Unit 6 Keep our city clean-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:c599e).zip


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Unit 6 Keep our city clean (Grammar time & Fun time) What makes the air dirty? What makes the air dirty? Smoke makes the air dirty. What makes the streets messy? What makes the streets messy? Rubbish makes the streets messy! the streets Smoke What? messy and dirty Rubbish the airdirty the streets . messy and dirty dirtythe air makes makes 自自闹 例句,例句, 感知感知闹 律。律。 the streets messy and dirty the airdirty the streets messy and dirty dirtythe air makes makes Smoke What? Rubbish . 自自闹 例句,例句, 感知感知闹 律。律。 the streets messy and dirty the airdirty the streets messy and dirty dirtythe air makes makes Smoke What? Rubbish . 自自闹 例句,例句, 感知感知闹 律。律。 the streets messy and dirty the airdirty the streets messy and dirty dirtythe air makes makes Smoke What? Rubbish . 自自闹 例句,例句, 感知感知闹 律。律。 smelly 闹 臭的臭的 crowded 挤挤 的 noisy 吵吵闹 的的 messy dirty dusty 有灰挤 的 What makes our city ? makes our city? messy dusty 多灰多灰闹 的的 noisy 吵吵闹 的的 crowde d 闹闹 的的 smelly 闹 臭的臭的 dirty rubbish waste paper cars trucks(卡卡闹 ) people shops buildings factories What makes our city ? makes our city? rubbish waste paper cars trucks(卡卡闹 ) people shops buildings factories messy dusty 多灰多灰闹 的的 noisy 吵吵闹 的的 crowde d 闹闹 的的 smelly 闹 臭的臭的 dirty What makes our city ? makes our city? rubbish waste paper cars trucks(卡卡闹 ) people shops buildings factories messy dusty 多灰多灰闹 的的 noisy 吵吵闹 的的 crowde d 闹闹 的的 smelly 闹 臭的臭的 dirty What makes our city ? makes our city? rubbish waste paper cars trucks(卡卡闹 ) people shops buildings factories messy dusty 多灰多灰闹 的的 noisy 吵吵闹 的的 crowde d 闹闹 的的 smelly 闹 臭的臭的 dirty What makes our city ? makes our city? rubbish waste paper cars trucks(卡卡闹 ) people shops buildings factories messy dusty 多灰多灰闹 的的 noisy 吵吵闹 的的 crowde d 闹闹 的的 smelly 闹 臭的臭的 dirty What can we do to help our city? What can we do to keep our city clean? take the bus and metro to school. walk to school move some factories away from our city. put rubbish in the bin. plant more trees. We can We can We can We can We can Tips:我我闹 可以用可以用 can 来提出建来提出建闹 。 。 读一读,读一读,想想一一想想。 如如果是保护环境果是保护环境的的就就说说 . . 如如果是破坏环境果是破坏环境的的就就说说 ! ! 争做绿色争做绿色小小医生医生 People cut down more trees.We can pick up the bottles. Children throw rubbish in the street.We often go out by bus and metro. Some people throw rubbish in the bin. We drive cars to go out. We move the factories away from the city. Be a green doctor 争做绿色争做绿色小小医生医生 Students plant beautiful flowers. 闹 色小医生来色小医生来闹 治!治! We can throw the rubbish in the bin. Rubbish makes our city dirty. 四人小四人小闹 做做闹 色医生,色医生, 闹闹 上述情况,开上述情况,开闹 方。方。 Smoke makes the air dirty. Lots of cars make our city noisy and messy . Cars/lots of people make our city crowded. Rubbish makes our city smelly. What can we do to keep our school clean? What can we do to keep our school clean? We can put rubbish in the bin. We can clean the desks. We can We love our school , but its dirty now. Lets do it together! What can we do to keep our school clean? We can clean the desks. We can sweep the floor. We can put rubbish in the bin. We love our school , but its dirty now. Keep the clean and beautiful! school parkhouse 1.1.小组讨论小组讨论海海报内报内容容。 2 2 设设计计海海报,图文报,图文并茂并茂。 3.3.选择自己选择自己的的方式宣传海方式宣传海报。报。 (可以加上表可以加上表情动作)情动作) Keep the clean and beautiful! 1.1.小组讨论小组讨论海海报内报内容容。 2 2 设设计计海海报,图文报,图文并茂并茂。 3.3.选择自己选择自己的的方式宣传海方式宣传海报。报。 (可以加上表可以加上表情动作)情动作) Useful sentences If you say it, you must do it. Just do it. Clean or dirty, its up to you. Come on, join us! Can you do it too? 1. Find your green partner. 闹 找你的找你的闹 保搭档。保搭档。 Smoke makes the air dirty . I can take a bus to school. Bus is my green partner. Homework 2. Make a sign or a newspaper. 闹闹 一个一个闹 保宣保宣闹闹 志志,或者制作一份或者制作一份闹 保小保小闹 . Unit6Unit6 KeepKeep ourour citycity cleanclean 第一课时第一课时 第( )课时 总第( )课 时 一、一、 教学内容:教学内容:Unit6 Keep our city clean 二、二、 教学目标教学目标 1学生能够掌握三会单词: air、smoke、rubbish、messy、dead、move.away from|bin、plant、more。