Unit 4 Then and now-Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:d3620).zip


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Be a good reader Be a smart listener Be a nice partner Be a cultural learner Group work PK 我会阅读 我会倾听 我会合作 我会了解文化 (Period 3 Cartoon time & Culture time) Unit 4 Then and now Twenty years ago, I was 13 years old. My hair was short. I couldnt drive a car. I couldnt teach English. I wanted to be a teacher. I am 33 years old. My hair is short. I can drive a car. I can teach English well. letters radio My family mobile phone Twenty years ago, my mother used the_ at home to call her friends. telephone My father listened to the _ and read _ to get the news. But now he usually surfs the Internet and watches the news on it, he also reads _. newspapers e-books As for me, ten years ago, I wrote _ to my friends. Now I write _and chat with them by QQ or Wechat. Its faster. e-mails Now she has a _. Who invented the aeroplane and the train? the aeroplanethe train invent / 发明 The Americans invented the aeroplane. 美国人发明了飞机。 Wright Brothers The Wright brothers lived in the US. 莱特兄弟生活在美国。 They made bikes. 他们以制造自行车为生。 The brothers watched birds fly in the sky and wanted to fly like the birds. 兄弟俩看到鸟儿在天上飞,于是也想像鸟儿们一样飞起来 。 On the 17th of December 1903, they made a plane Flyer 1. 在1903年12月17号,他们制造并试飞成功了有发 动机的飞机“飞行者一号”! What have you learned from the story? 你从这个故事中了解到了什么? The British invented the train. 英国人发明了火车。 Stephenson Great inventions The Four Great Inventions of ancient China: PapermakingPrintingGunpowderCompass Edison(爱迪生) penicillin 青霉素 Fleming 弗莱明 Watt 瓦特 steam engine 蒸汽机 Forty years ago, we didnt have English lessons in primary schools. Do you speak English? But now we learn English at school. Animal School Bobby and Sam are having an English lesson now. Miss Fox gets angry. Why? Bobby is looking out of the window. Bobby and Sam are talking in class. 朝外看 Miss Fox gets angry. Why? Bobby and Sam are having an English lesson now. What word can Bobby spell? What day is today? What did Sam answer? Is there a “egg ” in the sentence? What did Miss Fox ask Sam to do? What did Bobby answer?Is he clever or not? Miss Fox is a _ teacher. 大声说出你的“证据”哦! good kind patient 善良的 耐心的 If you were Miss Fox, what would you say? You should/shouldnt Dont Bobby, 发挥你的想象力, 注意人物的语气、动作和表情哦! You cant look out of the window in class. Well done. Good job! I think . Let me see. But I didnt hear “egg” in your sentence 参考句型: Look at our city. It changes a lot. the change of my schoolthe change of me 星级任务 the change of our city Now and then 1.Make a poster. I. Choose and write. the change of my schoolthe change of our citythe change of me 2.Give a report.3.Role play. II. Choose the way for your presentation. Daily Talk Show Topic: Guests: CXTV (今日访谈) Then and Now Talk show Life is full of changes. Changes make us change. Find and collect more information about the first train . Act out the story of Cartoon time. Twenty / Thirty years ago Now 选择一幅图,在组内说一说 Our lives have changed in many ways! How do you feel about these pictures? 1.Twenty years ago, my mother used the_ at home to call her friends. Now she has a _. 2.Ten years ago, Miss Gu wrote _ to her friends. Now she sends (发送) _. 3.Ten years ago, people borrowed books from the library. Now people read_. telephone mobile phone letters e-mails e-books How is Miss Fox now? She finds Sam annoying funny. 哭笑不得 Brother Wright 莱特兄弟 Steven Then and now Beethoven Yao Ming Lin Hao Unit 4 Then and now( Cartoon time & Culture time )导学单导学单 班级 姓名 一、目标导航,整体把握一、目标导航,整体把握 本课我们将学习: 1. 理解 Cartoon time 故事内容及重点词句; 2. 了解 aeroplane,train 的发明历史,并了解中国四大发明的英文说法。 二、自主学习,体验新知二、自主学习,体验新知 1. Lets surf! (想一想,谁发明了飞机?谁发明了火车?) invented the aeroplane. invented the train. 2. Lets recall! (查一查,中国四大发明有哪些?) 三、交流展示,合作探究三、交流展示,合作探究 1Lets try! (试一试,阅读 Cartoon time,回答问题) (1)Why did Miss Fox get angry? (2)What did Miss Fox ask Sam to do? (3)Is there an “egg ” in the sentence? (4)What do you think of Bobby?And why? 2Lets translate! (找一找,翻译词句) 朝窗外看 听我说 继续 变得生气 用“鸡蛋”造句 等待答案 今天星期几? 你能拼写它吗? 课在继续,但是鲍比仍然在朝窗外看。 3Lets act!(演一演,小组合作,分别饰演 Booby,Sam,Miss Fox,narrator) 你可以在表演中加上以下词句: You cant look out of the window in class. Well done. Good job! I think . Let me see. But I didnt hear “egg” in your sentence 四、巩固拓展,盘点收获四、巩固拓展,盘点收获 Summary.引导学生自主归纳本课所学。 Before the class,I didnt know but now I know Unit 4 Then and now (Sound time (2) 阅读并理解 Cartoon time 的内容并会表演。 (3)了解人类的重大发 明并延伸中国古代的四大发明及其他的发明。 2. 能力目标:能力目标:(1)能判断出 er 在单词中的发音,并找出其他带 er/的单词。 (2)能理解、朗读并表演 cartoon time。 3. 情意目标:情意目标:让学生了解人类的重大发明,激发学生的求知和远大 理想。 二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 教学重点教学重点:1. 阅读并理解 Cartoon time 的内容并会表演。 2. 阅读并了解相关的 Culture time 的信息。 教学难点教学难点:在前两课时的基础上会正确并熟练对比过去和现在。 三、教学过程:三、教学过程: Step 1 Warm up. 1. Greetings. 