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    • 第一次月考英语试题(含听力音频+听力原文+答案)
      • 2021-2022学年高一上学期第一次月考英语(含听力)
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听力原文 Text 1 W: Welcome to Montanas Steakhouse. How are you doing today? M: Im doing well, thank you. Ill have the New York Steak with a side salad instead of a baked potato, and a large Coke, please. (1) W: Coming right up, sir. Text 2 W: Okay, I decided something. I want to be an actress. (2) I just love to tell stories and make people happy. M: Youre right about that. You have such a fun and lively attitude, and people listen to you. Youll be a great actress! Text 3 M: Would you be unhappy if I left early tonight? I have a bad headache, and I have a job interview tomorrow. W: Oh, not at all. Id be stressed out if I were you. Dont worry about it. (3) M: Thanks. Enjoy your party. Text 4 M: You look more beautiful in this white skirt than that yellow one. W: Thank you. I like the white one better. But how much will you charge me? M: It costs $100, but Id like to take off 30%, and thats it. (4) Text 5 W: Tom, what are you doing in your room? Playing computer games? Dont you forget your promise? M: Oh, no. This is not a real game. It only helps me remember new words. (5) Text 6 M: Good morning! W: Good morning, Gavin. Did you sleep well last night? M: I fell asleep right away last night. I didnt wake up once, and I didnt have any bad dreams. W: Thats great news! But you still look worried. (6) Why? M: Just one more thing. A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend. I dont know what to do. W: Do you have any other plans this weekend? (7) M: Im supposed to work on a paper thats due on Monday. (7) W: Try not to take on more than you can handle. M: Youre right. I probably should just work on my paper. (7) Thanks! Text 7 W: Tom, we are going on a fishing trip next week for six days. Do you think you could keep an eye on the house and feed the dog while were gone? (8) M: Of course, Lisa! (9) I owe you one for that time last year when I went hunting. W: It was a pleasure! I love your puppy. She gets along with Sparky so well! (9) M: What are you all fishing for down there? W: Im not sure. But Jim really wants to catch a big fish. It has been a goal of his since his dad taught him how to fish in the deep ocean when he was 13. (10) M: I learned how to catch fish from watching a TV show called Bait and Rods. You should tell Jim to check it out before you guys leave. W: Sounds interesting. Ill let him know. Text 8 W: I had no idea the countryside was so noisy. (11) M: Its usually very quiet in the North Carolina Mountains, Kathy. But this is the year of our seventeen-year bird calls. W: You mean its only noisy right now, for me? And it wont be like this again until 2034? M: Well, its not all summer long. They just come out when the weather gets cool, usually after a big storm. Theyll be quiet after four or five weeks. (12) W: Where do they go for the next seventeen years? M: Oh, they live near the mountains for most of their lives. They just come down here to sing and do their special dances. W: It sounds like theyre in the sky. M: Well, theyre in the trees, mostly. W: This is terrible. Now I dont want to walk under any of the trees in this forest. There is probably bird waste everywhere. M: So, you dont have these in the city? I thought I heard them when I went to Atlanta, Georgia. W: Ive never heard anything like this before. California might not have them. (13) M: Maybe theyre just in the east Text 5 M: Did you catch the mouse yet? I know you wanted to get rid of it before your mom comes to stay with you. W: I didnt. Two weeks of planning, and nothing. My mom always wants the house to be clean. I dont want her to know I had a mouse here. (14) She would be so uncomfortable. M: Well, the traps usually work if you put peanut butter in them. You can take the mouse out to a field and let it go. W: I bought some of those and tried the peanut butter, but it didnt really work. The mouse sure did love that peanut butter, though. M: Well, how about a trap that has glue on it? (15) You could still let it go later. W: I tried that, too, but I think this is a very small mouse. (16) It didnt weigh enough to get stuck. M: What are you going to do? W: Well, I have one day to catch it. If not, Ill have to think of a story to tell mom. Shes only here for seven days. Maybe I can start talking about how I lost my little pet mouse. Text 10 Happy Laba Festival! The Laba Festival is celebrated on the 8th day of the last month of the old Chinese calendar. This day is marked by eating a special porridge. At the oldest temple in Beijing, free Laba porridge is handed out. Although the weather is very cold, crowds of people have come here to try it. (17) The two most important traditions associated with the Laba Festival are praying for personal well-being and eating Laba porridge. (18) The Laba Festival reminds people that Chinese New Year is just around the corner. The traditional recipe is a mix of 8 things like rice, red beans, and nuts. (19) It takes about 8 hours to make. But the porridge in the temple here has many more, including fruit, seeds, and black beans. (17) Porridge used to be handed out to the poor during other periods in Chinese history. Though most people today are here for the experience, the act of sharing is still a powerful symbol of charity. (20) In ancient China, Chinese people offered gifts to their dead loved ones during the last month of the old calendar. This rich history is an important reason the tradition has been preserved in modern-day China. Stanley Lee, Text 5 CCTV Text 5 2021-2022 学年度第一学期质量评估 高一英语 本试卷分为第 1 卷(选择题)和第 11 卷(非选择题)两部分,满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。