Unit 3What would you like -A-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:e40f1).zip


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展开 人教版pep三起五年级上册英语Unit3Whatwouldyoulike_A_ppt课件_含教案音频素材_市级公开课_编号e40f1.zip人教版pep三起五年级上册英语Unit3Whatwouldyoulike_A_ppt课件_含教案音频素材_市级公开课_编号e40f1.zip
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Unit 3 What would you like? Part A Lets try & Lets talk Lets help them Task 1 I can say What would you like to eat / drink? Id like Game time Wooden child (木头人) Task 1 I can say BINGO Sarah is hungry. What would she like to eat? Listen and write down the words you hear. Sarah would like some and Task 2 I can listen bread noodles chicken BINGO breadchicken Questions: 1.Who are they? 2.Is Sarahs father hungry? 3.What would he like to drink? 4.Are they polite(礼貌的)? How do you know (你怎么看出来的)? Task 1 I can read Task 1 I can read Task 1 I can read Father: Im hungry. Mother: What would you like to eat? Father: A sandwich, please. Mother: OK. Sarah: What would you like to drink? Father: Id like some water. Im thirsty! Sarah: Here you are. Father: Thanks. Father: Im hungry. Mother: to eat? Father: , please. Mother: OK. Sarah: What would you like ? Father: some water. Im ! Sarah: Here you are. Father: . Task 1 I can read What would you like to drink Id like thirsty Thanks A sandwich Reorder Id like some milk. Im thirsty! Some bread, please. OK. Im hungry. Thank you. Here you are. What would you like to drink? What would you like to eat? Task 1 I can read BINGO Task 4 I can ask and answer Task 4. I can ask and answer Can I help you? Yes. Whats your name? My name is What would you like to eat? Im hungry. Id like What would you like to drink? Id like Im thirsty. Thank you. You are welcome Task 4. I can ask and answer 1.Read the words and sentences to your classmate. sandwich, hungry, thirsty What would you like to eat/drink? Id like 2. Ask your classmate politely what would you like for lunch. 礼貌询问同学午饭想吃什么想喝什么 3. Serve your parents at home. 回家后为父母服务食物 Homework UnitUnit 3 3 WhatWhat wouldwould youyou like?like? PartPart A A LetLets s trytry & & LetLets s talktalk teaching content1 the key and difficult points3 teaching procedures5 teaching approach and learning strategy 4 Board design6 teaching objectives2 What would you like 地位和作用地位和作用 Food First lesson in this unit Corn sentence patterns Related to our life Material teaching Grade 5 Active and interested in new things Eger to show what they know Learned some food in Grade 4 Learners teaching content1 the key and difficult points3 teaching procedures5 teaching approach and learning strategy 4 Board design6 teaching objectives2 What would you like Enable Ss write down the food they hear when the teacher plays the recorder. Enable Ss understand the main meaning of the dialogue under the help of the teacher and video. Enable Ss understand the meaning of sandwich, hungry and thirsty in the context, and can pronounce them right. Knowledge Objectives Arouse interests Improve motivation of communication Develop the spirit of cooperation Ask and order food politely. Emotional objectives Enable Ss read the dialogue with right pronunciation and proper tune. Enable Ss role-play in a situation to ask and order food properly with what would you like to eat/drink? Id like Ability objectives teaching content1 teaching approach and learning strategy4 teaching procedures5 Board design6 teaching objectives2 What would you like The key and difficult points 3 The pronunciation of thirsty, Role-play in a proper situation. Difficult points Word: sandwich, hungry, thirsty. Sentences: What would you like to eat/drink? Id like The key and difficult points key points What would you like? Teaching content1 Teaching objectives3 Teaching procedures5 Teaching approach and learning strategy4 Board design6 Teaching objectives2 practice strategy cooperation strategy Learning strategy situational method game teaching method communicative teaching method Teaching method Task-based language teaching approach Student centered Teacher guide Teaching material and multimedia 。 teaching content1 Teaching objectives3 Teaching procedures5 Teaching approach and learning strategy4 Board design6 teaching objectives2 What would you like? War up Lead in presentation 超重与失重的条件超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的定超重与失重的定质 质Task 1生超重与失重的条件生超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的超重与失重的质质 lets try Lets talk practice Summary 3 minutes 4 minutes23 minutes 8 minutes Teaching procedures5 War up Lead in 4 minutes Teaching procedures5 presentation 超重与失重的条件超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的定超重与失重的定质 质Task 1生超重与失重的条件生超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的超重与失重的质质 探究活动探究活动 1 1 T act like a waitress and teach words Listen: Lets try 探究活动探究活动 2 2 T teach sentences check Game: Wooden child lets try Lets talk Task 1 say 3 minutes Task 2 listen 3 minutes 23 minutes Fill in the blanks Teaching procedures5 presentation 超重与失重的条件超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的定超重与失重的定质 质Task 1生超重与失重的条件生超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的超重与失重的质质 lets try Lets talk Video questions 探究活动探究活动 2 2 Task 3 read 17 minutes Summary 3 minutes 23 minutes Read loudly Reorder Practice in a situation Teaching procedures5 War up Lead