Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 1 I have a small nose.-Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:94199).zip


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Unit 2 Looking Different Section B 授课人:吴文超授课人:吴文超 Topic 1 I have a small nose. A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) H ( ) arm hand leg foot F ( ) G ( ) E ( ) Look at the boy and write down the name of each part. hair ear eye nose neck mouth face head Review(Review(复习复习) ) Look at this Chinese man. He has small eyes. He is my favorite actor . Can you guess, who is he? Where is he from? He is from _. He is _ . Listen and write. (P29-1a) 1) Where is Jackie Chan from? 2) Does he have long hair? 3) Does he have a wide mouth? Listen and answer: He is from China. Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. 1b.Listen again and fill in the blanks. Jackie Chan is Michaels favorite actor. He is from _.He has a _ nose and his hair is not _. He has a _ mouth. His Chinese name is _. China big longwide Cheng Long Listen and follow, then act it in pairs. 2. Listen and check ( ) who is Mr. Wang. (录音P29-2) Listen again and fill in the banks. (W=Wang Wei L=Li Lin) W: Hello, Li Lin. L: Hello, Wang Wei. Who is your favorite teacher? W: Guess. L: Is his _ long? W: No, his hair _. L: Does he have _? W: Yes, he does. L: Are his eyes big? W: No, his _ are small. And he has _ and _. L: Oh, I know. Its Mr. Wang. (录音P29-2) hair is short a round face eyes a wide mouth a big nose Look and say arm hand leg foot hand 手 He has many hands. arm 胳膊 He has long arms. leg 腿 They have long legs. foot 脚 He has big feet. My hair is long. I have long hair. His eyes are small and his nose is big. He has small eyes and a big nose. Its ears are big. It has two big ears. Rewrite the sentences with have/has. Then make more sentences. My face is round. Your face is long. His hair is short. Her hair is long. His arms are long. Her arms are short. His feet are big. Her feet are small. I have a round face. You have a long face. He has short hair. She has long hair. He has big feet. She has small feet. He has long arms. She has short arms. Does she have big eyes? Yes, she does. Does she have a wide mouth? No, she doesnt. Does he have a big nose? Yes, he does. Does he have long hair? _ Does he have a round face? _ Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. Does it have long legs? _ No, it doesnt. Lets play the game Bobby says. Touch your head. Bobby says, “Touch your head.” 1. New words hand arm leg foot favorite actor Chinese 2. Grammar He/She/It has. Does he/she/it have. Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she/it doesnt. Finish the test paper. Check the answers in groups. Consolidation and Test Consolidation and Test 1.Draw a picture of your favorite teacher. 1.Draw a picture of your favorite teacher. Then write a short passage about him/her; Then write a short passage about him/her; 2.Review the words we have learnt;2.Review the words we have learnt; 3.Preview the words and 1a & 4a in Section C.3.Preview the words and 1a & 4a in Section C. Unit 2 Looking Different Section B 平顶山市育才中学平顶山市育才中学 吴文超吴文超 Topic 1 I have a small nose. 学习目标:学习目标: 1.学习人体各部分名称,能够描述自己的外貌特征; 2.熟练使用 have/has 陈述,疑问和回答。 3.进行简单的人物描写。 学习重难点学习重难点: 1. have/has 的用法 2.描写人物外貌的形容词。 学习过程学习过程: 一、自主学习一、自主学习 1.学习 1a 2. -Does she have long hair ? -Yes, She does 3. Whos that girl? 二、学习描写外貌的形容词。二、学习描写外貌的形容词。 Look! She has a small face ,big eyes and a small nose . 三、巩固练习三、巩固练习 (一)单项选择(一)单项选择: ( )1 -_is your English teacher ? -Miss Zhu A. What B. Who C. How D.Where ( ) 2 -You_20 books in your schoolbag. A. have B. has C. are D.is ( ) 3 -Hi, Linda! _are you in? -Im in Class Five. A.What B.What class C.What grade D.Why ( ) 4.Sally _a small face ,big eyes and a small mouth. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )5-Who is she? I know .Shes _ A. a teacher B. in Class Eight C. a girl D. Linda ( )6.-Is your friend a girl ? -Yes, _is. A. it B. she C. I D .he ( ) 7. -Is he D avid? ( ) 8-Han Mei has a small face, big eyes and a small nose. -_ A. Youre all right B. Thats right C. Excuse me ( ) 9_you know his name? A .do B. Are C. Am D. Is ( ) 10. Jane and Linda _ long hair .They are from Canada A .are B. is C. have D has (二)根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子。(二)根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子。 