所有答案均写在 答题纸上。 第 1 卷(选择题,共 95 分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段 对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man order? A. A small soda. B.A baked potato. C.A salad. 2.What does the woman tell the man about? A.Her future career. B.A famous actress. C.Some funny stories. 3.How does the woman feel? A. Unhappy. B.Stressed out. C.Understanding. 4. How much will the woman probably pay for the skirt? A.$30. B.$70. C.$100. 5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C.Mother and son. 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选 项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。 每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6.How does the man seem to the woman? A.Relaxed. B.Anxious. C.Confident. 7. What is the man planning to do this weekend in the end? A.Write his paper. B.Teach a few classes C. Have a good nights sleep. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Go on a fishing trip. B. Go hunting with her.C.Watch the house and feed the pet. 9.What might Sparky be? A. Toms dog. B. Lisas dog. C.Jims cat. 10.How did Jim learn to fish? A. From his father. B.From a TV show. C.By teaching himself. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11.What is the woman surprised by? A. The noise in the countryside. B.The cool weather in summer. C. The unclean appearance of the forest. 12. When will the birds quiet down? A. In seventeen days. B. In a month or so. C.In four months. 13.Where does the woman come from? A.North Carolina. B.Georgia. C.California. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 14. What does the woman want to prepare for her mother? A.A clean house. B.Some nice food. C. A comfortable chair. 15.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Offer the mouse cheese. B. Put glue on a mouse trap. C.Go to a field to find a mouse. 16. What kind of mouse does the woman think is in her house? A. A friendly one. B.A fat one. C.A small one. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. Where does the talk probably take place? A. In a grocery store. B. In a restaurant. C. In a temple. 18. What happens during the festival besides eating porridge? A. Praying for good health. B. Giving presents to family members. C.Donating money to the poor. 19. What is in traditional Laba porridge? A.Fruit. B.Nuts. C.Seeds. 20.According to the speaker,what are most people there to do? A. Enjoy the experience. B.Feel the joy of charity. C.Learn about local history. 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Most people above 16 years old have a strong wish that they should drive on the road by themselves. Thus, getting a license is an exciting time in their life. Ultimate Drivers is there to help your teen learn the rules of the road and gain important driving experience. What We Offer Ultimate Drivers program will help students prepare for their road test and give them the skills they need to become lifelong safe and defensive drivers. The beginner program offers 20 hours of in-class training, 12 hours of homework assignments and 8 hours of in-car training. Each in-class training lasts 120 minutes and each one-on-one in-car training 80 minutes. Whats more, students can be picked up for free from home,work or school. What You Need Know Students can complete the classroom part of the course in just two weekends or if it better suits their schedules, they can take it during the evenings on weekdays.There are also classes offered during the holiday break. Students can start taking the classroom part of the driving training without the G1 license, but do need it by the time theyre ready to start the in-car driving lessons. What Extra Benefits Are The beginner drivers can gain much through the program. After that theyll receive student testimonials(证明书)。 The testimonials show teenagers who have taken the course feel more confident in their abilities and many believe they couldnt have passed the road test without it. Sign up before April 5th, and students can get an insurance discount(保险折扣)! 21. How many times does the program offer in-class training? A.20. B.12. C.10. D.8. 22.What do students need to do to have in-car driving lessons? A. Get the G1 license. B. Finish the classroom part. C. Sign up before April 5th. D.Receive a student testimonial. 