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Section Reading and Thinking 重点词汇讲解 Point1 conduct 用法详解 (1)vt.进行;实施;执行;安排 常见搭配: conduct a survey/an investigation 进行调查 We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food. 我们在进行一项顾客对有机食品态度的调查。 (2)vt.指挥 The orchestra is conducted by John Williams. 这只管弦乐队由约翰威廉斯指挥。 (3)vt.带领 On arrival, I was conducted to the commandants office.到达之后,我被带到了指挥所。 (4)vt.表现 常见搭配:conduct oneself 表现;为人 He conducted himself far better than expected.他表现得比预料的好得多。 (5)n.行为,举止 The sport has a strict code of conduct.这项运动有严格的行为规范。 经典例题 写出“conduct”在文中的意思 The (1)conduct of Martys fellow students changed when he entered high school.They (2)conducted themselves far better than expected because they accepted Marty.His classmates (3)conducted Marty around the campus and they enjoyed a concert (4)conducted by a famous musician.Whats more, they even (5)conducted a party for Martys coming. Point2 fulfil 用法详解 (1)vt.实现,履行 Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream.游玩迪士尼乐园实现了儿时的梦想。 (2)vt.执行,符合 A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspects.一名好警察若是忽略这一重 要方面, 就是没有尽好自己的本分。 经典例题 单句写作 (1)All human desire, dreams and challenges (都得到了满足). (2)They were bound to (完成这项任务)even at the risk of their lives. Point3 devote 用法详解 devote vt.献身,致力,专心。常见搭配: devote ones life/oneself to(doing) sth.献身于/致力于(做)某事 devote ones time/energy/attention/.to(doing) sth.把某人的时间/精力/注意力/.用到(做)某事 “devoteto”中的 to 为介词,后跟名词、代词或 v.-ing 做宾语。 He devoted himself entirely to music.他全力倾注于音乐。 I could only devote two hours a day to working on the project.我每天只能花两个小时在这个项目上。 归纳拓展 相关词语积累: (1)devotion n.关爱;奉献,专心 (2)devoted adj.挚爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的 be devoted to(doing) sth.致力于(做)某事 be devoted to sb.深爱某人/对某人忠诚 I have been devoted to my career for many years.多年来,我一心扑在我的事业上。 They are devoted to their children.他们深爱着自己的孩子。 语境串记 Mrs White, a devoted friend of mine, devoted all her energy to her career.Her devotion to children made us vote for her; finally, she was promoted to headmistress.怀特夫人是我的一位忠诚的朋友,她把所有的精力 都献给了她的事业。她对孩子们的关爱使我们投票选了她,最终,她被提升为校长。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)If you want to be promoted, you must devote your attention your work. (2)For ten years, Nyad devoted herself to (become) one of the worlds best long-distance swimmers. (3)(devote) to scientific research wholeheartedly,he spends little time with his family. (4)The importance of this leadership skill is shown in the education (devote) to teaching it. (5)But my doubts did not shake my friends (devote) and he went on with the worship of his idol. Point4 pursue 用法详解 (1)vt.追求,继续进行 She plans to pursue a career in politics.她计划从政。 (2)vt.追究某事 Janet did not dare to pursue the matter further.珍妮特不敢再进一步追查那件事。 (3)vt.紧随其后;追捕 Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.布里格斯跑过农田,一名警察正在追捕他。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)The woman who is brave enough(pursue) her own path must prepare herself for a rough ride. (2)He has set his heart on (pursue) his studies abroad. (3)The police (pursue) after the criminals when Jack chatted with his friends. Point5 solution 用法详解 solution n.解决办法 常见搭配: a/the solution to(对问题或困难局面的)解决办法 There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation.人口过多问题没有简单的解决方法。 归纳拓展 solve vt. 解答 Charlie thinks money will solve all his problems.查理认为钱能解决他所有的问题。 More than 70% of murder cases were solved last year.去年有 70%以上的谋杀案被侦破。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)The solution the problem required many hours. (2)I had already taken steps to speed up a (solve) to the problem. (3)The jury is still out on what kind of (solution) we might undertake. Point6 boost 用法详解 (1)vt.促进,推动,使兴旺 The new resort area has boosted tourism.新的度假区促进了旅游业的发展。 (2)n.激励,鼓舞 a major boost to the economy 对经济的大力推动 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)Despite recent efforts (boost) the number and quality of its universities, it doesnt work well. (2)Why must you knock your hometown instead of (boost) it? Point7 yield 用法详解 (1)vt.