1. His nose is very b_, but his mouth is very small. 2. Yao Mings legs are long, but Toms legs are s_ 3. Meimei has a big head and a w_ mouth. 4. -Look, she has a round face and big eyes.- -Thats_(正确) 5.His_(脚)are big. (三)盘点收获(三)盘点收获 -_ A. Yes, he isnt B. No, he is C .Youre right D Thats all right Unit 2 Looking Different Topic 1 I have a small nose. Section B . Material analysis 本节课主要活动是 1a 和 4,将继续学习由实义动词 have/ has 引导的表示所 属关系的表达方式;通过康康和迈克尔之间关于猜测明星的对话,进一步拓展 询问姓名以及询问和回应姓名和外貌特征的表达“Who is your favorite actor?” , “Its ” , “Does he /she have ?” , “Yes, he/she does.” , “No, he/she doesnt.” 同时将学习同义句:“My face is round. = I have a round face. His hair is short. = He has short hair.”由形容词性物主代词转化为 have/has 引导的同义句;还将复 习相关的形容词性物主代词 my, your, his, her 的用法;此外,学生还将学习元音 字母 u 辅音字母 r,y 及组合 ng 的读音规则。 . Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够掌握并应用新学习的单词: actor, Chinese, does, arm, hand, leg, foot, short 等; 能够用英语熟练表达询问人物外貌、体格特征及所属关系的表达方法: She/He/It has Does he/she have? 能够掌握元音字母 u,辅音字母 r, y 及组合 ng 的读音规则。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式; 能运用表示询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确书写和使用新学习的单词。 Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真,规范书写单词; 能够培养学生善于观察周围人或物的能力。 . The key points and difficult points Key points 正确使用表示描述和询问人物外貌特征的表达方法:She/He/It has Does he/she have? 正确使用实义动词:have /has; 正确使用助动词 do/does:Do you have? Does he have ? 能够掌握元音字母 u 辅音字母 r,y 及组合 ng 的读音规则。 Difficult points 正确使用使役动词 have /has; 助动词 do/does 的应用; 能够掌握由形容词性物主代词转化为 have/has 引导的同义句; . Learning strategies: 做游戏能增强学生学习英语的兴趣。 . Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板。 . Teaching procedures Step Interaction patterns Student activityTeacher activity Introduction (8minutes) 1.The whole class work. 2.Individual work. 3.Individual work. 4.The whole class work. 1.Students follow the teacher and review the words. 2.Students say the word one by one quickly. 3.One student answers, “Yes, I do./ No, I dont”; Then one by one. 4.Students guess who it is together. 1.Draw a picture of a girl on the blackboard, and then describe it, using the sentences: “This is a nose. This is a mouth. These are eyes” Let students follow the teacher and review the new words they have learnt. 2.Point out any part of the picture and let students say the word one by one quickly. 3.Walk to one student and ask, “Do you have?” Let student answers, “Yes, I do. / No, I dont”; Then one by one. 4.Check students homework (Draw a picture of themselves, and then write a short passage about themselves); Select three pictures and read the passages; Finally, let students guess who it is. Presentation (12minutes) 1.The whole class work. 2.Pair work. 3.The whole class work. 4.The whole class work and individual work. 1.Do 1a. Students follow the teacher for several time. 2.Students talk about the question in pairs, “ is my favorite actor. Who is your favorite actor? My favorite actor is” Two pairs show their conversations. 3.Students answer the questions together; 4.Students listen to the tape and try to get the answer; One 1.Show an actors picture and say, “He is an actor.” (老师解释:actor 意为 演 员尤其指男演员,一位男 演员:an actor.) Let student read the word for several times. 2.Then say, “He is my favorite actor. Who is your favorite actor?”(老师解释: favorite 意为最喜爱的) Give students 1 minute to talk about the question in pairs; Then choose two pairs to show their conversations to the whole class. 3.Show a picture of Jackie Chan and ask the questions: “Who is he? Does he have?”Let student try to answer the questions in English. 4.Play the tape. Let students listen to the tape and answer the question:“Who is it?”; Then choose one student to student answer the question: “He is Jackie Chan”. Then all students follow the tape. answer the question(老师 可补充另一种答案 Its Jackie Chan); At last, play the tape again and let students follow the tape. Consolidation (12minutes) 1.Pair work. 2.The whole class work. 3.Individual work. 4. Pair work. 1.Two pairs act out the dialogue. 2. The student answers the teachers question. Ss:Does he/she have ? T: Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesnt. 3.Do 1b. Students listen and fill in the blanks in 1b; One student check the answer; 4. Do 1c. Two pairs show their 1.Let students practice and act 1a out the dialogue in pairs, and then choose two pairs to act out the dialogue. 2.Walk to any student and ask the other students question. 