Unit 6 Keep our city clean-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:00ed6).zip


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(Story time) 执教:执教:如如东县东县实验实验小小学学 沙伟杰沙伟杰 city Environmental problem 环境问题环境问题 Educational problem 教育问题教育问题 Medical problem 医疗问题医疗问题 What problem(s) are they talking about? A.Environmental problem(环境问题) B. Educational problem(教育问题) C. Medical problem(医疗问题) Listen and choose Class project Problems Keep our city clean (班级课题)(班级课题) Look and say dirty not clean What do you think of their city? (4 (4人小组,朗读句子,图文匹配。人小组,朗读句子,图文匹配。) ) Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. The river is dirty. Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. a b c d What if you meet new words,you can: 遇到新单词时,你可以遇到新单词时,你可以: Teach each other. Guess from context or pictures. Ask the teacher. Tip Read and match( (小组朗读句子,图文匹配。 小组朗读句子,图文匹配。) ) ( (小组朗读句子,图文匹配。小组朗读句子,图文匹配。) ) Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. The river is dirty. Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. a b c d air Read and match( (小组朗读句子,图文匹配。 小组朗读句子,图文匹配。) ) smoke from cigarettes (香烟)(香烟) smoke from straw burning (秸秆焚烧)(秸秆焚烧) What other smoke makes the air dirty? smoke ? Problems 问题 Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. The river is dirty. Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are . Rubbish makes the streets and dirty. a b c d air river streets messy dead Which is messy? A B (4 (4人小组,朗读句子,图文匹配。人小组,朗读句子,图文匹配。) ) (4 (4人小组,朗读句子,图文匹配。人小组,朗读句子,图文匹配。) ) Read and match Problems 问题 smokerubbish Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. The river is dirty . Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. The river is dirty . Theres rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. Listen and repeat Tip Learning tip: 1.1.注意语音语调注意语音语调。 2.2.注意重音注意重音“”和和意群意群 “_” 。 Wang Bing: Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Consequence s 后果后果 We have no fish to eat. We cant swim in the river. Problems smoke rubbish Consequences noto/ We cant Keep our city clean Class project (班级课题)(班级课题) Problems 问题 smoke Strategies 措施 from cars rubbish from factories Read and find We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can walk to school too. We can move some factories away from our city. 步行步行更更环保哦!环保哦! Walking is more environmental-friendly. move some factories away from the city Problems 问题 smoke Strategies 措施 rubbish from carsfrom factories taketo walk to moveaway from Read and find We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can walk to school too. We can move some factories away from our city. We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean. Problems 问题 smoke Strategies 措施 taketo walk to rubbish moveaway from plant more trees streets river Read and find We can put rubbish in the bin. We should classify the rubbish. 记记得得要要将将垃圾垃圾分分类哦!类哦! recyclable 可回收 other waste 其他垃圾 Problems 问题 smoke Strategies 措施 taketo walk to rubbish moveaway from plant more trees streets river put in We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can walk to school too. We can move some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean. We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can move some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean. We can walk to school too. Listen and repeat Wang Bing: We can move some factories away from our city. We can put rubbish in the bin. Think and say What can we do to keep our city clean? Problems smoke rubbish Consequencesnoto/ We cant Strategies We can Report Keep our city clean Class project (班级课题)(班级课题) CompleteComplete thethe reportreport(小组讨论,完成报告) This is our report, the subject is _. Start from me, start from now. _ makes _dirty. _. Problems 问题问题 Consequences 后果后果 To keep _ clean, we can _. We cant _. Strategies 措施措施 Consequences 后果后果 Consequences 后果后果 Consequences 后果后果 Consequences 后果后果 Consequences 后果后果 Consequences 后果后果 We have no _ to _. _. Consequences 后果后果 Class Project Report Tip 1.1.小组讨论,确小组讨论,确定定报报告细节告细节。 2.2.完成完成报报告告,选择选择汇报汇报方式方式。 (可一人汇报,可一人汇报,也也可小组可小组共同共同汇报汇报) 3.3.组内组内操练操练,完善完善报报告告内内容容。 