(庄稼/利润等)产生/产出 Each of these oilfields could yield billions of barrels of oil.这些油田每一座都能开采出数十亿桶原油。 (2)vt.屈服;让步 常见搭配: yield to sth./sb.屈服于某物/某人 He reluctantly yielded to their demands.他不情愿地屈从于他们的要求。 (3)n.产量;利润 a high crop yield 作物丰收 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)Im leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield a younger man. (2)Will she yield to (grow) pressure for her to retire? (3)These high (yield) have been achieved largely through better methods of cultivation. Point8 convince 用法详解 (1)vt.使信服;使确信 convince sb./oneself of sth.使某人/某人自己相信/确信 convince that 确信/相信 Youll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.你需要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。 Id convinced myself that I was right.我确信自己是正确的。 (2)vt.说服 convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 Ive been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。 归纳拓展 相关词语积累: convinced adj.坚信;深信 be convinced of sth./that某人坚信 I am convinced of her innocence./I am convinced that she is innocent. 我坚信她是清白无辜的。 convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的 常见搭配:a convincing argument/explanation/case 有说服力的论点/解释/事例 She sounded very convincing to me.我觉得她的话很有说服力。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)I have (convince) that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television. (2)There is (convince) evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. (3)If they cant reduce emissions, it would be difficult to convince others (do) so. Point9 variety 用法详解 (1)n.不同种类 a variety of 多种多样 There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.有种类繁多的图案可供选择。 (2)n.U变化;多样化 We all need variety in our diet.我们都需要饮食多样化。 归纳拓展 相关词语积累: various adj.各种各样的 Tents come in various shapes and sizes.帐篷有各种各样的形状和大小。 vary vt. a.(大小、形状等)各异 vary in sth. 在不同 The students work varies in quality.学生作业的质量参差不齐。 b.(根据情况)变更,变化 vary with sth.随着变化 vary from sth.to sth. 从到变化 The menu varies with the season.菜单随季节而变动。 The heights of the plants vary from 8 cm to 20 cm.这些植物的高度从 8 厘米到 20 厘米不等。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)The wetlands are home to a large varietywildlife. (2)The bookstore has decided to branch out into selling (vary) records and tapes. (3)West Hampstend has a (vary) of good shops and supermarkets. (4)Rooms vary size and come equipped with hairdriers, television and telephone. (5)The prices of some goods vary the season. (6)The importance of being an Olympian will vary athlete to athlete. Point10 attain 用法详解 (1)vt.(通常指经过努力)获得,得到 Most of our students attained five “A” grades in their exams.我们多数学生的考试成绩是五个“A”。 (2)vt.达到(某年龄、水平、状态) After a year she had attained her ideal weight.一年后, 她达到了理想的体重。 经典例题 单句写作 (1)Still great efforts are needed before we can (达到我们的目标). (2) (为了获得知识), add things every day. Point11 assumption 用法详解 assumption n.假定,设想 We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.我们假定了每个人都会应邀出席并 正就此作出安排。 It was impossible to make assumptions about peoples reactions.臆断人们的反应是不可能的。 归纳拓展 相关词语积累: (1)assume vt.假定,设想 (2)assuming conj.假如 assuming (that)假如 Assuming (that) hes still alive, how old would he be now?假定他还活着,现在有多大年纪了? 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)We are working on the(assume) that it was a gas explosion. (2)Even (assume) this to be in principle possible, it will not be achieved soon. (3)It is generally (assume) that stress is caused by too much work. Point12 be comprised of 用法详解 be comprised of 包含;由组成 The committee is comprised of well-known mountaineers.委员会由知名的登山运动员组成。 经典例题 单句写作 These courses (将包含) readings, discussions, guest speakers and group design sessions. Point13 generate 用法详解 generate vt.产生, 创造 常见搭配: generate profit/income 产生利润/收益 generate excitement/interest 产生兴奋/引起兴趣 Tourism generates income for local communities.旅游业为当地社区创造了收益。 经典例题 单句写作 The book will (继续使人们为之激动) for a long time. Point14 depend 用法详解 depend v.视乎;决定于 I dont know if we can helpit all depends.我不知道我们能不能帮上忙,一切都得看情况而定。 depend on/upon sb./sth.