Module 3 Out and about-7 At the beach-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-沪教版五年级上册英语(编号:10150).zip


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Oxford English Module 3 Out and about At the beach Period 1 Mrs Brown What is Mrs Brown doing? She is reading. Mr Brown What is Mr Brown doing? He is washing dishes. Peter Whats Peter doing? Hes drawing. Paul Sally Whats Paul doing? Hes . Whats Sally doing? Shes . Mr Browns family Mr Brown Mrs Brown Peter Brown Paul Brown Sally Brown Brown Brown BrownBrown Brown the Browns _ LiLi the Lis the Obamas The Browns The Browns are at home.are at home. The Browns are at home. Mr Brown is _ _ in the kitchen. Mrs Brown_ in the living room. Peter_in the _. Paul _ _.Sally _. They are very _. A holiday plan The Browns are making a holiday plan. Mrs Brown doesnt like cold weather. She wants to enjoy the sunshine. Peter and Paul like swimming and collecting shells. Sally wants to wear her beautiful dress. Mr Brown is good at making sandcastles. enjoy the sunshine What are they doing? Theyre enjoying the sunshine. collect shells collect stamps collect toys collect shells Shes collecting shells. Whats the girl doing? make sandcastles Theyre making sandcastles. What are they doing? A holiday plan The Browns are making a holiday plan. Mrs Brown doesnt like cold weather. She wants to enjoy the sunshine. Peter and Paul like swimming and collecting shells. Sally wants to wear her beautiful dress. Mr Brown is good at making sandcastles. beach seesea 1. What day is it today? 2. Where are the Browns? 3. How is the weather? Its Saturday. Theyre in Sanya. Theyre at the beach. Its a beautiful day. At the beach Is enjoying the sunshine?Is sitting beside Sally?Is swimming? Peter Mr Brown Whos collecting shells?Mrs Brown and Paul are collecting shells. Mr Brown Mrs Brown Peter Paul Sally Beginning Ending Body It is a _ day. _ _ are _ _ in Sanya. They are _ the beach. Mr Brown is _ in the sea. He is good _ it. Mrs Brown is_ _ with Paul on the beach. Sally is _ and Peter is _ beside Sally. They are all _ a good _. beautiful The Browns atholidayon collecting enjoying the sunshine havingtime swimming shells reading a book at 1. The Browns are in Sanya. 2. Sally is sitting beside Paul. 3. Mrs Brown is collecting shells. 4. Peter is collecting shells. 5. Mr Brown is reading a book. Change them into Yes-no questions, and answer them according to the text. 变一般疑问句并根据课文回答。 Make such a video. Record your family life. 五年英语上册五年英语上册 沪教沪教 20112011 课标版三年级起点课标版三年级起点 Module 3 Unit 7 At the beach 课题:课题:Module3 Unit7 At the beach课时:课时:Lesson One 教材分析教材分析 本套教材是基于一系列学生熟悉的相关话题展开的。第三模块第七单元在第六单元 的基础上继续学习现在进行时,而本单元本节课重点为现在进行时的一般疑问句。并要 求学生在掌握新授短语和句型的基础上,能够描述布朗一家人在海边的活动,能够将话 题延展到自己的家庭生活中去,运用现在进行时介绍自己的家庭生活。 学情分析学情分析 本教材授课对象是五年级的学生,他们已经进入高年级,从性格特点来看,五年级 的孩子一节课上课注意力集中的时间增长,孩子们的思维形式由形象具体向抽象过渡。 五年级的学生有了一定的语言基础和长期的听说读写的训练,对英语充满兴趣,喜欢交 流、可以体验的英语活动,有独立思考和独特的想法,具备运用所学进行简单的口语表 达和成篇表述的能力。同时在知识储备上,学生在第六单元已经学习了现在进行时,能 够用现在进行时的肯定句来描述自己或他人正在进行的动作。因此本课的重点放在听音 以及成篇表述上,创设情境让孩子们成篇的表述以及独立思考让学生自由表达成为本课 的设计难点。 教学目标教学目标 知识目标: 1.学生能够掌握单词及短语:sea, beach, enjoy the sunshine, collect shells. 2.学生能够运用句型:Sally is enjoying the sunshine. Is Paul collecting shells? Yes, he is. 