四会单词:keep、clean、make、dirty。 2学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy?.make(s).dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can .及其答语。 3.学生能够运用所学的句型讨论污染和环保的话题,提高语言综合 运用能力。 三、三、 教学重点教学重点 1.学生能够掌握四会单词:keep、clean、make、dirty。 2.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy?.make(s).dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can .及其答语。 四、教学难点四、教学难点 学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy?.make(s).dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can .及其答语。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 PPT 六、教学过程六、教学过程 教后反思:教后反思: StepStep 1 1 FreeFree talktalk 1、Greetings 2、Sing a song Two little blackbirds 利用多媒体播放歌曲,然后给出几个关于鸟的问题,要求学生讨论,引出本 单元的话题。 StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1 .T:Do you like birds? Where do they live? What city do the birds like ? Show two pictures of the cities to the Ss.The city A is beautiful .The city B is dirty. 2、Show the picture of The city A . T:What do you think of the cities ?Is the city clean ? Ss:Yes,it is. Fill in the blanks. The is clean.The is clean. The is clean.The are . 学习新授单词 clean、air。 Show the picture of The city B .Ask and answer and fill in the blanks. 3、学习新授单词 dirty、messy、 rubbish。 这一环节通过两个城市的对比,提出问题让学生小组合作思考、讨论,在小 组中,每个学生都有发言的机会,也能够互相学习,充分体现学生在课堂中 的主体地位。 4、T:What will the dirty city take to us ?(disease death ) 出示:Keep our city clean 5、 Watch cartoon and answer the questions: Q1:What makes our city dirty? Q2:What can we do to keep our city clean ? 6 、Read the story time and work in groups. a.四人一组进行讨论,针对两个问题对文中的重点句子做出标记。 b.以小组讨论,根据自己的思路图,练习复述。 c.讨论过程中遇到的困难,小组成员之间要互帮互助,共同解决。 (充分发挥小组合作的优势,小组成员互相帮助,主动参与到学习活动中) 7、分组展示,选择以下形式: 1、派一名学员发言 2、以对话的形式共同完成 StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1、Ask and answer 2、Read and write 3、Read in groups (小组内自己确定朗读方式,可以是齐读,组长带读, 分角色读。)(学生自己选择学习的方式,更能调动他们的积极性) StepStep 4 4 ConsolidationConsolidation 1、Look and act a 小组内看图讨论 b 组长分配好角色,练习表演,比一比哪组表演的最好。 (组内分工明确,同学之间互相激励,小组之间互相检查评价) 2、Look and write 3、Look and say (出示房间的图片,小组讨论、展示) A: What make(s )the _ messy and dirty? B: The _ make/makes _messy/dirty. A:What can we do to keep the _ clean? B:To keep the _ clean we can _. StepStep 5 5 EmotionEmotion educationeducation Protect environment is to protect ourselves. 课件出示图片,教育学生认识到污染对人类和地球的伤害,增强环保意识, 珍惜和热爱城市环境。 StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework 1.Copy the new words . 2.Write a passage about Protect environment。 For example: Our city is . .The air is. . The sky is . . The . is .The .make(s) . . We can. . Lets try our best to keep our city clean. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit6 Keep our city clean What makes .dirty/messy? .make(s).dirty/messy. What can we do ? We can . 教后反思:教后反思: 第二课时第二课时 第( )课时 总第( )课 时 一、教学内容一、教学内容 Unit6 Keep our city clean 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy?.make(s). .dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can .及其答语。 2学生能够正确理解 make 的用法。 3、学生能够掌握掌握陈述句和一般疑问句的语调。 三、教学重点三、教学重点: 1.学生能够掌握句型 What makes .dirty/messy?.make(s). .dirty/messy.What can we do ?We can .及其答语。 2学生能够正确理解 make 的用法。 3、学生能够掌握掌握陈述句和一般疑问句的语调。 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: 学生能够掌握掌握陈述句和一般疑问句的语调。 五、教学准备五、教学准备: 1.教师准备:PPT 2.学生准备:学生认真复习 story time。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: StepStep 1 1 FreeFree talktalk andand revisionrevision 1、Greetings 2、Magic eyes(课件出示对环境有利和破坏的图片,学生看到图片时要大声 的说出相应的动词短语,并作出手势,以判断该行为时否有助于环境保护。 如果对环境有利,拍手两下。如果不利,双手交叉放在胸前。 ) 3、Read the phrase together. 4、Ask and answer use these sentences. T: What makes the air dirty? S: Smoke from the factory makes the air dirty. T: What makes the street dirty? S: Rubbish makes the street dirty. . . 