Unit 6In a nature park-A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:e0693).zip


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      • PEP 五上 Unit 6 In a nature park.doc--点击预览
      • 环境保护PPT(Environment).ppt--点击预览
      • 超美的自然之景-国家公园延时摄影_高清.mp4
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      • Jingle Bells.swf
      • lets learn.swf
      • lets talk.swf
      • lets try.swf
      • The bus.swf
      • Unit 6 In a nature park.ppt--点击预览
      • Videohive Nature Park_标清.flv
      • We Wish You a Merry Christmas..swf
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展开 人教版pep三起五年级上册英语Unit6Inanaturepark_A_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号e0693.zip人教版pep三起五年级上册英语Unit6Inanaturepark_A_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号e0693.zip
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1 Unit 6 In a nature park 教学设计教学设计 课题课题 名称名称 Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Lets talk & Lets learn 教学教学 时间时间 1 课时(40 分钟)课型课型新授课 教教 材材 分分 析析 本课围绕“自然”这一话题开展,使学生掌握与自然有关的词汇并能用英语询 问自然公园里的景物。教师运用“任务型”语言教学途径,采取多样化的教学手 段,将“听、说、玩、演”融于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生 通过合作学习,体验到学习英语的快乐,获得英语学习的成就感,从而树立 自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。 本节课的教学内容基于五年级的学生在学习了第一册第四单元 We love animals,第二册第三单元 At the zoo,第四册第四单元 At the farm 的基础上,通 过以旧带新的方式学习有关自然公园的话题。本课是 Unit6 的第一课时,学好 本课为更好地学习本单元有关自然公园的话题奠定了基础。 学情学情 分析分析 五年级的学生已有两年多的英语学习基础,他们对轻松活跃的英语课堂 学习仍然保持着浓厚的兴趣,喜新好奇,善于模仿。在本课时之前学生已经 学习了一些有关动物、景物的单词:bird, monkey, giraffe, tiger, panda, bear 等 以及句型 There is .并且能够运用 There is .正确描述事物具备了初步的 英语听、说、读、写技能及一定的学习方法,但是不善于用英语思维,在句 型整合运用方面还需要教师的适时引导。 一、知识与技能目标:一、知识与技能目标: 1.知识与能力目标知识与能力目标 1)能听懂、会说、认读并正确抄写单词 forest, river, lake, mountain,hill. 2)能听懂、会说、认读句型 Is there .?Yes, there is./No, there, isnt.并在真实 语境中灵活运用。教学教学 目标目标 2.情感文化目标情感文化目标 1)能够亲近自然、热爱自然; 2)能够了解一些环保常识; 3)提高学生保护自然的常识; 2 教学教学 重点、重点、 难点难点 分析分析 1.教学重点教学重点 1)能听懂、会说、认读并正确抄写单词 forest, river, lake, mountain, hill. 2)能听懂、会说、认读 Is there .? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.并在真实语境中 灵活运用。 2.教学难点教学难点 1)river 的发音。 2)能够在真实语境中灵活运用句型 Is there .? Yes, there is./No, there isnt. 3)boating 和 go boating 的意思。 教学教学 准备准备 教师准备:教师准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片、评价表、动物及景物图片等。 3 教教学学过过程程设设计计 Pre-task 一、热身和复习(Warm-up and revision) 1.Greeting T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 2.Enjoy a chant. T: Look! Miss White and the children are in a nature park. Now they are saying a chant about the nature park. First, lets enjoy the chant. T:This time, lets say the chant together. Follow me. T:There is a bird in the park. There is a monkey in the park. There is a giraffe in the park. There is a tiger in the park. There is a panda in the park. There is a bear in the park. 【设计意图】与学生打招呼,拉近与学生的距离。通过创设情境教读 nature park, 让学生感知本课主题。通过歌谣活跃课堂,复习有关动物的名词,激活学生的旧知,为 本课的内容学习做铺垫。 二、呈现任务(Present the task) 1. Show the title. T: Can you tell me whats the chant about? Yes. Its about the nature park. And thats todays topic. Well learn Unit 6 In a nature park Part A Lets talk & Let learn. 【设计意图】以自然公园这一歌谣创设语境,并以自然公园为语境,激发学生学习 兴趣,为揭题埋下伏笔。 2.Present the task T:Its a beautiful nature park. After learning, lets design our own ideal nature park. OK? 【设计意图】设计真实有效任务,让学生在真实语境中进行交际活动,并激发学生 创造力的发展。 