3.Play the tape for the third time and let students listen and fill in the blanks in 1b; Choose one student to check the answer of 1b. 4.Give students 2 minutes to talk about their favorite 5.Individual work. new Conversations. 5.Do 2. Students look at the picture carefully, and then listen and check the number; Some students tell their answer. people, then make up new conversations in pairs. 5.Let students look at the picture of 2 carefully and guess “Who is Mr. Wang?” Play the tape and check the number; Let some students tell their answer. Practice (10minutes ) 1.Individual work and the whole class work. 2.The whole 1.Do 3. All students write the name of each part by themselves; Then read the words by themselves; Some students try to read the words; Then all students follow the teacher for several times. 2.Do 4. Students 1.Show a picture of 3. Let students write the name of each part first; Point out some cards with new words “arm, hand, leg, foot” and their pronunciations. Let all students try to read the words by themselves; Choose some students to try to read the words; Teach the new words while pointing to the part for several times. 2.Show a flashcard with the class work. 3.The whole class work. 4.Group work and the whole class work. look at the flashcard and read after the teacher for two times; Then students change the sentence to “You have a long face”. 3.Do Section A-u, r, y, ng. Students read the letter together. 4.Students read the words one group by one group; Then students listen to the teacher sentence “My face is round.” on one side, then points the other side with the sentence “I have a round face.” (Write the two sentences on the blackboard.) Teach the sentences twice; Show the second flashcard with “Your face is long.” on it, and let students try to change the sentence to “You have a long face.” together.(以下句型转换老 师可以让单人变换句型) 3.Say,“Lets play a game.” Show the letter u, and let students read it together.(老师告诉学生此 处 u 发的是字母音) Divide the students into five groups, each group should read the word correctly. 4.Let students read the word: excuse, Cuba, pupil, unit, use; Make a summary about the game. 5.The whole class work. 6.Pair work, individual work and the whole class work. carefully. 5.Find the sound according to the teachers pronunciation. Listen to the tape and repeat the words. 6.Do Section- A-3b. Students read the words in 3b in pairs first; Some students read the words; All Students read after the tape and check. 5.Show the cards with“red, rice, rose”on them, and read them. Then let students find the same sound in these three words. Write the sound on the blackboard and ask students to connect and practice the sound and the letter. Play the sound and the tape.(其 他辅音音素以同样方式教 授) 6.The teacher gives students 1 minute to read the words in 3b in pairs. Then choose some students to read the words; Play the tape and let students check and repeat. Production (3minutes) 1.Group work.1.Do 5. Five students come to the blackboard and play the game; 1.Let students play a gameBobby Says. Choose five students to come to the blackboard and play the game. When the teacher says, “Touch your head.” the five students do it , the Students listen to the teacher carefully. one who cant touch the part quickly will go to back the seat. The last one is the winner; Make a summary about the game. 2.Assign homework: Draw a picture of your favorite teacher. Then write a short passage about him/her; Review the words we have learnt; Preview the words and 1a & 4a in Section C. Teaching reflection: 本节课学生在学习第四部分同义句转换时,容易出现错误。老师在 教授过程中可采用不同形式,让全班、小组、结对、个人等变换句型, 检测学生的掌握情况。 . Blackboard design Unit2 Looking different Topic1 I have a small nose. Section B 1. Does he/she have? actor arm Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. favorite hand 2.My face is round.= I have a round face. Chinese short 3.Your face is long. = You have a long face. leg foot
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Unit Looking Different_Topic have small nose._Section B_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_省级公开课_仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:94199) 科普
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本文标题:Unit 2 Looking Different-Topic 1 I have a small nose.-Section B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-仁爱科普版七年级上册(编号:94199).zip
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