2. T: Please look at these two photos. They are photos of me. Twenty years ago, I was short and thin. My hair was short. I couldnt speak English. I wanted to be a teacher. I am 33 years old now. Im tall, my hair is long. Im a teacher. I can teach English well. 3. T: These years I change a lot, and my family also change a lot. Lets read and complete the dairy. Twenty years ago, my mother used a_ at home to call her friends. Now she has a _. My father listened to the _ and read _ to get the news. But now he usually surfs the Internet and watches the news on it and he also reads _. As for me, ten years ago, I wrote _to my friends, now I write _and send( 发送 ) _ to them. Its faster. T: Great inventions change our life. Look, whats this? An old plane? An old plane now? OK. Its a new plane. A plane? No, its a train. A new train? No, its a telephone. A telephone? No, its a mobile phone. Today well talk about Unit 4 Then and now. (揭题,贴板书) Teach Culture time. 4. Look, whats this? Its an aeroplane. What about this? Its a train. Who invented the aeroplane and the train? Read: invented Please read it by yourself. 5. T: (屏显中国人乘风筝上天图片)Was that an aeroplane? S: No. T: It wasnt a plane because it didnt have any engines.(引擎,发动机) S: The Americans invented the aeroplane and the British invented the train. Do you want to know the names of the inventors? Wright Brothers invented the first plane. Do you want to know more about the first plane? Lets take a look. 6. I think you know more about the first plane. What about the first train? After class, you can surf the Internet and try to know more about the first train. The Americans and the British invented the first plane and the train. And the Chinese people are even great. Look, here are the four great inventions of ancient China. (展示) Try to read: S: Papermaking, Printing, Gunpowder, Compass. 7. What other inventions do you know? Now share in groups. Lets share together. (I see you know a lot. But you should stop for the time being. I think you can share in groups after class. ) S: Look at the other inventions. Which one do you know? Look at the inventions here. Beyer invented the telephone. Edison invented the light. Fleming invented the penicillin. Watt invented steam engine. 8. T:Forty years ago, we didnt have English lessons in primary schools. But now we learn English at school. Do you speak English? Ss: Yes, we do. T: Learning English is becoming more and more important. Step 2 Presentation and practice Teach Cartoon time. 1. T: As for Bobby and Sam, they also learn English at school. Look, they are having an English lesson. Look at Picture 1, Miss Fox is happy. But look at Picture 2, Miss Fox is unhappy. She gets angry.(出示词卡 get angry)Why?Now please watch the cartoon and answer. S: Bobby and Sam are talking in class. What are they talking about? Can you guess? Bobby is looking out of the window in class. 2. T: What word can Bobby spell? S: He can spell Wednesday. T: Can you spell Wednesday? S: Yes. W-e-d-n-e-s-d-a-y. 3.T:Now please read and answer “What did Miss Fox ask Sam to do? ” S: Sam, make a sentence with “egg”. T: Can you make a sentence with “egg”? S: Yes.(造句) T: What did Sam answer? S: Sam answered, “I ate a cake yesterday.” T: (追问)Is there an egg in the sentence? S: No. T:What did Bobby say? S: Bobby said, “Miss Fox, the egg was in the cake.” T: What do you think of Bobby? Is he clever or not? S:(表明看法) I think hes clever because he helps Sam. 4. Read after the cartoon. 出示 go on 继续 wait for 等待 5. T: What do you think of Miss Fox?Why? S: Shes good/kind/patient.Because she T: Please find out the clues. S:(引导学生有感情地朗读文中句子证明自己的观点) Bobby, please listen to me. Sam, make a sentence with egg 6. Discuss: If you were Miss Fox, what would you say? S: Go out! Oh, dear! Bobby, you are so clever. Bobby, I like your answer. 7. T: You really have great imagination. This time, read and act in four, Miss Fox, Bobby, Sam and the narrator, please pay attention to their tones and actions. 请两组人上台表演 Act out Cartoon time.(发挥想象,添加语句) Step 3 Consolidation 1. Great inventions can change our lives. Look at our city. It changes a lot.(播放常熟今昔对比视频) 2. T: Now lets talk about the changes around us. You can choose a topic and make a poster. A. the change of me B. the change of my school C. the change of our city 3. OK, lets stop here. You can make a presentation now. T: Hello, welcome to CXTV daily talk show. Whats your topic today? (六人小组展示交流) 4. Make a summary. (谈谈本节课的收获) Before the class, I couldnt but now I can Before the class, I didnt but now I can Cherish youth , cherish time. 5. Ending: 出示名人今昔对比图 Life is full of changes. Changes make us change. Homework: (1) Act out the story in Cartoon time. (2) Surf the Internet and find out the information about the first train.
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Unit Then and now_Sound time Culture time Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:d3620) 译林版
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