3.Divide groups: Team A & Team B Lets see who will be the winner today and get the gifts. 【设计意图】结合本课教学内容,对学生进行分组评价,调动学生的学习积极性, 培养学生的合作精神,树立竞争意识 While-task 1.To teach “river”、 “lake” and “forest”& Yes, there is./No, there isnt. 1) (呈现自然公园图片) T: Just now weve say a chant about the nature park. So whats in the nature park? Lets use talk about the nature park. 4 Ss: There is a in the park.让两三位学生用句型 There is a . in the park.谈论公园里的 景物,并由此引申出单词 river 和 lake. T:There are many things in the park. What else? Can you guess? 【设计意图】有思维含量的猜测有利于唤起学生的旧知,又给学生创造了拓展思维 的机会,有助于对话内容的呈现。 Q:Whats in the park? A. river B. lake C. forest T: First ,I want you to listen to the tape and try to get the answer. (教师播放 Lets try 的 录音,引出新知 forest 和句型 Yes, there is./No, there isnt.) T: Whats in the park? Is there a river? 引导 Ss: No, there isnt. T: Is there a lake? Ss: No, there isnt. T:Is there a forest? 引导 Ss: Yes, there is. 教师及时播出录音 Lets try 的录音进行检查反馈,并以开火车读、个人读、TPR 等 多种方式操练单词和答句,突破 forest 的发音和核心句型。 【设计意图】带问题听录音,使活动更具目的性;通过巧设问题,自然过渡引出本 课功能问句 Yes, there is./No, there isnt.并进行操练;在语篇中教授单词 river, lake 和 forest,在语境中理解单词含义,做到词不离句,句不离篇。 T:Yes. There is a forest in the park. Wow An amazing forest! Can you guess whats in the forest? This time, I want you to open the book and turn to page58. Listen to the dialogue and underline the answer. Q1:Is there a river in the forest? Q2:Is there a lake in the forest? T: Lets check it out. Is there a river in the forest? Ss: No, there isnt. T: Is there a lake in the forest? Ss: Yes, there is. T:There is a great lake in the park. Its clean and beautiful. Lets join together to keep it clean. OK? Ss: OK. 【设计意图】适时进行德育渗透,激发学生热爱自然、保护自然的环保意识。 T:Class. Look carefully. Whats on the lake? Ss: Boat. T 引导学生:There are some small boats. 5 T:Lets go boating. 2. To teacher words “mountain” “hill” & sentence “ Is there .?” T: What can you see on the boat? T: Is there a .?教师提供参考句型和词汇,引导学生问。 T & Ss: Is there .?全班以开火车的形式操练句型 Is there .?并由此引申出新词 mountain 和 hill。教师在教读单词 mountain 和 hill 时,采用对比的方法,让学生进行小 组朗读,大小声操练。 【设计意图】增加语言输入,给学生提供了语言支撑,降低学生的学习难度,有助 于学生操练巩固句型 Is there .? 4. Sharp eyes T 呈现 river, forest, lake, mountain, hill 等图片,引导学生复习巩固本课核心词汇,并 结合句型复述在自然公园里见到的景物。 5. Listen, and repeat the text and the words 【设计意图】让学生听音跟读,做到单词与句型的认读,重视纯正地道的语音模仿, 并注重指读习惯的养成。 Post-task 1.To drill new words and sentences Pair work:Guessing game 教师呈现公园另一角的图片,遮挡景物,根据板书引导学生运用本课的核心词汇和 句型进行对话。首先是师生对话问答示范,紧接着生生交换问答对话。 T: Children, you really did a good job. Im so proud of you. Now, lets go to another side of the nature park. Can you guess whats in it? You can use the key sentence “Is there .?” to guess. Clear? Look at the blackboard. Now I am A, you are B. T: Is there a mountain? Ss: Yes, there is./No, there isnt. T: Try to guess. Remember your guessing. Lets see who is the best guessing player. Please do the pair work like this. Here are some useful words and sentences for you. Five minutes for you. Go! 【设计意图】利用 pair work,让学生在较轻松的氛围中操练掌握功能句问答及单词 并乐学,由师生对话引导过渡到生生对话,培养学生合作交际能力。 2.Chant T: Now, we know the nature park very well. Lets take a rest. Here is a chant about the great nature park. Lets enjoy first and say it together. 