Unit 5 Signs-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:f0f62).zip


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Unit 5 I can retell this story. I can read this story. I can talk about signs in real life. Rules(游戏规则 ) 判断你所得到信息是否正确。判断你所得到信息是否正确。 如果是正确的,请大声说如果是正确的,请大声说“YeahYeah,yeahyeah, yeahyeah”, 如果是错误的,请大声说如果是错误的,请大声说“NoNo, nono,nono” 。 We should keep quietly in the hospital. We can play football in the playground.We can climb trees. Brainstorm! Lets think: Where can we see signs? Brainstorm! Lets think: Where can we see signs? shopping center (购物中心) restaurant (饭店) Lets watch! 预习反馈: order the following pictures. A B C D 1.How many signs did they see? 2.What are they? A. three B. four C. two A. B. C. D. E . F. 1.How many signs did they see? 2.What are they? A. three B. four C. two A. B. C. D. E . F. 1.How many signs did they see? 2.What are they? A. three B. four C. two A. B. C. D. E . F. No eating or drinking. No smoking. Wet floor.No littering. Where did they see the signs? Tips:阅读课文连线找出标志的所在的场所。 A. B. C. D.4. 3. 2. 1. What does it mean? It means you cant smoke here. It means you cant litter here. It means you cant eat or drink there. It means the floor is wet. Tips:小声朗读,划线找出标志的含义,然后两人一组讨论。 Follow the tape.(跟录音读) Tips:跟读时注意模仿语音语调哦! C a b a Read the whole story by yourselves, choose the right answer. Wet smoking. eatingdrinking. littering. Can you finish these signs? Read in roles. (分角色读分角色读) Read together. (齐读齐读) Act the text. (表演表演 对话对话) Read and act TipTip:表演时,可以根据内容,适当加些动作哦:表演时,可以根据内容,适当加些动作哦。 四人一组,以小组为单位,选四人一组,以小组为单位,选 择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。 I can retell this story. I can read this story. I can talk about signs in real life. Wechat 微信微信 Today I go to the with Mike and Tim. We see four signs there. The sign on the floor means . . The sign in the juice shop means . The sign means we cant . At last, we see a man in the . He is . We reminds(提醒) him and he stops. Do you know the meaning of this sign? 请帮助 Helen 完成微信朋友圈 的更新。同桌可 以 讨论哦。 It means you cant Today I go to the with Mike and Tim. We see four signs there. The sign on the floor means . . The sign in the juice shop means . The sign means we cant . At last, we see a man in the . He is . We reminds (提醒)him and he stops. Do you know the meaning of this sign? It means you cant shoppingcentre the floor is wet you cant litter here eat or drink there restaurant smoking smoke here. I can retell this story. I can read this story. I can talk about signs in real life. little designer Groupwork: Can you design(设计) some signs for your school?Work with your classmates. library playground WC garden 小小设计师小小设计师 Share your works with your classmates. Work in pairs to talk about your work.(和 同桌一起讨论吧!) Hello,everyone! Welcome to my clean and beautiful school. Look!There are many signs in it.Here is a sign in the ., it means . Signs in my school Word bank: Save water. Be quiet! Dont pick! Dont climb! Be quite! Show time! Show time! Warm tips! Follow the rules, to be a good citizen. 遵循规则,做个文明人。 I can retell this story. I can read this story. I can talk about signs in real life. How many stars can you get? Homework 1.Read the whole story. 2.Review the meaning of the signs and find more signs around us. - 1 - Unit 5 Signs 第一课时第一课时 教学内容:教学内容: Story Time 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词及词组:wet floor, No littering No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读句型:What does this mean? 和 It means 3. 学生能初步理解本篇故事并能复述 4. 情感教育:学生能明白标志在我们日常生活中的意义和重要性。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词及词组:wet floor, No littering No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读句型:What does this mean? 和 It means 3. 学生能初步理解本篇故事并能复述 4. 情感教育:学生能明白标志在我们日常生活中的意义和重要性。 教学准备:教学准备:课文图片,单词图片,PPT 教学过程:教学过程: Step1Step1 WarmingWarming upup 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song T: Where are the children? - 2 - S: They are in the park. T: What are they talking about? S:They are talk about signs. Step2Step2 StoryStory timetime T:Today we will learn something about signs.