五年级上册Unit 6 It's a grapefruit.-Lesson 36-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-部级公开课-人教(精通)版(编号:c0ada).zip


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Lesson36Lesson36 Do you like ? Do you like ? Do you like ? Yes, I like them all. Do you like ? Do you like ? Do you like ? Yes, I like them all. lemonlemonlemonlemon pearpearpearpears s s s grapegrapegrapegrapes s s s grapefruitgrapefruitgrapefruitgrapefruit kiwi fruitkiwi fruitkiwi fruitkiwi fruit star fruitstar fruitstar fruitstar fruit dragon fruitdragon fruitdragon fruitdragon fruit appleappleappleapple bananabananabananabananas s s s mangomangomangomangoe e e es s s s orangeorangeorangeoranges s s s peachpeachpeachpeacheseseses coconutcoconutcoconutcoconuts s s s hamihamihamihami melon melon melon melons s s s strawberrystrawberrystrawberrystrawberry cherrycherrycherrycherry longlonglonglonganananan longanlonganlonganlongans s s s fresh fresh fresh fresh longanlonganlonganlongandried dried dried dried longanlonganlonganlongan dried dried dried dried longanlonganlonganlongan 一一 骑骑 红红 尘尘 妃妃 子子 笑笑 一一 骑骑 红红 尘尘 妃妃 子子 笑笑 , 长长 安安 回回 望望 绣绣 成成 堆堆 , 山山 顶顶 千千 门门 次次 第第 开开 。 无无 人人 知知 是是 荔荔 枝枝 来来 。 ly ly ly ly cheecheecheechee lycheelycheelycheelychees s s s I want some . I want some . I want some . I want some . Can/May I have some Can/May I have some Can/May I have some Can/May I have some ? Can Can Can Can you give/pass me some ?you give/pass me some ?you give/pass me some ?you give/pass me some ? Can I taste some ?Can I taste some ?Can I taste some ?Can I taste some ? What are these/those?What are these/those?What are these/those?What are these/those? Theyre .Theyre .Theyre .Theyre . avocadoavocadoavocadoavocado From: MexicoFrom: MexicoFrom: MexicoFrom: Mexico (墨西哥)(墨西哥)(墨西哥)(墨西哥) the “chocolate” of fruitthe “chocolate” of fruitthe “chocolate” of fruitthe “chocolate” of fruit rambutanrambutanrambutanrambutan From: MalaysiaFrom: MalaysiaFrom: MalaysiaFrom: Malaysia (马来西亚)(马来西亚)(马来西亚)(马来西亚) duriandurianduriandurian From: MalaysiaFrom: MalaysiaFrom: MalaysiaFrom: Malaysia (马来西亚)(马来西亚)(马来西亚)(马来西亚) “the King of fruits”“the King of fruits”“the King of fruits”“the King of fruits” mangosteenmangosteenmangosteenmangosteen From: IndonesiaFrom: IndonesiaFrom: IndonesiaFrom: Indonesia (印尼)(印尼)(印尼)(印尼) jackfruitjackfruitjackfruitjackfruit From: IndiaFrom: IndiaFrom: IndiaFrom: India (印度)(印度)(印度)(印度) Lets do a survey.Lets do a survey. 1. Ask with “What are these/those?”1. Ask with “What are these/those?”1. Ask with “What are these/those?”1. Ask with “What are these/those?” 2. Choose the fruit you like.2. Choose the fruit you like.2. Choose the fruit you like.2. Choose the fruit you like. 3. Scan QR codes and do the survey.3. Scan QR codes and do the survey.3. Scan QR codes and do the survey.3. Scan QR codes and do the survey. y y y y Youre very young.Youre very young.Youre very young.Youre very young. Youre very strong.Youre very strong.Youre very strong.Youre very strong. Do your work hard.Do your work hard.Do your work hard.Do your work hard. In your own yard.In your own yard.In your own yard.In your own yard. Fruit ShopOld Peoples HomeOld Peoples Home Task 1. Choose the fruit for Task 1. Choose the fruit for Task 1. Choose the fruit for Task 1. Choose the fruit for the old people in the shopthe old people in the shopthe old people in the shopthe old people in the shop Task 2. Tell old people which Task 2. Tell old people which Task 2. Tell old people which Task 2. Tell old people which kind fruit is suit for themkind fruit is suit for themkind fruit is suit for themkind fruit is suit for them Can I help you? Yes, I want to buy . Lets buy some . is good for the old people. Herere for you. I like very much. My favourite fruit is . You should (not) eat . Its (not) good for your health. Old Peoples HomeOld Peoples Home Can I help you? Yes, I want to buy . Lets buy some . is good for the old people. Herere for you. I like very much. My favourite fruit is . You should (not) eat . Its (not) good for your health. Old Peoples HomeOld Peoples Home HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework Continue making up a short playContinue making up a short playContinue making up a short playContinue making up a short play Get more knowledge about fruitGet more knowledge about fruitGet more knowledge about fruitGet more knowledge about fruit LetsLets dodo a a surveysurvey 人教(精通)人教(精通)2011 课标版五年级上册课标版五年级上册 课题:课题:Lesson36 一师一优课一师一优课 一课一名师一课一名师 教教 学学 设设 计计 课题Lesson36 教教 材材 分分 析析 本课书是人教版精通英语五年级上册第六单元第六课,本单元以购物为情境, 围绕水果主题,重点句型为 What are these? What are those? Theyre.