Unit 7 Protect the Earth-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:90288).zip


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展开 译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit7ProtecttheEarth_GrammarFuntime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号90288.zip译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit7ProtecttheEarth_GrammarFuntime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号90288.zip
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Dont use too much plastic Ladies and Gentlemen: We use too much plastic. We _plastic_ make toys. We _ But too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not_ We should _ Say no plastic bags! _ Save energy Ladies and Gentlemen: Energy is very useful. We_energy_ light our city. We_ Most energy comes from coal and oil. But there is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should not_ _ We should _ _ Save energy! Start from me! Save energy! Start from now! _ Save trees Ladies and Gentlemen: Trees are very useful. Wood comes from trees. We use _to make paper. We _ Trees help keep the air clean. But people cut down too many trees. We should not_ _ We should _ _ Plant trees! Green the Earth! Save water Ladies and Gentlemen: Water is very useful. We _water_ drink. We_ But there is not much water in many places on Earth. We should not_ _ We should _ _ Water is life! Save water! Save our lives! Unit7 Protect the Earth (Grammar time and culture time) 南京市六合区长山小学南京市六合区长山小学 石玉萍石玉萍 ? ? ? Water is . We drink water and water to everyday. In many places, there is not . We should not . We should and it. useful use clean things much water waste water reuse save Save water We should not coal and oil of our energy comes from . is not much coal or oil . We should . save energy drive so much on Earth. Save energy Most There because cars use a lot of energy. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. Save trees We use plastic to make bags and bottles , but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. Dont use too much plastic oil coal energy wood water Game : 迅速说出与所给迅速说出与所给 图片相关的图片相关的资资 源源。 coal oil energypaper plastic water wood Lets playLets talk Paper is useful.We use paper to make boxes. Energy is useful._ is useful._ is useful. Lets think We use waterto We use plasticto We use woodto clean things. make bags and bottles. make tables, chairs useto Lets find the rules(规则规则) sth.do and other things. 用用.做做. watersittrees wood chairs We use water to plant trees. Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make chairs. We use chairs to sit. Lets try to use use.to. Lets try to use 活动要求:活动要求: 1 1、选好题目,两人合作,一人说一句。、选好题目,两人合作,一人说一句。 2 2、说完一题后,可尝试另外的两题,看看谁说得最多!、说完一题后,可尝试另外的两题,看看谁说得最多! use.to. wood eat plastic go shopping water read plastic go shopping 1000 years Too much plastic is bad for the Earth. Dont use too much plastic. Do you know? there will be 40 thirsty countries in 10 years. If we do nothing to help, there will be No o coal on Earth in 113 years.there will be No o oil on Earth in 53.3 years.there will be No trees on Earth in 775 years. My friends , what should we do? Do you know? We should love and protect our Earth. 1. Do you reuse water? Yes. No. 2. Do you write on both sides(面) of paper? Yes. No. 3. Do you often go to school by car? Yes. No. 4. Do you often use plastic bags or bottles.? Yes. No. We should reuse water. We should write on both sides (面)of paper. We should not drive so much. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. Lets do a survey We should reuse water. We should write on both sides (面)of paper. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should not drive so much. Lets do a survey We should reuse water. We should write on both sides (面)of paper. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should not drive so much. We should reuse water. We shouldwrite on both sides of paper. We should notdrive so much. or bottles. We should notuse too many plastic bags Lets do a survey Lets find the rules(规则规则) We should reuse water. We should write on both sides of paper. We should notdrive so much. or bottles. We should not use too many plastic bags should should not do Lets try to use 活动要求:活动要求: 两人合作,一个用两人合作,一个用We should not,一个用,一个用We should Earth Day World Environment Day Lets learn is on 22nd April. is on 5th June. Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save water Ladies and Gentlemen: Water is very useful. We_water_drink. We_ But there is not much water in many places on Earth. We should not_ We should _ Water is life! Save water! Save our lives. 