Unit 6 Keep our city clean-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:d03ec).zip


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展开 译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit6Keepourcityclean_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_市级公开课_编号d03ec.zip译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit6Keepourcityclean_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_市级公开课_编号d03ec.zip
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Keep our city clean 盛泽实验小学 凌凤 clean / i: / 干净的,整洁的干净的,整洁的 Lets talk 你能用一个形容词或一句话来描述这两幅图吗你能用一个形容词或一句话来描述这两幅图吗? 河河 空气空气 The river is clean. The air is clean. The street is clean. City A Lets talk dirty / : / 肮脏的肮脏的 _ is dirty. City B 肮脏的环境使我们心肮脏的环境使我们心 情变差情变差,给我们带来给我们带来 的甚至是疾病与死亡。的甚至是疾病与死亡。 Keep our city clean This dialogue tells us _. A.What makes our city dirty? B. How to keep our school clean. C. How to plant trees. D. What can we do to keep our city clean. A.What makes our city dirty? D. What can we do to keep our city clean. Lets watch plant /a:/ 种植 _makes our city dirty ? Tip: 同桌讨论,注意帮助谈论有困难的同学。同桌讨论,注意帮助谈论有困难的同学。 不会说的可以用中文。不会说的可以用中文。 使变脏 makes dirty. Tip: 1, 听录音听录音,把上列句子补充完整。把上列句子补充完整。 What makes the air dirty. _makes the air dirty. _makes the _ dirty? _ makes the _dirty. . Miss Li: Look at these pictures of our city. Is our city clean? Students: No, it isnt. Miss Li: What makes our city dirty? Su Hai: Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Wang Bing: Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Liu Tao: Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. Su Hai: The river is dirty. Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. Reading time This story tells us _. A.What makes our city dirty? B. How to keep our school clean. C. How to plant trees. D. What can we do to keep our city clean. A.What makes our city dirty? D. What can we do to keep our city clean. Lets watch Miss Li: What can we do to keep our city clean? Su Hai: We can take the bus and the metro to school. Nancy: We can walk to school too. Wang Bing: We can move some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin. Liu Tao: We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean. Miss Li: Your ideas are great. Well done, class! Reading time 更多的更多的 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢 的方式读一读课文。的方式读一读课文。 Read in roles.(分分 角色读角色读) Read after one. (跟一个学跟一个学 生读生读) Read together. (齐读齐读) (P58P59页页) Reading time 争当优秀宣传员争当优秀宣传员 现在我们知道了城市环境变糟的原因,也有 了很多办法改变这样的情况。让我们把这感悟 带给更多的同学吧! 争当优秀宣传员争当优秀宣传员 Tip: 四人一组合作,一人分析环境现状,其他三四人一组合作,一人分析环境现状,其他三 人提有效措施人提有效措施, 可先把相关内容记录在纸头上可先把相关内容记录在纸头上. clean the desk sweep the floor clean the classroom pick up the rubbish go to the park by bus/on foot/by bike Lets PleaseDont 争当优秀宣传员争当优秀宣传员 Be the pluggers (宣传员宣传员) S1: _ makes the _ dirty. _ _ S2/S3/S4: We can _ _ _ _ S1/S2/S3/S4: Come on, everybody. Lets keep our city clean. 保护环境就是保护我们自己。保护环境就是保护我们自己。 Protect environment is to protect ourselves. 1.Finish writing the poster. 完成倡议书 2. Listen and read several times. 听读课文 3.Encourage the people around you to protect the environment. 鼓励你身边的人保护环境。 6A6A UnitUnit 6 6 KeepKeep ourour citycity cleanclean (Story(Story time)time) 教材分析教材分析: : The topic of this unit is about “environment protection. This topic is close connected to our real life. So during the teaching, teacher can encourage students to find the problems according to our real life. Besides, they should try to think about how to protect the environment of our city, how to protect the earth. 教学目标教学目标 知识目标知识目标: : 1. Ss can read the words :clean, dirty, bins, a factory, rubbish, smoke, dead, more. 2. Ss can read say the sentence structures: What makes our city dirty? make(s) the dirty/messy. What can we do to keep our city clean? We can 能力目标能力目标: : Ss can use the structure What makes our city dirty? make(s) the dirty/messy. What can we do to keep our city clean? We can to talk with their classmates. 情感目标情感目标: : Students can have the idea of protecting the environment and try to put it into action: Protect environment is to protect ourselves. 