Module 2 My family, my friends and me-5 My friends-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-省级公开课-沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:9159a).zip


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Unit 5 My friends Oxford English 4A Maggie is my friend . She is 30. She is tall. She can run fast. _is my friend . He / She is _(nine / ten / ). He / She is _(tall/thin/ cool/ ). He / She can _(swim/ sing / ). AB C A He has a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He can skate. T - shir t b de He has_. a green T-shirt He has _.a yellow T-shirta white T-shirt He has _.a white shirtT- He has _. shorts a pair of shorts 一条短裤 airh He has _ . a pair of brown shorts He has _ . shorts jeans gloves a pair of socks shoes This is _ . He is my friend .He is _ and _. He has a _ _ and a pair of _ _. He can _. by Joe I have _ friends . They are _ and his sister_ . two Peter Sally Peter has _ . He can _. an orange T-shirt ride a bike bike kite rideride a bike Sally has _. She can_. a red skirt She has _ . She has _. _essdraw She has _. Sally has _. She can_. a red skirt fly a kite Peter has _ . He can _. Sally has _. She can_. an orange T-shirt ride a bike a red skirt fly a kite Sam has a yellow shirt and a pair of blue shorts. Hes cool! _ has _ and _. He/She is _(cool, beautiful,nice)! I have a friend. She is seven. She is tall and thin . She has a white dress .She can swim. Who is she? Duo Duo Grace Duoduo is Yang Yangyangs friend. She is tall and beautiful. She has big eyes and long hair. She has a white dress. She can play with friends. She can help friends. She can share with friends. They are happy together. True or false( T/F) 1.Duoduo is short and beautiful. ( ) 2. She has big eyes and long hair. ( ) 3.She has a red dress. ( ) F T F My friend _ is my friend . He / She is _(eight / nine / ten) . He / She is _(tall / short / fat / thin /) He / She has _ . He /She can _.(sing / swim / ride a bike / ) We are happy together. We play together. We read together. We draw together. We help each other. We learn from each other. We share with each other. 1.Read the text. 2.Make a friend card. 教学设计教学设计 4A4A ModuleModule 2 2 My,My, mymy friendsfriends andand meme UnitUnit 5 5 MyMy friendsfriends PeriodPeriod 1 1 HeHe hashas a a greengreen T-shirt.T-shirt. 教教 案案 首首 页页 课课 题题 UnitUnit 5 5 MyMy friendsfriends PeriodPeriod 1 1 HeHe hashas a a greengreen T-shirt.T-shirt. 课型课型 newnew 教学教学 课时课时 1st1st 授课授课 时间时间 2016.9.222016.9.22 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.1.能听说认读单词能听说认读单词 a a pairpair of,of, help,help, ride;ride;能听说读写单词能听说读写单词 dress,dress, shirt,shirt, shorts,shorts, T-shirtT-shirt。 2.2.通过观看视频,师生问答,小组合作等形式,能准确、熟练地运用通过观看视频,师生问答,小组合作等形式,能准确、熟练地运用 He/sheHe/she hashas a a greengreen T-shirt.T-shirt.这类句型介绍朋友的穿着及拥有的物品,从这类句型介绍朋友的穿着及拥有的物品,从 而达到能从姓名、年龄、特点、能力、穿着等方面对他人进行介绍。在锻而达到能从姓名、年龄、特点、能力、穿着等方面对他人进行介绍。在锻 炼观察能力的同时,增强关心朋友的意识。炼观察能力的同时,增强关心朋友的意识。 知知 识识 结结 构构 图图 wordswordssentencessentencesGrammarGrammarPronunciationPronunciation T-shirt,T-shirt, shorts,shorts, skirt,skirt, shirt,shirt, dress,dress, help,help, ride,ride, brown.brown. HeHe hashas a a pairpair ofof greengreen shorts.shorts. 第三人称单数第三人称单数 hashas。 i i /ai/ai/ 教教 学学 重重 难难 点点 重点:四会单词和句子在具体语境中的运用。重点:四会单词和句子在具体语境中的运用。 难点:难点:1.1. 