活动要求:活动要求: 1.21.2人一小组选择一人一小组选择一 份完成份完成 2.2.完成后组内交流完成后组内交流 Lets show our proposal Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save water Ladies and Gentlemen: Water is very useful. We _water_drink. We_ But there is not much water in many places on Earth. We should not_ We should _ Water is life! Save water! Save our lives! Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save energy Ladies and Gentlemen: Energy is very useful. We _energy_ light our city. We_ Most energy comes from coal and oil. But there is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should not_ We should _ Save energy! Start from me! Save energy! Start from now! Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save trees Ladies and Gentlemen: Trees are very useful. Wood comes from trees. We use _wood_ make paper. We _ Trees help keep the air clean. But people cut down too many trees. We should not_ We should _ Plant a tree! Green the Earth! Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Dont use too much plastic Ladies and Gentlemen: We use too much plastic. We _plastic_ make toys. We _ But too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not_ _ We should _ _ Say no to plastic bags! Lets show our proposal Protect the Earth Protect our family 1. Finish the other proposals. .( (完成其完成其 他倡议书他倡议书 ) ) 2.Try to reuse daily waste things to make handworks (用自己生活中的废用自己生活中的废 旧物品做手工旧物品做手工) Homework THE END THANKS Unit7Unit7 ProtectProtect thethe EarthEarth (Grammar time & culture time)教学设计 教学内容教学内容: : 译林版六年级上册 Unit7 Protect the earth(Grammar time & Culture time) 教学内容教学内容: : 1、复习巩固 storytime 的内容,学会如何爱护环境,保护地球 2、能够熟练运用以下句型结构:We use to . We should / should not . 3、了解 Culture time 中有关世界地球日和世界环境日的时间 4、培养学生爱护环境、保护地球的意识 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1、能够熟练运用以下句型结构:We use to . We should / should not . 2、单词“environment”的朗读 教学准备:教学准备:多媒体 教学步骤:教学步骤: Step1Step1:WarmWarm upup 1、Introduction 2、Free talk Whats your name? How are you? What do you like doing ? 3、Watch the video T: Is the Bird happy? S: No. T: Why? Ss:Because T:Lets protect our earth. To protect the earth, what should we do? Ss: We should protect the earth. 【设计意图:通过日常对话,引入对 Story time 的复习。 】 Step2Step2:RevisionRevision Review the storytime of Unit7 T: Why should we save water? S: Water is useful./We use too much water./ T: What do we use water to do? (用 PPT 展示关于水的图片) S: T: Water is useful. We use water to clean things. Then how can we save water? What should we do? (用 PPT 呈现图片) S: We should reuse water. T: What should we not do? S: We should not waste water. (教师用同样的方法与学生讨论 wood, energy, plastic) 【设计意图:通过详细分析 water, wood, energy, plastic,反复巩固 Storytime】 Step3Step3:LearnLearn GrammarGrammar timetime 1. Play a game:迅速说出与所给图片相关的资源 2. Find the rule Learn “We use to.” Try to find the rules. T: Please look at these sentences carefully. Can you find the rule? S: Use sth. to do sth. (让学生对比总结句型) 3. Practise using the sentence structure“Useto”. 4. Learn “We should / should not.” (1)Listen to a video T: Water, wood, energy and plastic are useful. But people use too much of them. So the Earth is in danger. Lets listen to a brief introduction. (播放 有关保护环境的音频) 【设计意图:播放与课题内容相关的视频,对语法进行归纳总结,并进 一步提升学生的环保意识。 】 (2) Do a survey (3) Find the rules (4) Practise using the sentence structure“We should / should not.” Step4Step4 CultureCulture timetime T: You did a good job. Now most of you know what we should do and what we should not do. So people find special days to tell the world that we need to protect the Earth. (用 PPT 呈现有关世界环境日的图片和内 容) Look at the sign. Its a special day. What is it? S: World Environment Day. T: Yes. When is it? S: Its on the 5th of June. 1、Listen to the tape about Earth Day and World Environment Day. 2、Talk about other days for environment. 【设计意图:引导学生展开世界地球日和世界环境日的问答,并作进 一步拓展,引发学生学习的兴趣,增强他们的环保意识和文化意识。 】 StepStep 5 5 ConsolidationConsolidation:makemake a a proposalproposal 1、Lets talk about how to make a proposal 2、Make a proposal in groups 3、Show time Call on more people to protect the Earth with the help of the proposal . StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework 1、Finish the other proposals 2、Try to reuse daily waste things to make handworks like fun time . Unit7 Protect the Earth (Grammar time and culture time) 南京市六合区长山小学南京市六合区长山小学 石玉萍石玉萍 ? ? ? Water is . We drink water and water to everyday. In many places, there is not . We should not . We should and it. useful use clean things much water waste water reuse save Save water We should not coal and oil of our energy comes from . is not much coal or oil . We should . save energy drive so much on Earth. Save energy Most There because cars use a lot of energy. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. Save trees We use plastic to make bags and bottles , but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. Dont use too much plastic oil coal energy wood water Game : 迅速说出与所给迅速说出与所给 图片相关的图片相关的资资 源源。 coal oil energypaper plastic water wood Lets playLets talk Paper is useful.We use paper to make boxes. Energy is useful._ is useful._ is useful. Lets think We use waterto We use plasticto We use woodto clean things. make bags and bottles. make tables, chairs useto Lets find the rules(规则规则) sth.do and other things. 用用.做做. watersittrees wood chairs We use water to plant trees. Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make chairs. We use chairs to sit. Lets try to use use.to. Lets try to use 活动要求:活动要求: 1 1、选好题目,两人合作,一人说一句。、选好题目,两人合作,一人说一句。 2 2、说完一题后,可尝试另外的两题,看看谁说得最多!、说完一题后,可尝试另外的两题,看看谁说得最多! use.to. wood eat plastic go shopping water read plastic go shopping 1000 years Too much plastic is bad for the Earth. Dont use too much plastic. Do you know? there will be 40 thirsty countries in 10 years. If we do nothing to help, there will be No o coal on Earth in 113 years.there will be No o oil on Earth in 53.3 years.there will be No trees on Earth in 775 years. My friends , what should we do? Do you know? We should love and protect our Earth. 1. Do you reuse water? Yes. No. 2. Do you write on both sides(面) of paper? Yes. No. 3. Do you often go to school by car? Yes. No. 4. Do you often use plastic bags or bottles.? Yes. No. We should reuse water. We should write on both sides (面)of paper. We should not drive so much. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. Lets do a survey We should reuse water. We should write on both sides (面)of paper. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should not drive so much. Lets do a survey We should reuse water. We should write on both sides (面)of paper. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should not drive so much. We should reuse water. We shouldwrite on both sides of paper. We should notdrive so much. or bottles. We should notuse too many plastic bags Lets do a survey Lets find the rules(规则规则) We should reuse water. We should write on both sides of paper. We should notdrive so much. or bottles. We should not use too many plastic bags should should not do Lets try to use 活动要求:活动要求: 两人合作,一个用两人合作,一个用We should not,一个用,一个用We should Earth Day World Environment Day Lets learn is on 22nd April. is on 5th June. Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save water Ladies and Gentlemen: Water is very useful. We_water_drink. We_ But there is not much water in many places on Earth. We should not_ We should _ Water is life! Save water! Save our lives. 活动要求:活动要求: 1.21.2人一小组选择一人一小组选择一 份完成份完成 2.2.完成后组内交流完成后组内交流 Lets show our proposal Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save water Ladies and Gentlemen: Water is very useful. We _water_drink. We_ But there is not much water in many places on Earth. We should not_ We should _ Water is life! Save water! Save our lives! Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save energy Ladies and Gentlemen: Energy is very useful. We _energy_ light our city. We_ Most energy comes from coal and oil. But there is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should not_ We should _ Save energy! Start from me! Save energy! Start from now! Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Save trees Ladies and Gentlemen: Trees are very useful. Wood comes from trees. We use _wood_ make paper. We _ Trees help keep the air clean. But people cut down too many trees. We should not_ We should _ Plant a tree! Green the Earth! Lets make a proposal(倡议书)(倡议书) Dont use too much plastic Ladies and Gentlemen: We use too much plastic. We _plastic_ make toys. We _ But too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not_ _ We should _ _ Say no to plastic bags! Lets show our proposal Protect the Earth Protect our family 1. Finish the other proposals. .( (完成其完成其 他倡议书他倡议书 ) ) 2.Try to reuse daily waste things to make handworks (用自己生活中的废用自己生活中的废 旧物品做手工旧物品做手工) Homework THE END THANKS
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Unit Protect the Earth_Grammar Fun time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:90288) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit
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