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1 / 10 课本同步任务阅读课本同步任务阅读 10 篇篇 Unit1 People of Achievement 第一篇第一篇 I work as a meteorologist(气象学家) in Tampa, Florida. Its my job to follow hurricanes(飓风) and provide information about them to scientists. I was working for the National Meteorological Office in Bracknell, near London, in the autumn of 1995, and I saw a documentary called Stormchasers with family. 1._ Two months later I came across an ad for a meteorologist to work in Florida. I was interviewed over the phone, moved to the US, and started to work here in Tampa in May 1996. 2. _ I have been all over the world hunting hurricanes. Its exciting to end up in different cities and different countries day after day. If you are a meteorologist, you have to love flying. I also love working with top scientists. 3. _ For me, its like a classroom in the sky. People often ask me what an average day is like. In fact, theres no such thing as an average day in my job! 4. _ We often take off at a moments notice to hunt storms. Next, I would like to join a space program and be the first meteorologist in space. 5. _ There arent any hurricanes! If you also want to be a meteorologist, study math and science and get a degree in meteorology. I have taken the hurricane hunter path, but you could do research. A. I have learned so much from them. B. What I like most about my job is the travel. C. Its a wonderful job and the pay is pretty good. D. It all depends on the weather, and you cant control that. E. However, I havent come up with an experiment to do in space yet. F. Because of the job, Im away from my family who all live in the UK. G. It was about hurricane hunters and I thought, Wow, thats an interesting job! GBADE 第二篇第二篇 2 / 10 What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Truth be told, no one has the right to judge you. People cant feel what you are going through;they arent living YOUR life. So forget what they say about you, 1. _ Follow your own unique path and work on your goals, Every new day is a chance to change your life. Work hard for what you believe, and remember realistic goals are the key to success, People know success is directly connected with daily action. 2. _ Adjust your goals and dreams as life changes. A great deal of pain in life comes from having a specific dream that youve fallen in love with, and when it doesnt work out exactly as planned, you become angry that you now have to pursue a different path,3. _, but it provides plenty of opportunities to make dreams come true, just dont forget that sometimes taking a positive step forward requires you to slightly adjust your dreams, or plan new ones. 4. _. When you are feeling down or dealing with failure, dont be ashamed. Theres nothing to be ashamed of. You are going through a difficult time, and you are still pushing forward. Thats something to be proud of. Let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday, and you will keep your head high and keep on smiling.5. _The only time you run out of chances is when you stop taking them. Dont cry over the past, but cry to get over the past. Dont smile to hide the pain, but smile to heal the pain. Dont think of all the sadness in the world, but think of all the beauty that still remains around you. A. Life is unpredictable. B. Fight through your failures. C. Focus on how you feel about yourself. D. Every day of your life is a page of your history. E. Doing small things brings them closer to their dreams. CEABD Unit2 Looking into the Future 第一篇第一篇 Are great readers born or are they made? Obviously, children dont enter the world knowing how to understand a text or make a prediction. 1._Here are some tips for making children great readers by habit. 2. _The most critical moment in reading instruction is when children get something wrong. If the 3 / 10 child continues practicing the skill incorrectly, he or she will build weaker habits. Intervene(干预)with a targeted question, such as “How does this part of the text help you understand this character?” Doing so can prevent poor habits from taking root and build great ones in their place. Build habits at the moment of writing. Just like adults, children use writing to gather their thoughts about a text and communicate their ideas to others. 3._ For example, children can first have a discussion about what theyre reading by answering a focus question in writing: “What is the author trying to teach us in this story?”4. _By doing this, you can get a better understanding of what guidance the children will need during the discussion. Build habits at the moment of reading. Independent reading time is important for any reading program, Its a chance for children to put together everything theyve learnt in reading lessons and fly using their own wings.5 ._So providing a rich class library and letting children know that they are expected to read for the entire period will ensure their success as lifelong independent readers. A. Build habits at the moment of error. B. Make sure children fall in love with reading. C. Then, you can review their written responses. D. They grow into great readers by learning great habits. E. But it only works if they really do spend that time reading. F. Specific lines or phrases from the text help to reveal that information. G. Therefore, you can develop their writing and reading skills at the same time. DAGCE 第二篇第二篇 As spring comes to half the world, many people can enjoy the new growth that comes with warmer weather. This is a great time to get outside and get dirty! 1. _ This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables. Moreover, it also gives us many health benefits. Gardening reduces loneliness. It connects people. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. 2. _ Gardeners usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens. 4 / 10 Gardening is a great activity to do with children. It gets them outdoors and off computers, televisions and other electronics. 3. _ Gardening can teach a child about where food comes from and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the limits of natural resources. 4. _ This means you are getting vitamin D which helps your bodies take in calcium(钙). That is necessary to keep bones strong. When you garden you must move around. All the different movements needed for gardening-bending, stretching and lifting-work small muscles in the body. Gardening may help your brain stay young. In one study, researchers found that gardening could lower the risk of future dementia(痴呆) by 36 percent. 5. _A flower and herb garden can help feed bees and butterflies. Growing herbs and flowers connects you to nature are pleases all of your senses. A. Vitamin D also helps us fight diseases. B. Children can learn about nature and wildlife. C. Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. D. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbors. E. Some people may not have the resources to have their own garden. F. When you are in your garden, you might feel the sunshine on your skin. G. Gardening can also give you the feeling that you have done something good. CDBFG Unit3 Fascinating Parks 第一篇第一篇 Why do people travel? There are many reasons one can think of when asked questions like this. To travel far enough to meet yourself Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. 