Module 2 Relationships-5 Animals in danger-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-沪教版六年级上册英语(编号:1000c).zip


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5 Module 2 Relationships Period 3 Save Our Animals Friends Oxford English AnimalsAnimals inin dangerdanger Sing a song. Guess What animal is it? Listen and read. Hi, Im Elsa. Im a lion. In the past, there were many lions in the wild. But now, there are not too many lions. Some wild animals are in danger. I have a friend. Do you know her? Watch and think. Who is Elsas friend? She is Joy. AB Choose and say. Joy worked with wild animals. She found Elsa on her way home. Elsas mother died, so Joy took care of her. Listen and say. Whats wrong with Elsas mother? Elsas mother died , and Joy took care of her. Reading tips(阅读提示阅读提示): 1.Underline the key phrase.划划关键关键词词 2.Read and circle the picture.读图圈读图圈图图 die died Read and answer. Now , the daughter takes care of her mother. They love each other. In the past, the mother took care of her daughter. Look and say. Now, there is a school bus. He goes to school by bus. He is on his way home. In the past, there was no school bus. They went home together. They were on their way home. Can you read? One day, Joy and Elsa went for a walk. They saw a rhino. Elsa drove away the rhino and saved Joy. Listen and read. One day, Joy and Elsa went for a walk. They saw a rhino. Elsa drove away the rhino and saved Joy. Bad people. I hate you. Help! Go away! Joy is Lets act. Acting tips: 1. Act with emotions.有感情表演。 2. Act with words.有特点的对白。 3.Act in team work.团队合作。 live -lived learn -learnt send -sent Joy and Elsa lived together for many months. Elsa grew up and learnt a lot. Then Joy sent her back to the wild. Listen and read. 1.Who did Joy see after three years? 2.Did they still love each other after 3 years? Joy saw Elsa again. Yes, they did. Reading tips(阅读提示阅读提示): 1.Underline the key phrase.划划关键关键词词 2.Read and circle the picture.读图圈读图圈图图 Listen,read and answer. Put them in order. ABC ED D- C -E -B - A 1. What animal is Joys friend? 2. What happened between Joy and her animal friend? 3. Did Joys animal friend in danger? 4. Did Joy love her animal friend? A Letter from Joy Writing tips(练笔提示) 1.Think before write.(先思考后动笔) 2.Make an outline.(列提纲) 3. Follow the questions.(跟随问题思考写 作) 4. Follow the pictures.(看图片介绍写一写 ) Think and write Our animal friends are in danger. Love them, save them. 1. Listen and read the story Joy and Elsa. 听读故事。 2. Finish Workbook pages 30 and 31. 完成基训。 3.Finish the passage A Letter from Joy. Tell the story to your friend. 完成小练笔,转述故事给你的朋友。 Homework Oxford English 6A Unit5 Animals in danger Save our animal friends(Period 3)教学设计 教材分析 牛津教材具有模块建筑、螺旋上升的设计特点。5A 和 6A 的 Module2 同是 Relationships,前者模块内容为后者提供语言基础,后者在语言内容难度和话题范围上均高 于前者。根据单元教学内容和目标,我设计了三个话题 Period 1 All animals are bright and beautiful. Period 2 Wild animals are in danger. Period 3 Save our animal friends.三课时结合谈论 的话题对单元教学栏目进行整合。第三课里围绕话题选择了 Read a story 栏目,在引导学 生阅读、探究的过程中,学生的听说读写能力得到锻炼,良好价值观得到培养。 学情分析 六年级学生尚处于青春早期,他们的人生观、世界观正在初步形成。他们的“成人感” 强,但在对人和事物的评价中个人色彩浓重。他们思维活跃,在学习活动中能够克服困难完 成回答带有一点思考的问题。受到长期学习习惯影响,部分学生在准确认读单词和英语规 范书写上仍有欠缺,需要在课堂活动中进行训练和评价引导。 教学目标 语言知识目标: 1.在具体情境中通过听读活动,学生能准确认读单词和短语,on . way home, died, drove away, learnt ,sent, saw。 2.借助图片和情境感知,学生能在具体情境中运用核心语言。 语言能力目标: 1.在多种形式的阅读活动中,学生能了解、掌握看图和划关键词的阅读方法,形成快速阅 读 的能力。 2.学生阅读后,能借助图片和书信范例的提示转述故事,培养短文写作能力。 情感态度与价值观目标: 通过故事阅读活动,学生了解故事中人和动物友谊建立的过程,树立爱护动物、保护动物 意识。 教学重、难点 1. 在情境中,学生能准确认读词汇,on . way home, died, drove away, learnt ,sent, saw,使 用核心语言进行交谈。 2. 借助故事具体情境和语言训练,学生能读懂故事,形成良好的思维和品格。 教学用具 PPT 课件 板书人物卡片 课堂书写用纸 个别评价动物卡片 教学过程 StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposes 1.Warm up 1.Sing the song. 2.Greeting and free talk. Sing the song. Free talk about the wild animals they know 歌曲热身,情境 中唤醒学生旧知。 