技能目标: 1.通过本节课的学习,能够掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句。 2.通过学习,学生能够运用现在进行时描述布朗一家在海边正在进行的活动。 3.通过各种课堂活动,培养学生的听、说、读、写各方面技能。 情感目标: 1.通过本节课的学习,培养学生爱自己的家人,热爱生活。 2.在小组内进行各种活动,培养学生的合作意识,体验英语学习的快乐。 学习策略: 1.在导入、新授部分分别设计三次听音环节,培养学生的听力。 2.在跟读、朗读课文环节,注重培养学生的语音语调。 3.通过小组合作学习,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的能力。 文化策略: 通过听、说、读、写等方面让学生充分感受英语知识在实际生活中的应用。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点教学重点:Could listen and say the new words,phrases and modelled sentences. 教学难点教学难点:Students could understand what they heard and try to retell the text using the present continuous tense. 教学基本策略及设计思路教学基本策略及设计思路 1.面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异。在整个教学过程中,教 师始终以小组合作学习为主,让每个学生都参与其中,成为课堂的主人。设计多个听音 环节提高学生的听力水平,通过跟读、朗读培养学生的语音语调,让每个学生都能感受 到自身的提高,有成就感。 2.整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的语用环境。在单词、句型的学习环节中,我 先让学生们整体感知语言材料。 3.强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。教师在整个教学中,设置真实 的语境,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。 形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。 资源的开发及说明资源的开发及说明 本节课我充分挖掘教材内容,让学生体会到知识的融会贯通及在生活中的应用。在 整个的教学活动设计中,我注重对学生语音语调的培养,让学生在多听、有了大量充分 的语言输入的基础上,增强语言输出的质量。在整个教学过程中,一条清晰的主线贯穿 始终,为学生创设真实的情境,让学生在真实的情境中学习和使用英语,体现英语的工 具性和人文性,通过直观的教具,复习巩固学生的知识体系,通过同桌之间以及小组内 的合作问答与表述,培养学生分工合作意识,同时培养学生的表达能力和对知识的运用 能力。 利用拍摄小视频留开放式的特色作业,激发学生浓厚的学习英语的兴趣! 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Warm up 1. Greeting. T:Hello, everybody.Ss: Hello, Carol. 活跃课堂气氛,调动学 生积极性,创设良好的 Hows everything? Im awesome, thanks. 2. Lets sing a song. (Do the actions and sing) What are you doing? Im wonderful. How about you? Look at the teachers actions, act and sing: I am walking / washing/ cooking/ singing/ sitting/ reading. 英语氛围。学生通过观 看和倾听老师的动作, 边做动作边演唱,让学 生通过观察、动脑随机 演唱歌曲,复习了 Im doing sth. 句型,与此 同时抓住所有孩子的注 意力,为接下来的学习 开个好头! Step 2 Revision 1. Look and answer T: What is Mrs Brown doing? What is Mr Brown doing? Whats Peter doing? What about Paul and Sally? (Ask someone to answer and then they ask and answer in pairs.) 2. Talk about the picture T:This is Mr Browns famlily. How many people are there in his family? Who are they? Whats their family name? S1: She is reading. S2: He is washing dishes. Hes drawing. A: Whats Paul doing? B: Hes playing with toys. Whats Sally doing? A: Shes doing her homework. (Look at the pictures and answer. Then they ask and answer in pairs.) Ss: There are five people. Theyre Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Peter Brown, Paul Brown and Sally Brown. Brown. 利用看图问答,复习现 在进行时的问答句型。 唤醒学生的已知部分, 为接下来的成篇表述做 好铺垫。由浅入深的环 节设计,让更多的学生 获取成功的体验,从而 增强学生学习的积极性, 激发他们获取新知的欲 望。 通过仔细观察、亲自体 验,感知语言的用法。 从而举一反三,学会运 用语言。 由看图回答,复习了篇 So we can call this family the Browns. Who are they? T: Look at the Browns. Where are they? What are they doing? Talk about it in your groups. (According to the Browns) The Lis. The Obamas. S1: They are at home. Then talk about the picture in their groups. 章中的句子,因此再过 渡到看图说话的成篇表 述便更加顺理成章,大 大降低了难度。小组活 动讨论,更是孩子们互 相学习的过程,这样全 体学生都可以参与到活 动中来,获取成功体验, 从而激发学习兴趣。同 时培养学生合作学习的 策略,提高合作意 识。 