. Its time _ _. Whatis quarter to forhelp for breakfast 谈论自己的一天,并找出与 自己作息相同的好朋友! I get up at I have breakfast at What about you? I like pandas/lions/monkeys/elephants They are cute/strong/clever/kind Its time to get up/have breakfast/ go home 1. Recite Section B -1a. 2. Preview Section C. Unit 4 Having Fun教案 Topic 3 What time is it now? Section B I. Material analysis 本课是第三话题的第二个课时,主要活动是 1a 和 3a。通过 Kangkang 和他 的同学们相约去动物园的情景呈现生词与句型,并复习问答时间和最喜爱的动 物的表达法。还通过听短文完成填空练习,训练学生从听力材料中获取有关时 刻的具体信息,巩固时间的表达法。最后通过创设康康一天的作息时间的情境 进一步训练学生对时间的询问和表达以及重点词组的交际应用,同时将对话转 化为小短文,培养学生信息转换的能力,同时通过写的方式进一步巩固时间的 表达法。英语的写作一直是很多学生最头疼的问题,因此教师应在写作前引导 学生做一些词汇、句型、逻辑等方面的准备,减少写作的难度,树立学生英语 写作的信心。 II. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操 练中加以应用: clever, animal, hour, later, today, get up 能继续正确使用 wh-questions 来询问时间,并能流利表达时间,能用“like, favorite”等来表达对某事物的喜爱,能用“Its time to.”句型来表达是该做某事的 时候了,如: What time is it now? Whats the time now? Its time to go to the zoo. I like them very much. Whats your favorite animals, Jane? 2. Skill aims 能听懂描述及询问时间的表达,能听懂简单的课堂用语并做出适当的反应; 能使用问答时间的句型进行简单的交流; 能正确书写单词,并能正确使用单词造句。 3. Emotional aims 能够积极与同学合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真学习、规范单词、句子等; 能够养成保护动物、和大自然和谐相处的意识,并在现实生活中积极实践。 III. The key points and difficult points 1.在情景对话中,能继续学会用 wh-questions 来询问时间,能流利表达时间, 能用“like, favorite”等来表达对某事物的喜爱,能用“Its time to.”句型来表达是 该做某事的时候了。 2.能够将对话信息转化为篇章输出。 IV. Learning strategies 1.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,培养语感和自信心。 2.能在词语和相应事物之间建立联系。 3.能够逐渐养成进行预习和复习的好习惯。 V. Teaching aids 多媒体和黑板。 VI. Teaching procedures StepInteraction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (5 minutes) 1.The whole class work. 2. Group work. 3. Group work. 1.Focus their attention on the teacher. 2.Group competition. Discuss and revise the expressions of time in group first. Then look at the pictures of different time on the screen. Try to say the time quickly and correctly. The group which can say words the most correctly will be the winner in this group competition. 3.Do duty report. Some groups act out the conversations about your groups plan, using the words and expressions in Section A. e.g. A: Do you have any time this Sunday? B: Yes. Whats up? 1.Greet students ready for learning. 2.Show some pictures of time on the screen. Make a group competition to revise the expressions of time. 3.Help the students to revise the words and expressions in Section A. Lead to the sentence structure, “Its time to .”. A:We plan to go to the zoo. Would you like to go with us? B:Good idea. What can we see there? A:We can see pandas, tigers, elephants, lions monkeys and so on. B:Sounds great. When and where shall we meet? A: Lets meet at half past eight at the school gate. B: OK. See you then! A: See you! . T:Good job. Can you tell me what time it is now? Ss: Its twenty to nine. T: So its time to have a class. (Point to the picture of 12:00) What time is it? Ss: Its twelve oclock. T: So its time to . Ss: Have lunch. T: Good! (Point to the picture of 6:30 a.m.) What time is it ? Ss: Its half past six. T:Yes. And “a.m.” means in the morning. So. Ss: Its time to have breakfast./ Its time to get up. . Presentation (10 minutes) 1.The whole class work and individual work. 1.Do 1a. Look at the pictures of animals on the screen. Say the names of them. Then answer the teachers questions. T: Which animal do you like best, A? S1: I like. best. T: Whats your favorite animal, B? S2: My favorite animal is . . T: The four students in Beijing International School also like different animals. What kind of animals do they 1.Show some pictures of animals to not only revise the words of animals but also lead to the expressions of likes. 