Unit 4 Then and now-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:c144f).zip


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新版译林版小学英语新版译林版小学英语六年级上册六年级上册 Unitnit 4 T Thenen andand nonow Unitnit 4 T Thenen andand nonow (Stotory ti time e) Think freely and actively. 自由地自由地 积极地积极地 A manan t turnedned hi is wri ist t,he e gotot a a phoneone. 手腕手腕 A manan ananswe ereded t the e phoneone wit ith a a fininge er. A manan pointedointed atat t the e li light t, it it wentent onon. 亮了亮了 A manan shakedaked hi is wri ist t,he e gotot a a phoneone. A manan ananswe ereded t the e phoneone wit ith a a fininge er. A manan pointedointed atat t the e li light t, it it wentent onon. TheThe worldworld is is changing.changing. 改变 移动电话移动电话 mobile phone smart phone telephone radio 收音机收音机 walkman now then过去过去 newspapers t thenennonow 仔细观察,尝试为这组图片命名仔细观察,尝试为这组图片命名 。 A. go travelling(出行出行) C. make friends D. do shopping E. eat and drink B. get news What are the changes in Mikes family? Watch and tick A. go travelling(出行出行) C. make friends D. do shopping E. eat and drink B. get news What are the changes in Mikes family? F. ones growing(成长)(成长) Watch and tick now six years ago Mike can _ now, But six years ago, he couldnt _. Think and say Six years ago Mike could _ , read and draw but he could not _. write Mike Mr Brown Mrs Brown Grandpa six years ago could read and draw could not write Thennow can do many things Listen to the tape, try to fill in the blankets. (听录音,分工记住时间和事件。)(听录音,分工记住时间和事件。) Who Vicky GirlsBoys wrote letters used a telephone home office twenty years ago has a mobile phone writes e-mails anywhere listen and fill Mike Mr Brown Mrs Brown Grandpa six years ago could read and draw could not write Thennow can do many things read, and devide to finish the table. (自读课文,小组分工完成表格中的时间、事件、地点等。)(自读课文,小组分工完成表格中的时间、事件、地点等。) Who wrote letters used a telephone home office twenty years ago has a mobile phone writes e-mails anywhere ? ? twenty years ago made friends school bought things shops has e-friends does shopping thirty years ago listened to the radio reads &watches news reads e-books Internet all over the world read newspapers read 的过去式的过去式 listen and fill 1. Six years ago, Mike could read and draw, but he could not write. Now he can do many things. He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people. 2. Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends. Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere. He also writes emails. listen and reapet Six years ago, Mike could read and draw, but he could not write.Now he can do many things. Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends. He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people Now he has a mobile phone and he can call people anywhere. He also writes emails. 3. Thirty years ago, Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news. Now he can read and watch news on the Internet. 4. Twenty years ago, Mrs Brown made friends at school. Now she has e-friends from all over the world. She does shopping on the Internet too. He reads e-books too. She bought things from shops. listen and reapet 3. Thirty years ago, Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news. Now he can read and watch news on the Internet. He reads e-books too. 4. Twenty years ago, Mrs Brown made friends at school. She bought things from shops. Now she has e-friends from all over the world. She does shopping on the Internet too. Lets act 1.一人在旁说台词(或者躲于表演者 身后),一人舞台中间表演台词内容 。 2.动作需与台词保持一致。 3.选一场进行表演,可加入幽默元素。 Lets act Act 1 Act 2 - time 请用一个词语形容先进的高科技给我们生活带来的改变请用一个词语形容先进的高科技给我们生活带来的改变 。 fast easyhappy interesting easy happy Twenty-five years ago, He was Vickys favourite cartoon star. T Twententy-fi ive e yeaears a ago o, Vickicky wa as a a littlelittle gi irl l. I I wentent toto sc choolool onon footoot wit ith my friendiends. T The ere e we erenent t manany cacars inin t the e st treeteet. My sc choolool wa as smallall andand oldold. InIn my claclassroooom, t the ere e we ere e onlonly so ome e dedesk ks andand c chaiairs andand a a blacklackboaoard d. I I cacaught t beeees fro om t the e holeole onon t the e wallall. I I cliclimbeded up t the e t treeees andand pickickeded so ome e fruit it. I I plalayeded wit ith pa ape er cacard ds wit ith my friendiends. T Thenen andand nonow TalkTalk sho ow 1.1.