5、Read the sentences on page 61. StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1、Look and say What makes the city beautiful? The air makes the city beautiful. _make(s ) the city _ What makes the city dirty/messy? _makes the city _. (这一环节让学生看图造句,可以小组讨论,比一比哪个小组说的多,说的 正确。教师要强调 make 和 makes 的使用方法。 ) 2、T:The cities makes me sad ! 出示:_ make /makes you /us /her sad/happy/angry/cold.? 伤心/高兴/生气/冷。 。 。 3、Group work Tips: 1、请和你的组员一起讨论。 2、请大家以小组为单位汇报,每组说三个。 3、汇报完毕后,其他组若有补充可以举手。 (这一环节是练习 make+宾语+形容词补语的结构,教师也可以出示让人生气、 高兴、伤心的图片,启发学生说句子) StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice T: The messy classroom makes me angry. What can you do to keep it clean ? 出示句型:We can_ StepStep 4 4 FunFun timetime Group work Tips: 1、小组制作海报,每位同学将自己的建议工整的写在小树叶上,然后再同 一贴到树干上。 2、请小组展示自己的海报,并介绍保持学校清洁的建议。 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1.Copy the sentences on P61 . 2.Make a dialogue. The topic is “ Keep my room clean”. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit6 Keep our city clean _ make /makes you /us /her sad/happy/angry/cold.? What can you do to keep it clean ? We can_ 教后反思:教后反思: 第三课时第三课时 第( )课时 总第( )课 时 一、教学内容:一、教学内容:Cartoon time, song time 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1. 能理解 Cartoon time 部分内容并能听说读 skin, slip ,throw, should ,ground, museum, pickup 等词语。 2. 通过 Cartoon time 部分内容的学习,培养不随手乱丢杂物的好习惯。 3. 会唱歌曲 Two little blackbirds. 三、教学重点:三、教学重点: 1. 能理解 Cartoon time 部分内容并能听说读 skin, slip ,throw, should ,ground, museum, pickup 等词语。 2. 通过 Cartoon time 部分内容的学习,培养不随手乱丢杂物的好习惯。 3. 会唱歌曲 Two little blackbirds. 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: 能正确读好 Cartoon time 的内容并尝试表演。 五、教学准备:五、教学准备: PPT 六、六、教学教学过程:过程: Step1Step1 WarmingWarming upup T: Hello, boys and girls, what day is it today? T: Whats the date today? T: Whats the weather like today? StepStep 2 2 ReviewReview T: Boy and girls, sometimes, our school is not very clean. What makes our school dirty? What can we do to make our school clean? Ss talk and answer the questions. StepStep 3 3 SongSong timetime T: Now lets sing another song . This song is about two blackbirds. One named Jack and one named Jill. (named 名叫)The intonation is almost the same as the song we just sang. 歌曲的曲调 和我们刚才唱得差不多。Lets watch and song. Try to follow it. 1.学生一边看一边模仿跟唱。 Question about the song : Where are the blackbirds ? (They are sitting on the hill. ) 2.解释 fly away , come back 的意思,并作出相应的动作。 3.学生一边做动作,一边跟唱。 StepStep 4 4 CartoonCartoon timetime Watch and answer : What did Bobby do ? T: Boys and girls, now its time to watch a cartoon. Its about Bobby. He did a bad thing . What did he do ? Lets watch it . 播 放动画,学生观看并回答:He threw a banana skin on the ground . T: What happened? Ss: Billy slipped on the skin and fell. He went to the hospital. Read the cartoon and circle the new words. T: Well done. Now open your books and read the cartoon, circle the new words, please. T teaches the new words and phrases: museum, art museum; throwthrew; skin, a banana skin; pickup, pick the skin up/pick up the skin; slipslipped; fall-fell 3. Try to answer some questions. 1) Where are Bobby and Tina? (They are in the street.) 2) What did Bobby do?(He threw a banana skin on the ground.) 3) What happened to Billy?(He slipped and fell.) 4.理解故事 1) Read and write T:Who likes living in the city? Ss: Bobby and Tina. T:Why does Bobby like living in the city ? And why does Tina like living in the city, too? Read the first part and try to find the answer. Ss: Bobby likes living in the city because there are many museums , shops and cinemas. S:Tina likes living in the city because its clean and beautiful. Finish the exercise and check: Bobby likes living in the city because there are many _ , _ and _ . Tina likes living in the city because its _ and _ . 3) Read and answer: T: Bobby likes the city. But he did a bad thing. Read the following part and answer the questions. 1. What did Bobby do after eating a banana ? 