依靠;信赖 depend on/upon it that指望 He was the sort of person you could depend on.他这个人你可以信赖。 He knew he could depend upon her to deal with the situation.他知道可以依靠她来应付这种局面。 You can depend on it that he will help you.你可以指望他来帮助你。 归纳拓展 (1)rely/count on it that指望 (2)see to it that确保 特别提醒 depend/rely/count on it that和 see to it that中的 it 做形式宾语,再跟 that 从句,it 指代后面的 that 从 句,且不能省略。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)I hope I can depend you not to back out at the last moment. (2)I tend to have a different answer, (depend) on the family. (3)We can depend on that he will arrive here on time. (4)Many adults still depend on their children (work) the video. (5)Can we depend on it you are able to do it well? Point15 deep down 用法详解 deep down (1)内心深处 We knew deep down that we could do it.在内心深处,我们知道自己能够做到。 (2)实际上 He is only a boy deep down.实际上他还是个孩子。 经典例题 单句写作 (在心底里), she supported her husbands involvement in the organization. Point16 succeed in 用法详解 succeed in (doing) sth.成功做某事 At last he succeeded in performing the task.最后他成功地执行了他的任务。 He is bound to succeed in his enterprise.他在事业上一定会成功。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)They wont succeed in (get) what they want. (2)He succeeded in (get) a place at art school. Point17 at home and abroad 用法详解 at home and abroad 国内外 She gives her frequent performances of her work, both at home and abroad. 她经常在国内外表演她的作品。 经典例题 单句写作 He was famous,both (国内外). Point18 advanced 用法详解 adj.(1)先进的 advanced technology 先进的科技 (2)高级的 There were only three of us on the advanced courses.只有我们三个人学高级课程。 (3)of advanced years/sb.s advanced age 高龄 Even at my advanced age I still know how to enjoy myself!我虽说年岁已高,也还懂得如何找乐儿! 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the (advance) technology. (2)The gentleman, despite his (advance) years, helped Kathryn back to her seat. Point19 dream up 用法详解 dream up 想出(尤指不同寻常的计划、主意) He was continually dreaming up new schemes to promote and enlarge the business.他不断想出新计划来促 进和扩大业务。 归纳拓展 dream of/about (doing)sth.梦想(做)某事 She dreamed of becoming a chef.她梦想成为一名厨师。 经典例题 单句写作 (1)I (想出了一个方案) to solve all problems at once. (2)He had finally accomplished his (梦想成为一名飞行员). Section Reading and Thinking 重点词汇讲解 Point1 conduct 用法详解 (1)vt.进行;实施;执行;安排 常见搭配: conduct a survey/an investigation 进行调查 We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food. 我们在进行一项顾客对有机食品态度的调查。 (2)vt.指挥 The orchestra is conducted by John Williams. 这只管弦乐队由约翰威廉斯指挥。 (3)vt.带领 On arrival, I was conducted to the commandants office.到达之后,我被带到了指挥所。 (4)vt.表现 常见搭配:conduct oneself 表现;为人 He conducted himself far better than expected.他表现得比预料的好得多。 (5)n.行为,举止 The sport has a strict code of conduct.这项运动有严格的行为规范。 经典例题 写出“conduct”在文中的意思 The (1)conduct of Martys fellow students changed when he entered high school.They (2)conducted themselves far better than expected because they accepted Marty.His classmates (3)conducted Marty around the campus and they enjoyed a concert (4)conducted by a famous musician.Whats more, they even (5)conducted a party for Martys coming. 参考答案 (1)行为 (2)表现 (3)带领 (4)指挥 (5)安排 Point2 fulfil 用法详解 (1)vt.实现,履行 Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream.游玩迪士尼乐园实现了儿时的梦想。 (2)vt.执行,符合 A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspects.一名好警察若是忽略这一重 要方面, 就是没有尽好自己的本分。 经典例题 单句写作 (1)All human desire, dreams and challenges (都得到了满足). (2)They were bound to (完成这项任务)even at the risk of their lives. 参考答案 (1)were completely fulfilled (2)fulfil the task Point3 devote 用法详解 devote vt.献身,致力,专心。常见搭配: devote ones life/oneself to(doing) sth.献身于/致力于(做)某事 devote ones time/energy/attention/.to(doing) sth.把某人的时间/精力/注意力/.用到(做)某事 “devoteto”中的 to 为介词,后跟名词、代词或 v.-ing 做宾语。 He devoted himself entirely to music.他全力倾注于音乐。 I could only devote two hours a day to working on the project.我每天只能花两个小时在这个项目上。 归纳拓展 相关词语积累: (1)devotion n.关爱;奉献,专心 (2)devoted adj.挚爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的 be devoted to(doing) sth.致力于(做)某事 be devoted to sb.深爱某人/对某人忠诚 I have been devoted to my career for many years.多年来,我一心扑在我的事业上。 