in presentation 超重与失重的条件超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的定超重与失重的定质 质Task 1生超重与失重的条件生超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的超重与失重的质质 lets try Lets talk practice Task 4 write and say 8 minutes Summary 3 minutes 4 minutes23 minutes 8 minutes report Fill in the blanks Read loudly Practice in a situation Teaching procedures5 War up Lead in presentation 超重与失重的条件超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的定超重与失重的定质 质Task 1生超重与失重的条件生超重与失重的条件 超重与失重的超重与失重的质质 探究活动探究活动 1 1 T act like a waitress and teach words Listen: Lets try 探究活动探究活动 2 2 T teach sentences check Game: Wooden child lets try Lets talk practice Task 1 say 3 minutes Task 2 listen 3 minutes Video questions 探究活动探究活动 2 2 Task 4 write and say 8 minutes Task 3 read 17 minutes Summary 3 minutes 4 minutes23 minutes 8 minutes report report homework 1. Read the words and sentences to your classmate. sandwich, hungry, thirsty What would you like to eat/drink? Id like 2.Ask your friends what would you like for lunch? 3. Serve your parents politely when you get home. Teaching content1 The key and difficult points3 teaching procedures5 teaching approach and learning strategy4 Board design6 Teaching objectives2 What would you like? Unit 3 what would you like? Part A 1 lets try- ask and answer Im hungry/ thirsty. eat? Id like a sandwich. (picture) What would you like to drink? Id like some water. Unit 3 what would you like? Part A Lets try & Lets talk Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I am so excited to stand here to present my lesson. Today I will talk about my teaching. It is made up of 6 parts: teaching content, teaching objectives, teaching key and difficult points, teaching approach and learning strategy, teaching procedures and board design. Teaching content Firstly, Ill talk about teaching content. It has two parts. The first one is analysis of the teaching material. Its PEP primary English Book 5 unit 3 what would you like? Part A lets try & lets talk. The topic is about food. This period is the first lesson in this unit, its the basic and important part, it contains the corn sentence patterns: what would you like? Id like The topic is related to our life, so its easy to arouse learners interest. As we all know, interest is the best teacher for students. If learners get them well, they will be quiet easy to learn the next part, lets learn, which wants students to learn sandwich, hamburger and the sentences what would you like. The second one is learners. Our students are in Grade 5, they have learned English for 2 years, so they can understand many words and simple sentences. They are active, eager to show what they know, and interested in new things, Ill design some interesting activities to attract their attention. Because they are in Grade 5, they have learned some words and sentences about food in Grade 4, such as rice, noodles, vegetables and what would you like for dinner? Would you like some? So its not so difficult for them. Teaching objectives Next, Ill talk about teaching objectives. By the end of the lesson, Enable Ss write down the food they hear when the teacher plays the recorder. Enable Ss understand the main meaning of the dialogue under the help of the teacher and video. Enable Ss understand the meaning of sandwich, hungry and thirsty in the context, and pronounce them right. Enable Ss read the dialogue with right pronunciation and proper tune. Enable Ss role-play in a situation to ask and order food properly with what would you like to eat/drink? Id like In this lesson, the emotional objectives are to arouse the students interests in English and to improve their motivation of communication, to develop the spirit of cooperation by pair work and competition, to ask and order food politely. Teaching key and difficult points The key points: Word: sandwich, hungry, thirsty. Sentences: What would you like to eat/drink? Id like The difficult points: the pronunciation of thirsty, role-play in a situation. Teaching approach and learning strategy Fourthly, Its about teaching approach and learning strategy. In this lesson, I will mainly use task-based language teaching method, situational method, game teaching method and communicative language teaching method. Ss will learn this lesson with practice strategy, cooperation strategy. Teacher guide and student centered. I will achieve my lesson with these teaching tools: multimedia, PPT, some food and drink, a food tray, waitress uniform, paper with disordering sentences and some menus. Teaching procedures Ill finish the lesson in 5 steps Step 1. warm up and lead in In this period, Ill greet to them and ask students to greet with each other to get easy, then sing a song “BINGO”. These can form a relaxing atmosphere and let the students get ready for the next step. It will cost 2 minutes. After singing, I pretend Im hungry, (teach the word hungry here) and my friends are hungry, too. Here I will show them a video, the movie Frozen, its about Anna and her friends looking for Elsa, but they are lost in a maze and hungry, they need food. In this way, I lead the lesson to food and ask students to help them get food. Play the bingo task game. This will cost 2 minutes. Step 2 presentation This is the main part, I will divide it into 3 parts: task 1, task 2, task 3. It will take 23 minutes. Task 1. I can say. I will act like a waitress, take out a food tray with lots of food and ask students “whats this?”