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    关 键  词:
    适合 背诵 英语 美文 10 篇文章 汇总

    1、第一篇:一位伟大的朋友A GreatFriend As Iam now a senior high school student,Ihave agreat many friends, but there isone whomI prizeover all the rest. Ifirstmade his acquaintance when I began to goto school.He has beenmy constant companion eversince. Though he is serious inappearance,he never fails tobe interest

    2、ing. Often he isclever, sometimeseven merryand gay.He is themost knowledgeable friend aperson couldhave. He knows virtuallyevery language of the world,all theevents of history,and thewords of all thegreat poets and philosophers. A kindly benefactor, he is admired and enjoyed by everyone whomakes his

    3、 acquaintance. Tome, he has beenagreat teacher as well as a friend.He firsttaught me the secretsof my own languageand then thoseof others.With thesekeys he showedus how to unlock all thearts and sciences of man. Myfriend isendlesslypatient.Dull though Imay be,I canreturnto himagain and again,and he

    4、is always ready toteachme. WhenIam bored, he entertains me.WhenI am dispirited,he lifts meup. WhenIam lonely,he keeps me company.He is afriend not only tome but tomillions around the world.ShallItell you hisname? His name is“reading ”. 第一篇:翻译 由于我现在是高中生, 因此有许多朋友, 但我最看重其中的一位。 我一开始 求学就认识他了。从此以后他便是我永远不变

    5、的朋友。 虽然他外表严肃, 但他总是令人感兴趣。 他经常挺聪明的, 有时甚至是一付 欢喜愉快的模样。 他是我们最有学问的朋友。 世界各国的语言, 历史上所有的大 事,以及所有伟大的诗人与哲学家的话语,他几乎无所不知。 他是个乐善好施的 大好人,认识他的每个人都赞赏与喜欢他。 对我而言,他一直是位伟大的老师也是朋友。他先教会我母语的奥秘, 而后 是其他的语言。借着这些秘决,他教我们如何开启人类所有的艺术与科学之门。 我的朋友有无限的耐心。 虽然我可能很迟钝, 但我可以一再地求助于他, 而 他也随时准备着教导我。当我感到厌烦时,他会逗我开心。当我气馁时,他会使 我振作起来。当我孤独时,他会陪伴我。

    6、他不只是我的朋友,同时也是世界各地 成千上万人的朋友。要我告诉你他的名字吗?他的名字是“阅读” 。 1、not only.but also.不但.而且 2、acquaintance ?kweint ?ns n. knowledgeof a person acquiredby a relationshipless intimate than friendship认识,相识,了解 makes one s acquaintance认识 3、benefactorbenif?kt?n. one that givesaid, especiallyfinancial aid恩人,赞助人 4、dispirit

    7、ed dispiritid adj.sad, depressed气馁的,沮丧的 5、entertain,ent?teinv招待 6、gay eiadj.快乐的;放荡的n. 同性恋者 7、company k ?mp(?)nin.公司;陪伴,同伴vi. 交往 vt. 陪伴 第二篇:给年轻人的建议Advice toa Young Man Remember,my son, you have to work. Whether you handle a pick or a pen, a wheel-barrow or aset of books,youmust work.If youlook around

    8、, you willsee the menwhoare themost able tolivethe restof their days without workare themen who work thehardest.Dont be afraidof killing yourselfwithoverwork.It isbeyond your power todo that on thesunny side of thirty.They die sometimes,but itis because they quit work at sixinthe evening,and donot g

    9、o home untiltwointhemorning. It is the interval that kills, my son. The work gives you an appetitefor your meals; itlends solidityto your slumbers;it givesyoua perfect and gratefulappreciation of aholiday. There are young men whodo not work,but the worldis not proud of them.It does not know theirnam

    10、es, even. Nobody likes them;the great,busy worlddoes not know that theyare there. Sofindout what you want tobe and do, and take off your coat and make a dust inthe world. The busier you are,the less harm you willbe apt toget into,thesweeter will be your sleep, the brighterand happier your holidays,a

    11、nd the bettersatisfiedwillthe worldbe withyou. 第二篇:翻译 小伙子,请你记住,你必须工作。不管你握着的是一把十字镐或是一支笔, 一辆独轮手推车或一套书, 你都必须工作。 如果你环顾四周, 你会发现那些不必 工作就最有能力度过余生的人乃是工作最勤奋的人。 别害怕会过劳致死。不到30 岁的人是不可能过劳而死的。这些人有时候会早逝,但那 是因为晚上6 点收工, 直到第二天早上2 点才回家。 小伙子, 就是这些工作之余的时间使得 这些人丧命啊。工作会令你食欲大振;工作会使你十分感谢你有假日。 有些年轻人并不工作,但世界并不以他们为荣,甚至不知道他们的名字