Problems smoke rubbish Consequencesnoto/ We cant Strategies We can Report This is our Keep our city clean Class project (班级课题)(班级课题) 2.Make a poster about the environment of the city. (制作一张关于城市环境的海报。制作一张关于城市环境的海报。) 1.Listen, imitate and retell the story. (听听,模仿并复述故事。模仿并复述故事。) Thanks!Thanks! Unit 6 Keep our city clean Class:_ Name:_ I. Read and match. II. Do a report. Word Bank(词库):(词库): Problems(问题问题): smoke from cigarettes(香烟) smoke from straw burning(秸秆焚烧) srets str: b:n smog(雾霾) smoke from fireworks(烟花) black water from factories smg faw:ks Consequences(后果):(后果): no fresh air to breathe(没有新鲜空气呼吸) no clean water to drink fre bri: no fish to eat no blue sky to see no green vegetables to eat cant swim cant wash clothes cant see clearly Strategies(措施):(措施): go to school by e-bike(电动车) go to school by bike cant smoke cant light too many fireworks(不能放太多烟花) cant litter Slogan(口号口号): 善待地球就是善待自己 (The earth is to yourself) 拯救地球,一起动手 (Save the earth together) 保护环境,从我做起 (To protect the environment, starts from me) nvarnmnt 我是环保一员 (I am a member environmental) 爱低碳,爱生活(Love low-carbon, love life) lk:bn 低碳 , 让生活更美好.(Low-carbon, Better Life) Class Project Report This is our report, the subject is _. _ makes _dirty._ _. We have no _to _. _. _. To keep_ clean, we can _. We cant _._ _. Start from me, start from now. 六上 Unit6 Keep our city clean 第一课时教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课来自于译林版英语六年级上册 Unit6 Keep our city clean,该单元围 绕保持城市干净的话题展开。该话题与学生的生活息息相关。教师在教学过程 中可以联系实际,引导学生在真实情境中发现环境问题,商讨解决策略,从而 增强城市环保意识。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1.知识与能力目标 (1)能听懂、认读词汇 keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, moveaway from, bin, plant, more,并能理解其含义; (2)能初步使用句型 What makesdirty/messy? makesdirty / messy. What can we do to? We can进行相关话题交流; (3)能掌握故事的大意。 2.学习策略目标 (1)初步学会利用“班级课题”的形式来研究与解决实际生活问题; (2)能借助图片理解故事主要内容; (3)能在课文朗读时初步形成关注意群的意识。 3.情感态度目标 能在朗读、交流、汇报等学习活动中,认识城市环境的现状,结合实际思 考解决策略,形成一定的环保意识。 三、教学重点三、教学重点 1.能听懂、认读词汇 keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, moveaway from, bin, plant, more,并能理解其含义;能初步使用句型 What makesdirty /messy? makesdirty / messy. What can we do to? We can进行 相关话题交流; 2.能借助图片理解故事主要内容; 3.初步学会利用“班级课题”的形式来研究与解决实际生活问题。 四、教学难点四、教学难点 1.能听懂、认读词汇 keep, clean, make, air, dirty, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, moveaway from, bin, plant, more,并能理解其含义; 2.初步学会利用“班级课题”的形式来研究与解决实际生活问题。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 PPT, worksheet 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step 1 Pre-reading 1.Free talk. T: Boys and girls,are you ready for our class? Today, Im your new English teacher. My English name is Jason. So hello, boys and girls .Im very happy to see you. Now,Ill show you a video.Do you want to watch it? 2. Watch a video. What is the video about? Can you say something about city? S:I like city. The city is very big and beautiful. T: Now , the city is bigger and bigger, more and more beautiful, more and more people live in the city. But also there are more and more problems come up. For example, Environmental problem, Educational problem, Medical problem and so on. Miss Li and her students are talking about the problems of the city. What problem are they talking about? Lets listen and choose. T: Which one? S: T: Actually, they are doing a class project about Environmental problem. Have you done a class project before? Today, lets do a class project with them. The subject is “Keep our city clean”. Step 2 While-reading. Now, we are going to do a project step by step. 1.Problems (1)The first step is “Problems of the city environment”.(板书) Miss Li and her students took some photos about their city. Lets see . What do you think of their city? S: Its not nice/beautiful. Its bad. I dont like this city. Its not clean. Its dirty.(教) (2)T: What makes their city dirty? Lets read and match. Heres a tip. What if you meet new words ? You can teach each other, guess from contexts or pictures, ask the teacher. Lets check the answers. What is dirty in picture b and c? S: The air is dirty. (教 air 并板书) T: What makes the air dirty? S: Smoke from cars makes Black smoke (板书 smoke) T: There are two kinds of smoke. What other smoke makes the air dirty? Can you talk about more smoke? S: (3)T: The first problem is “smoke”. (让学生回答)Whats the next one? Lets focus on the streets and the river. The streets are dirty. The river is dirty.