3. Fulfill the task (1) Design your own park T: Today weve talk about a wonderful nature park. Do you like it? 8 T:Now, its time to design our own nature park. Five minutes for you. Use the stickers to design your park or you can draw by yourself. (2) Talk about the park T: Times up. All of you have your own nature park now. I want to know about Jims park. So I would ask Jim. Example: T: Hello, Jim. Is there a mountain in your park? T:Is there a hill in your park? T:Jim wants to know about my park, too. S1: Hello, Miss Sun. Is there a lake in your park? T:Yes, there is. S1:Is there a panda in your park? T:Yes, there is. . T:You can use the key sentences and key words to talk about your parks. Five minutes for you. One, two, go! 5 T:Children, Im so proud of you. All of you have done a great job. You can talk about your parks after class. 【设计意图】设置学生感兴趣的任务,让学生运用所学词汇与语言完成本节课的信 息采集任务,把语言融入生活,注重培养学生用英语思维做事的能力,同时培养学生互 助合作、团结友爱的良好品质,树立学习英语的自信心。 4.Moral education T: Today weve learn many things about nature park. The nature park is really beautiful. All of us love the nature park. But its easily get hurt from human beings. So we should try our best to protect the nature park. Then more people can enjoy it .(热爱大自然,保护大自然。) 5.Summary 1)结合板书小结复习单词和句型。 2)T: Cooperation makes better job.团结就是力量。 3)宣布比赛得主。 7. Homework *1.Listen and imitate Lets talk & Let learn for 3 times. 听音仿读 Lets talk 三遍。 *2.Copy the words for 3 times 抄写单词 3 遍。(river, lake, forest, mountain, hill) *3. Make a poster of your ideal nature park. 将你你理想中的自然公园设计成海报。 【设计意图】考虑个体差异,采用分层作业设计,满足不同层次学生的需求。 T:So much for today. Goodbye boys and girls. 【教学反思】本课主要学习 river, lake, mountain, forest, hill 等有关自然公园的名词和句 型 Is there .?本课是第六单元的第一课时,相对来说比较重要,只有掌握了核心词汇和 句型,才能在实际中运用对话。 五年级学生能较好地进行分析综合、抽象概括等逻辑思维活动,他们已经过了英语 的启蒙期,英语学习有了一定的基础,对以往的知识进行进一步的拓展和延伸,对英语 5 的兴趣也还在进一步培养的阶段,除了新知识得习得以外,更要注重其运用。 本课时的教学难点是如何利用所提供的情景以旧引新,让学生进入运用语言的状态。 另外,核心词汇 forest 的发音以及核心句型 Is there .?是本课的另一个难点,教师在正 确示范的基础上带领学生熟悉掌握。为了更好的落实教学目标,我先进行歌谣热身和歌 谣共唱,然后以记忆游戏吸引他们的注意力。用这个游戏来复习以前学过的单词和句型, 并测测他们的反应能力。在教学过程中我采用了各种教学方法,多方位调动学生的感官 参与学习,注意保持学生的学习热情,激发学生的兴趣,并保证课堂的实效性,同时也 注重引导学生进行合作学习,总体来说这一课学生掌握的比较扎实。 但是在一些发音的细节上,个别学生还是存在着一定的问题,需要课后不断地纠正与巩 固。 Mr Cai What can you see in this picture? Nature park Watch and say 1. Do you like the nature park? 你喜欢自然公园 吗? 2. What do you think about the nature park? 你认为自然公园怎 么样? What do you think about the nature park? 你认为自然公园怎么样? A. big(很大的) B. beautiful(美丽的) C. colourful(多彩的) D. important(对人类很重要的) 今天我们将跟随课文去认识、了解自然公 园,去想象大自然有什么样的美景。并试着 用英语进行交流。 Todays task Today our task is to know the nature park. To imagine the scenes of nature, and try to communicate in English. Map of the nature park There are so many.in the foresttrees Creativity 1. Where are they going? 他们要去哪里? 2. Whats in the forest? 森林里有什么? 3. What are they going to do? 他们打算做什么? Listen, look and think: 听音、看图并思考。 face 脸 game 游戏 make 制作 name 名字 湖泊 lake river 河流 Creativity Listen and imitate 听音,模仿并跟读 Read and tick or cross: ( ) 1. The children are in the forest. ( ) 2. There is a river in the forest. ( ) 3. There is a lake in the forest. ( ) 4. There are some boats on the lake. ( ) 5. They want to go hiking. Creativity Read aloud m ntain ill 山脉 ou 小山 h Suggestion 建议 When we read the text, we not only need to read the words carefully, we should also look at the pictures, listen to the recorder, even learn to ask questions! 读课文的时候,我们不仅要认真阅读的文字, 还应该仔细看图片,听录音,甚至学会问问题! Look, find and read 说说下面两句话相同与不同的地方并读一读。 There is a lake in the forest. Is there a lake in the forest? 