Unit 4 Then and now-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:f366c).zip


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Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 一、英汉短语互译 1. 过去和现在 _2. 二十年前 _ 3. 写电子邮件给我 _4. 在办公室里 _ 5. 看报纸 _6. buy things from the shop _ 7. do shopping _8. all over the world _ 9. read e-books _10. use the telephone _ 二、根据首字母提示将句子补充完整 1. Wheres my m_ p_. I want to call my mother. 2. I often read n_ for news. 3. The t_ is ringing. Please answer it, Mike. 4. My mother often buys things on the I_. 5. Look! The teachers are all in the o_. Theyre working hard now. 三、单项选择 ( )1. I _ ten years old six year ago. A. wereB. amC. was ( )2. He _ sing five years ago. A. canB. couldntC. cant ( )3. I often write letters _ my friends. A. toB. withC. of ( )4. Look! Jack _ a new mobile phone. A. hadB. haveC. has ( )5. Lets _ this afternoon. A. do shoppingB. doing shoppingC. do shop ( )6. I bought tings _ the shop. A. onB. fromC. for ( )7. The old man is _ grandpa. A. Mike isB. MikesC. Mike ( )8. I have e-friends _ all over the world. A. fromB. atC. in 四、连词成句 1. he, five, ago, newspapers, read, for, news, years (.) _ 2. Internet, she, shopping, does, the, on (.) _ 3. before, my, could, brother, draw, not, pictures (.) _ 4. anywhere, the, can, man, people, call (.) _ 5. friend, my, is, sister, writing, her, letter, a, to (.) _ 五、阅读短文,判断下面句子的正(T)误(F) Mr Smith teaches English in a primary school. He works from Monday to Friday. He gets up early every day. He has breakfast at a quarter to seven in the morning. Then he goes to school. He works very hard. He loves his students and the students love him,too. He likes playing table tennis with his students. He often goes home at half past five in the afternoon. He has supper at about six thirty. After that,he does his work in the study. He has a white dog. Its lovely. He always plays with it in the evening. Mr Smith lives happily. ( )1. Mr Smith is a teacher of English in a primary school. ( )2. He has breakfast at seven fifteen. ( )3. He likes playing football with his students. ( )4. He often goes home at 530 in the afternoon. ( )5. Mr Smith has a little dog and he likes it very much. (Story time) Unit 4 Then and now twenty years ago now My father listened to the radio for news twenty years ago. He reads news on the Internet now. news radio five years ago I used this telephone to call people five years ago. now telephonemobile phone use 使用使用 I use the mobile phone to call people now. Thennowand Change 变化变化 five years ago twenty years ago get news 6. the classroom 2. the way to contact(联系联系) people 4. the way to 3. the way to go to school Changes 5. the way todo shopping make friends 7. people 1. the way to get news Watch and choose 6. the classroom 7. people 2. the way to contact(联系联系) people 1. the way to get news 4. the way to make friends 5. the way to do shopping 3. the way to go to school Watch and choose Changes A. people B. the way to contact people E. the way to get news C. the way to make friends D. the way to do shopping Read and match 自学内容:整篇课文。自学内容:整篇课文。 自学目标:初步理解课文,了解自学目标:初步理解课文,了解MikeMike家人不同方面的变化。家人不同方面的变化。 自学步骤:自学步骤: 1.1.快速自读课文,大致理解课文内容;快速自读课文,大致理解课文内容; 2.2.把把MikeMike家人和他们各自的变化连线。家人和他们各自的变化连线。 