Unit 7 Protect the Earth-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:30364).zip


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展开 译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit7ProtecttheEarth_GrammarFuntime_ppt课件_含教案音频素材_市级公开课_编号30364.zip译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit7ProtecttheEarth_GrammarFuntime_ppt课件_含教案音频素材_市级公开课_编号30364.zip
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请完成下列句子(每空一词)。 1. We use _ to plant _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ _ _ _. We _ _ _ _. 2. We use _ _ _ _ and bottles. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 请完成下列句子(每空一词)。 1. We use _ to plant _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ _ _ _. We _ _ _ _. 2. We use _ _ _ _ and bottles. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 请完成下列句子(每空一词)。 1. We use _ to plant _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ _ _ _. We _ _ _ _. 2. We use _ _ _ _ and bottles. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 请完成下列句子(每空一词)。 1. We use _ to plant _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ to _ _. We use _ _ _ _. We _ _ _ _. 2. We use _ _ _ _ and bottles. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _. (Grammar time & Fun time) 周庄实小周庄实小 陆凌龙陆凌龙 The Earth is ill. We should protect it. 保护地球三部曲保护地球三部曲 Step1 I know Step2 I do Step3 I try We can call coal and oil . They are green. We can see them in the forest. We can use it to make bottles and bags. I know plastic energy water trees We drink it every day. We can see it in rivers and lakes. They are useful. We use to plastic wood I know energy 活动要求:活动要求:同桌合作,复述同桌合作,复述StoryStory timetime中以下中以下 物品的用途。物品的用途。 water cook meals (煮(煮验 ) ) We use to wash clothes and dishes water trees and flowers Know more water make clothes/medicine/food/ We use to warm ourselves 取暖取暖 Know more energy (coal,oil) build houses We use to make paper/ toys/ chopsticks Know more wood decorate(装装验 ) houses We use to wrap things (包装包装) make slippers(拖鞋拖鞋)/ raincoats(雨衣雨衣) Know more plastic Read and find use sth. to do sth. 感知体感知体验验 法法验验 。 。Try to find the rule. watersittrees wood chairs We use water to plant trees. We use trees to make wood. . We use wood to make chairs. We use chairs to sit. use.to. Think and say Think and say use.to. woodeat chopsticks We use wood to make chopsticks. We use chopsticks to eat. 活动要求:活动要求: 1 1、两人合作,一人说一句。、两人合作,一人说一句。 2 2、说完一题后,尝试另外一题,看看谁说得最多!、说完一题后,尝试另外一题,看看谁说得最多! 3 3、说完后,尝试把句子写下来。、说完后,尝试把句子写下来。 use.to. plastic go shopping water read plastic go shopping Overuse of them is harmful.(验 度使用是有害的度使用是有害的) We should do something. Think and say water energy trees plastic home e a r t h save save save dont use too much What should we do to protect the Earth? I do protect We should We shouldnt Discuss in pairs Save water Save energy Save trees Dont use too much plastic waste water reuse and save water drive so much cut down too many trees use paper bags and glass bottles use too many plastic bags or bottles Read and find should/should not do sth. Learning requirement: 自自验 以下句子,感知体以下句子,感知体验验 法法 验验 。 。Read and try to find the rules. reuse Do what I can: reuse e /k lekt/ 收集收集 reuse sth. to do sth. Do what I can: reuse He collects some bottles. He reuses them to make clothes. pen container ( 笔笔 筒筒 ) I can reuse _ to make_. Show time 要求:要求: 1 1、四人一小组,利用以下句型问答,在、四人一小组,利用以下句型问答,在 组内展示废物利用作品。组内展示废物利用作品。 2 2、派一名代表向大家展示你们组的作品。、派一名代表向大家展示你们组的作品。 S1: What do you collect? S234: I/ We collect some S1: How can you reuse these things? S234: I/ We can reuseto make Report: We can reuseto make I try 要求:要求: 1 1、4 4人一小组人一小组, ,分工合作,结合课内外知识,设计完成分工合作,结合课内外知识,设计完成 海报。海报。 2 2、主题明确,对其他人有启示作用。、主题明确,对其他人有启示作用。 Lets make a poster Finish your poster and try to make more people take action. 小组成员完成海报并张贴,让更多的人加入保小组成员完成海报并张贴,让更多的人加入保 护地球的行动中来。护地球的行动中来。 Try to reuse the things around you in your daily life. 做生活的有心人,循环利用身边的物品。做生活的有心人,循环利用身边的物品。 Unit7 Protect the earth 第二课时第二课时 一、教学内容一、教学内容: Grammar time & Fun time 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标 (1) 能听懂、会说、会使用句型:Collect some . I can reuse to (2) 学生能从 Save water, Save energy, Save trees, Dont use too much plastic 这四个方面来 详细说说怎样保护地球。 2. 技能目标 (1) 能听懂、会说、会使用句型:Collect some . I can reuse to (2) 能从 Save water, Save energy, Save trees, Dont use too much plastic 这四个方面来详细 说说怎样保护地球。 (3) 能“变废为宝” ,利用旧材料制作一些有用的东西。 (4) 能结合课内外知识,制作海报进行宣传。 3. 情感目标 (1) 培养学生保护地球,保护环境的意识。 (2) 培养学生废物利用,变废为宝的意识。 三、教学重点三、教学重点: (1) 能听懂、会说、会使用句型:Collect some . I can reuse to (2) 学生能从 Save water, Save energy, Save trees, Dont use too much plastic 这四个方面来 详细说说怎样保护地球。 (3) 能“变废为宝” ,利用旧材料制作一些有用的东西。 (4) 能结合课内外知识,制作海报进行宣传。 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: (1) 能听懂、会说、会使用句型:Collect some . I can reuse to (2) 能“变废为宝” ,利用旧材料制作一些有用的东西。 (3) 能结合课内外知识,制作海报进行宣传。 五、教学准备五、教学准备: 1.教师准备:PPT,板书 2.学生准备:认真复习 story time, “变废为宝”作品。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: Step1 Warming-up 1. Greetings 2. Enjoy some pictures T: Is the earth beautiful? Ss: Yes. T: (PPT 继续播放图片) But too much plastic, cutting down too many trees, Overuse of energy and waste of water make the Earth ill. We should protect it. 设计意图设计意图:通过美丽的地球及过度开发污染的地球图片进行对比,给学生视觉上的冲 击,激发学生保护地球的欲望,从而引出本节课主题保护地球三部曲。 Step2 Presentation 1. T: Three steps to protect the Earth: I know, I do and I try. Lets come to the first step. (1) I know T: Here are some riddles: We can call coal and oil_.energy We drink it every day. We can see it in rivers and lakes.water They are green. We can see them in the forest.trees We can use it to make bottles and bags.plastic T: We know they are useful. Can you say the usage of them in Story time? S: We drink water and use water to clean things. We use energy to drive cars. We use wood to make tables ,chairs and many other things. We use plastic to make bags and bottles. T: Well done! In our daily life, we also use water to water trees and flowers. We use water to cook meals. We use water to wash clothes and dishes. We use coal to warm ourselves. We use oil to make clothes, medicine, food and many other things. We use wood to make paper, toys, chopsticks and many other things. We use plastic to make slippers, raincoat and many other things. We use plastic to decorate house. We also use it to wrap things. Read and find: Rule: use sth. To do sth. Think and say: use to water sit We use water to plant trees. We use trees to make wood. We use wood to make chairs. We use chairs to sit. wood eat We use wood to make chopsticks. We use chopsticks to eat. T: Now its your turn to think and say. water read plastic go shopping 活动要求: 1、两人合作,一人说一句。 2、说完一题后,尝试另外一题,看看谁说得最多! 3、说完后,尝试把句子写下来。 water read wood eat plastic go shopping 设计意图设计意图:通过口头操练,学生对 use sth. to do sth. 这一句型已经很熟练,但是落 实到笔头很容易漏掉 to,设计写一写这一作业,可以帮助学生在练习中减少错误。 T: You did a good job. In our daily life, we use a lot of water, energy, wood and plastic. But overuse of them is harmful. We should do something. (2) I do T: What should we do to protect the earth? Ss: We should save energy, save water, save trees and dont use too much plastic. T: Yes. Because the earth is our home. We should protect our home. So what should we do? What should we not do? Discuss in pairs. Ss: 学生回答(板书) Read and find Rules: should/ should not do sth. T: We shouldnt use a lot of them. We should reuse them. T: First, collect some paper, plastic bags and plastic bottles. Teach: collect T: Then, how can we reuse these things? I can reuse paper to make a box. I can reuse a plastic bottle to make a toy. Teach: reuse sth. to do sth. T: Look at our friend Sam. He wears special clothes. He collects some bottles. He reuses them to make clothes. And I collect some bottles too. I can reuse bottles to make pen containers. How about you? What do you collect? How can you reuse these things? Show time 要求:1、四人一小组,利用以下句型问答,在组内展示各自废物利用作品。 2、派一名代表向大家展示你们组的作品。 S1: What do you collect? S234: I/ We collect some S1: How can you reuse these things? S234: I/We can reuseto make Report:We can reuse to make 设计意图设计意图:Fun time 这个环节本来就应该是以娱乐为主的,而且这一课时的内容本来 就比较少,所以可以让学生把手工制作带进课堂,通过做手工、展示手工和介绍手工 的方式,在具体的操作中操练新句型,这样比较有趣。 (3)I try T: You did an excellent job in reusing the waste. Every one of us can only do a little to protect the earth. But we can try our best to make more people take action to protect it. Lets make a poster. 要求:1、4 人一小组,分工合作,结合课内外知识,设计完成海报。 2、主题明确,对其他人有启示作用。 设计意图设计意图:保护地球这一主题,学生很愿意去实践,但是光靠他们的力量是远远不够 的,所以制作主题相关的海报并宣传,可以让更多的人加入到保护地球的行动中来, 学生也可在这一活动中体验成功的喜悦。 Step 3 Homework 1. Finish your poster and try to make more people take action. 小组成员完成海报并张贴,让更多的人加入保护地球的行动中来 2. Try to reuse the things around you in your daily life. 做生活的有心人,循环利用身边的物品。 七、板书设计 Protect the Earth I know I try I do use sth. to do sth. (图) Save water Save energy Save trees Dont use too much plastic reuse and save water waste water drive so much cut too many trees use too many plastic bags and bottles use paper bags and glass bottles reuse sth. to do sth
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Unit Protect the Earth_Grammar Fun time_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:30364) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语
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