2. What happened next ? 3. Did Bobby feel sorry ? Ss read and answer. 4)Read and talk T: Bobby threw a banana skin on the ground. Is it right? What should he do ? S: He should put the banana skin in the bin. T: Yes, we should put the rubbish in the bin. We shouldnt throw the rubbish on the ground. 板书: should. shouldnt 4.口译句子。 1).我们现在应该回家。We should go home now. 2).我们不应该在街上玩。We shouldnt play in the street. 3).我们不应该在动物园里吃或者喝东西。 We shouldnt eat or drink in the zoo. 4).你应该在晚饭前做作业。 You should do your homework before supper. 5).你应该把垃圾捡起来。 You should pick the rubbish up. T: Bobby wanted to pick the banana skin up. But its too late. Billy slipped on it and fell . What a pity ! This is the story. It tells us we shouldnt S: We shouldnt throw the rubbish on the ground. Its messy. 5. 听读模仿。 6. 小组分角色模仿读。 7. 试着分角色表演。 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1. 熟读 Cartoon time 2. 预习 Checkout time 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 6 Keep our city clean You shouldnt do that! You should put your rubbish in the bin. 教后反思:教后反思: 第四课时第四课时 第( )课时 总第( )课时 一、一、教学内容教学内容: Checkout time,Sound time and ticking time 二、二、教学目标教学目标: 1.学生能熟练运用本单元所学内容完成 checkout time。 2.学生能熟练掌握句型:make(s)the dirty/messy. To keep the clean, we can 3.学生能掌握并熟练运用升降调。 三、教学重点:三、教学重点: 1.学生能熟练运用本单元所学内容完成 checkout time。 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: 1.学生能熟练掌握句型:make(s)the dirty/messy. To keep the clean, we can 2.学生能掌握并熟练运用升降调。 五、教学准备:五、教学准备: 课件 六、六、教学教学过程:过程: Step1Step1 WarmWarm upup 1. Greeting 2. Revision T: Lets say something about the pictures. Is the city clean? What makes the city dirty? What can we do to keep the city clean? Step2Step2 CheckoutCheckout timetime 一、Look and write Look at the pictures. What can you see in these pictures? The bedroom is The park is The classroom is The air is T: Yes, they are dirty or messy. To keep them clean, we can Please write down your ideas and fill the blanks. Check the answers. 板书: make(s)the dirty/messy. To keep the clean, we can Talk about the pictures in groups. 二、Look and say 1. Show a picture T: Heres a picture of the room. Is the room clean? Now make some sentences about the room with this sentence pattern. You can discuss with your partner or your group members. Well have a competition. Which groups can say the most sentences? 2. Have a competition 3. Summary: Your ideas are great. To keep the room clean, we should put the things in the right places. Step3Step3 SoundSound timetime 1. Let the students read by themselves. 2. Watch the cartoon. Listen and feel. 3. Read after the cartoon. 4. Read after the teacher.(Show a finger and do actions together) 5. The students read by themselves again. 6. Read by some students 7. The students try to give a summary.(教师引导学生发现规律: 陈述句句末通常用降调,一般疑问句句末通常用升调。) 8. Read together. 9. Read the other sentences.(注意升降调) Does smoke make the air dirty? Yes, smoke makes the air dirty. Does rubbish make the streets messy and dirty? Yes, rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. Can we keep the air clean? Yes, we can! We can move some factories away from our city. Can we keep the streets clean? Yes, we can! We can put rubbish in the bin. Step4Step4 TickingTicking timetime 学生对本单元三个知识点的掌握进行自我评价。 I know how to keep our city clean. I can use”make”,”keep”and”can”. I know how to use rising and falling intonation. Step5 Homework 1. Make some sentences about our classroom with the sentence pattern. make(s)the dirty/messy. To keep the clean, we can 2. Review unit6 板书设计:板书设计: Unit6 Keep our city clean make(s)the dirty/messy. To keep the clean, we can 教学反思:教学反思:
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Unit Keep our city clean_Grammar Fun time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:c599e) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit
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