    12、。没有人喜欢他 们;广袤,忙碌的世界不会留意他们的存在。 因此,要先了解你想当什么,做什么,然后脱下外套,开始干活吧!你愈是忙碌,你愈 不容易受到伤害,睡得更甜,假日也更加灿烂,更快活,而世界对你的表现也就更加满意。 1、pick pikn.鹤嘴锄 2、wheelbarrow hwi:l,b?r ?u独轮手推车 3、interval int ?v?ln. 间隔;间距; 4、appetite ?pitait n.食欲; 5、solidity s ?liditin.坚硬,坚固; 6、slumbersl?mb? n. 睡眠; 7、grateful reitfuladj.感谢的; 8、be apt t

    13、o 倾向于 9、satisfied s?tisfaidadj.感到满意的 第三篇:开启快乐之门The Happy Door Happinessis like a pebbledropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circleof ripples.As Stevenson has said,being happy isa duty. There is no exact definition of theword happiness.Happy people are happy forall sorts of reasons.

    14、The keyis not wealth or physical well-being, sincewefindbeggars, invalids and so-calledfailures who are extremelyhappy. Being happy isa sort ofunexpected dividend.Butstaying happy is an accomplishment,atriumph of soul and character.Itis not selfishto strivefor it.Itis, indeed,aduty to ourselves and

    15、others. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease;itcauses peopleto shrink away fromthe sufferer.He soon finds himselfalone, miserableand embittered.There is,however,a cure sosimpleas toseem,at firstglance,ridiculous: if youdon t feel happy, pretend tobe! It works.Before long youwillfindthat inste

    16、adof repellingpeople,you attractthem. You discoverhow deeplyrewarding it istobe the center of widerand wider circles of goodwill. Thenthe make-believe becomesa reality. You possess the secretofpeace of mind, and canforget yourselfinbeing of servicetoothers. Being happy,once itis realizedas aduty and

    17、 establishedas ahabit,opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged withgrateful friends. 第三篇:翻译 快乐好似扔入池子里的一颗石头,会激起不断扩散的阵阵涟漪。正如斯蒂文森所言:“ 快 乐是一种责任。 快乐这个字眼并没有确切的定义。快乐的人可以因种种理由而快乐。其关键并非在财富 或健康,因为我们发现有些乞丐、病人和所谓的失败者非常快乐。 快乐是一种意料不到的收获。而能保持快乐则是一项成就。也是灵魂与品性的胜利。努 力追求快乐算不上自私。事实上,追求快乐不仅是对我们自己也是对别人的一种责任。 闷闷不乐就像

    18、一种传染病;染上这种病的人大家都惟恐避之不及。这咱人很快就会发现 自己感到孤独、痛苦和难过。但是,有种很简单的方法,乍看起来似乎荒谬可笑,那就是: 如果你觉得不快乐,就假装快乐吧! 这个方法很奏效。不久你就会发现自己非但不会使人反感,反而还能吸引别人。你会发 现,能够成为广结善缘的中心人物是多么值得的事! 于是,原本装扮的快乐就变成了真正的快乐.你拥有心境平和的秘诀而又能忘我地服务他 人. 一旦快乐被当作一种责任并成为一种习惯的时候。它就会开启大门。引领我们进入无法 想象的花园中,里面云集着满怀感激的朋友。 1、pebble pebln. 卵石6、 infectious infek ?sadj

    19、. 传染的 2、pool pu:ln. 水塘7、shrink ?ri?kvi.收缩;畏缩 3、ripple ripln. 波纹8、embitteredimbit ?dadj. 愤怒的;怨恨的 4、dividenddividend n.股息,收获9、 repelripelvt. 击退;抵制 5、triumph trai ?mfn. 胜利,凯旋10、rewarding riw ?:di? adj.有益的,值得的 11、 throng ? r ? vt. 群集;挤满12、unimaginable , ?nim?d ?in?bladj. 不可思议的 第四篇:友谊Friendship Noyoung m

    20、an startinglife couldhave better capitalthan plentyof friends. They will strengthenhis credit,support himinevery great effort,and make him what,unaided, he could never be. Friends of the right sort will help him more-to be happy and successful-than much money or great learning. Friendshipisno one-si

    21、dedaffair.There canbe no friendship without reciprocity.One cannotreceive all and give nothing, or give all and receivenothing, and expectto experiencethejoy and fullness of truecompanionship. Thosewho would make friends must cultivate the qualities which are admired and whichattract. If youare mean