They are devoted to their children.他们深爱着自己的孩子。 语境串记 Mrs White, a devoted friend of mine, devoted all her energy to her career.Her devotion to children made us vote for her; finally, she was promoted to headmistress.怀特夫人是我的一位忠诚的朋友,她把所有的精力 都献给了她的事业。她对孩子们的关爱使我们投票选了她,最终,她被提升为校长。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)If you want to be promoted, you must devote your attention your work. (2)For ten years, Nyad devoted herself to (become) one of the worlds best long-distance swimmers. (3)(devote) to scientific research wholeheartedly,he spends little time with his family. (4)The importance of this leadership skill is shown in the education (devote) to teaching it. (5)But my doubts did not shake my friends (devote) and he went on with the worship of his idol. 参考答案 (1)to (2)becoming (3)Devoted (4)devoted (5)devotion Point4 pursue 用法详解 (1)vt.追求,继续进行 She plans to pursue a career in politics.她计划从政。 (2)vt.追究某事 Janet did not dare to pursue the matter further.珍妮特不敢再进一步追查那件事。 (3)vt.紧随其后;追捕 Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.布里格斯跑过农田,一名警察正在追捕他。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)The woman who is brave enough(pursue) her own path must prepare herself for a rough ride. (2)He has set his heart on (pursue) his studies abroad. (3)The police (pursue) after the criminals when Jack chatted with his friends. 参考答案 (1)to pursue(2)pursuing (3)were pursuing Point5 solution 用法详解 solution n.解决办法 常见搭配: a/the solution to(对问题或困难局面的)解决办法 There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation.人口过多问题没有简单的解决方法。 归纳拓展 solve vt. 解答 Charlie thinks money will solve all his problems.查理认为钱能解决他所有的问题。 More than 70% of murder cases were solved last year.去年有 70%以上的谋杀案被侦破。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)The solution the problem required many hours. (2)I had already taken steps to speed up a (solve) to the problem. (3)The jury is still out on what kind of (solution) we might undertake. 参考答案 (1)to(2)solution (3)solutions Point6 boost 用法详解 (1)vt.促进,推动,使兴旺 The new resort area has boosted tourism.新的度假区促进了旅游业的发展。 (2)n.激励,鼓舞 a major boost to the economy 对经济的大力推动 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)Despite recent efforts (boost) the number and quality of its universities, it doesnt work well. (2)Why must you knock your hometown instead of (boost) it? 参考答案 (1)to boost(2)boosting Point7 yield 用法详解 (1)vt.(庄稼/利润等)产生/产出 Each of these oilfields could yield billions of barrels of oil.这些油田每一座都能开采出数十亿桶原油。 (2)vt.屈服;让步 常见搭配: yield to sth./sb.屈服于某物/某人 He reluctantly yielded to their demands.他不情愿地屈从于他们的要求。 (3)n.产量;利润 a high crop yield 作物丰收 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)Im leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield a younger man. (2)Will she yield to (grow) pressure for her to retire? (3)These high (yield) have been achieved largely through better methods of cultivation. 参考答案 (1)to(2)growing(3)yields Point8 convince 用法详解 (1)vt.使信服;使确信 convince sb./oneself of sth.使某人/某人自己相信/确信 convince that 确信/相信 Youll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.你需要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。 Id convinced myself that I was right.我确信自己是正确的。 (2)vt.说服 convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事 Ive been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。 归纳拓展 相关词语积累: convinced adj.坚信;深信 be convinced of sth./that某人坚信 I am convinced of her innocence./I am convinced that she is innocent. 我坚信她是清白无辜的。 convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的 常见搭配:a convincing argument/explanation/case 有说服力的论点/解释/事例 She sounded very convincing to me.我觉得她的话很有说服力。 经典例题 单句语法填空 (1)I have (convince) that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television. (2)There is (convince) evidence of a link
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(2019版)人教版选择性必修第一册英语第五单元Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking知识点讲义 学生版+解析版 人教版 选择性 必修 一册 英语 第五 单元 section reading
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