Module 2 My family, my friends and me-5 My friends-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:20000).zip


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展开 沪教版三起四年级上册英语Module2Myfamilymyfriendsandme_5Myfriends_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开课_编号20000.zip沪教版三起四年级上册英语Module2Myfamilymyfriendsandme_5Myfriends_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开课_编号
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5 Module 2 My family, my friends and meOxfordOxford EnglishEnglish The lion and the mouse The lion cannot _. He is _. The mouses small teeth are_. get out afraid sharp car dark rain paint He can _the lion. help a sharp knife X-Man a sharp pencil The lion cannot _. He is _. The mouses small teeth are_. get out afraid sharp car dark rain paint He can _the lion. help The lion and the mouse are friends now. Steps (步骤(步骤 ) Contents (内容)(内容) Step 1Read the text 熟读课文 Step 2Finish your study card 完成学习单 Step 3Check the answers 看书核对答案 Step 4Read the study card carefully 熟读学习单内容 Learning guide(学习指南) The lion is big and strong. He has big _. The mouse is small. He has small_. The lion cannot_ _. The mouses small teeth are_. He can_the lion. The lion and the mouse are_now. teeth teeth get out sharp help friends 1 345 2 Learning guide(学习指南) Task (内容(内容 ) Contents (内容)(内容) Standards (标准)(标准) Marks (得分)(得分) Task1Read 读课文 准确 有感情 声音洪亮 Task2Retell 看板书,复述 故事 准确 有感情 声音洪亮 Task3Act 用剧本,表演 故事 准确 有感情 声音洪亮 内容可增加、删减、改变 PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: Everyone has his power(力量)whether( 无论)he is strong or weak(弱小). 每个人都会有他的优点,无论是强大还是弱小。 1. Read and retell the story. 2. Make a dialogue on your text books according to the story. Exemple : Study card The lion is big and strong. He has big _. The mouse is small. He has small_. The lion cannot_ _. The mouses small teeth are_. He can_the lion. The lion and the mouse are_now. Task 3 对话内容可作为参考,你们可以根据实际情况自己改编内容对话内容可作为参考,你们可以根据实际情况自己改编内容 The narrator: The lion is big and strong. He has big teeth. The lion: I am the lion. I am big and strong. My teeth are big. The narrator: The mouse is small. He has small teeth. The mouse: I am the mouse. I am small. My teeth are sharp. The narrator: The lion cannot get out. He is afraid The lion: Help! Help! Who can help me! The mouse: My small teeth are sharp. Let me help you! The lion: Thank you very much! The lion and the mouse: We are friends! 一师一优课 教学设计 授课学科:小学英语 课课 题题 UnitUnit 5 5 TheThe lionlion andand thethe mousemouse 学学 科科英 语 授课教师授课教师 教材版本教材版本 沪教牛津(三年级起点) 四年级上册 设计理念设计理念 通过兴趣激发导入主题,利用故事内容巩固句型,学习新单词与词组,通过听 说读写练习,进行故事复述故事,分层演练,提高孩子语言应用能力。 教学目标教学目标 Knowledge objectives: 1. Help students understand the usage and the meaning of the sentence pattern “He has.” by enjoy the story. 通过故事教学,让学生进一步理解“他有”句型的用法和意思。 2. Grasp the key words and phrase: teeth, sharp, help, get out. 掌握本课的三个重点单词和一个词组 Ability objectives: 1. Develop students ability to retell and the story by key words and pictures. 培养学生利用关键词和图片进行故事复述。 2. Try to develop students ability to adapt a story to a dialogue in order to help them improve their language competence. 尝试培养学生运用语言的能力,将故事改编成形成会话,提高学生语言 应用能力。 Emotional objectives: Sometimes we are the same, we can be friends. Sometimes we are different, we also can be friends. 相似的人可以成为朋友,但不同也可以成为朋友。 Make students know the truth:Everyone has his power whether he is strong or weak. 让学生明白一个道理:无论一个人强大还是弱小,每个人都会有他自 己的优势。 教学重点教学重点 Make students retell the story by key words and sentences. 让学生通过核心词和句型复述课文 教学难点教学难点 Make students try to make a dialogue through the story. 让学生尝试将故事变成对话。 学情分析学情分析 通过三年多的英语学习学生已经掌握了一定词汇以及句型,口语表达 上也有一定的能力。四年级注重学生学习兴趣培养的同时,采用多种教学 方法提高学生的语言应用能力和自主学习能力,培养思维品质。尊重学生 已有的知识经验,注重学生学习习惯的养成,注重对学生激励性的评价, 注重课堂教学的有效性。 教法教法 Situational approach(情景教学法) Task-based approach(任务教学法) 教学方法教学方法 学法学法 Discovery learning approach(发现学习法) Group cooperative approach(小组合作法) 教学过程教学过程设计意图设计意图 【Pre-task preparation】 1. Greetings T: OK. Class begins! Ss: Stand up! T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you today? Ss: I am fine. T: Lets listen to a song, if you are familiar with it , you can sing it. 2. Sing a song 3. Free talk 【教学进程】 简单问候之后,听歌曲,让 学生说歌曲是什么主题,进 而引出故事主题“友谊”。 