本课书是本单 元的最后一课,起到了总结提升的作用。本课可以通过师生之间、生生之间的看图 问答及猜物游戏等活动,激励学生主动感知、模仿、学习和体验,引导学生能够运 用目标语言在真实语境中进行交际。 学学 情情 分分 析析 学生对于水果类的单词,在三四年级已经有了一定的了解,并形成了一些语言 基础,本单元大部分单词是对原有单词的补充和拓展,通过本课学习,学生可以掌 握新的水果单词以及特殊疑问句型。 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标:知识目标:通过情境学习学生在真实语境中自然习得词汇 longan, lychee,能够听说读写句子 What are these? What are those? Theyre. 进行表述,学会、理解并运用。 能力目标:能力目标:学生在与教师的交流中对水果进行表述与问答,将新旧知识点有效衔接,综合运用本 课所学。 情感态度与价值观目标:情感态度与价值观目标:个人的发挥与小组合作活动的开展,让学生学会主动参与、交流,与他 人合作,彼此借鉴与分享,同时培养学生合理膳食的良好习惯。 教教 学学 重、难重、难 点点 教学重点:教学重点:学习并操练描述水果的词语和问答句型,理解与把握对话内容。 教学难点:教学难点:让学生初步认识、理解和尝试在实际语境中交流运用。 教教 具具 准准 备备 水果实物,PPT 课件, “Look for friends”练习,IPAD 教教 学学 过过 程程 教学环节教师活动预设学生行为设计意图 I Warming up 1. Greetings 2.sing a song 3. Task Assignment 4. Brain Storming II. Presentation 1. Learn “longan” The teacher will greet with the students. T: Lets clap and sing together. Ask the students to get more fruit in class. The teacher will show some fruit pictures to the students and ask them read the pictures together. Show the shadow of “longan”. T: Can you guess? Whats this? T: Its a longan. The students will greet with the teacher. Students sing together. Do you like coconuts/ hami melons/ grapefruits? Yes, I like them all. Do you like cherries/ strawberries/ star fruit? Yes, I like them all. The student who answers correctly can get a fruit. The students should read quickly and loudly. They should pay attention to the single form and plural form. Students guess. S: Is it a ? The students should pay attention to the plural forms. 师生问好之后, 通过一首朗朗上 口的水果歌曲激 发学生的学习兴 趣,将学生引入 本课水果情境学 习。 真实的水果作为 本节课的评价工 具,极大的调动 了学生积极参与 课堂活动的积极 性。 头脑风暴活动使 学生快速、大量 复习已有知识, 并强化学生单复 数的概念。 通过不同竞猜方 式呈现本课新授 水果单词,通过 眼、口、耳、脑 等多种感官,调 动学生学习的积 极性。 2. Learn “lychee” 3. Share food 4. Learn new sentences III. Practice 1. Learn some foreign fruit 2. Do a survey Show some longans Let the students guess the teachers favourite fruit. Show an ancient poem and let the students go on guessing. Show the answer to the students. T: My favourite fruit is lychee. Show some delicious food and share with the students. The teacher stands in different places to teach new sentences. T: What are these?/What are those? Introduce some foreign fruit. The teacher will introduce some new fruits to the students. The teacher will design a questionnaire and let the students answer it. The students should guess teachers favourite fruit with “Do you like?” The students should say some sentences to ask for the delicious food. They should use the pictures to practice new drills. The students should listen and comprehend. The students should do the survey in groups. 古诗词的引入将 语文和英语之间 进行了学科整合, 使得不同学科的 学习相得益彰。 真实水果的呈现 极大地调动了学 生的兴趣,学生 们都跃跃欲试。 在与学生分享食 物的同时,告知 他们食用糖果要 适量,过量食用 对牙齿和身体健 康有害。 通过视频的方式 为学生介绍他们 常见的进口水果、 原产地及特征, 丰富学生的课外 知识。 通过在线调查的 方式让学生使用 手机扫码答卷, 大屏幕上实时显 示学生的调查结 果,使师生更便 3. Watch a video 4. Look for friends & Lets chant IV Production V Homework The teacher will play a video about fruit. The name of the video is 合理食用水果 Let the students find friends for some words. The teacher will play the chant first and then let the students chant together. Make up a new dialogue. 1. Continue making up a short play 2. Get more knowledge about fruit The students should watch carefully and talk something about the video. The students should look for friends and fill in the blanks. The students should listen and chant together. The students should choose one task and make up a new dialogue in groups. They can show their performance to the class. The students should finish the homework carefully. 捷、直接的获取 问卷结果并作出 探讨。 通过播放视频 “合理食用水果” , 使学生能够根据 老年人的不同身 体状况为他们挑 选合适的水果, 并建议学生将所 学告知家中长辈, 培养他们关心关 爱父母和长辈的 良好行为,达到 了德育渗透的目 的。 对话创编活动为 学生创造在真实 语境中运用语言 的机会,学生自 主选择任务,小 组合作创编对话, 培养学生的协作 能力与关心关爱 老人的良好品德。 学生从学习到表 演,把课本知识再 次深化、升华。 板书设计板书设计
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五年级上册Unit It's grapefruit._Lesson 36_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+素材)_部级公开课_人教(精通)版(编号:c0ada) 人教版 精通 精晓
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