Unit 8 Chinese New Year-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:60be6).zip


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Chinese New Year 课堂反馈课堂反馈 班级_ 姓名_ 一.Talk about their plans in groups, then write the plans on the cards from the red packets. 四人一组讨论你们的春节计划,然后一人选择一个时间写一写四人一组讨论你们的春节计划,然后一人选择一个时间写一写(除书上外,下列词组也可(除书上外,下列词组也可 以参考哦!)以参考哦!) 扫尘 clean the house 贴对联 put up couplets kplts 放鞭炮 light the firecrackers 旅游 go traveling trvl 做年糕 make rice cakes 看春晚 watch New Year gala g:l /TV 守岁 stay up late/dont sleep 蒸馒头 steam buns sti:m bnz 吃春卷 eat spring rolls rlz 拜年 pay a New Year call 拜访亲朋好友 visit friends and relatives 聚会 have parties 吃饺子 eat dumplings Our New Year Plan Chinese New year is coming, were all very _. Before_,were going to_. On _, we are going to _. On _, we are going to _. On the _, we are going to _. 二二. . Fill in the blanks 根据课文内容填空根据课文内容填空 Chinese New Year is _, Anna is very _. Before Chinese New Year, she is going to buy some new _ and _, make _ and _. _ Chinese New Years Eve, she is going to _ _ with her family, then theyre are going to buy some _. On Chinese New Years _, she is going to get a _ _ from her parents, watch a _ _. On the_ day of Chinese New Year, theyre going to watch _ in the evening. Unit 8 Chinese New Year 译林小学英语 六上 Story Time in January or February Whens Chinese New Year? We also call Chinese New Year . A. Spring Festival B. Mid-Autumn Festival 2018 is the year of the . Horse Dog Chinese New Year is coming. How do you feel? 预习反馈: What do you know ? Anna Hong Kong Su Hais e -friend Chinese New Year is coming. Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Anna in Hong Kong. Dear Su Hai, How are you? Love, Anna 预测: What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year ? 预测: What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year ? be going to 表示“将要, 即将” Anna is going to buy make watch eat What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year? Anna is going to firecrackers fireworks 烟花表演 lion dancedragon dance Read and order: 自读课文,将图片排序。 ( )( )( ) ( )( )( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 根据 来排序。时间先后 ? ? ? Before Chinese New Year On Chinese New Years Day On the second day of Chinese New Year ?On Chinese New Years Eve Read and find:再读课文,划出表示时间的关键词。 S un M on T ue W ed T hu F ri S at 2 8 十 二 2 9 十 三 3 0 十 四 3 1 十 五 1 十 六 2 十 七 3 十 八 4 十 九 5 二 十 6 廿 一 7 廿 二 8 廿 三 9 廿 四 1 0 廿 五 1 1 廿 六 1 2 廿 七 1 3 廿 八 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 初 二 1 8 初 三 1 9 初 四 2 0 初 五 2 1 初 六 2 2 初 七 2 3 初 八 2 4 初 九 February 除夕 Chinese New Years Day Chinese New Years Eve 2018 春节情人节 Before Chinese New Year On Chinese New Years Eve On Chinese New Years Day On the second day of Chinese New Year buy and . make _ and . . with family buy . get from parents watch . watch . Annas New Year plan food some cakestangyuan have dinner some flowers a red packet a lion dance fireworks new clothes Tomorrow, my family and I/are going to buy some new clothes/ and food. On Chinese New Years Eve, we are going to have dinner/ with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my cousin. On Chinese New Years Day, my parents are going to give me red packets. On the second day/of Chinese New Year, we are going to watch fireworks in the evening. Dear Su Hai, Love, Anna Chinese New Year is coming. What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? Su Hai gets an email / from her e-friend Anna / in Hong Kong. Its going to be Chinese New Year next week. How are you? Im very excited. Then, in the evening were going to make some cakes/ and tangyuan. Then, were going to buy some flowers. Then, were going to watch/a lion dance in the afternoon. 哪些句子很长或者比较难读呢?来点读一下吧! Read it together. 小组一起读。 Read in paragraphs. 组内分段读。 Retell in groups. 合作来复述。 扫尘 clean the house 贴对联 put up couplets 放鞭炮 light the firecrackers 做年糕 make rice cakes 看春晚 watch New Year gala 守岁 stay up late/dont sleep 蒸馒头 steam buns 吃春卷 eat spring rolls 拜年 pay a New Year call What are you going to do in Zhenjiang? Before/On , we are going to Our New Year plan Talk and write: 小组讨论,制定春节计划, 并一人选一段写一写。 遇到不会表达的 生词,可以问老 师或同学哦! Our New Year Plan Chinese New year is coming, were all very _. Before _, were going to _. On_, were going to_. On On _, were going to_. On the _,were going to_. . . . . . .,Annais going tomake cakes, but Iam going tomake dumplings. Before Chinese New Year Discuss: 小组讨论香港和镇江不同的春节习俗。 On Chinese New Years Eve On Chinese New Years Day On the second day of Chinese New Year On Chinese New Years Eve, people in Hong Kong always go to flower markets after dinner. They think different flowers bring different good luck(好运). Everyone wants to have a good luck. “花开富贵”、“大吉大利”。 