2.Individual work, the whole class work and pair work. like? 2.Do 1b. Listen to the tape and match the children with their favorite animals in 1b. Then listen again and write down their reasons. Check the answers with your partner and then the whole class check the answers together. 2.Play the tape recorder and check the answers. Consolidation (5 minutes) 1.Individual work. 1.Make sentences with the words in 1b. e.g. Kangkang likes monkeys best because he thinks they are clever. Michaels favorite animal is pandas. He thinks they are cute. . 1.Make the students consolidate the expressions of likes. Practice (15 minutes) 1.The whole class work and group work. 1.Read 1a after the tape. Then work in groups. Read 1a and practice the conversation in different roles. Then 1.Help the students to practice the expressions in 1a orally. 2. Pair work. 3.Individual work and pair work. make up new ones. Some groups act out the conversations to the class. 2.Look at the pictures of different daily activities with time on it. Ask and answer questions with each other. e.g. Picture 1-get up, 6:30 A: What time is it now? B:Its half past six. Its time to get up. Picture 2- have breakfast, 7:10 A: Whats the time now? B: Its ten past seven. Its time to have breakfast. . 3.Do 2. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers with your partner. After that, try to retell the passage 2.Show some pictures of different daily activities with time on it to the students to learn some phrases and practice the expressions of time. Get ready for 2. 3.Play the tape recorder. Check the answers. Show some key words of the passage on the screen to help the students 4.Individual work and pair work. with the help of the key words on the screen. Sunday, get up, 7:30, have breakfast, 8:00, read English, 9:00, help.cook, 10:45, lunch, 12:10, . 4. Do 3a. Look at the pictures in 3a. Then match the phrases with the pictures. Then make up conversations in pairs. Learn to use the phrases in conversations, such as, have breakfast, go home. A: Excuse me, what time is it, please? B: Its a quarter past six. A: Its time to get up. . retell the passage. Get ready for the written work later. 4.Let students make up and practice the conversations about asking the expressions of time. Production (10 minutes) 1.Individual work and group work. 1.After practicing the conversations in 3a, write down Kangkangs day with the information 1.Help the students revise and consolidate the words, phrases and expressions about in 3a, using the expressions of time. e.g. Kangkang gets up at a quarter past six in the morning. He has breakfast at a quarter to seven with his mother. He meets his friends at home at half past eight. At nine oclock, the four children go to the zoo on foot. They see the animals at ten oclock. And they go home at half past eleven. They have a happy day. . Then change your passage with your group members to correct it. animals and time in Section B. Improve the students written ability. 2.Assign homework: Read 1a fluently and practice it with your partner; Review the words, expressions in this section; Preview Section C new words. Teaching reflection: 这节课是本话题的第二个课时。在活动中,学生口头操练时间表达法之后, 学习将信息转化为书面的小短文写作。教师在学生写完之后,可以引导学生两 两互改,找出彼此的错误,从而共同进步。有的学生害怕发音错误,而不敢开 口说英语,教师应鼓励其勇敢站起来,从简单的对话操练开始,不断练习和提 高口语水平。 VII. Blackboard design What time is it now? Section B 1. What time is it now? clever = Whats the time now? animal 2. Its time to go to the zoo. =Its time for going to the zoo. hour 3. I like them very much. later 4. What are your favorite animals? today
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Unit Having Fun_Topic What time is it now _Section B_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级公开课_仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:601aa) 科普 英语
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