Unit 7 Protect the Earth-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:c3ba1).zip


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EnjoyEnjoy thethe songsong WatchWatch andand thinkthink Changzhou Dingyan Primary School Gu Ting hE e a r t Earthly Unit 7 Protect the Earth Therere more and more volunteers(志愿者)(志愿者). Do you want to join them? 你们愿意加入他们吗?你们愿意加入他们吗? Protect the Earth What else should we do? 我们还该做什么?我们还该做什么? WatchWatch andand completecomplete Ho ow toto protectotect t the e Ea art th? Save waterSave energy Save trees Dont use too much plastic. What else should we do? 我们还该做什么?我们还该做什么? WatchWatch andand completecomplete Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy. We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy. 用直线画出原因用直线画出原因 (Why do we save energy?) 虚线画出方法虚线画出方法 (How do we save energy?) 节约能源节约能源 A :What is energy? B: . comes from. A:Why do we save energy? B: Because we use to A:How do we save energy? B: We should . comes from. Because we use to So we shouldnt We should Step1: 写出写出 生词。生词。 小提示:你可以根据上下文或者图片猜猜词小提示:你可以根据上下文或者图片猜猜词 义喔。义喔。 Step2:用用直线直线 画出原因画出原因 (Why do we.?), Step3: 用用虚线虚线 画出方法画出方法 (How do we .?)。 Step4: . Wood comes from trees.We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. We use plastic to make bags and bottles. But too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. Water is useful(有 用的). We drink water and use water to clean things everyday. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse(重 复使用) and save it. 仔细阅仔细阅读,读,注意注意s shohoulduld和和s shohoulduld notnot的用的用法法 ReadingReading timetime Lets share! Protect the Earth We should We shouldnt Choose a topic and share your ways of protecting the Earth. 每每 组选一个主题组选一个主题 ,讨论一下,讨论一下, 告诉大家怎样告诉大家怎样 从身边的小事从身边的小事 开始保护地球开始保护地球 。 我是保护地球的 小卫士 To save energy, we should drive small cars. We should not drive big cars. Save energy Start from now! 从现从现在在做起!做起! Start from me! 从我做起!从我做起! 1 Read the story and try to retell the story. 2 Finish the exercise (P70). 3 Try to Write an application (申请申请) Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things everyday. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. LetsLets checkcheck Wood comes from trees.We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. LetsLets checkcheck We use plastic to make bags and bottles. But too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. LetsLets checkcheck energy c c o o a a l lo o i i l l Mo ost t o of o our eneenergy cocome es fro om coalcoal andand oiloil. 能量、能源能量、能源 大部分 toilet coat boat EnergyEnergy EnergyEnergy We e use e eneenergy toto. Write an application (申请申请) Dear Jill: Id like to be the Environment Protector. I love the Earth. I always save_. I never waste_. I use_ to_. I can reuse_ to _. I can tell what we should do. Such as, _. I also can tell what we should not do. Such as(例如)_. Thank you for considering(考虑) my application. Yours_ 6A Unit 7 Protect the Earth 一、教学内容一、教学内容 学生通过学习 Unit5 Signs 和 Unit6 Keep our city clean 已经对一些公共场所的文明行 为习惯及保护城市环境的知识有一定的了解,对于应该做什么或不应该做什么有了一定的 辨别能力。顺着文明行为、生态环境的这一主线进入本单元的保护地球环境的主题对于学 生来说并不突兀,是一个知识的升华与拓展。由于这些话题比较贴近现实生活,因此学生 在理解和接受上存在的难度不是很大,教师在教学时除了对语言知识的训练之外在情感态 度上进行提升,通过对地球日、世界环境日等文化了解让学生能形成保护地球从我做起的 意识。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、本单元教材以“Protect the Earth”为主题,让学生初步了解地球的现状,并学会保护地球 环境,同时鼓励学生积极参与到保护地球的活动中去。 2、词汇:重点掌握:coal, Earth, oil, paper, plastic, wood, protect, save, useful, reuse, waste, energy, drive, other, glass, project, poster, gate, too much , too many, most of, come from, cut down. 3、句型:学会准确使用句型 We use to 来表达用某物来干什么, 并进一步灵活运用句 型: We should / should not .表达应该或不应该做的事。 4、语音:感知字母组合 oo 的发音: / 5、文化:了解地球日和世界环境日的相关知识。 6、根据本单元学所的内容制作保护地球的相关海报或进行一些变废为宝的 DIY。 三、课时安排三、课时安排 第一课时:Storytime 根据学情,着重学习前两个语段。