(等学生回答)What makes them dirty? S: Rubbish. T: Lets follow him. Rubbish (拼写) Heres another new word .Can you read ? What does it mean? See, which is messy? In picture A, the things are in order.But picture B, there are a lot of things on the ground. Oh, thats bad. They are messy. (4)Lets read and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation ,stress and meaning groups. See, smoke from cars is a meaning group. So, the second sentence, who can try? S: T: Oh, you can catch “Meaning groups”. 2. Consequences (1)In fact, smoke and rubbish are harmful to us. They bring some consequences.See, the fish are dead. We have no fish to eat.We cant swim in the river,either. (板书) Anything else? You can discuss in groups, then tell me. S: We cant see clearly. We have no clean water to drink. We cant swim. Im ill. T: You know a lot. And let me show you more consequences. These are serious consequences. (板书) We are very sad. 3. Strategies. (1) So we should find ways to solve these problems. What are Miss Lis students strategies ? What can they do to keep their city clean? Lets read the dialogue and find their ideas. You can open your books and turn to page59 and underline. a. T: First, lets talk about smoke. Smoke from cars, smoke from factories. Whats Su Hais idea? S: Su Hai says: We can (板: taketo) T: Whats Nancy s idea? S: Nancy says: We can walk to school too. (板书 walk to ) T: And I think walking is more environmental-friendly. T: How about Wang Bing? S: Wang Bing says: We can (Learn: moveaway from, 板: move factories away from) T: Is this a good way? S:. T:But I dont think so. Think it over. We move the factories away from our city. But where are the factories? Maybe we move the factories to the countryside, then the countryside will be dirty. So thats not a good way. We should learn how to reduce the smoke . T: These are Su Hai , Nancy and Wang Bings ideas. What about Liu Tao? T:Yes. He says :We can plant more trees. (板书,多读)Look, we plant some trees, we plant many trees, but not enough, we need more trees. Are you clear? Why should we plant more trees? S: Because they help keep the air clean. T: Yes. b.T: These strategies are about smoke. What about rubbish? We know rubbish makes the streets and the river dirty. So Wang Bings idea is See, they are bins. And pay attention, we should put rubbish in the right bin.(板书) One is recyclable , and the next one is other waste . So we should classify the rubbish. c. Lets read and repeat. (2)T: They have some ideas. What do you think of their ideas? S: Good. Great. Well done. T: What can we do to keep our city clean? You can talk in your groups, then tell me. Step3 Post-reading 4. Report (1)T: Just now, we finished the third step “Strategies”(板书). Last step is doing a report.(板书, 并读一读)Before that, we need to review the whole story. Now lets look at the blackboard and try to retell. You have thirty seconds to prepare. (2)OK, you know the whole story very well. Now lets do a report. Your report must have problems, consequences and strategies. I give you a beginning and an ending of the report. These sentences should in your report.(划线) You can also use other sentences. I think Word Bank will help you. You can choose some phrases to complete your report. T: What do you think of their report? S: Great. Good. Well done. T: Because he can use some phrases from Word Bank. T: Today we did a class project with Miss Li. The subject is “Keep our city clean”. And we know how to keep our city clean. But some people dont .We need to tell them. So, lets look at todays homework: Make a poster about the environment of the city. And dont forget to listen, imitate and retell the story.
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Unit Keep our city clean_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:00ed6) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit
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