Step3: New courses 1. New phrases. T: (Play the sound recording) Listen, the Browns are making a holiday plan. To lead the new phrases: Ss listen to the recording. learn to say the new phrases and practice the sentences. According the plan, give their advice about where they can go. Most of students will advice them to go to the beach. 利用篇章呈现新知,赋 予语言真实的环境。 学生先通过听音感知新 授内容的读音,再通过 观看图片感知新授内容 的含义,接着模仿跟读 并加以操练掌握新授内 容的读音,最后再通过 交际、交流运用语言。 充分调动学生的各种感 觉器官去感知、体验, 从而学会掌握并运用。 充分提高学生的听、说 以及读的能力。 在讲授短语“enjoy the sunshine”时,老师高 歌一曲“Youre my sunshine” 让学习不再 枯燥,教师贴近学生, 表达对学生的爱,拉近 了师生间的距离,放松 了学生的情绪,让他们 enjoyenjoyenjoy thethethe sunshinesunshinesunshine collectcollectcollect shellsshellsshells 2. Text. Listen and answer the questions. What day is it today? Where are the Browns? Hows the weather? Listen and guess. (Cover the peoples heads and let them listen and guess.) Read after me. Lead to read sentence by sentence. Then ask some students to read the text. learn to say the new words. Find out the pronunciation rules of the letters “ea”. Listen carefully and answer: Its Saturday. Theyre at the beach. Theyre in Sanya. Its a beautiful day. Listen carefully and guess using Yes-no questions: Is Sally enjoying the sunshine? Is Peter sitting beside Sally? Is Mr Brown swimming? Follow the teacher and imitate the pronunci- -ation and the into- 乐于积极地参与学习。 在出示单词“sea”之前 出现“see”让孩子们感 知这是一对同音异义词。 再次设计听音环节,但 只是课文的前几句,大 大降低了难度,让孩子 们没有任何压力,从而 在困难的听音环节获取 成功的喜悦,提高听力 水平,利用简单的问答 提高学生的理解能力。 将图片中的人物头部遮 挡,增强神秘色彩,吸 引孩子的注意力,让他 们更加认真的去听,去 记,更积极主动的参与 活动。并用猜的方式, 充分操练本课重点句型 现在进行时的一般疑 问句。 注意关注学生的语音语 调,培养学生朗读字正 腔圆,语音语调优美。 beachbeachbeach seaseasea -nation. Some students read the text. At last, read together. Step4: Extendin g practise Fill in the blanks according to the text. Talk about it in groups and someone speaks. At last, they read together. 这又是一个小组活动, 在掌握了课文内容的基 础上,让学生运用所学 对课文进行复述。虽然 五年级的学生已经可以 成篇的进行口语表述, 但是教学内容还是照顾 多数学生的英语水平, 由浅入深,循序渐进。 因此,给出一个不完整 的篇章让学生通过小组 讨论来集体完成。充分 做到全员参与。 Step5: Summary & Homework 1. Sum up. T: Look at the blackboard. These are the new phrases for today. Can you read? Who is enjoying the sunshine? (Complete the sentence.) This is a positive. Can you change it into a Yes-no question? Is Sally enjoying the sunshine? (Handwriting the sentences.) 2. Homework. Change the sentences into Yes- no questions and answer according to the text. Show them a short video. Look at the blackboard. Read the new phrase. And look at the teacher to complete the sentence. S1: Is Sally enjoying the sunshine? S2: Yes, she is. Finish the paper. Look at the video. Make such a video and record their family life. 通过总结,完成现在进 行时的句子,让学生再 次感知现在进行时 be+ 动词 ing 的结构特征。 并让学生变成一般疑问 句,教师再书写变化部 分“Is Sally?”让学 生形象的感知带 be 动词 的句子变一般疑问把 be 动词提前的变化规律。 分层作业,先留一项基 础的笔头作业,夯实学 生对现在进行时一般疑 问句的掌握。再留一项 贴近生活,有趣味的情 景剧作业,赋予作业以 趣味与活力,激发学生 做作业的兴致,充分调 动他们自主学习的积极 性。 学生学习活动评价设计学生学习活动评价设计 本节课主要以同桌之间、小组之间的合作学习为主,以同桌、小组为单位,学生通 过合作学习、巩固以及操练本节课的主要内容。合作学习效果展示将收集在小组的档案 袋中作为评价的内容之一。 板书设计板书设计 SallySallySally isisis enjoyenjoyenjoyinginging thethethe sunshine.sunshine.sunshine. IsIsIs SallySallySally ? ? ? Yes,Yes,Yes, shesheshe collect shells
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Module Out and about_7 At the beach_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级公开课_沪教版五年级上册英语(编号:10150) 沪教版 年级 上册 英语
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