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类型五年级上册Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag -Lesson 30-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-人教(精通)版(配套课件编号:80606).docx

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    关 键  词:
    人教版精通版三年级起点五年级上册Unit Is this your schoolbag _Lesson 30_教案、教学设计_市级公开课_人教(精通)版配套课件编号:80606 人教版 精通 三年级 下载 _五年级上册_人教精通版(三起;2024)_英语_小学

    1、人教(精通)人教(精通)20112011 课标版五年级上册课标版五年级上册 课题课题:Lesson30 教学设计教学设计 课题课题 Lesson 30 教材分析教材分析 本课书是人教版精通英语五年级上册第五单元第三十课,本课以出游为情境,围绕失物 招领的主题,重点句型为 Whose.is this? Its.s. 本课书是本单元的最后一课,起到了总结 提升的作用。本课利用多媒体课件,直观、形象的教授,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的 参与积极性。通过师生之间、生生之间的游戏活动,引导学生能够运用目标语言在真实语境 中进行交际 学情分析学情分析 五年级的学生对英语有较浓的爱好,也有一定的英语基础。

    2、学生大都是十一、十二岁左 右,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛等特别感兴趣。然而这个阶段学生的 英语实际应用能力是非常有限的, 教师要通过各种有趣的活动帮助学生将枯燥的语言变得生 动而又易于记忆,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获取知识,形成能力。 教学目标教学目标 1 1、知识目标:、知识目标:通过情境学习,学生在真实语境中自然习得词汇 sun cap, umbrella, fan, camera,能够听说读写句子 Whose.is this? Its. 进行表述,学会、理解并运用。 2 2、能力目标:、能力目标:学生在与教师的交流中进行表述与问答,将新旧知识点有效衔接,达到综合 运用

    3、语言的能力。并在教学中培养学生自主学习的能力和利用工具探求新知识的能力。 3 3、情感态度与价值观目标:、情感态度与价值观目标:通过学习,个人的发挥与小组合作活动的开展,让学生学会主 动参与、交流,与他人合作,培养学生的创新意识和相互协作意识。教学中通过一系列的活 动使学生开拓视野,情感得到升华。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点:学习并操练单词和问答句型,理解与把握对话内容。 教学难点:教学难点:让学生初步认识、理解和尝试在实际语境中交流运用。 教具准备教具准备 PPT 课件、IPAD、图片、失物招领练习、奖章 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生行为预设学生行

    4、为设计意图设计意图 I Warming up 1.Greetings 2.Lets chant 3.Play a game 4.Appreciation and perception II. Presentation The teacher will greet with the students. T:Letsclapand sing together. T: Lets say the words quickly. Now, every group has a plate. There are many medals on it. Whoever answerstheright questi

    5、on gets a medal. Lets have a race. Who gets the most medal. Are you clear? Teacher show the travel photos. T:These are my travel photos.Arethey beautiful?Ilike traveling. Do you like traveling too? T: OK. This lesson, lets go on a trip. Lets go. T: Our old friend wants The students will greet with t

    6、he teacher. The students sing the chant together. In windy winter weather, Whowearsawarm sweater?Inwindy winter weather, Whose sweater is warmer? Thestudentsseethe words, and then they should say it quickly and loudly. Thestudentsshould answer Yes. Thestudentsseethe photos and they should say Yes, I

    7、 do. The students should say Go, go, go with a smile. Thestudentsshould 师生问好之后,通过 一首朗朗上口的歌谣 激发学生的学习兴 趣,将学生引入本课 英语情境学习,营造 轻松、活泼的课堂气 氛。 游戏中的单词都是本 课学习过程中需要涉 及到的,为本课的学 习做好铺垫。 用真实的奖章作为本 节课的评价工具,极 大的调动了学生积极 参与课堂活动的积极 性。 引入老师自己旅游的 照片,激发了学生的 浓厚兴趣,让学生自 然而然的愿意跟着老 师一起去旅行,从而 进入今天的教学内 容。 1.Learn sun cap (use the

    8、 iPad) to go. Lets have a look, who is coming? Lets say Hello to him. T: Lets go to the beach. Oh, how beautiful! T:Now,listen,what voice? T: The wind is blowing. In windy weather, what will they need? Show the pictures sun cap. Showtheanother picture and lets chant. T: So many beautiful sun caps, L

    9、ets chant. T: Do you know what else caps do we have in our life? Every group findsoutwithyour iPad, and then report. T:The81Army emblem on their caps issymbolofthe country.Itsvery solemn. Showthesentences Whose sun cap is this? Its Peters sun cap. Show another picture suncap,letthe answerItisPeter.

    10、Hello, Peter. Thestudentsshould answer sweater, coat, sun cap. The students read it. Thestudentsshould chant with the music. Everygroupshould stand up and say chant. The students should find a straw hat, a Christmas hat, a safety helmet, a soldiers cap. Learn the sentences. S:Whose sun cap is this?