教师引导指出两个人成为朋 友是因为他们相似,进而出 示狮子和老鼠的图片对比狮 子体型大,老鼠体型小,进 一步抛出问题:他们不一样, 他们是否可以成为朋友?以 此设置悬念,让学生带着疑 问观看视频。 T: What does the song talk about? S1:Friends! T:Yes, good! I have a friend. She likes singing, shopping and reading. We can be friends because we are the same . What about you? Ss:(Talk about their friends.) 4. Lead in T: Now, here we have two animals .Look! A lion and a mouse. Can they be friends? Ss: Yes!/No! 【While-task procedures】 1.Think and answer T: Lets watch a video and see if they can be friends. T:Can the lion and the mouse be friends? Ss: Yes! T: OK, lets watch the video again and think about the questions: Why they can be friends? (After watch the video again.) S1:The mouse help the lion,so they can be friends. T: How does the mouse help the lion?Lets learn the story in details. 2. Look and learn Ask students questions: 【教学进程】 观看完毕后,由老师再次抛 出问题:老鼠狮子不一样他 们是否能成为朋友?得出肯 定的答案后,再次观看视频, 问学生他们为什么能成为朋 友?进一步理解故事,为下 一步老鼠如何帮助狮子做铺 垫。 利用第一课时中已学句型和 图片做支架,让学生描述老 鼠和狮子的外貌,同时学习 新词 teeth。 出示图片,让学生观察狮子 无法逃出网的情景,给出提 示句 The lion cannot_. 让学生体会词组 get out 的 意思,学习新词组。之后通 过两个提问,运用同样的方 法学习新词 afraid 和 sharp。最后,教师总结正 是因为老鼠帮助了狮子,狮 子和老鼠成为朋友,回归 “友谊”的主题。 让学生跟读以及自己读课文, 熟悉文本。之后根据学习指 南完成学习单。目的为了让 学生掌握核心单词和词组, 并能够流利地读出故事,截 止到此时,学生至少阅读故 T:What does the lion/mouse like? S1: The lion is big and strong. He has big teeth. S2: The mouse is small. He has small teeth. Teacher continues to asking students questions: T: Look at the picture.Whats wrong with the lion? S1:The lion cannot get out. T:How does it feel? S2:He is afraid. T:What about the mouse? S3:The mouses small teeth are sharp.He can help the lion. T:Whats the meaning of sharp? Look, a sharp knife, a sharp pencil. You see the mouse use his sharp teeth help the lion. So what about the end? S4:The lion and the mouse are friends now. 3. Read and fellow the tape T:OK. Lets read and fellow the tape. 4. Read by yourself T:OK,read by yourself. 5. Finish the study card Learning guide 事三遍。为接下来的故事复 述做准备。 【教学进程】 老师示范如何结合板书进行 故事复述。然后学生在下面 自己练习。随后老师示范复 述第一幅图片内容 并将第 一幅图片贴到相应板书位置 上,然后让学生来到台前, 选择图片,结合板书复述, 将图片放置在恰当的板书位 置上,以此类推,完成其他 余下三幅图。 小组合作完成任务,任务内 容小组自选:1.读课文 2:复 述课文 3:表演故事(老师提 供改变后的第一人称对话文 本资料,也为学生后续创编 文本提供参考)。让学生根 据自身能力选择不同难度内 容,分层教学,提高学生参 与度,带动学生的积极性, 学会合作,增加趣味性。 让学生通过故事进行情感升 华。 熟读课文,并学会利用关键 词复述课文;以第一人称方 式改编故事,编写对话部分。 通过分层的作业内容,提升 (1) Finish study card. (2)Check the keys in your book. (3)Read the content of study card. Study card: The lion is big and strong. He has big _. The mouse is small. He has small_. The lion cannot_ _. The mouses small teeth are_. He can_the lion. The lion and the mouse are_now. 【Post-task activities】 1.Retell the story (1) Retell the story through the key words and phrase by teacher as an example. (2) Practise by themself. (3) Choose some students come to the front and ask the them to put the pictures on the right position and retell the story by key words and phrase on the blackboard. 2.Team work Choose Task1 or Task2 or Task3 . Ask students to come to the front to have a show. 学生语言能力,面向全体学 生根据自己水平创作文本。 Task1: Read one star Task2: Retell two stars Task3: Act three stars (Teacher provides a dialogue which is an adaptation made from the story for students) 【Emotional aim】 T:The mouse is small. The lion is big .But the mouse can help the lion. So what do you think? S1: We cant despise anyone. T:Yes, you re right. We can also say: Everyone has his power whether he is strong or weak. 【Homework】 (1) Read and retell the story. (2) Make a dialogue on your text books according to the story. 板书设计板书设计 教学反思教学反思 本节课讲授的内容是上海教育出版社出版的牛津英语四年级上册 Module2 Unite 5 The lion and the mouse内容。 本节课目标为通过文本,更好地体会核心句型“He has.”的运用, 同时掌握新词和词组,并根据句型及关键词进行故事复述。 优点: 1、开篇直奔主题,利用环环相扣的问题,帮助学生掌握文本大意, 随后通过描述和逐图学习,让学生把握细节并在文本中学习新词及词组。 2、整体课程逻辑清晰,包含听说读写全方位内容。学生掌握新词及 词组,并能够复述课文。 三、包含分层教学和小组合作,面向全体学生,作业内容符合不同学 生能力,提升学生语言综合应用能力。 不足: 因时间有限,并非所有学生都上前表演。
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Module My family friends and me_5 friends_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:20000) 沪教版 四年级公开课_沪教版四年级上册英语
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