Unit 7 Protect the Earth-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:705a3).zip


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Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Story time) 觅渡教育集团觅渡教育集团 王王 珏珏 Im your new teacher, I come to school by bus. I usually take a bag, And do not use much plastic. When I leave the room, I always turn off the light. I write on both sides, And use it to make a box. I do these every day. I love the way of life. What can you hear from the chant? 你们从我的介绍里听到了哪些短语?你们从我的介绍里听到了哪些短语? Try to know me! 了解一下我的了解一下我的 生活吧!生活吧! Why do I do these? 我为什么这样做?我为什么这样做? Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Story time) 保护保护 early Scan and circle 快速阅读课文,圈出每段标题快速阅读课文,圈出每段标题 How can we protect the Earth? Save water Save trees Save energy 能源能源 Dont use too much plastic magic 10 seconds Save water Why should we save water? How should we save water? Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. Read and discuss 读读P68页课文第一段页课文第一段,同桌讨论并在书上划出答案同桌讨论并在书上划出答案. Reading tip1: Underline the key sentences. 请在文中用不同记号划出关键句请在文中用不同记号划出关键句 - We use . to . We use water to plant trees. watertrees We use water to wash handsdrinkclean the table . Why should we save water? How should we save water? Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. Read and underline 读读P68页课文第一段页课文第一段,同桌讨论并在书上划出答案同桌讨论并在书上划出答案. - reuse a. use again flush the toilet wash the mop or rag(抹布抹布) wash vegetables wash rice b. Dont use reuse water: Why should we save water? How should we save water? Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. Read and underline 读读P68页课文第一段页课文第一段,同桌讨论并在书上划出答案同桌讨论并在书上划出答案. - Listen and read 听并跟录音读 Discuss and report 自读课文自读课文P68-69页页2,3,4三段,并选择其中的一或两段小组汇报三段,并选择其中的一或两段小组汇报。 Save trees Save energy Dont use too much plastic Reading tip2: 1.Underline the key sentences.请在文中用不同记号划出关键句。请在文中用不同记号划出关键句。 2.Make your reading chart. 参考黑板上,在纸上画要点图。参考黑板上,在纸上画要点图。 3.You can discuss in groups or ask teacher.你可以小组讨论或你可以小组讨论或 求助老师哦!求助老师哦! - Why?How? Save energy Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. There is not much coal or oil on Earth. We should save energy. We should not drive so much because Cars use a lot of energy. Why? How? 70% coal 18% oil Energy used in China Most of our energy comes from coal and oil. Make an interview in pairs 同桌对话采访 A: How should we save energy? B: We should B: Most of our energy comes from There is not much A: Why should we save energy? walk to school take the bus take the metro ride a bike Have a green energy-saving life 享受绿色节能的生活 What should we do on daily life? 日常生活中我们可以怎么做?日常生活中我们可以怎么做? Save trees Why? Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs, and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. book We use wood to make How? deskspencilstoys. Wood comes from trees. We use wood to make tables, chairs, and many other things. We should not cut down too many trees because trees help keep the air clean. Reading tip 3:读长句子时,可以按意群稍作停顿。读长句子时,可以按意群稍作停顿。 DontDont useuse tootoo muchmuch plasticplastic We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. Why? How? Try to read 试着读一读试着读一读 We use plastic to make bags and bottles, but too much plastic is bad for the Earth. We should not use too many plastic bags or bottles. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. True or false ReadRead andand judgejudge 读句子,判断我的做法是否正确。