第三人称单数形式第三人称单数形式 hashas 在具体语境中的运用。在具体语境中的运用。 2.2. a a pairpair ofof 的用法。的用法。 学习学习 起点起点 预测预测 1.1. 本单元的话题是朋友,贴近学生的生活,学生乐于谈论。本单元的话题是朋友,贴近学生的生活,学生乐于谈论。 2.2. 学生在三年级已经学习过学生在三年级已经学习过 havehave 的用法,为本课的用法,为本课 havehave 第三人称第三人称 单数形式单数形式 hashas 的学习做了铺垫,学生在之前的学习中已经对他人的的学习做了铺垫,学生在之前的学习中已经对他人的 姓名,年龄,外貌特征,能力等进行了学习,为本节课的学习奠定姓名,年龄,外貌特征,能力等进行了学习,为本节课的学习奠定 了基础。了基础。 学学 情情 分分 析析 学习学习 困难困难 预测预测 havehave 和和 hashas 的区别及正确运用将会是本节课学习的一大难点,的区别及正确运用将会是本节课学习的一大难点, 可以通过对比,观察,辨析等方法明确它们之间的异同,在通过反可以通过对比,观察,辨析等方法明确它们之间的异同,在通过反 复操练达到正确运用的目的。复操练达到正确运用的目的。a a pairpair ofof 的用法易出现错误,应通的用法易出现错误,应通 过直观的方法强化训练,避免负迁移的影响。过直观的方法强化训练,避免负迁移的影响。 教教 具具 准准 备备 WwordWword cards,cards, picturespictures 板板 书书 设设 计计 M1M1 U2U2 P1P1 HeHe hashas a a greengreen T-shirt.T-shirt. TomTom talltall andand thinthin mymy friendfriend a a greengreen T-shirtT-shirt skateskate a a pairpair ofof brownbrown shortsshorts 呈呈 现现 现现 象象 1.1. a a pairpair ofof brownbrown shortsshorts 的用法表达起来不够流畅。的用法表达起来不够流畅。 2.2. havehave 和和 hashas 能在句子中正确运用,但是三单的概念还没有完能在句子中正确运用,但是三单的概念还没有完 全掌握。在运用中仍会出现失误。全掌握。在运用中仍会出现失误。 归归 因因 分分 析析 1.a1.a pairpair ofof 短语较长,学生不易上口。短语较长,学生不易上口。 2.2. 讲练结合,操练较充分,三单概念较为广泛,学生一下全部掌讲练结合,操练较充分,三单概念较为广泛,学生一下全部掌 握起来较为困难,需要逐步理解并掌握。握起来较为困难,需要逐步理解并掌握。 教教 学学 反反 思思 改改 进进 措措 施施 1.1. 用用 pearpear 引出引出 pair,pair, 先从读音上降低难度,先从读音上降低难度,brownbrown shortsshorts 可用可用 brownbrown 先说说其他熟悉的物品,形成一个合理的梯度,练扎实,练到先说说其他熟悉的物品,形成一个合理的梯度,练扎实,练到 位。位。 2.2. 加大小组活动的力度。在小组活动中辨析,操练,组员之间互加大小组活动的力度。在小组活动中辨析,操练,组员之间互 相督促,互相帮助,使每个人都有发言的机会,学习效率就会提升。相督促,互相帮助,使每个人都有发言的机会,学习效率就会提升。 教教 案案 续续 页页(第(第 1 1 课时)课时) 步骤步骤教学流程教学流程课堂调控课堂调控 导入导入 1.Greetings1.Greetings 2.Enjoy2.Enjoy a a song:song: FriendsFriends 3.3. FreeFree talk:talk: AboutAbout mymy friendfriend T:T: DoDo youyou havehave anyany friends?friends? S1:S1: Yes.Yes. T:T: WhoWho isis youryour friend?friend? S1:S1: MaryMary isis mymy friend.friend. S2/S3S2/S3 T:T: I I havehave a a friendfriend too.too. Look.Look. MaggieMaggie isis mymy friend.friend. SheShe isis 30.30. SheShe isis tall.tall. SheShe cancan runrun WhatWhat aboutabout youryour friend?friend? CAI:CAI: _ isis mymy friend.friend. He/SheHe/She isis _(_( nine,nine, ten).ten). He/SheHe/She isis _(cool/thin/tall).He/She_(cool/thin/tall).He/She cancan _(_( swim/run/).swim/run/). 4.4. AboutAbout JoesJoes friend.friend. T:T: Look!Look! WhoWho isis he?he? Ss:Ss: Joe.Joe. T:T: WhoWho isis hishis friend?friend? Listen!Listen! ListenListen toto thethe recorder,recorder, findingfinding whowho isis JoesJoes friend.friend. A A B B C C T:T: WhyWhy isis he?he? Ss:Ss: HeHe hashas a a greengreen T-shirtT-shirt andand a a pairpair ofof brownbrown shorts.shorts. HeHe cancan skate.skate. 重重 难难 点点 突突 破破 5.5. LearnLearn “T-shirt”“T-shirt” Exercise:Exercise: HeHe hashas a a _._. LearnLearn “shirt”“shirt” FindFind thethe differencesdifferences 7.7. LearnLearn “shorts”“shorts” Short-Short- shortsshorts Exercise:Exercise: HeHe hashas a a _._. ReadRead more:more: a a pairpair ofof shoes/jeans/socks/glovesshoes/jeans/socks/gloves 8.8. ReadRead thethe firstfirst partpart together.together. ExplainExplain “by“by Joe”Joe” 9.9. T:T: JoesJoes friendfriend isis Tom.Tom. WhoWho isis AlicesAlices friend?friend? 9.19.1 ReadRead thethe secondsecond part,part, fillfill thethe blanks.blanks. I I havehave _ friends.friends. TheyThey areare _ andand hishis sister_.sister_. 