    22、, stingy and selfish,nobody willadmire you. You must cultivate generosityand large-heartedness;you must be magnanimousand tolerant; youmust have positive qualities,for anegative, shrinking,apologizing,roundabout man is despised.You must believeinyourself.If youdo not, others willnot believein you. Y

    23、oumust look upward and be hopeful,cheery,and optimistic.Noone willbe attractedtoagloomy pessimist. 第四篇:翻译 年轻人人生起步最好的资本莫过于拥有众多的朋友。朋友可以增加他的声 望,尽最大的努力支持他, 并使他达到无朋友帮助时绝不可能达到的成就。交对 朋友将会比大笔的金钱或高深的学问更能让他快乐和成功。 友谊不是单方面的事。 没有互惠就不能算是友谊。 一个人不可能只是接受而 不付出,或是只付出不回收,却期望能够享有真挚友谊的欢欣和满足。 想交朋友必须培养受人赞赏和吸引人的特质。如果你小气、 吝啬

    24、又自私, 没 有人会欣赏你。你必须培养慷慨和宽宏大量的气度;你必须有雅量并对人容忍; 你必须要有积极地特质, 因为消极、 畏缩、爱赔不是和迂回不前的人总是让人瞧 不起。你必须信任你自己,否则就不会获得别人的信任。你必须要向前看,充满 希望,愉快且乐观。没有人会理会一个忧郁的悲观者。 capitalk?pit ?l n. 资金,首都,省会; creditkreditn. 信用,信誉;贷款 reciprocity,resipr?s?tin. 相互作用;相互性;利益互惠 companionship k?mp?nj?n?ipn. 友谊;陪伴; generosity ,d?en?r?s?tin. 慷慨,

    25、大方 magnanimous m? n?nim?s adj. 宽宏大量的;有雅量的 tolerantt?l?r?ntadj. 宽容的;容忍的 positivep?z?tivadj. 积极的 negativene ?tivadj.消极的;否定的 shrink ?ri?k vi. 收缩;畏缩 roundabout adj.迂回的,绕道的 despisedispaiz vt. 轻视,鄙视 optimistic,?ptimistikadj. 乐观的;乐观主义的 pessimistpesimist n. 悲观主义者 第五篇:爱美The love of Beauty The love of beautyi

    26、s an essentialpart of all healthy humannature. It is a moral quality.The absence of itis not an assured ground of condemnation, but the presence of itis an invariablesign of goodness of heart. Inproportion tothe degreeinwhichit isfelt willprobably be thedegree inwhichnobleness and beauty of characte

    27、rwillbe attained. Natural beautyis an all-pervading presence.The universe isits temple.It unfolds into the numberlessflowers of spring. It waves in the branchesof trees and the green blades of grass. It haunts the depths of theearthand thesea.It gleams fromthe hues of the shell and the precious ston

    28、e.And theseminute objects but the oceans,the mountains, the clouds, the stars,the rising and the setting sunall overflow with beauty.This beauty is so precious, and so congenial to our tenderestand noblest feelings, that itis painful tothink of themultitude of people living inthemidst of it and yetr

    29、emainingalmost blindtoit. Allpersons should seek tobecome acquaintedwiththebeauty innature. There is not aworm we treadupon, nor a leaf that dancesmerrily as it falls beforethe autumn winds, but calls for our study and admiration. The power to appreciatebeauty not merelyincreases our sources of happ

    30、iness itenlarges our moral nature,too. Beauty calms our restlessness and dispels our cares.Go intothe fields or thewoods, spend a summer day by the seaor the mountains, and allyour littleperplexities and anxieties will vanish,Listen to sweetmusic, and your foolish fears and petty jealousieswill pass

    31、 away.The beauty of the worldhelps us toseek and findthe beauty of goodness. 翻译:第五篇爱美 爱美是正常人类天性的必不可少的一部分。它属于道德品质。缺乏爱美之心, 并不能作为谴责的理由, 不过有了这种品质, 是人性永恒善良的标记。 这种品质 被感知的程度与人类品质的高尚和美好程度成正比。 大自然之美无处不在。整个宇宙就是它的神殿。美丽绽放于春天百花丛中, 摇曳于树枝绿地之中,萦绕于陆地海洋深处,闪烁于贝壳和奇石的缤纷色彩中。 不仅这些微小物体,海洋、山脉、云彩、星星、日出日落等等一切都流露出自然 之美。这种美丽如此珍