A. people B. the way to contact people E. the way to get news C. the way to make friends D. the way to do shopping Read and match Listen and answer What could Mike do? He could read and draw. What can Mike do? He can do many things. ? ? six years ago now Listen and answer What could Mike do? He could read and draw. What can Mike do? He can do many things. ? ? six years ago now Listen and answer What could Mike do? He could read and draw. What can Mike do? He can do many things. ? ? six years ago now Thirty years ago, Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news. Now he can read and watch news on the Internet. He reads e-books too. The way to get news thirty years ago now Read and complete thirty years agonow Mikes grandpa _ _ _ _ listened to the radio read newspapers reads&watches news, Internet reads e-books newspaper readread e-book What did Mr/Mrs Brown do twenty years ago? What does Mr/Mrs Brown do now? The way to make friends The way to do shopping The way to contact people 自主读片段,划出自主读片段,划出Mr/Mrs Brown的过去和现在的活动。的过去和现在的活动。 A排读片段排读片段2,划出,划出Mr Brown的活动的活动 B排读片段排读片段4,划出,划出Mrs Brown的活动的活动 Tip What did Mr/Mrs Brown do twenty years ago? What does Mr/Mrs Brown do now? Read, underline and circle圈出遇到的生词圈出遇到的生词 。 2. Twenty years ago, Mr Brown letters to his friends. He used the telephone at home and in the to call people. Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people . He also writes emails. 4. Twenty years ago, Mrs Brown friends at school. She things from shops. Now she has e-friends from all over the . She does shopping on the Internet too. wrote office anywhere made bought world Read, underline and circle wrote made bought writewrote makemade buybought 全世界全世界 A组读片段组读片段2,划出,划出Mr Brown的活动的活动 B组读片段组读片段4,划出,划出Mrs Brown的活动的活动 Tip 圈出生圈出生 词词 同桌相互用英语问答,了解同桌相互用英语问答,了解Mr/Mrs Brown过去和现在的活动。过去和现在的活动。 A排:排:What did Mrs Brown do twenty years ago? What does Mrs Brown do now? B排:排:She B排:排:What did Mr Brown do twenty years ago? What does Mr Brown do now? A排:排:He Ask and answer Ask and answer B排:排:What did Mr Brown do twenty years ago? What does Mr Brown do now? A排:排:He Ask and answer A排:排:What did Mrs Brown do twenty years ago? What does Mrs Brown do now? B排:排:She 1. Six years ago, Mike could read and draw, but he could not write. Now he can do many things. He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people. 2. Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends. Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere. He also writes emails. Listen and read Listen and read 3. Thirty years ago, Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news. Now he can read and watch news on the Internet. 4. Twenty years ago, Mrs Brown made friends at school. Now she has e-friends from all over the world. She does shopping on the Internet too. He reads e-books too. She bought things from shops. The changes of my family Ten years ago, my husband(丈丈夫夫) went to work by bike. Now he goes to work by car. Eight years ago, I bought things from shops. Now I do shopping on the Internet. Six years ago, my son could draw and write. Now he can play the flute. The changes of my family _ ago, my _ _. Now he/she _. _ ago, my _ _. Now he/she _. _ ago, I _. Now I _. _ ago, _. Now _. 请用你手中的笔写下你家请用你手中的笔写下你家 人过去和现在的变化吧!人过去和现在的变化吧! The changes of my family _ ago, my _ _. Now he/she _. _ ago, my _ _. Now he/she _. _ ago, I _. Now I _. _ ago, _. Now _. 请用你手中的笔写下你家请用你手中的笔写下你家 人过去和现在的变化吧!人过去和现在的变化吧! convenient 方便的方便的 modern 现代的现代的 fast 快的快的 Be enterprising and strive, our life will be better and better. 进进取取,奋奋斗斗,我我们们的的生生活活 会越来越好。会越来越好。 1. 听录音,流利地朗读课文。听录音,流利地朗读课文。 2. 向你的朋友介绍你学校或城市从过去向你的朋友介绍你学校或城市从过去 到现在的变化。到现在的变化。 六年级上册六年级上册 Unit 4 Then and now 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 一、课题:一、课题:牛津小学英语六年级上册 Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 二、教材简介:二、教材简介:本课围绕“过去和现在”这一话题,通过对比 Mike 一家人过去与现 在的学习、工作和生活等方面,让学生感受科技如何改变生活,本课以对比学习一般 现在时和一般过去时为主。 