2.Lead-in1. Introduce the main characters. Hi, Im Elsa. Im a lion. In the past, there were many lions in the wild. But now, there are not too many lions. Some wild animals are in danger. I have a friend. She helped me. Do you know 1. Recognize the main characters. 2. Listen and read. 采用故事角色创 设情景,再构旁 白导入故事。学 生听读中复习核 心语言,感知动 物保护主题。 her? 3.Presentation and practice 1. Present the whole story. 2. Get the feedback. 1. Students watch the story. 2. They read quickly, and answer the questions. Who is Elsas friend? 学生视听中整体 了解故事,简单 问题回答得到反 馈。 1. Interpret the phrases 2. Instruct the quick reading methods. 1.Answer the questions. Whats wrong with Elsas mother? 2.Listen and read the first paragraph. 3.Fill in the blanks in oral. Students talk about their experience and using the core pattern. 4.Students read in groups. 在图一中借助核 心语言营造的情 景辅助,学生在听 说读中突破词汇 理解难点,引导 学生练习实际运 用。 1. Rebuild the text of scene two. 2. Inspire students Listen and read the story. Act the story of scene two in groups. 在图二中,再构 角色场景对白, 激发思维丰满故 事。学生在故事 reading imagination. 3.Organize the students acting in roles. “Bad people! I hate you! Help! Go away!” 场景表演中,体 验角色。 Show the methods of some past-participle forms Listen and read Learn the past-participle forms Learn learnt Live lived Send- sent 在图三中引导观 察,掌握快速认 读动词过去式方 法。 Play the tape. And check the results. Listen, answer the question. Who did Joy see after three years? Did they still love each other after three years? Put the pictures in order. 在图四中, 学生 听读故事后,阅 读回答问题。 然后,给故事编 号,回顾故事发 展。 4.Production1. Present the short letter from Elsa. And show the writing tips to students. 2. Organize and assess students writing. 1. Read the letter. 2. Write the letter for Joy about wild animals protection. 3 Read. “Love our animal 书信示范,学生 写作练习,进行 转述故事。 3. Show the movie Animals in danger. friends, Love them, save them.” 升华主题情感。 5.Homework 1.Listen and read the story Joy and Elsa.听读故事。 2. Finish Workbook pages 30 and 31.完成基训。 3. Finish the passage A Letter from Joy. Tell the story to your friends.完成 小练笔,转述故事给你的朋友听。 板书设计 教学反思 试教一反思: 故事改编于真实的故事,我想一是读懂故事二是还原故事,让学生通过语言学习体验 真实事件中人物的感受。没有爱就没有保护,孩子在保护野生动物这件事情他们能做的真 的不多,我想更重要的是帮他们树立这一种人应与自然与动物和谐相处的意识,这也是本 课时对学生进行情感教育的着力点。 课程标准二级目标对于阅读和朗读有这样的表述, “能认读所学词语。.能借助图片 读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。能正确朗读所学故事或短文。 ”对于 写的技能二级目标是这样表述的“能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。 ”本 单元的核心句型 There be 结构的过去时用法,但是在故事原来的文本里,这一核心语言难 觅其踪。设计中我进行了内容上的整合,利用辅助情境在课件视频文本中加入了这一核心 语言训练。然而本单元核心语言的功能是客观表述某处有无,在故事阅读教学中难以设计 这一句型的口语会话活动。参照课标和学生实际,我设计了相应的读写训练,一是为了鼓 励学生多读把单词句子的语音语调读准确,二是梳理语言进行书面和口语中的表达。 学生是课堂的主体,在课堂中老师该如何主导呢?我思考了一下,对问题进行了分层 设计让更多的学生参与到课堂里来,学生活动有师生单边活动和生生小组活动。为了鼓励 学生参与我从学生下课玩的时下热门的卡牌游戏中得到启发,我设计了不同的动物卡片, 打成纸牌在课堂评价中使用,对于这样的卡牌无论他们是作为卡片游戏还是书签,我想都 会提醒学生们这个单元中他们的所学所知, 。 试教二反思: 对教学设计做了改动,取消了真实故事视频的观看。表演全部故事改为重点表演第二 个故事场景,因为这一幅图能体现人爱护动物,动物也能成为人类朋友的一面。在写的练 习前面加入了 Elsa 的书信示范,降低学生书写的难度,让更多的学生参与了进来。有一点 遗憾,在这节课上我的话语量多了,学生的话语量还不够,在语言生成这一块,还是太少 了。为什么会出现这种情况?今后教学中还需要思考和研究。有一点惊喜学生在书写活动, 学生比说的少量生成总体表现较好,可能与示范到位指导有效有关。情境辅助文本和再构 文本设计要改一改加入核心语言的训练。课堂教学效果好于第一次。第一次是我想的多, 但是在课堂实施上能做到的不多,这就说明设计脱离了学生实际情况。这一次是这种情况 改变了许多,删掉几个效果不好的环节加入几个可行的环节还是很有必要的,真的有效的 设计才是好的设计。 学生的课堂语言思维需要引导,只有学生的思维活了,课堂才能真实有效,一节课才 能有一节课的效果。我的设计中要考虑到这一点,整体流程如何设计,局部活动怎么设计, 学生可能的生成在哪里?备好一节课和上好一节课需要思考和研究的真不少!研究课是一 件很快乐的事情,能得到真实恳切的批评和指导是一件幸事!我们学校的校情更是促进我 坚持在教学问题发现与解决中走出一条可行的教学成长道路,这也是今后我的努力方向, 少抱怨多实干,看轻结果重在过程。
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Module Relationships_5 Animals in danger_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_沪教版六年级上册英语(编号:1000c) 沪教版 六年级 上册 英语 module
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