    32、贵, 与我们最温柔最高尚的情感相宜,以至想到我们大多 数人置身美的怀抱,却熟视无睹,我们感到痛心。 所有人都应该努力去熟悉大自然之美。我们踩踏过的一个小虫, 在秋风到来 之前欢舞飘落的一片树叶, 都值得我们研究与赞赏。 对美的鉴赏力不仅能够增加 快乐的源泉, 也会提高我们的道德品性。 美能够平静我们的心灵, 驱散我们的焦 虑。走到田野中或小树林中, 在海边或山林里度过一个夏日,你所有的苦恼和焦 虑都会消失。 听听悦耳的音乐, 你那愚蠢的恐惧和微不足道的嫉妒也会消逝。世 界的美丽帮助我们找到善良之美。 absence ?bs?nsn. 没有;缺乏;缺席assure ?u?vt. 保证;使确信 c

    33、ondemnation ,k?ndemnei?nn.谴责 ; 定 罪presence prez?nsn. 存在;出席;参加 invariable invri?bl a? dj. 不变的 n. 常数;不变的东西goodnessn.美德 proportion pr ?p? ?(?)nn. 比例;部分noble n?ubladj.高尚的;贵族的 attain ?teinvt. 达到,实现all-pervading p ?:veidi? 普及的 universe ju:niv ?:sn. 宇宙;世界unfold , ?nf?uld vt.打开;呈现 branchbr:nt?vt. 分支 n.树枝,分部

    34、;支流blade bleidn.叶片;刀锋 haunt h?:nt vt. 常出没于 ;萦绕于multitude m ?lti,tju:dn.群众;多数 ;众多 overflow, ?uv?fl?u vi. 溢出;泛滥congenial k ?nd?i:nj?ladj. 意气相投的 ;适意的 tendertend? adj. 温柔的;柔软的minuteminitn. 分钟mainju:t adj.微小的 ,详细的 remainrimeinvi.保持;留下n.遗迹;剩余物acquaint ?kweintvt.使熟悉;使认识 worm w ?:mn. 虫,蠕虫tread tredn. 踏;步态;

    35、vt. 踏;踩 merrymeriadj.愉快的admiration ,?dm ?rei?nn.钦佩;羡慕 enlarge inl:d? vt.扩大;使增大calm k:madj. 静的,平静的vt. 使平静;使镇定 restlessnessrestlisnis n. 坐立不安;不安定dispel dispel vt.驱散,驱逐 perplexityp ?pleksiti n.困惑;混乱anxiety ?zai? tin. 焦虑;渴望 vanishv?ni ? vi. 消失;突然不见jealousy d?el?si n. 嫉妒;猜忌 第六篇:行为决定命运 You are what you do

    36、 If the past has taught us anything, it is that every causebrings effect every actionhas aconsequence.This thought, inmy opinion, is themoral foundation of the universe;it appliesequally inthis worldand the next. WeChinesehave asaying“: ifa man plants melons, he willreap melons;if he sows beans,he w

    37、ill reapbeans. ” And this is true of every manslife: good begets good, and evilleads toevil. True enough, the sun shines onthe saint and sinner alike,and toooftenitseems that the wicked wax and prosper. But we can say with certitude that, with the individual as with the nation, the flourishing of th

    38、e wicked is an illusion, for, unceasingly,lifekeeps books onus all. In the end, we are all the sum total of out actions. Character cannot be counterfeited,nor can it be put on andcastoff as if it were a garmentto meet the whim of the moment. Like the markings on wood which are ingrained in the very

    39、heart of the tree,character requirestimeand nurture for growthand development. Thus also, day by day,wewrite out own destiny,for inexorably webecome what wedo. This, Ibelieve,is the supreme logic and the lawof life. 翻译:第六篇 如果过去的日子曾经教过我们一些什么的话,那便是有因必有果每一个 行为都有一种结果。 依我之见,这种观念是宇宙的道德基础; 它也同样适用于今 生和来世。 我

    40、们中国人有句谚语说: “种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。”这也适用于每个人的生活: 善有善报,恶有恶报。 的确,圣人与罪人皆会受到阳光的披泽, 而且常常似乎是恶者大行其道。 但 是我们可以确信地说,不管是对个人或是对国家而言,恶人猖獗只是一种幻象, 因为生命无时无刻不将我们的所作所为一笔一笔记录 下 来 。 最终,我们就是我们行为的总和。 品德是无法伪造的, 也无法像衣服一样随 兴地穿上或脱下来丢在一旁。 就像木头纹 路 源 自 树木的中心, 品德的成长与发育 也需要时间 和 滋 养 。 也因此,我们日复一日地写下自身的命运, 因为我们的所为毫不留情地决定 我们的命运。我相信这就是人生的最高逻辑 和 法