三、目标预设:三、目标预设: 知识目标:知识目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:ago, office, newspaper, news, watch, e- book 2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词及短语:use, telephone, anywhere, radio, then and now, mobile phone, make friends, all over the world, do shopping 3. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: ago, he/she could/couldnt . Now he/she 4. 能正确地理解课文,并能流利、准确地朗读。 能力目标:能力目标:能尝试运用一般现在时和一般过去时描述自己或家人的过去和现 在。 情感目标:情感目标:通过过去和现在的对比,感受个人的成长和社会的进步。 四、教学重、难点:四、教学重、难点: 重点:重点: 整体理解语篇并初步朗读课文。 难点:难点: 1. 通过图片和文字的提示能对课文进行复述。 2. 能尝试运用英语描述自己家人过去和现在的变化。 五、设计理念:五、设计理念: 根据小学英语语篇整体性教学的理念和小学生实际认知水平,考虑到是本单元的 第一课时,所以在课堂上我采取各种教学方法让学生想说、敢问,培养了学生口语交 际和自主学习的能力。整个教学过程充分利用多媒体和教学光盘,做到面向全体学生, 以旧引新,强化重点,突破难点,使教学内容与学生生活相结合,让学生学以致用。 六、设计思路:六、设计思路: 1. Free talk 复习旧知,为新知学习做准备。 2. 通过通过谈论教师的爱好引出 radio, news, telephone, use, mobile phone 及 then and now 的教学。 3. 通过一个提纲挈领式的问题:How Mikes family changing? 带领学生看卡通, 整体感知语篇,并选出 Mike 家人变化的方面。 4. 分层理解 Mike 和爷爷过去和现在的变化: Mike:听录音,回答问题,提炼出其过去和现在能做的事。 爷爷:通过表格让学生概括出其三十年前和现在的变化,并教学 read 和 e- book。 5. 分层理解爸爸和妈妈过去和现在的变化: 通过 jigsaw reading 的方式,学生分排阅读片段,圈出生词(进行 wrote, made, bought, anywhere 和 all over the world 的教学),然后互相问答,理解爸爸和妈妈过去和 现在的变化。 6. 根据图片及文字提示复述课文,从而做到内化语篇内容。 7. 跟录音读课文。 8. 通过谈论自己家人的变化,让学生达到学以致用的目的。 9. 用一个词形容我们现在的生活并进行感情升华教育。 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up & Free Talk 1. Greeting: Good morning. Nice to meet you. 2. T: Excuse me. Do you have any hobbies? Whats your hobby? How about you? (师 生交流) (设计意图:自由交谈能迅速吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性,并为下面新知 的引出埋好伏笔。) Step 2 Pre-reading(读前活动读前活动) T: Great! You have a lot of hobbies. I have a hobby, too. I like taking photos. Would you like to have a look? 1. (呈现爸爸看新闻的照片) T: Look! This is my father. He likes reading news. (教学 news) Twenty years ago, my father listened to the radio for news. (教学 radio ) But now he reads news on the Internet. 2. (呈现电话和手机的照片) Look! Whats this? (教学 telephone) I used this telephone to call people five years ago. (教学 use)Now I have a mobile phone. (教 mobile phone) 3. 由上述两组照片引出课题:Then and now T: Today well talk about some changes around us from then to now. Boys and girls. Look at the pictures carefully. From then to now, what is changing? (由上述图片引出: The way to get news and contact people are changing) Please think it over. What else is changing from then to now? (学生自由发挥,说出自己身边的变化,接着教师呈现更多 的变化) (设计意图:通过谈论教师的爱好,自然地逐一引出新词的教学,为后面的阅读教学 扫清部分词汇障碍。) Step 3 While reading (读中活动读中活动) 1. 初步整体感知语篇 (1) T: A lot of things are changing. So is Mikes family. Hows his family changing? Please watch the cartoon and try to choose which changes you will hear from the cartoon. changes 1. the way to get news 2. the way to contact people 3. the way to go to school 5. the way to do shopping 6. the classroom 4. the way to make friends (带领学生列出要点:People are changing, The way to contact people, The way to get news, The way to make friends, The way to do shopping) (2) Mikes family has changed a lot. How have they changed? Please read the text quickly by yourselves. Match the people and their changes. (自读课文,连线) (设计意图:通过提纲挈领式的问题及图片连线形式,让学生看动画,初步感知课文, 并迅速抓住课文的主干,为深层理解语篇起好了引领作用。) 2. 深层理解语篇 (1) 学习 Mike 和爷爷的变化 T: Look! This is Mike six years ago. What could he do? Please listen and answer. (学生听录音回答,师顺势问:Could he write? What can he do now?) T: Please imagine what can Mike do now? Ill give you fifteen seconds. Please try to say Mikes activities as more as you can. (学生比赛说出 Mike 现在能做的事) T: How did Mikes grandpa get news thirty years ago? And what about now? Please read the passage and complete the form. The way to get news thirty years agonow Mikes grandpa _ _ _ _ (师生讨论过程中引出 newspaper 和 e-book 的教学) 小结:Mike and his grandpa have changed a lot. (师带领学生归纳并板书,然后再让 