森林里有一个湖吗? 森林里有一个湖。 Have a try 试着将下列句子改为疑问句。 There is a hill in the forest. _Is there a hill in the forest? There is a mountain in the forest. _Is there a mountain in the forest? There is a river in the forest. _Is there a river in the forest? Ask and answer Is there a river in the forest? No, there isnt. Is there a lake in the forest? Yes, there is. 读一读,找规律 isnt=is not Can you ask? Is there a _ in the nature park? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Extention 拓展练习 Is there a _ in the bag? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. 1. Each person has a picture of a natural park in his own imagination. Please write down what you think of the nature park. TASK: Step 1 每个人都有自己想象中的自然公园的景象。请你拿起笔来 ,在老师给你的纸上“写出”你心目中自然公园的景物。 2. Tell your partner, What are you writing about in the nature park? TASK: Step 2 用学过的句型告诉你的同学,你“想象”的公园里有 些什么。 3. “Ask and answer” with your partner to exchange our respective nature parks. TASK: Step 3 用我们本课学的新句型相互问答,交流我们各自 所“想象”的公园。 Summary Protect nature is to protect ourselves. 保护大自然就是保护我们自己。 Do not throw rubbish onto the ground. 不乱扔垃圾。 Do not waste water. 不浪费水资源。 Use both sides of paper. 纸的两面都利用。 Make classrooms less noisy. 减少教室里的吵闹声。 Todays homework 3 1 Read and copy the new words. 读一读,并将本课所学的新词各抄5遍。 2 Read the new dialogues. 跟读课文的对话。 Preview the text of the Lets spell section.预习A部分Lets spell的新课。 PEP 五上五上 Unit 6 In a nature park Lets talk & lets learn Word bank 单词提示单词提示 mountain hill river lake forest flower tree house boat bird fish student teacher go boating read book climb mountain 完成步骤完成步骤 1. 用上面所给的词汇补充右边的图表; 2. 说说你想象的自然公园里有些什么; 3. 用所学过的句型问问同学的“公园” 里用些什么。 Is there a _ in the _? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Nature park The only earth & the only being! Warning! Our evironment is in emergency Plant is important for the eatth Forest is the most concentrated place of plants and the tropical rainforest contains the uncountable kinds of species. Rainforest is the lung of the earth This is the distribution of the rainforest onEarth There are three main reinforest on Earth:one is in Africa, another one is in South- eastern Asion and the last one is in South America. What can rainforest do? ecosystem services: Rain forests play an important role in maintaining biological diversity, modulating precipitation, infiltration and flooding, increasing scientific knowledge and in the spiritual well-being of humans. Such ecosystem services are of use to humans without the need for any modification or management of the forest yourself. Social services: Conversion to agricultural land, Cultivated foods and spices, Pharmaceutical and biodiversity resource, Tourism Some kinds of the species Now ! The rainforest is being destroyed! One reason is the forest fire. The other one is the human. Human destruction of rainforest This fire was made by people who lived there! They wanted to exploit more arable land to supply them with food and also many people wanted to make money by the charcoal left after the fire Thick smoke hang over the forest This series of images shows aerosols over the Amazon each Septembe r for 4 burning seasons Cause Corruption of government institutions The inequitable distribution of wealth and power Population growth Overpopulation Urbanization