( 板书课题 Unit5 Signs) 1.Let us learn What does it mean? Chinese mean:它表示什么意思? Now you can answer me: It means ok? S: It means “Danger”. T: Yes! It means “Danger”.And what about this one?(指旁边的 一张图片)What does it mean? T: Clever! It means “Keep off the grass”. (按这样的方式问其他两张图片,分别是 No parking 和 No photos) 再次领读句型:What does it mean? 和 It means 2 T: (Point to the signs on the picture.)What are they? Ss: They are public signs. 领读 signs . 引出课题:Today well learn Unit5 Signs 3 T: But where can we see the signs? S1: In the cinema. S2: In the library. S3: In the classroom ,in the shopping center T: All right. 1. Pre-reading T: Today, Mike, Helen and Tim also see some public signs. Where do they see the signs? Watch the cartoon and find the places. 让学生边看动画边找出这些地方 Watch the cartoon - 3 - find the places 教单词:a shopping centre、juice shop、bookshop、restaurant Lets match 让学生根据教学目标:教学目标: 2. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词及词组:wet floor, No littering No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读句型:What does this mean? 和 It means 3. 学生能初步理解本篇故事并能复述 4. 情感教育:学生能明白标志在我们日常生活中的意义和重要性。 教学重难点:教学重难点: 2. 学生能初步能理解并且会听、会说、会读单词及词组:wet floor, No littering No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2. 学生能初步感知句型,能初步听懂并且会读句型:What does this mean? 和 It means 3. 学生能初步理解本篇故事并能复述 4. 情感教育:学生能明白标志在我们日常生活中的意义和重要性。 教学准备:教学准备:课文图片,单词图片,PPT 教学过程:教学过程: Step1Step1 WarmingWarming upup 3. Greeting 4. Sing a song T: Where are the children? - 4 - S: They are in the park. T: What are they talking about? S:They are talk about signs. Step2Step2 StoryStory timetime T:Today we will learn something about signs.( 板书课题 Unit5 Signs) 1.Let us learn What does it mean? Chinese mean:它表示什么意思? Now you can answer me: It means ok? S: It means “Danger”. T: Yes! It means “Danger”.And what about this one?(指旁边的 一张图片)What does it mean? T: Clever! It means “Keep off the grass”. (按这样的方式问其他两张图片,分别是 No parking 和 No photos) 再次领读句型:What does it mean? 和 It means 2 T: (Point to the signs on the picture.)What are they? Ss: They are public signs. 领读 signs . 引出课题:Today well learn Unit5 Signs 3 T: But where can we see the signs? S1: In the cinema. S2: In the library. S3: In the classroom ,in the shopping center T: All right. 1. Pre-reading T: Today, Mike, Helen and Tim also see some public signs. Where do they see the signs? Watch the cartoon and find the places. 让学生边看动画边找出这些地方 Watch the cartoon - 5 - find the places 教单词:a shopping centre、juice shop、bookshop、restaurant Lets match 让学生根据大屏幕的提示完成老师的黑板板书,教师核对答案。 3. While-reading a. Read and explain Read the book and underline the meanings of four signs. 让学生自己读课文,读前出示阅读小贴士,然后同桌合作在课文中找出 标识的含义并划出来。 (教单词:wet floor door floor bet wet Wet floor b. Read and find T: Read the text again and find the advice from the story. (1)(1) InIn thethe shoppingshopping centrecentre 1.1.教师出示课文第一幅图。 T: Look , they are at a shopping centre . What sign can you see in the shopping centre? Ss: Wet floor T: Can you find the advice in this picture? S1: Be careful T: Lets check out the answer. Yes, youre right. (教授:be careful 当心,并让学生注意朗读时的语气) 1.2. Read after the tape (2 2)inin thethe juicejuice shopshop 2.1 出示课文第二幅图 T: where are they now? Ss: In the juice shop. 2.2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks . Helen: Do you want ? Mike&Tim: Yes,please. - 6 - Tim: Heres .What ,Mike? Mike: It you here. 2.3. Work in pairs. 2.4. Read after the tape .(出示对话内容听录音跟读) (3 3)InIn thethe bookshopbookshop 3.1.出示第三幅图 T: After they buying juice ,they see a bookshop next to it. Helen wants to go in .教短语:go in 意为“进去”。 3.2. Read the dialogue and answer the question. T: But can Helen go in? Why? Read the third paragraph by yourself and answer me.让学生自读 寻找答案。 S: No, she cant. T: which sentence tells us the answer.让学生找出答案出处的原句。 S: You cant take your juice into the shop,Helen. 当学生说出句子后,教短语:takeinto T: Why? S: Theres a sign . T: What does it mean? Ss: It means you cant eat or drink here. T: Yes .The sign means “No eating or drinking ”.So the advice is S1: “you cant take your juice into the shop, Helen.” T: Youre clever. 3.3. Read the dialogue after the tape. (4)In(4)In thethe restaurantrestaurant 4.1.