    41、则。 1) consequencek ?nsi,kw ?nsn.结果 2) begetbi etvt. 招致,产生,引起 3) waxw? ksvi. 增强,增加flourish flauri ?n.兴旺;茂盛 vi. 繁荣,兴旺 4) prosper pr?sp?v. 成功,兴隆 , 昌盛sinner sin?n. 罪人 5) certitude s?:titju:dn.确实,确信saint seint n. 圣人 6) illusion ilju: ?nn. 假象,错觉 , 幻 觉garment :m?ntn. 衣服 7) counterfeit kaunt ?fitvt.伪造,假冒mar

    42、kingm :ki?n.标志;打分 8) whim hwim n.一时的兴致ingrain,in rein vt.使根深蒂固 9) ingrained,in reindadj.根深蒂固的nurture n?:t?vt. 养育;鼓励 10) inexorablyineks ?r?bliadv. 不为所动地 11) supremesjupri:madj. 至高的, 最高的 第七篇:人生苦短休计较Life is too short to be little We men are imperfect beings, so conflictsamong us are unavoidable. Inevi

    43、tably,wesometimesfeel injured,insulted, or slighted.Perhaps weput our faith inanother, and weredisappointed;perhaps wefeltwedeserved ones gratitude,and were denied; perhapswe wished to join our efforts to thoseof a group, and were rejected. Such experiences are painful indeed,but isit not foolishtol

    44、etthemoccupy our thoughtsand precious time? For what doesit profit us to dwell on trivial matters? The pricelessdays must be spent meaningfully,joyfully.How thoughtlesstowaste the irreplaceable hours reviewing insignificant incidents, bearing a grudge, or pitying oneself.Far better to embracewith gr

    45、atitudethe giftof eachday. To make themost of everymoment by filling itwithpurpose or appreciation. Consider thisthought when nextyoufeel temptedtonurse agrievance:that life istoo short tobe little! 翻译:第七篇 人生苦短休计较 我们人类皆不是完美的造物,所以彼此之间必然会起争执。无可避免地,我们 有时候会觉得受到伤害, 侮辱或轻视。 也许我们曾信任某人却失望了,也许我们 曾觉得应该被某人感激却遭到

    46、拒绝,也学我们曾希望共为某团打拼, 却被摒除于 外。 这样的经验的确很痛苦, 但任由它们占据我们的思想与宝贵的时候岂不是太愚 蠢了吗?因为琐碎的小事于我们有何益处呢?宝贵的时光必须过得有意义与快 乐。把一去不回的时间浪费在回顾不足的事,怀恨或自怜之上, 这样的做法是多 么的欠思虑啊!带着感恩的心去拥抱上帝赐的每一天也就是要目的或心存感激 地充分利用每一分每一秒- 这样的做法才更好。 下次你心生怨言时,想想这一点:“人生苦短休计较“。 conflict k ?nfliktn.冲突,矛盾 Inevitablyinevit ?bliadv. 不可避免地;必然地 Insult ins ?lt vt.侮

    47、辱;辱骂;损害 deservediz?:vvi.应受,应得 gratitude r?titju:dn. 感谢的心情 rejectrid ?ekt vt. 拒绝;排斥 precious pre?sadj. 宝贵的;珍贵的 trivial trivi ?ladj.不重要的,琐碎的 irreplaceable ,iripleis ?bladj. 不能替代的 significantsignifik ?ntadj. 重大的;有意义的 grudge r?d? vt. 怀恨;吝惜;妒忌 appreciation?,pri:?iei?nn. 欣赏,鉴别 grievance ri:v?nsn. 不满,不平;委屈

    48、 第八篇:自制Self-control Self-control is essentialtohappiness and usefulness.Itis the master of all the virtues, and has its root inself-respect.Leta man yieldtohis impulses and passions, andfrom that moment,he gives up his moral freedom. It is the self-discipline of a man that enables himtopursue succes

    49、swith superior diligence and sobriety.Many ofthe great characters inhistory illustratethis trait. In ordinary life, theapplicationis thesame. He whowouldlead must firstcommand himself.The timeof testis whenevery body is excitedor angry. Thenthe well-balancedmind comesto the front.There isa very spec

    50、ialdemand forthe cultivation of thistrait at present.The young menwhorush into business with no good education or drillwilldo poor and feverish work. Endurance isa much better testof characterthan act of heroism. A fairamount of self-examinationisgood. Self-knowledge is apreface toself-control. Too

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