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. Ss can use the structures What makes our city dirty? make(s) the dirty/messy. What can we do to keep our city clean? We can to talk with their classmates. 2. Ss try to be the pluggers and appeal others to protect the environment. 教学过程教学过程: : StepStep 1:1: 1. Enjoy a video before class. (Protect the earth.) 设计意图:通过课前视屏欣赏提前渗透本课相关内容,为接下来 的教学作好知识铺垫。 2. Free talk T: What day is it today? Do you like Monday/Tuesday/? What day do you like? Most students like weekends, Me,too. What did you do last weekend? Do you know what I did last weekend? I went to the supermarket, make cakes and surfed the Internet. 设计意图:通过师生日常问答复习已学的相关知识,接着导入跟 本课相关的环境图片,教学 clean, dirty, river, air, messy 等 相关单词,衔接更自然,学生更容易接受。 通过 surf the Internet 导入跟本课内容相关的环境图片。 T: And I saw many many pictures on the Internet. Now Ill show some to you. StepStep 2:2: (Show picture 1&2 苏州两张美丽的环境图片) a. Ask students to use a word or a sentence to describe the 2 pictures. T: Can you use a word or a sentence to describe the 2 pictures. Ss: Suzhou is beautiful/ nice/ wonderful/ good. . Introduce and teach: clean b. Teacher point and describe: The river is clean. The street is clean. The air is clean. (板贴单词在黑板下侧:river, street, air) Review the words street and river Teach the word: air. ( Teacher do a gesture to help students understand this word.) c. T: Suzhou is clean in the 2 pictures. Is it clean in these pictures? (Picture 3&4 本镇两张脏乱的环境图片) Introduce and learn: dirty. T:Can you describe the 2 pictures?(个别回答) Ss: The _ is dirty. The _ is dirty T: Yes, The street is dirty and _.(看音标学单词: messy.) (板贴在黑板下侧 messy) StepStep 3:3: Introduce the title. T: Do you like dirty cities or clean cities? 学生基本都会回答: Clean cities. T: Of course. Me, too. We all like clean cities. Sum up:Dirty cities bring us, bad mood, disease, even death. So we should keep out city clean. 导入本单元课题:Unit 6: Keep our city clean. (板贴课题) (Read the title, and let students understand the phrase: keepclean.) StepStep 4:4: Story time T: Heres a dialogue. Please listen carefully and find out: what does the story talk about? (Let Ss watch the video and choose: ) A. What makes our city dirty? B. How to keep our school clean. C. How to plant trees. D. What can we do to keep our city clean. (在观看动画前让学生把选项读一遍,熟悉四个选项的内容,同时呈 现plant trees的教学。 Watch the video and answer. ) 设计意图:设计意图:这个问题的设置,把整个 story time 需要解决的两个 问题先全部提出来。再借助这两个问题分两版进行接下来的教学, 边解决问题边学习新知识。以此来增强整个教学的完整性和思路的 清晰性。 1)1) 从选项切入课文前一半。从选项切入课文前一半。 a. T: What makes our city dirty? You can work in pairs and discuss. (Ss work in pairs and have a discussion) (choose some students to show their ideas.) 设计意图:激发学生的发散思维。 b. T: _makes_ dirty? Lets listen to the first part and find out. (Listen and find out the answers to the question.) (学生回答,教师移动黑板下侧的板贴到相应的位置:river, air, street, messy, dirty) T: Lets Look at the blackboard and have a chant together. What makes the river dirty? Rubbish makes the river dirty. What makes the air dirty? Smoke makes the air dirty. What makes the street dirty? Rubbish makes the street dirty. c. Listen and repeat some difficult sentences. d. Read the first part together 2)2) 从选项从选项 D D 切入课文后一半。切入课文后一半。 a. T: What can we do to keep our city clean? (Let Ss show their own ideas first.) b. T:Any other ideas? Maybe these pictures can help you. 出示课文五张图片帮助学生获取更多的信息。 c. 学生可能不会自己回答的意见:move some factories away from our city/ put rubbish in the bin. T: we dont know these pictures, please read the second part by yourselves, circle the new parts and find other ways. Teach: move away from Putin d. Listen and repeat some difficult sentences. Explain: Your ideas are great=Good idea. Well done: very good. 3) 四人一组,选择自己喜欢的朗读方式 read the whole story in roles/after one/ together. Invite some groups to act in front of the class. StepStep 5:5: 争当优秀宣传员。 a. 现在我们知道了城市环境变糟的原因,也有了很多办法改变 这样的情况。让我们把这感悟带给更多的同学吧! T: Now we have known What makes our city dirty? and “What can we do to keep our city clean.” Lets try to be the pluggers together. Please work in groups of four. One describes the situation of our city. The other three give suggestions. You can look at the blackboard and the projection. Please take notes in the corresponding places. Exercise BeBe thethe pluggerspluggers ( (宣传员宣传员) ) S1: _ makes the _ dirty. _ _ S2/S3/S4: We can _ _ _ _ S1/S2/S3/S4: Come on, everybody. Lets keep our city clean. b. Invite groups to be the pluggers in front of class. Evaluate the praise them. 