读句子,判断我的做法是否正确。 正确的说正确的说Yes,Yes, Yes,Yes, Yes!Yes! 错误的说错误的说No,No, No,No, No!No! 并给我提出建议吧并给我提出建议吧。 1.I live near school, and I drive to school every day. What should I do? 那我应该怎么做?那我应该怎么做? .You should True or false Game: Yes or No 2. I water the trees at school. 读句子,判断我的做法是否正确。读句子,判断我的做法是否正确。 正确的说正确的说Yes,Yes, Yes,Yes, Yes!Yes! 错误的说错误的说No,No, No,No, No!No! 并给我提出建议吧并给我提出建议吧。 读句子,判断我的做法是否正确。读句子,判断我的做法是否正确。 正确的说正确的说Yes,Yes, Yes,Yes, Yes!Yes! 错误的说错误的说No,No, No,No, No!No! 并给我提出建议吧并给我提出建议吧。 3. When I go to the supermarket, I take a plastic bag. What should I take? 那我应该带什么呢?那我应该带什么呢? . You should take Do you have any other ideas of how to protect the Earth? 关于怎样保护地球,你们还有关于怎样保护地球,你们还有 自己的建议吗?自己的建议吗? We should We should not plant more trees take the bus/metro put the rubbish in the bin move the factory away waste paperwaste Im the Earth. Therere many things live on me. I have a big family, they are Big Earth Sick Earth Help Earth Green Earth Now four of them are sick. They are _, _, _and _. People waste / cut down You should should not If you do that, I will be the green Earth. Come on! Why How Think and speak 四人小组讨论如果你们是地球,应该怎样寻求四人小组讨论如果你们是地球,应该怎样寻求 人们帮助呢?可以一人说一段哦!人们帮助呢?可以一人说一段哦! Protect the Earth Pr Homework: 1. Look for more information about Protect the Earth. 搜集更多关于保护地球的英文信息。搜集更多关于保护地球的英文信息。 2. Share your ideas with your friends about how to protect the Earth. 和伙伴分享保护环境的做法。和伙伴分享保护环境的做法。 3. Make a poster for the Earth. 为地球做一张海报,呼吁大家来保护它!为地球做一张海报,呼吁大家来保护它! 1 六上六上 U7U7 ProtectProtect thethe Earth(storyEarth(story time)time)教学设计教学设计 1 1、学习内容分析学习内容分析 该篇学习内容选材于(2011 版牛津英语 六上 Unit7 Protect the Earth)第一课时 story time 板块。本单元内容为环保主题,因此把第一课时的定位为使学生初步感知环保 类单词 coal、oil、wood、plastic、energy 等,能在实际语境中运用 use.to,should should not进行交际。 根据该学习内容,学生学习活动的设计以理解沟通能力维度的培育与养成为主,通过 文本段落由扶到放的有序推进,在学习过程中同伴互助掌握阅读方法,以跳读、览读、细 读等层次分明的阅读任务逐步掌握文本结构,教师在教学过程中渗透阅读策略和朗读方法 的指导,帮助学生自主归纳提炼文本结构,最终进行语篇输出。并能在书本之外结合自身 生活实际,提高他们的环保意识并能结合自身实际提出建议,了解并实践环保行为。 2 2、学情背景分析学情背景分析 该学习内容的学习对象是六年级学生,学生在 U6 已经学习过相关环保类的文本,有 一定的知识储备。经过了三年多的英语学习,六年级学生小组合作意识强,在课堂上乐于 交流,敢于质疑。学生初步具备从文本中提取信息的能力,小组合作完成任务的能力和概 括完成基本文本框架的能力。 3 3、学习目标与学习策略学习目标与学习策略 基于学习内容和学情背景的分析,学生学习目标和学习策略制定如下: 学习目标学习目标学习策略学习策略 提取和概括信息的能力 能了解 coal, oil, plastic, energy 等环保 类的单词,能根据上下文、图片、实 物等不同的途径提取信息,猜测词意 和句意。 理解沟通理解沟通 分析信息的能力,感知核心句型 的语法意义 通过语言任务初步感知 use.to.;We should. We should not.的用法,在情 境使用中了解语言的语法意义。 真实情境中的语言交际能力和语 言的准确表达能力 通过创设真实的语言情境和思维情境, 学生能结合自身生活和认知实际使用 语言和同伴交流,并在模仿录音朗读 过程中关注意群朗读,提高语音语调 的准确性。 表达沟通表达沟通 发展学生的综合语言运用能力以 及根据关键词连贯表达能力 根据收集学生学习过程中的语言生成 资源,在黑板上呈现了文本结构,也 就是作者的 idea,以及学生的生成 our idea,学生对文本能有结构化的 概念,并能根据关键词连贯有序表达。 思维能力思维能力习得相关的阅读策略 学生在阅读的过程中掌握阅读策略和 朗读方法,学会提取根据图片提示、 上下文猜意认识单词,并通过跳读、 2 览读、细读等逐步掌握文本内容。 小组合作能力 学生学习通过机智解决困难,并学会 与他人交流合作完成任务,激发学习 英语的兴趣,并提升环保意识。 结构化思维能力和文本转述能力 通过板书和思维导图的呈现,在老师 和同伴的帮助下,能对文本结构化地 表述,并能以地球自述的角度转述文 本内容。 文化意识文化意识 对文本内容以及环保策略进行评 价与反思的能力 通过对文本的学习和生活实际情况的 辨析,能对情境进行评价与判断,指 导自身实践环保行为。 4 4、学习过程设计学习过程设计 StepStep 1 1 Pre-readingPre-reading 1.Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Im so happy to be your new teacher today. Hello, boy. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you too. T: Whats your hobby? S1: I like running. T: Oh, you can run fast. Thank you. Hi, girl. Do you like running too? S2: No, I dont. T: What do you like? S2: I like swimming. T: I see. Just now I know some of you, now do you want to know me? Ss: Yes! T: OK, I have a chant. Try to know me. 2. Say a chant Im your new teacher; I come to school by bus. I usually take a bag, and do not use much plastic. When I leave the room, I always turn off the lights. I write on both sides, and use it to make a box. I do this every day, I love the way of life. T: This is me, Miss Wang. Do you like me? Ss: Yes! T: Thank you. What can you find from the chant? Ss: By bus/ do not use much plastic/ write on both sides/ T: Why do I do this? Ss: You want to protect the Earth. T: Good. Follow me: protect Ss read Protect the Earth T: Good, today we are talking about protect the Earth. But how to protect the Earth? Ss: We can put the rubbish in the bin. / We can use paper bags,/ walk to school./ T: Very good. 3 【设计意图设计意图】 : 充分考虑六年级学生的认知特点和学习特征,由新老师的自我介绍导入,营造安全的充分考虑六年级学生的认知特点和学习特征,由新老师的自我介绍导入,营造安全的 语言交流环境,以提高学生的学习兴趣。而介绍的内容突破固有的常规,以教师的日常活语言交流环境,以提高学生的学习兴趣。而介绍的内容突破固有的常规,以教师的日常活 动介绍为主,暗含本课的环保主题,如动介绍为主,暗含本课的环保主题,如 turn off the lights, write on both sides 等环保行为,等环保行为, 同时也是为下文的学习打下铺垫,并拓宽学生的思维宽度,为后来提出自己的同时也是为下文的学习打下铺垫,并拓宽学生的思维宽度,为后来提出自己的 idea 打下伏打下伏 笔。笔。 StepStep 2 2 WhileWhile-reading-reading T: Next Miss Wang wants you to find out What is the writers idea. Pleas open your books, and turn to Unit7, then please scan and circle. Try to find out how can you protect the Earth. You only have 10. 1.Scan and circle Q: How to protect the Earth? S1: Save water. S2: Save energy. Ss read energy for several times. S3: Save trees. S4: Dont use too much plastic. Ss read plastic. 2. Read and underline T: Read the first paragraph, try to underline the answers: Why should we save water? How should we save water? Ss discuss in pairs and underline the key sentences with different marks. T: Why should we save water? S1: Water is useful. T: Yes, we use water to do many things. We use water to plant trees. What else can we use water to do? Ss: We use water to brush our teeth./ We use water to water flowers./ We use water to wash dishes./ T: How should we save water? S2: We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. T: What does reuse mean? Look at Miss Wang, I have a paper, I write on both sides, and I use it to make a box. This calls reuse. Which one do you choose? (A. use again B. Dont use.) Ss: A. use again. T: Lets look at the blackboard and try to talk about Save water. Ss look at the key words and talk. T: Lets read after the tape. Ss read together. 3. Think and discuss a. group work 4 T: Now its your turn to read the next three paragraph by yourselves and make your own thinking chart. Here are some tips for you. Ss discuss and work in groups. b. Feedback Group1: save energy T: Which groups wants to show us? We should T: We know most of energy comes from coal and oil. Teach: coal & oil We should not drive too much. But what should we do? Ss: We should walk to/ take bus/ take metro/ by bike c. Make an interview T and S1 make a model T: Why should we save energy? S1: Because T: How should we save energy? S1: We should Ss work in pairs and try to make an interview too. T: Please have a green energy-saving life. c. Feedback Group2: save trees T: We use wood to. Teach wood T: What else can we use wood to make? Ss: We use wood to make pencils/ desks/ chairs/ T: So wood is useful. We should not cut down too many trees. Why? Ss: Because trees help keep the air clean. T: Good. Lets read and pay attention to the sense of pronunciation. Ss read together after the tape. d. Feedback Group3: dont use too much plastic T: Why? How should we use? Ss: We should use T: Listen to me. Am I reading good? Ss: No. T: Why not? Ss give suggestions. T: Can you read better? Ss try to read. 