23.What type of writing is the text? A.A review. B.An advertisement. C.A guide. D.An announcement. B When a person in the United States gets the COVID-19 vaccine(疫苗),the person receives a small piece of paper called a“COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card”。 It is a piece of paper with the logo of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC,and the name and date of the vaccine. Because it is so simple, it could be easy to fake(假冒)。 Many people in the U.S. are still unsure about getting the vaccine. As universities,workplaces and other places are requiring proof of vaccination, some people are now buying fake vaccination cards without getting a shot. The Associated Press reports that students and teachers at universities around the U.S.are worried about fake cards. Sellers are using social media apps like Instagram to advertise fake vaccination cards. The prices range from $25 to $200.The AP notes that many college students seem interested in buying the.cards.On the site Reddit,one person-wrote,I need one,too,for college.I refuse to.be-a guinea pig. It is reported that more than 700 universities and colleges require proof of vaccination.Most schools simply ask their students to take a photo of their card and send it to a school website.Benjamin Mason Meier is a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, UNC.He studies international health policy. He said, unlike some countries, the U.S. is not using a digital system to record vaccine status.He said the U.S. is depending on “a flimsy paper card”, and students have told him they knew of others who had used fake vaccination cards. Rebecca Williams also works at UNC. She is a researcher at the schools Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. She said she was not surprised that people were worried about fake vaccination cards. “This is why I think the development of a reliable national digital vaccine passport app is very important,” she said. There is a law that should prevent people from making false vaccination cards. If someone uses the CDC logo without permission, they can be fined and punished by up to five years in prison. The U.S. Department of Justice recently charged a person in California with making fake vaccination cards. College students who already have the vaccine are criticizing those who would rather spend money to buy a fake than get a free shot. Maliha Reza is an electrical engineering student at Pennsylvania State University. She called those students “dumb”。 “Im angry about that,” she said. “Like,there is more anger than I could describe now.” 24. Why do some college students buy fake vaccination cards? A. They are easy to get. B. Many Americans are still uncertain about getting the vaccine. C. Students have an interest in the fake vaccination cards. D. To get a vaccine shot is expensive. 25.Which of the following measures can NOT be used to stop the fake cards? A. Having a law that should prevent people from making false vaccination cards B. Developing a reliable national digital vaccine passport app. C. Using a digital system to record vaccine status. D. Having all the students take a photo of their vaccination card and send it to the school website 26. What does the underlined word “flimsy” probably mean? A.Weak. B. Effective. C.Detailed. D.Professional. 27.What might be the writing purpose for the news report? A. To promote a digital system to record the vaccination shots. B. To explain why the U.S. should prevent making the fake vaccination cards. C. The stress the influence of the COVID-19 vaccination. D.To reduce the U.S. university leaders worry about fake vaccination cards. C The secrets of dreaming are always interesting psychologists. It is known in the field that dreams People have during this time between childhood and full adulthood, thats around 30, are the strongest and most influential. Yet not enough is known about the repeated patterns of dreaming. Researchers are still trying to answer a basic question: How does dreaming relate to the life experiences and developmental challenges? G.William Domhoff and Adam Schneider, at the University of California, help to answer this question by examining the lengthy dream series of two individuals, “Izzy” and “Jasmine”。 Izzy provided a collection of 4,329 dream reports from between the ages of 12 and 25, while Jasmine provided 664 dreams recorded between the ages of 14 and 25. Large collections of dreams like these pose challenges to researchers. Until recently, the-means of studying dream series was to employ a team of recorders who take the time to.eode each dream for a predetermined(预先确定的) number of content categories, and then compare their results. Nowadays, digital technologies enable the analysis of language usage in dreams with high speed, accuracy, and objectivity. This marks a revolutionary advance in the science of dreaming. However, it can only lead so far. To gain more specific and detailed insights, Domhoff and Schneider used word strings(词串)for each dreamer, mixing elements of
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