四人组团,对比式谈论四人组团,对比式谈论VickyVicky 的童年和同学们自己的童年。的童年和同学们自己的童年。 2 2. .给本组脱口秀取一个特别的名字,如给本组脱口秀取一个特别的名字,如: : StarStar T Talkalk S Show.how. Hello! welcome to . talk show. Twenty five years ago, Vicky. Now,I /We . . Vicky was a happy girl then. And now,we are. Then and now 1. Interview(采访)(采访) your parents,write down the changes of your family. 2. Read the text 5 times. 课堂教学展评 教学设计 学校:课题:六上 Unit 4 Then and now(story time) 教时:1执教者: 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1.听说读单词 e-book, mobile phone, newspaper, radio, telephone, e-friend, anywhere, could,couldnt 并能运 用于语句中。 2.掌握动词在一般过去时态和一般现在时态句子中的正确用法。 3.在教学中培养学生的观察能力、想象能力、探究能力、思维能力、表达能力等。 4.通过过去和现在的对比,感受个人的成长和社会的进步。 二、目标制定依据:二、目标制定依据: 1、教材分析:、教材分析: 本单元的话题是“过去和现在”,通过对比 Mike 一家人过去和现在的学习、工作和生活等方面,让学生感 受科技如何改变生活。 从知识技能目标看,从知识技能目标看,本单元是在 1-3 单元对一般过去时学习的基础上,进一步扩大文本阐述的范畴、表达 的复杂度。并且将其与五年级学习过的一般现在时放在同一语段,对比式呈现,对学生对于两种时态的理解与 运用提出了更高的要求,这也是本单元教学的一大难点。从情感态度目标来看,从情感态度目标来看,本单元向学生呈现的是两个方 面的变化:个人成长、社会进步。在习得文本内容之后,教师引导学生以评判性思维来深入理解文本:变化前 与变化后,你更倾向于哪一种生活方式?引导学生理性看待科技给我们的生活带来的变化。从过程方法目标看过程方法目标看, 本课文本呈现四个章节并列、章节内对比的特殊结构,非常适合策略引导、自主探索、合作输出得教学过程, 也有利于教师对学生自主思维的启发、主体意识的唤醒。 2、学情分析:、学情分析: 本单元的教学内容贴近学生的生活,具有教育性和时代性。考虑到上课地点是江苏省会城市南京,预测学 生学习积极性较高,思维比较活跃,也擅于表达,教师将多设置一些小组合作活动,使得每一位学生都有参与 课堂学习、思考和表达的机会。也将多设置开放性的讨论话题,充分调动学生积极性、激发学生思维,最大化 使教师的“教”服务于学生的“学”,体现“人在课中央”的理念。 教教 学学 过过 程程 Procedure Teachers activitiesLearners activitiesdesign idea Pre-reading 1Game:Is it true? 2Watch a vedio. 3Talk:As far as you know,what is changing in our life? 1.Read and judge. 2.Watch a vedio 3.Talk about the changes in our life. 1.通过模仿央视是真的吗 栏目,引导学生存疑、求证, 让学生切身体会:the world is changing. 2.由 视频引入生活:as far as you know,What is changing?激活学生生活经 验和原有知识储备,激发主 动思维。 While-reading 1.Watch the photos of Mikes family, Try to say jugde: Then or now? 2. Watch the cartoon and tick. 3. Lets get on the“Time transfer”, Thirty years ago . 4.Twenty years ago. 5.six years ago. 6.Now. 1.Try to match and tell the reasons. (Try to say:six years ago, Mike was a little boy.Now, he a schoolboy. .years ago, Mr. Brown. .years ago, Mrs. Brown. .) 2.Watch the cartoon and tick. 3.watch the picture and say:What did he do. Fill in the blanks. 4.Game:Yeah,yeah,yeah. No,no,no 5.Think and say I think, Mike could . He couldnt. 6.Group work: How is their life now? Please devide to finish the table. 通过引导学生观察图片,说 说 Mike 一家人的变化,培 养学生的观察能力和整体预 测能力。 让学生带着问题看动画,对 文本要点进行提炼,勾选出 文本要点,完成文本整体感 知,提升学生提炼总结的能 力。 观察图片,学生自己提炼出 关键词组:listen to the radio,read newspapers。利 用整句填空的方式突破难点: read 的过去式。 文章 2,4 两段图片信息不全 面,所以采用“听” 的方式,在游戏中呈现文本 内容。其中有两条教师先出 现“no”的句子,这里解决 的是下面小组合作学习环节, 学生将遇到的难点(has a mobile,all over the world) 这一语段学生是有生活经验 的,所以引导学生自主输出 语句。这是基于学生认知基 础,对文本的有效拓展、补 充。 描述“现在”生活场景的语 句非常接近学生生活,本环 节让学生在前半部分教师引 导的基础上,自主合作找出 四个场景的关键词,并小组 互相帮助完成语句输出。提 升了学生阅读策略水平,也 培养了自主学习意识和合作 精神,发挥了团队优势。 Postreading 1.Reading time 2.Retell and disscus. 3.Talk show:Then and now Give some models. Give some topics. (The changes of our city, our family,our school.) 4.Home work a. Read the passage after the tape three times. b. Interview your parents,try to write about the changes in your family. 1.Read and repeat. 2.Retell the text. according to the key phrases. Disscuss;Which one do you prefer? 3.Give the group a special name. Work in four to finish the talk show. (Twenty years ago, there werent many cars in the street.but now, there are a lot. I like cars. It can run fast.) 在跟读的过程中要求学生尽 量模仿语音语调,培养学生 的口语能力。 让学生根据板书复述课文, 同时表达自己的观点:我更 喜爱哪种生活方式,培养学 生独立判断能力和表达能力。 老师则回应“its up to you”尊重学生思考的成果 让学生四人一组,选择自己 擅长的一个点阐述过去与现 在的变化,并表达对变化的 看法,四人一起完成一场脱 口秀。鼓励学生为团队起一 个响亮的名字,鼓励个性与 创新。 作业布置,进一步巩固新知, 同时让学生采访父母,写一 段关于自己家庭变化的小语 篇,培养学生的交流能力、 提炼能力、写作能力。 Blackboard writing Unit4 Then and now (Story time) Mike could read and draw do many things Mr. Brown wrote letters writes e-mails used the telephone has a mobile phone Mrs. Brown made friends , school has e-friends bought things ,shops does shopping internet Grandpa listened to the radio reads and watches news read newspapers reads e-books
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Unit Then and now_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:c144f) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt 课件
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