出示第四幅图 - 7 - T:Now, they are eating some noodles in a restaurant. What happens in the restaurant? 在餐馆发生了什么呢?Look at the picture ,can you guess? 让学生看图片自己先猜测发生了什么? S: 如果学生能说出单词,就顺便教单词: smoke , smoking , No smoking 如果学生没说出来,那就在听录音的时候再揭示答案。 T: Yes or No? Lets look. (出示对话内容) 出示句型:Is someone smoking?I can smell it.教新单词:smell 4.2.T: Look at this sign, it means“No smoking”. Who can find the advice? S1: Please dont smoke here. T: Great. 4.3. Act the picture 4.4. Summary the advice Be careful You cant Please dont 3. After-reading a. Read the story in different ways.(完成学习目标一) b. 帮助海伦完成微信圈的更新,retell the story(完成学习目标二) Step3Step3 ProductionProduction a. Talk and play 小组活动,让学生对课文进行扩展,自由创编。(完成学习目标三) b. Lets make 让学生课后收集课本外的公共场所的标识,用拍照或者画画的方式将它 们记录下来,然后做成一本 sign album。 Step4Step4 HomeworkHomework 1. Read and recite story time. - 8 - 2. Try to know more about the other signs. 3. Finish the sign album. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit5 Signs A: What does it mean? B: It means Wet floor The floor is wet. No littering We cant litter. No eating or drinking We cant eat or drink. No smoking We cant smoke. 大屏幕的提示完成老师的黑板板书,教师核对答案。 4. While-reading a. Read and explain Read the book and underline the meanings of four signs. 让学生自己读课文,读前出示阅读小贴士,然后同桌合作在课文中找出 标识的含义并划出来。 (教单词:wet floor door floor bet wet Wet floor b. Read and find T: Read the text again and find the advice from the story. (1)(1) InIn thethe shoppingshopping centrecentre - 9 - 1.1.教师出示课文第一幅图。 T: Look , they are at a shopping centre . What sign can you see in the shopping centre? Ss: Wet floor T: Can you find the advice in this picture? S1: Be careful T: Lets check out the answer. Yes, youre right. (教授:be careful 当心,并让学生注意朗读时的语气) 1.2. Read after the tape (2 2)inin thethe juicejuice shopshop 2.1 出示课文第二幅图 T: where are they now? Ss: In the juice shop. 2.2. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks . Helen: Do you want ? Mike&Tim: Yes,please. Tim: Heres .What ,Mike? Mike: It you here. 2.3. Work in pairs. 2.4. Read after the tape .(出示对话内容听录音跟读) (3 3)InIn thethe bookshopbookshop 3.1.出示第三幅图 T: After they buying juice ,they see a bookshop next to it. Helen wants to go in .教短语:go in 意为“进去”。 3.2. Read the dialogue and answer the question. T: But can Helen go in? Why? Read the third paragraph by yourself and answer me.让学生自读 寻找答案。 S: No, she cant. - 10 - T: which sentence tells us the answer.让学生找出答案出处的原句。 S: You cant take your juice into the shop,Helen. 当学生说出句子后,教短语:takeinto T: Why? S: Theres a sign . T: What does it mean? Ss: It means you cant eat or drink here. T: Yes .The sign means “No eating or drinking ”.So the advice is S1: “you cant take your juice into the shop, Helen.” T: Youre clever. 3.3. Read the dialogue after the tape. (4)In(4)In thethe restaurantrestaurant 4.1.出示第四幅图 T:Now, they are eating some noodles in a restaurant. What happens in the restaurant? 在餐馆发生了什么呢?Look at the picture ,can you guess? 让学生看图片自己先猜测发生了什么? S: 如果学生能说出单词,就顺便教单词: smoke , smoking , No smoking 如果学生没说出来,那就在听录音的时候再揭示答案。 T: Yes or No? Lets look. (出示对话内容) 出示句型:Is someone smoking?I can smell it.教新单词:smell 4.2.T: Look at this sign, it means“No smoking”. Who can find the advice? S1: Please dont smoke here. T: Great. 4.3. Act the picture 4.4. Summary the advice - 11 - Be careful You cant Please dont 3. After-reading a. Read the story in different ways.(完成学习目标一) b. 帮助海伦完成微信圈的更新,retell the story(完成学习目标二) Step3Step3 ProductionProduction a. Talk and play 小组活动,让学生对课文进行扩展,自由创编。(完成学习目标三) b. Lets make 让学生课后收集课本外的公共场所的标识,用拍照或者画画的方式将它 们记录下来,然后做成一本 sign album。 Step4Step4 HomeworkHomework 1. Read and recite story time. 2. Try to know more about the other signs. 3. Finish the sign album. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit5 Signs A: What does it mean? B: It means Wet floor The floor is wet. No littering We cant litter. No eating or drinking We cant eat or drink. - 12 - No smoking We cant smoke.
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Unit Signs_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:f0f62) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt 课件 教案 公开
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