让学生掌握结构,并初步运用结构。引导学生梳理知识, 突破难点,提升综合运用能力。 第二课时:Storytime & Grammar time Fun time 学生利用第一课时所学结构, 自主学习后两语段。进一步了解一些环保知识并学会用语言 表达自己的观点。尽可能整合前两个单元的内容的基础上拓展学生的思维。 第三课时:Culture time Cartoon time 让学生在阅读的过程中掌握一定的阅读技巧,在读图的过程中提高观察能力、思维能力。 引导学生进行 poster 的制作,在提高学生思维能力和动手能力时也进一步提升学生保护地 球的意识。 第四课时:Sound time Checkout time Ticking time 将 3 个单元的内容进行梳理,使之结构化和系统化。通过丰富多样的活动帮助学生复习巩 固,提高综合运用能力。 第五课时:配套练习册(检测反馈) Unit7 教学设计方案(一) 学校学校常学科学科英语班级班级六(2)人数人数 50 课题课题 Unit 7 Protect the Earth 教时教时第 1 教时执教执教日期日期 12/8 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 能听懂、会读、会说 save, useful, waste, reuse, energy, most, coal 等词汇。 2、 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语 We use to We should We shouldnt 能 用这些句型从一个或多个侧面表达这个主题。 3、 能正确理解并流利朗读所学文本,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容,提高保 护地球的意识。 制定依据:制定依据: 内容分析:内容分析: 前一单元的主题是“保持城市洁净” ,本单元的主题是保护地球,在话题上是前一单元 的延续和深化,这两个单元也是教材中第一次且是唯一一次出现的环保科普类内容。本课 是本单元的第一教时,教学 story time,是一节语篇教学课。本篇由四个段落构成,分别介 绍了地球上的淡水、石油和煤炭、树木和塑料等资源或材料的用途及使用情况,并根据它 们各自的现状提出了保护地球的一些建议。每段结构类似,因此可引导学生在小组合作中 同法自学并共享交流其他段落内容。 学生实际:学生实际: 我校有 90%的学生为外来工子女,内含 8 个少数民族。本班是本学期刚接手的新班, 自三年级学习英语以来,因种种原因频繁更换英语老师。经过一阶段相处,发现孩子们对 英语学习普遍兴趣不大,更不愿意张口说英语,学习风气浮躁,习惯较差,两极分化现象 非常突出。为提高他们的口语交际能力和思维品质,教师在日常每节课的设计中都会尽量 引导他们去思考、去讨论,尝试多种教学方式和活动,以让更多的学生更积极主动地参与 课堂。 “环保”这一话题为学生所熟悉,所以学生在理解上难度不是很大。但文中出现了很 多专有名词或短语,例如 save, useful, waste, reuse, energy 等,在这些专有名词、短语的理 解和运用上学生会存在一些困难和障碍,所以在第一课时着重介绍节约用水和节约能源,让 学生能理解文本结构,并尝试初步运用结构,再在第二课时中运用结构学习余下的两个段 落,相信应该问题不大。这是一节英文科普课,由于学生缺乏相关的知识储备,可利用和 生成的资源不丰富,因此本课将侧重于引导学生理解文本,能感知并尝试结构化地进行复 述,过程中以小组交流讨论学习成果的形式实现资源共享,以实现课堂的即时生成。 教教 学学 过过 程程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1. Pre-task 1Sing a song. Ss try to sing this song. 通过欣赏相关 歌曲,营造英 语学习氛围, 导入主题。 Step 2. 1.Show some pictures We should protect the earth.通过观察图片, While-task about dirty water. Talk bout the pictures. What makes that? What should we do to protect the water? Water is useful. What do we use water to do? Say something about water. Find out what aspects do they talk about on the book . Pairs works. Read after the tape. Retell saving water with own words. 2. Water is useful, energy is useful too. Theres another part about how to protect the earth. What happened to energy? Talk about energy. What do we use energy to do? Review the aspects about saving energy. Work in groups. Ask somebody to read the short passage. I can see. Rubbish make the water dirty. We should walk to school use to Water is useful. We use water to What do we use water to do ? Why do we save water? How do we save that? Find the answers. Try to ask and answer. Follow the tape. is the energy. We use energy to Review: what? Why? How? Self-learning 1.Find the other new words. 2.Underline the reason why should we save the energy. 3.Find out how can we save it. 以开放性的话 题复习旧知, 激活思维,运 用已有语言储 备初步说出合 理建议。 以一段文本为 例,帮助学生 找关键词句, 理清文章脉络, 明晰文本结构。 引导学生回忆 上一段文本结 构,并用此结 构学习下一语 段。 通过自主学习, 帮助学生理解 We shouldnt use too much energy. Why? Work in groups, try to retell save energy . makes Energy comes fromWe use energy to 并自主归纳本 课知识点,运 用结构综合表 达环保的目的 并提出建议。 Step 3. Post-task Try to make a proposal about saving water/energy. To we should. We should not. 制作倡议书, 加深对文本的 深层次理解, 达到初步运用 的目的。 Step4. Homework 1Read two passages and try to retell them. 2Try to learn the next two parts by yourselves. 3. Finish another proposal by yourself. 板书设计板书设计 UnitUnit 7 7 ProtectProtect thethe earthearth Save water Save energy What come from Use to Why How we should we shouldnt 教学反思教学反思 学生生成资源
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Unit Protect the Earth_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:c3ba1) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt
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