学生试着复述这两个部分) (设计意图:分层理解 Mike 和爷爷从过去到现在的变化时,通过问题及表格的形式 能让学生一目了然,并能帮助学生更好地抓住重点,而限时说出 Mike 现在能做的事 则让学生充满了兴趣,从而充分激发了他们说的欲望。) (2) 学习爸爸和妈妈的变化 T: Mike and his grandpa have changed. So do Mikes parents. They have changed in the way to contact people, make friends and do shopping. What did they do twenty years ago? What do they do now? Lets know about them. Line A, Please read passage 2 and underline the activities about Mrs Brown. Line B, Please read passage 4 and underline the activities about Mr Brown. If there are some new words, please circle them. (通过 jigsaw reading 的方式,学生分排阅读片段) 师让学生指出新单词,并进行教学: writewrote, makemade, buybought office, anywhere 和 all over the world 通过图片或英语描述进行教学。 T: Now class, do you remember Mikes parents activities? Please ask and answer in pairs. (在检查过程中,教师贴板书) T: Now class, please look at the blackboard. Lets say some changes about Mikes parents together. (设计意图:分层理解爸爸妈妈从过去到现在的变化时,通过 jigsaw reading 的方 式,把两个片段分给同桌两人阅读,让学生分别了解爸爸妈妈的变化,接着让两人相 互用英语问答,从而获得答案,以此来达到对文本的进一步理解。) 3. 回归整体,进一步巩固整个语篇 (1) T: Its time to read the text. First, lets read after the tape. Try to imitate its pronunciation and intonation. Now please read it by yourselves. Try to read it loudly and fluently. (2) T: We know much about the changes of Mikes family. Can you tell me something about their? (复述课文) (设计意图:在学生理解课文的基础上,通过图表进一步理清课文的脉络,从而帮助 学生抓住课文的主干内容,并促进他们对课文内容的深层次的学习。 ) Step 4 Post-reading (读后活动读后活动) 1. T: Today we talked a lot about the changes of Mikes family. I think your family have changed, too. Right? (师生之间交流家人过去和现在的变化) T: Your family have changed. So do my family. Look! (师出示范文并配乐朗诵) The changes of my family Ten years ago, my husband(丈夫) went to work by bike. Now he goes to work by car. Eight years ago, I bought things from shops. Now I do shopping on the Internet. Six years ago, my son could draw and write. Now he can play the flute. . years agonow could read and draw could not write do many things listened to the radio read newspapers reads&watches news, Internet reads e-books wrote letters, friends used the telephone, home&office made friends, school bought things, shops uses the mobile phone writes emails has e-friends, world does shopping, Internet T: How have your family changed? Please talk about the changes of your family with your partner and then write down your ideas. (学生写一写自己的家人过去和现在的变化) 2. T: Wonderful! Your family have changed a lot. And our life is changing too. Look!(学生 欣赏过去和现在的图片)What do you think of our life now? Can you describe it with one word? (学生用一个词形容现在的生活) T: Our life is fast, convenient and modern now. (师作总结) It has changed a lot. Lets be enterprising and strive, then our life will get better and better. (适时地进行情感教育) (设计意图:学生谈论家人的变化并进行小练笔。通过这一任务型活动让学生对本 课的知识点进行了很好的拓展和运用,学生综合运用语言的能力也因此得到了锻炼和 提升。最后激励语的引入则契机渗透了情感教育。) Step 5 Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the text fluently. (听录音熟读课文) 2. Introduce the changes of your school or your city to your friends. (向你的朋友介绍你学 校或城市的变化。) 八、板书设计:八、板书设计: . years agonow could read and draw could not write do many things listened to the radio read newspapers reads&watches news, Internet reads e-books wrote letters, friends used the telephone, home&office made friends, school bought things, shops uses the mobile phone writes emails has e-friends, world does shopping, Internet The changes of my family _ ago, my _ _. Now he/she _. _ ago, my _ _. Now he/she _. _ ago, I _. Now I _.
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Unit Then and now_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:f366c) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt
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