1. _ You find out your abilities. When you are offered a different lifestyle, you can find out what you are made of. The farther you go from your home, the nearer you come to your true self. 2. _ If you look back at all the amazing memories of your life, you will realize that most of them were out of your comfort zone. Travelling is dangerous, full of life-threatening possibilities and will not always be comfortable, but at the same time, it gives irreplaceable memories. To slow down and relax 5 / 10 A wise man once said that never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. Money is worth nothing if you cannot spend it on a little adventure. While we are deeply involved in making money, we forget that time is going through our fingers. 3. _ The feeling of being away from your workplace is pure happiness. The feeling of not having to worry about the never ending piles of files is pure joy. 4. _ To celebrate life Life is short and the world is wide. One day you might wake up and realize that you dont have time to do everything that you have always wanted to do, anymore. Once in a while, make time to appreciate the fact that you are alive, young, free and healthy. 5. _ A. To become a storyteller. B. Travelling lets you discover yourself. C. To break through your comfort zone. D. So, go travelling to celebrate life itself. E. You can relate to the world and connect to others. F. And the feeling of being away from your boss for a few days is pure pleasure. G. Escape life for a little while because experience is far more valuable than money. BCGFD 第二篇第二篇 Living in a new country means experiencing a different way of life1. _. The cultures of all countries are unique, which means that people who have grown up in different places will have different ways of behaving, different ways of thinking about things and different ways of expressing themselves. Before you travel, it is useful to think about culture and the things that are affected by it 2. _ Culture is the values, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs shared by a group of people 3. _ We learn about the culture of our own society in a very natural way as we grow up-we learn through “dos” and “donts” about how we treat people, how we behave and what we believe in as children. 4. _You can see some parts of an iceberg-just like you can see some parts of a countrys culture when you visit it. For example, you can see different ways of greeting people, hear different languages and observe different festivals and customs. However, a much bigger part of every iceberg is hidden under water. Even though this part of the iceberg is hard to see, it is very important -without it, the iceberg would not 6 / 10 exist. The same is true of culture. There are many aspects of it which you cannot see when you visit a different country, for example the nature of friendship and the importance of time. 5. _ It will take a long time to understand those values and beliefs because you have to work them out, but it is probably the most interesting part of any time you spend abroad. A. Culture is like an iceberg. B. Different people have different cultures. C. Doing so will help you prepare for living in a new country. D. Some people like to travel to new countries and settle down. E. The aspects of culture you can see are based on those values and beliefs that you cannot see. F. This means that culture is like a kind of glue (胶水)that holds society together. G. This is very exciting and interesting, but it can also be a little challenging at times. GCFAE Unit4 Body Language 第一篇第一篇 Finding motivation (动机), especially study motivation, is not always easy. 1. _ Here are some ways of doing it. Offer yourself encouragement. Yes, you should give yourself a prize or some kind of reward when youve done a task. 2. _ Remember, you have to know the exact conditions that you need to meet in order to receive the wonderful cake. 3. _ You need to feel confident about your studies. I am sure all of us have succeeded on several occasions. Remember these past successes and you will feel more motivated to continue! Write down your goals. Dont just think about them, dont just say them, write them down! 4. _ And thats why you find salesmen always want you to write something down before you actually buy something. By writing your name down, you are in a sense giving your support for their cause. If then you are asked to buy what they are selling, you are more likely to do that than if you hadnt signed the paper! See your goals. 7 / 10 5. _ Put them up on the wall and paste (粘贴) small post-it notes all over the place. You have to keep on reminding yourself of the purpose behind your studies and what type of results youre expecting to achieve. A. Remember past successes. B. The written word is very powerful. C. Dont forget about buying yourself a gift. D. Dont just write them down and leave them like that. E. Moreover, talking about your goals with others helps a lot. F. However, with a little effort we can learn how to increase our motivation. G. It could be something as simple as sweets or something greater like a vacation. FGABD 第二篇第二篇 Body language is a form of communication without using words. 1. _ This means that the person using body language is not fully aware that they are using it. Some psychologists say that body language actually communicates more information than using words. 2. _ Human beings seem to know about other people by nature through their body language even when they speak a different verbal language. It is likely that in human prehistory, body language was an important survival skill that helped us to display and tell the difference between threats and safety. Body language can communicate negative emotions. When a listener crosses their arms against their chest, it can mean disagreement with the speaker. This can also be indicated when a listener leans(倾斜) away from the speaker. 3. _ It can also mean disbelief. Positive feelings are often shown through facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures. 4. _ When a person looks in another persons eyes and then down at their lips, it usually means they have romantic(浪 漫) feelings for the speaker. Standing or sitting straight with good gesture shows that a listener is taking the persons speech seriously. 5. _ When a person is lying, they tend to touch their face during the conversation. They may also blink(眨眼) too much or not blink at all. Body language can reveal a lot about people but its important to 8 / 10 remember that everyones body language is a little different, so learning to properly read information through body language can be helpful in interpersonal communication. A. Lots of body language is actually unconscious. B. Body language includes the use of gestures and eye movements. C. Body language can even reveal when a persons being dishonest. D. A lack of eye contact can show a person is anxious or uncomfortable. E. Smiling is obviously a universal sign of friendliness and appreciation. F. People can practice body language to improve their ability to communicate. G. Being able to read body language means being able to understand what a person thinks. AGDEC Unit5 Working the land 第一篇第一篇 Every new person added to the planet needs food, water, clothes, and so on. 1. _.Those things require extra natural resources, including land and water. But Earths riches are limited. Less than 1 percent of Earths water can be used for drinking and washing. One out of every thirteen people around the world does not always have enough clean water.2. _. Too many peo
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