    11、Is this .s sun cap? No, it isnt .s sun cap. Its Wang Jiayues sun cap. 有朋友跟着我们一起 去旅行,更加加强了 孩子的学习兴趣,都 想知道是谁,让学生 能够主动进入语境。 学生通过朗朗上口的 歌谣, 既熟记了单词, 也活跃了课堂气氛, 让学生能够变被动为 主动,积极参与到课 堂活动中来。 学生利用 iPad 自己 找寻答案,激发了学 生主动学习的积极 性,同时,通过小组 合作共同学习,让学 生学会主动参与、交 流,培养学生的创新 意识和相互协作意 识。 通过不同竞猜方式呈 现本课新授单词和句 型,通过眼、口、耳、 2.Lear

    12、n umbrella studentsguess. Whosesuncapis this? T: Listen! What voice? Its thunder, Its going torain.Inrainy weather, what will they need? Showthewords picture umbrella. T:mum,um pronounce /m/ red, re pronounce/re/ cola,lapronounce /l/ Show the picture. T:Tellme,what umbrella is this? What color is it

    13、? Do you like it? Showthepicture umbrella,letthe studentsguess. Whoseumbrellais this? T: In rainy weather, whenweusethe umbrella, we must pay attention to be safe. Thestudentsshould answer raincoat, boots, umbrella. Thestudentsshould spell the word and read it. Thestudentsshould answerItsLisas umbre

    14、lla. Its red. S:Whoseumbrellais this?Isthis.s umbrella?No,Its Conans umbrella. The students must pay attention to be safe. Thestudentsshould answer vest, T-shirt. fan. 脑等多种感官,调动 学生学习的积极性, 扎实掌握本课的重点 内容。 学生通过字母在其他 单词的发音,自己拼 出新单词的发音,锻 炼了学生自己的拼读 能力,也让学生体会 到了主动习得知识的 乐趣。 教学过程中渗透安全 教育,告诉学生在使 用雨伞的时候一定注 意安全。

    15、教师在教学 本课知识的同时,关 注每个学生的情感教 育, 让学生学会尊重、 关爱同学的生命安 全。 3.Learn fan Show the video (use the iPad) 4.Learn camera T:Look!Thesunis comingup.Itsvery hot.Inhotweather, what will they need? Show the word picture fan. T: How to say this word, lets see. Show the video. T:Doyouknowany other fans? Let find out. T:

    16、Do you know Zhuge Liang? The teacher introduce Zhuge Liang. Show the picture fan, let the students guess. Whose fan is this? T: Peter and his friends have a good time on the beach. They want toleaveabeautiful moment.Whatwill they need? T:Howtosaythis word? cap, a pronounce / / farmer,er pronounce/ C

    17、hina, a pronounce / Thestudentsshould read this word. Thestudentsshould find a stars fan, a big fan, a Japanese dancing fan, a feather fan. S:Whose fan is this? Is this .s fan? No, Its Mr Luans fan. Thestudentsshould guess camera The students should say iPad, cell phone 用不同的方式教学单 词,学生不会感到学 习的枯燥,大大的提

    18、 高了学生的学习兴 趣。 在掌握本课知识的同 时,引入了日本的扇 子,体现了跨文化知 识的了解,加深了学 生对重点知识的理 解。 让学生通过已经学习 过的内容自己习得新 知,让学生体验到了 成功的乐趣,并且加 深了学生对重点知识 的理解,学习效果明 显。 III Practice 1.Game consolidation 2. Make up a new dialogue. T:Who can tell me what elsecanwetake picturesbesides camera? T: Now, we are always take selfish on our cell pho

    19、nes. We can take manybeautiful moments. T: Miss Wang take a picture for you. T:Ifwelost something,what should we do? T:I heard theres a lost and found box in our class, Look! I take it. Letsguess,whose things are these? Lets look for their owners. T: You find your lost things, But Peter and hisfrien

    20、dslost something.What happenedtothem? Lets make a dialogue. Its six oclock. Its time to go home. Lets listen, whatarethey speaking? T:Letsanswerthe questions. Thestudentsshould make a pose. The students should say Gotothelostand found. Thestudentspractice using the sentences. Thestudentsshould make

    21、up a new dialogue in groups. Thestudentsshould answertheright questions. The student should read the right questions. Thestudentsshould finishthehomework 老师用手机给同学们 拍照,会提高学生的 主动参与性,让学生 能够变被动学习为主 动学习, 课堂效果好。 联系实际, 通过游戏, 进一步巩固本课所学 重点知识。 学生通过小组活动, 自己创设情境利用所 学重点句型创编对 话,达到了综合运用 语言能力的目的。学 生从学习到表演,把 课本知识再次深化、 升华。 3.Listen and answer Fill the blanks IV. Homework T: Lets fill the blanks. 1.Finish the exercise of Lesson 30. 2. Plan a meaningful vacation trip and you ll pack. carefully 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 30 sun cap Whoseumbrellais this? fan camera Its.

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    本文标题:五年级上册Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag -Lesson 30-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-人教(精通)版(配套课件编号:80606).docx

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