设计意图:让学生看着板书小组合作,其实就是对全文的复述, 小组合作减低了全文复述的难度,增强了学生的合作精神,也让 更多学生得到了练说和写的机会。 StepStep 6:6: 情感总结 :Protect environment is to protect ourselves.So everybody, please keep our city clean. 设计意图:情感教育,全班呼吁,激发学生保护环境的意识。 Homework:Homework: 1. Finish writing the poster. 完成倡议书 2. Listen and read several times. 听读课文 3. Encourage the people around you to protect the environment. 鼓励你身边的人保护环境。 BlackboardBlackboard design:design: Unit6 Keep the city clean. What? How? Smoke air take the bus and the metro to school Rubbish street dirty walk to school Rubbish river messy move some factories away from our city Put the rubbish in the bin. Plant more trees. (此列是图片) Keep our city clean 盛泽实验小学 凌凤 教材解读 本单元的话题是关于城市环境卫生 方面,这一话题和我们的生活息息相 关。因此,教师在教学过程中,可以 紧密联系实际情况,引导学生发现城 市环境卫生方面的问题,并思考解决 问题的答案,从而使他们增强环保意 识,更加珍惜、热爱城市环境。 教学目标 1.学生能够掌握单词:air、smoke、rubbish、 messy、dead、move.away from,bin、plant、 more, keep、clean、make、dirty。 2.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy? .make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do to keep the clean ? We can . 3.学生能够运用所学的句型讨论污染和环保的话题 ,提高语言综合运用能力,增强环保意识。 4. 学生能掌握并熟练运用升降调。 5. 学生会唱two little blackbirds并读懂其意思. 教学重点 1.学生能够掌握四会单词:keep、clean、 make、dirty。 2.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy? .make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do ? We can 1.3. 学生能掌握并熟练运用升降调。 教学难点 1.学生能够掌握四会单词:keep、clean、 make、dirty。 2.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy? .make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do ? We can 1.3. factory, rubbish的读音。 单元整体设计思路 Lesson 1(Story time ) 1. Story time 单元整体设计思路 Lesson 2(Song time, Fun time) 1. enjoy and learn the song : two little blackbirds 2. 从2只鸟要飞走的原因enviroment pollution再次回 到本单元的话题,复习storytime句型. 3. 由What can we do to keep our city clean?引入fun time 话题: What can we do to keep our school clean? 4. Storytime词组。 HW: 1. Read and recite storytime. 2. Dictate the phrases. 单元整体设计思路 Lesson 3(checkout time) 1.Revision of the phrases. 2.Dictation of the phrases. 3. Revision of story time. 4. 练习与测试 P63. 5. Checkout time. Look and write. Look, discuss and say. HW: Try to write. 单元整体设计思路 Lesson 4(Cartoon time, Sound time) 1. Talk showkeep the room clean. 2. T: to keep our room/ city clean, we should put the rubbish in the bin. Do you usually put the rubbish in the bin or throw them on the floor? 由 此导入Sound time教学 3.由How about Bobby? 导入cartoon time 教学。 4. 练习与测试 1. HW: Dictation of the phrases and sentences. 单元整体设计思路 Lesson 5( Dictation &Exercise) 1.Talk show. 2. Dictation. 3.练习与测试 HW: 补充习题。 单元整体设计思路 Lesson 6( Exercise) 1. Talk show. 2. 补充习题。 3. 补充本。 HW:Revision. Story time板块介绍板块介绍 本部分呈现了Miss Li 给学生们上课 的情景。Miss Li先呈现一组图片,让 学生们意识到我们的城市因为垃圾和 污染已经变得污秽不堪。 Miss Li 接下 来让学生们展开讨论,就如何保持城 市整洁献计献策。 Story time教学目标教学目标 1.学生能听懂,会说,会读:air、smoke、rubbish、 messy、dead、move.away from,bin、plant、 more, keep、clean、make、dirty。 2.学生能听懂,会说,会读: What makes .dirty/messy? .make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do to keep the clean ? We can . 3.学生能够运用所学的句型讨论污染和环保的话题 ,提高语言综合运用能力。 Story time教学重点教学重点 1.学生能听懂,会说,会读:air、smoke、rubbish、 messy、dead、move.away from,bin、plant、 more, keep、clean、make、dirty。 2.学生能听懂,会说,会读: What makes .dirty/messy? .make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do to keep the clean ? We can . Story time教学难点教学难点 1. factory, rubbish的读音 2.学生能够运用所学的句型讨论污染 和环保的话题,提高语言综合运用能 力, 为英语写话打下结实基础。 教具 1、教学光盘 2、教学课件 3、图片 4、板书 Story time设计出发点设计出发点 通过影片欣赏,图片展示,问题思 考、话题讨论等形式让学生清晰地理 解本课教学内容。并能在理解基础上、 口语操练过程中,逐步扎实掌握重点 句型的运用,为第3课时的写话训练打 下结实的基础。 Be the plugger (宣传员) S1: _ makes the _ dirty. _ _ S2/S3/S4: We can _ _ _ _ S1/S2/S3/S4: Come on, everybody. Lets keep our city clean.
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Unit Keep our city clean_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:d03ec) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit
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