9.29.2 CompleteComplete thethe sentences.sentences. PeterPeter hashas _._. HeHe cancan _._. learn:learn: rideride a a bikebike SallySally hashas _._. SheShe can_.can_. learn:learn: skirt,skirt, dressdress 10.10. PairPair work:work: TalkTalk aboutabout PeterPeter andand SallySally PeterPeter hashas _._. HeHe cancan _._. SallySally hashas _._. SheShe can_.can_. 11.11. PlayPlay a a game:game: TalkTalk aboutabout thethe _ hashas _ andand _._. He/SheHe/She isis _(cool,_(cool, beautiful,nice)!beautiful,nice)! 教学教学 拓展拓展 1.1. ReadRead andand guessguess I I havehave a a friend.friend. SheShe isis SheShe isis talltall andand thin.thin. SheShe hashas a a whitewhite dressdress .She.She cancan swim.swim. WhoWho isis she?she? 2.2. ReadingReading DuoduoDuoduo isis YangYang YangyangsYangyangs friend.friend. SheShe isis talltall andand beautiful.beautiful. SheShe hashas bigbig eyeseyes andand longlong SheShe hashas a a whitewhite dress.dress. SheShe cancan playplay withwith friends.friends. SheShe cancan helphelp friends.friends. SheShe cancan shareshare withwith friends.friends. TheyThey areare happyhappy together.together. TrueTrue oror false(false( T/F)T/F) 1.Duoduo1.Duoduo isis shortshort andand beautiful.beautiful. ( ( ) ) 2.2. SheShe hashas bigbig eyeseyes andand longlong ( ( ) ) 3.She3.She hashas a a redred dress.dress. ( ( ) ) 3.3. WritingWriting MyMy friendfriend _ isis mymy friend.friend. HeHe / / SheShe isis _(eight_(eight / / ninenine / / ten)ten) . . HeHe / / SheShe isis _(tall_(tall / / shortshort / / fatfat / / thinthin /)/) HeHe / / SheShe hashas _ . . HeHe /She/She cancan _.(sing_.(sing / / swimswim / / rideride a a bikebike / / ) WeWe areare happyhappy together.together. 总结总结 提升提升 EnjoyEnjoy somesome picturespictures aboutabout FriendsFriends WeWe playplay together.together. WeWe readread together.together. WeWe drawdraw togethertogether. . WeWe helphelp eacheach otherother. . WeWe learnlearn fromfrom eacheach otherother. . WeWe shareshare withwith eacheach otherother. . WeWe areare friends.friends. WeWe areare happyhappy together.together. 课堂课堂 练习练习 设计设计 一、单项选择。一、单项选择。 ( ( )1.)1. TomTom _ a a greengreen T-shirt.T-shirt. A.A. havehave B.B. hashas C.C. isis ( ( ) ) 2.2. ThisThis isis _ yellowyellow shorts.shorts. A.A. a a B.B. a a pairpair C.C. a a pairpair ofof ( ( )3.)3. SheShe cancan _ a a kite.kite. A.A. rideride B.B. flyfly C.C. skateskate 二、二、 请用所学语言介绍你的朋友。不少于五句话。请用所学语言介绍你的朋友。不少于五句话。 MyMy friendfriend _ isis mymy friend.friend. HeHe / / SheShe isis _(eight_(eight / / ninenine / / ten)ten) . . HeHe / / SheShe isis _(tall_(tall / / shortshort / / fatfat / / thinthin /)/) HeHe / / SheShe hashas _ . . HeHe /She/She cancan _.(sing_.(sing / / swimswim / / rideride a a bikebike / / ) WeWe areare happyhappy together.together. 必必 做做 1.1. ReadRead afterafter thethe tapetape fluently.fluently. 2.2. CopyCopy downdown thethe followingfollowing words:words: dress,dress, shirt,shirt, shorts,shorts, skirt,skirt, T-shirt.T-shirt. 作业作业 设计设计 选选 做做 MakeMake a a friendfriend card.card.
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Module My family friends and me_5 friends_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_省级公开课_沪教版四年级上册英语(编号:9159a) 沪教版 四年级公开课_沪教版四年级上册英语 上册 英语
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