Globalization is often viewed as another root cause of deforestation This show the transformation from forest to farm. The white square is the forest destroyed This is the road in forest Poverty Developed countries request of valuable timber Harmness of Such Deforest Atmospheric problems:greenhouse effect Soil problem:soil loss, desertification of land and desert encroachmen Ecological problem:biodiversity decline The end Mr Cai What can you see in this picture? Nature park Watch and say 1. Do you like the nature park? 你喜欢自然公园 吗? 2. What do you think about the nature park? 你认为自然公园怎 么样? What do you think about the nature park? 你认为自然公园怎么样? A. big(很大的) B. beautiful(美丽的) C. colourful(多彩的) D. important(对人类很重要的) 今天我们将跟随课文去认识、了解自然公 园,去想象大自然有什么样的美景。并试着 用英语进行交流。 Todays task Today our task is to know the nature park. To imagine the scenes of nature, and try to communicate in English. Map of the nature park There are so many.in the foresttrees Creativity 1. Where are they going? 他们要去哪里? 2. Whats in the forest? 森林里有什么? 3. What are they going to do? 他们打算做什么? Listen, look and think: 听音、看图并思考。 face 脸 game 游戏 make 制作 name 名字 湖泊 lake river 河流 Creativity Listen and imitate 听音,模仿并跟读 Read and tick or cross: ( ) 1. The children are in the forest. ( ) 2. There is a river in the forest. ( ) 3. There is a lake in the forest. ( ) 4. There are some boats on the lake. ( ) 5. They want to go hiking. Creativity Read aloud m ntain ill 山脉 ou 小山 h Suggestion 建议 When we read the text, we not only need to read the words carefully, we should also look at the pictures, listen to the recorder, even learn to ask questions! 读课文的时候,我们不仅要认真阅读的文字, 还应该仔细看图片,听录音,甚至学会问问题! Look, find and read 说说下面两句话相同与不同的地方并读一读。 There is a lake in the forest. Is there a lake in the forest? 森林里有一个湖吗? 森林里有一个湖。 Have a try 试着将下列句子改为疑问句。 There is a hill in the forest. _Is there a hill in the forest? There is a mountain in the forest. _Is there a mountain in the forest? There is a river in the forest. _Is there a river in the forest? Ask and answer Is there a river in the forest? No, there isnt. Is there a lake in the forest? Yes, there is. 读一读,找规律 isnt=is not Can you ask? Is there a _ in the nature park? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Extention 拓展练习 Is there a _ in the bag? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. 1. Each person has a picture of a natural park in his own imagination. Please write down what you think of the nature park. TASK: Step 1 每个人都有自己想象中的自然公园的景象。请你拿起笔来 ,在老师给你的纸上“写出”你心目中自然公园的景物。 2. Tell your partner, What are you writing about in the nature park? TASK: Step 2 用学过的句型告诉你的同学,你“想象”的公园里有 些什么。 3. “Ask and answer” with your partner to exchange our respective nature parks. TASK: Step 3 用我们本课学的新句型相互问答,交流我们各自 所“想象”的公园。 Summary Protect nature is to protect ourselves. 保护大自然就是保护我们自己。 Do not throw rubbish onto the ground. 不乱扔垃圾。 Do not waste water. 不浪费水资源。 Use both sides of paper. 纸的两面都利用。 Make classr
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Unit In nature park_A_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:e0693) 人教版 pep 年级 上册 英语 unit park_a_ppt
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本文标题:Unit 6In a nature park-A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:e0693).zip
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