Chinese New Year Fun Reunion 团圆 Blessing 祝福 Im going to Homework: 1.Read Annas email and tell your family about Chinese New Year in Hong Kong,try to finish exercise2. 2.Make your plan for Chinese New Year with your family. 3.Surf the Internet, try to know some New Year customs(风俗) of different places in China. Chinese New Year 1.Enjoy a ballad about Chinese New Year. T:Boys and girls, its our English fun, I think well have a good time today,right? S:Yes! T:Ok, first lets enjoy a ballad.(PPT 欣赏童谣) Do you know? You can say it . (让学生一起) Very good! Do you like the ballad? S:Yes! T:Its about a holiday, do you know what it is? S:Chinese New Year. T(帖标题) 2. Know about the topic “Chinese New Year”. T:What do you know about Chinese New Year? What do people do at Chinese New Year? S: 1.clean the house( T:Do your mother usually cleans the house at Chinese New Year? Do you help her?) 2. put up couplets(T:Oh yes, its a Chinese traditional costom) 3. light the firecrackers(T:Do you like lighting the firecrakers?Its interesting, but its a little dangerous, be careful ok?) 4. go traveling(T:Do you like going traveling with your family at Chinese New Year? Me too) 5. make rice cakes(T:Do you like eating rice cakes? Its delicious) 6. watch New Year gala( T:Yes, its pretty good.) 7. stay up late/dont sleep(T:I think you are excited the whole night) 8. steam buns(T:You know steam buns, you did a good job before class) 9. eat spring rolls(T:I like eating spring rolls) 10. pay a New Year call(T:Its good) 11. visit friends and relatives/have parties(T:I think its exciting) 12. eat dumplings(T: its a Chinese traditional costom, and its a delicious food ) 13.buy new clothes(T:Yes, most of Chinese people wear new clothes at Chinese New Year) 14.have a big dinner(T:Of course , have a family reunion dinner) 15.Watch a lion/dragon dance(T:I see) 16.make cakes and tangyuan(T:Can you make cakes or tangyuan?I cant, would you like to teach me?) 17.buy some flowers(T:Maybe most of girls like folwers, but boys dont) 3. Play a guessing game and learn the new words: red packet, the lucky coin. T:Wow, you know a lot about Chinese New Year, Its going to be Chinese New Year very soon! And I have a gift for you. Do you know what it is?(PPT 出礼物图) T-S:Its a rectangle. Its made of paper. Its red. Its a good wish for children.(PPT 逐 一点出) T:Do know what it is? S:Its a red packet. T:Here it is! A big red packet! Whats in it?(拿出一个大红包,学生猜里面物品,点 击课件出三个问号) S:money,present T:Maybe. T:My class, who will give you red packets at Chinese New Year? S:My father/mother T:So your family and relatives will give you red packets at Chinese New Year,right? There are some gifts in this red packet.(点击课件揭晓三个里面内容) sweets, some works to do. Maybe you need to read, answer or write sth. A lucky coin, you see, parents usually put the lucky coin in the dumplings, so if you get the coin, youll be lucky for a whole year! 4. Share the information about Chinese New Year. T:Would you like to pick one?(6 名学生摸红包) 1.2018 is the year of Dog . (PPT 分别链接 4 个问题) This year is the year of rooster. 2.We also call Chinese New Year Spring Festival. 3.Chinese New Year is coming, how do you feel? T:Can you ask your good friend? All of you are happy and excited, right? Thars good! 4.Whens Chinese New Year? In January or February T:Whats this? Oh,you get the lucky coin!Congratulations! Youll be lucky for a whole year?/Oh,its a sweet, do you like it? Its for you!(抽到硬币或糖果) 5. Enjoy the story Give a feedback on preview content about Anna. T:Well boys and girls, our new friend Anna is very excited too, because Chinese New Year is coming. What do you know about Anna after your previewing?(PPT 点击 出现引言内容,预测) S:Anna is in Hongkong. T:Any other information? S:Anna is Su Hais e-friend. She writes an email to Su Hai. About her New Year plan. Do you know plan? S:Yes! T:So this time, can you guess, what is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?(点击 PPT, 开始预测) Maybe she is going to buy sth, eat sth or make sth. Watch the video and answer: What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year? T:This time please watch the vedio and try to get the answer, ok? Watch carefully.(PPT 点击课文动画) T:Have you got the answer? What is Anna going to do? S:She is going to Learn the new words: lion dance, fireworks. T:Anyothers?(PPT 链接教授 watch a lion/dragon dance) T:What abolut this one? S:Its a lion. T:Can you read it? S:A lion dance. T:What about this one? S:A dragon. T:So we call it a dragon dance. T:Now listen, firewoks?