【设计意图设计意图】: 作为本课文本核心内容的推进板块,本环节设计了三个层次递进的阅读任务。作为本课文本核心内容的推进板块,本环节设计了三个层次递进的阅读任务。 第一个任务是第一个任务是 Scan and circle,学生在,学生在 10 秒时间内快速阅读文本大意,抓住四个标题秒时间内快速阅读文本大意,抓住四个标题 的关键信息,该阅读任务的设计,重点是检测学生对文本问题的认知,关注提取信息能力的关键信息,该阅读任务的设计,重点是检测学生对文本问题的认知,关注提取信息能力 的培育,并训练了学生的培育,并训练了学生 scan 的阅读沟通能力。的阅读沟通能力。 第二个任务第二个任务 Read and underline,则是重点关注学生,则是重点关注学生 skim 的能力,教师在教学过程中的能力,教师在教学过程中 由扶到放,不断渗透学习策略,指导学生进行小组合作学习。这里的第一段是学生带着问由扶到放,不断渗透学习策略,指导学生进行小组合作学习。这里的第一段是学生带着问 题阅读,并用不同记号划出答案。题阅读,并用不同记号划出答案。 5 第三个任务第三个任务 Think and discuss,完全由学生小组合作,阅读后面三段的文本内容,并,完全由学生小组合作,阅读后面三段的文本内容,并 小组内分工,共同完成汇报。在阅读过程中培育提取信息和概括了解的能力。并渗透朗读小组内分工,共同完成汇报。在阅读过程中培育提取信息和概括了解的能力。并渗透朗读 方法指导,高年段关注意群朗读,也是新课标中重点关注的阅读能力。方法指导,高年段关注意群朗读,也是新课标中重点关注的阅读能力。 三个任务环环相扣,螺旋上升,引导学生自主学习,到学会学习,师生共同概括出文三个任务环环相扣,螺旋上升,引导学生自主学习,到学会学习,师生共同概括出文 本中作者的本中作者的 idea,也就是本课的文本结构,并在板书中清晰地以思维导图的形式体现,帮,也就是本课的文本结构,并在板书中清晰地以思维导图的形式体现,帮 助学生形成结构化的思维习惯。助学生形成结构化的思维习惯。 Step3 Post-reading 1. Retell the story T: Please look at the blackboard and lets retell together. Ss look at the key words and phrases and try to retell. T: Good job. And we know these are writers ideas. 2.Read and judge T: please read and help me. What should I do? Ss read and judge, and give more ideas. T: Thank you for your help, and these are our ideas. 3.Think and speak (Big Earth) Im the Earth. There are many things live on me. I have a big family. They are (Sick Earth) Now four of them are sick. They are. (Help Earth) People. You should. /shouldnt (Green Earth) If you do that, I will be the green Earth. Ss talk in groups T: Please reuse/ reduce/ recycle on the daily life, keep the Earth clean and tidy. That means we should Protect the Earth. 【设计意图设计意图】: 在本课的总结阶段,教师引导学生一起根据板书中的关键词复述文本,帮助学生梳理在本课的总结阶段,教师引导学生一起根据板书中的关键词复述文本,帮助学生梳理 文本脉络,进一步强化结构化思维。文本脉络,进一步强化结构化思维。 接着,学习从文本走向生活,学生能联系生活实际对教师所出示的情境进行判断,并接着,学习从文本走向生活,学生能联系生活实际对教师所出示的情境进行判断,并 给出解决的策略,是将本课所学内容结合生活实际进行评析,也是对学生反思与评价能力给出解决的策略,是将本课所学内容结合生活实际进行评析,也是对学生反思与评价能力 的很好提升。在整个上课过程中捕捉学生对于环保的建议的生成性资源,及时在板书中记的很好提升。在整个上课过程中捕捉学生对于环保的建议的生成性资源,及时在板书中记 录,最后概括出我们的录,最后概括出我们的 idea,是对环保的认识从书本的了解进一步走向生活实践,也是积,是对环保的认识从书本的了解进一步走向生活实践,也是积 极的价值观和世界观的一次提升。极的价值观和世界观的一次提升。 最后的综合语言输出任务,学生小组合作,以地球身份呼吁大家保护环境,并培育学最后的综合语言输出任务,学生小组合作,以地球身份呼吁大家保护环境,并培育学 生对文本的转述能力。生对文本的转述能力。 Homework: 1.Look for more information about protect the Earth. 2.Share your ideas with your friends. 3.Make a poster for the Earth. 【设计意图设计意图】: 基于本课学习,继续收集更多课外的环保资源,是对课堂所学的课后延伸,拓展了学基于本课学习,继续收集更多课外的环保资源,是对课堂所学的课后延伸,拓展了学 习的宽度和广度。与同伴交流所学习掌握的信息,并为地球做一份海报,在综合实践的项习的宽度和广度。与同伴交流所学习掌握的信息,并为地球做一份海报,在综合实践的项 目中进一步自主学习,从而加深对环保主题的理解和学习能力的提升。目中进一步自主学习,从而加深对环保主题的理解和学习能力的提升。 6
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Unit Protect the Earth_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:705a3) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt
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本文标题:Unit 7 Protect the Earth-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:705a3).zip

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