. After that I will ask “would you like some” then I will show them sandwich and teach them this word. I will ask some kids to eat some food and drink some water or milk while Im teaching. Because I always believe: Teach me, I will forget. Involve me, I will remember. Then I will serve students by asking what would you like? And help students answer Id like some I teach the sentence patterns here. Situational approach is used here. Finish task 1: I can say Play a game to consolidate words and sentences. The game is Wooden child. When I read words facing to board, students will read after me. When I read words looking back, students should be quiet. Otherwise, you fail. Students like to play games and they will be very excited and careful. Game method is used here. After that I will show Anna get to the first door and get a sandwich. Task 2 I can listen Students will hear a sound, it means someone is hungry. I will say whats that? It will arouse Ss curiosity. Then show the picture and say, Aha, Sarah, its you. you are hungry. Ask Ss what would she like to eat? Finish task 2 I can listen, that is lets try. Write down the words you hear. Check the answer with students. Show Anna get to the second door and get a glass of milk. Task 3. I can read Sarah is hungry, lets see what her mother prepare for her. I will show Sarah and her familys conversation. Firstly Ss answer some questions, then they read after me, we will meet the word thirsty here, I will act and explain, show how to pronounce th. Thirdly they read together. I will take out some words and phrases from the conversation, students try to fill in the blanks. At last I give out some paper with disordering sentences, let Ss reorder them and read them loudly. Show Anna get to the third door and get some food Step 3. Practice To learn is to use. So lets go to step 3 practice. Task 4. I can speak and write. That is ask and answer. Ss will be the waiters and customers in a restaurant. I will divide students into small groups, four in a group, student A, B, C, D. A as a group leader, to organize the group, B as a secretary, to help his team member, C as a writer, to take notes, D as a reporter, to report what they say. I will show them some useful sentences to help them finish the task. Can I help you? Yes. Whats your name? My name is What would you like to eat? Id like What would you like to drink? Id like some Thank you. Thats OK. (show Anna get to the last door and find Elsa, they are happy. Laughter.) It will cost 8 minutes Task-based language teaching approach, situational and communicative method are used here, and students cooperation ability will be well developed. Step 4 summary It will take 3 minutes In this step, Ill guide students to conclude key words and sentence pattern, let them know to ask and order food politely to reach the last emotional objective. Step 5 homework In the end, I will give some homework. It will take 2 minutes. 1. Read the words and sentences to your classmates. Sandwich, hungry, thirsty, What would you like to eat/drink? Id like 2. Ask your classmate what would you like for lunch? 3. Serve your parents politely when you get home. Board design At last, its about the board design. It should be as simple and important as it can be to attract Ss attention. I will write the main sentences on the board to help students know the importance. I also paste some pictures, it emphasizes the word sandwich. Unit 3 what would you like? Part A 1 lets try- ask and answer Im hungry/ thirsty. eat? Id like a sandwich.(picture) What would you like to drink? Id like some water. Thats my teaching, thank you. Id like some milk. Im thirsty! Some bread, please. OK. Im hungry. Thank you. Here you are. What would you like to drink? What would you like to eat? Unit 3 what would you like? Part A1 lets try & lets talk . Teaching objectives 1. Ss can write out the food they hear when the teacher plays the recorder. 2. Ss can understand the main meaning of the dialogue under the help of the teacher and pictures. 3. Ss can understand the meaning of sandwich, hungry and thirsty in the contest, and can pronounce them right. 4. Ss can read the dialogue with right pronunciation and proper tune. 5. Ss can role-play in a situation to ask and order food with proper sentences: what would you like to eat/drink? Id like 6. Ss can ask and order food politely. . The key and difficult points 1. The key point Word: sandwich hungry, thirsty Sentences: What would you like to eat/drink? Id like 2. The difficult point The pronunciation of thirsty, Role-play in a proper situation . Teaching approach and learning strategies. Teaching approach: Situational teaching approach, games teaching approach, TBLT, communicative language method. Learning strategies: practice strategy, cooperation strategy. . Teaching aids Multimedia, PPT, some real food and drink, waitress uniform, a food tray, some menus. . Teaching procedure
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Unit What would you like _A_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级公开课_人教版pep五年级上册英语(编号:e40f1) 人教版 pep 年级 上册 英语 unit
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