(其中 firecrakers 是先听) S:No. T:What are they? S:Firecrakers. T:Do you like fireworks and firecrakers? S:Yes! T:Why? S: T:Yeah! Very beautiful! I like them too, they have the colour of fire, like the rainbow in the sky. But theyre a little dangerous, so we should be careful, right? T:We know a lot about Annas plan, Anna is going to (PPT 链接第三张,6 幅图 一起说一遍) Read the text and order the pictures. T:Please read Annas email and try to order the pictures, open your books, you can read it loudly.(完成书后排序) T:Have you finished? You did a great job! Lets look at the answer, are you all right? S:Yes. Read the text again and find out the different time phrases in Annas plan. T:Very good! So my class, how do you order the pictures?(PPT 点击出现时间) T:You ordered the pictures according to the S: time. T: You ordered the pictures according to the timeline. Look, theyre in the right order now, we order them according to the timeline. Read the email again, then try to unerline the key prases of different time ok?(PPT-4 条主线) T:Look at the calendar, this year, Chinese New Year is in February, what about the 16th? The 16th of February is Chinese New Years Day.(PPT 点击出现日历) Chinese New Years Day is the first day of Chinese New Year. The 17th of February is the second day of Chinese New Year. What about the day before Chinese New Years Day? S:Its Chinese New Years Eve. Fill in the blanks to complete Annas plan. T:Wonderful! Now can you finish Annas plan?(PPT 出现书上 80 内容) S:Yes!(完成书上 80 练习 2) 6.Read the story. T:Its time for reading, before reading, pay attention to this, if we write an email, please dont forget to write dear sb at the beginning, and love, your best wish at the end.(PPT 点击出现读课文页面) T:You have 2 ways to read. First, You can read it with your group members together. Or each of you can read apart. And you can also retell Annas plan in your group. Thats a little bit difficult for you., but I think you will try your best, right? Please trust yourself. Please notice the pause in the long sentence. T:Before you show your reading, are there any long or difficult sentences? You can come here, click it and read it.(让学生到前面点读句子,教师示范) S: T:Oh, thats a long one! T:Lets show your reading.Its your show time.(学生读) I like your show. /A wonderful show!/Well done! Can you retell Annas plan in groups? 7. Talk about their plans in groups, then write the plans on the cards.(PPT 点点 击击 talk and write 页面)页面) T:We know Annas plan very well! Now, lets make our plan. Our Chinese New Year is coming, please tell me what are you going to do in Zhenjiang. S: T:Please talk in groups first, then you can write it down with these information. If you need some help, you can ask me, ok? T:Which group will share your plan with us?(4 人一组汇报,纸贴黑板上) I like your New Year plan!/Your plan is wonderful and colour! Lets clap for them! T:Other groups, you can share your plans with your classmates after class, ok? 8.know about the cultural difference between Hong Kong and Zhenjiang. Find out the cultural difference of Chinese New Year between Hong Kong and Zhenjiang. T:Well, this class we knew Annas New Year plan, we talked about our New Year plan in Zhenjiang. Anna is from Hongkong, can we talk about the differences between Hongkong and Zhenjiang.(PPT 出现比较风俗页面) For example, before Chinese New Year, Anna is going to make cakes, but I am going to make dumplings, thatrs the different. Are there any other different, you can talk to your partener. S: T:Anna is going to buy some flowers after dinner on Chinese New Years Eve, are you going to do that? S:No. T:Its different. Do you know why? S: Enjoy the introduction of Flower market in Hong Kong.(PPT-花市图片花市图片) T:Because of the flower market in Hongkong. On Chinese New Years Eve, people in Hongkong always go to the flower market after dinner. You know, different flower bring different lucky. Everyone wants to have a good luck. For the Chinese, New Year is about good luck, for example, the coin, the lucky coin. T:What else does Chinese New Year mean to Chinese?(PPT 播放看央视春晚等节目) S: T:Fun, Reunion, blessing. T:Who gets the lucky coin?(看谁得到红包里的幸运币,送出祝福) You will be lucky for a whole year, lets congratulations for them! My dear class, Happy New Year and best wish for you. T:Todays Homework
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Unit Chinese New Year_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:60be6) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt
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