Unit 3 Holiday fun-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:f011f).zip


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课题:译林版小学英语六年级上册 Holiday fun第一课时 教材简介: 本单元是一篇关于国庆节假期活动的对话,教授时间正好处在国庆节之后, 学生度过了快乐的国庆节,在假期中或多或少都会有一些游玩活动,学生有话可说。其次, 利用讨论刚过去的假期可以很好地学习一般过去时这一语法。本节 story time. 通过 Liu Tao 和 Mike 之间互相询问假期活动引导出如何用一般过去时来介绍假期活动。及一般过去时 不规则动词的过去式。 目标预设: 1,学生能利用带 Where,what,How 等词的句子 来自由交谈假期活动。 2,学生能读会说课文中出现的新单词,新句子。 3,学生能理解本课的含义,能完成课后的预设问题。 重难点: 重点: 1,理解本课课文含义,能正确朗读课文。 2,能根据本课的句子自己编写对话。 难点: 1,能根据课文的提示,用自己的话来评价文中人物的心情。 2,会运用所学自己提问题,编对话。 设计理念: 本单元的 story time 是一篇对话课文。在教学本节课时,我注重对学生重点句型的指导, 旨在通过句型的学习理解本课语篇内容。同时我注重对学生发散思维的引导,设计了一些 开放性的问题。让学生能说,会说。并且通过 Su Hai 与 Nancy 讨论的问题做出发点,合 理的安排层次教学。 设计思路: 本节课我首先通过复习已学过的几个节日入手,引出 National Day 及 National Day holiday 的教学。 第 2、通过分享教师的假期活动,学生之间的活动来练习本课的重点句型:Where did you go? What did you do? 第 3、再通过问题的提出:Where did Liu Tao and Mike go for the National Day holiday?指导学 生看卡通找答案,总的分析课文。 第 4、第四、下面再通过分层教学,分别探讨:What did Liu Tao do? And What did Mike do? 并在教学过程中新授单词。在探讨 Mike 的话题中引导学生自己组织会话:any other fun? 让学生进一步认知课文。最后通过各种读来巩固本课内容,并通过一系列的活动拓展学生 的思维,让学生现学现用。 第 5、教学过程: Step1, Pre-reading 1,Free talk. T:Morning, class, S: Morning ,Mr Tang. T:What date is it today? S Its . 2.look, Here are some dates.can you tell me what holidays are they? Show some dates:6 ,1 3.8 9,10, 1,1 10,1 3,Learn “National Day” 展示图片 T;National Day is on the 1st of October. We usually have seven days for holiday. 展示日历呈现七天假期。Learn “National Day holiday” ( 设计意图:开始环节通过出示节日的图片,引导学生学习 National Day 及 holiday.通过课件 的演示让学生明白 National Day holiday 的意思,以便后面的假期对话做准备。 ) Step2,Whilereading 1,Talk about my holiday. T:I went to Nanjing for the National Day holiday. I visited Hong Shan Zoo with my family. 2,Talk about our holiday. 教师介绍自己的假期活动,引出句型: Where did you go? What did you do? T:Lets share our holiday fun. 学生小组内交流自己的假期安排。 (设计意图:通过谈论教师自己的国庆假期活动,引出本课的重点句型 Where did you go? What did you do?再通过学生自由的交谈巩固本课的两个重点句型。为下面谈论课文中两个 人物 Liu Tao and Mike 的假期活动内容作铺垫。 ) 3,Talk about LiuTao and Mikes holiday.(Wherego?) T:Just now, we talked about our National Day holiday.What about LiuTao and Mikes holiday. lets look. 看卡通片,回答问题:Where did they go for National Day Holiday?学生根据卡通片回答:Liu Tao went to Shanghai. Mike went to a farm. (设计意图:先通过观看卡通片的方式让学生了解 Liu Tao ,Mike 分别去了哪?让学生总体 的了解一下本课的内容。 ) 4,Talk about Liu Taos holiday.(Whatdo? T:Liu Tao had a wonderful holiday. Lets look at Liu Tao s holiday. 要求学生自读课文 26 页, 用笔划出:what did Liu Tao do in Shanghai? T:Check the answer:LiuTao visited his aunt. Went to the Bund, and visited Shanghai Museum. 课件呈现上海博物馆的视频。引出:he saw many interesting things. 5,T:How do you think about Liu Taos holiday? 引导学生用所学的赞扬的句子来评价一下 liuTaos holiday. (设计意图:通过刚才的初次了解,再次引导学生通过自学的方式学习 Liu Tao 的假期活动, 详细了解 Liu Tao 的假期。并试着评价他的假期活动。 ) 6,How was Mikes holiday. 指导学生看书,从书中找出描叙的句子:learn : It was great fun? T;Do you know “what was the great fun?” 指导学生自学课文 27 页。完成问题: Mike picked oranges and went fishing. He caught a big fish. 教学 catch 的过去式 caught. 7,Show the pictures of big fish. T: Oh,What a big fish.What did Mike do with the fish? 引导学生用自己的语言归纳:He wanted to give Liu Tao the fish.But LiuTao wasnt at home.So he ate it . 从中教学:eat 的过去式 ate. T:Can you guess their mood. 引导学生自己讨论此刻他们的心情,用学过的词语来归纳。 (设计意图:通过小组内自主学习 Mike 的假期活动,引导学生了解 Mike 的精彩假日,再 通过 any more fun?的提出,让学生总结 Liu Tao 和 Mike 的之间有趣的事-大鱼的处理问题。 来做到前后对应的了解、分析本篇课文。 ) Step 3. reading time. 1,Lets read the whole text with the cartoon. 2,Read by yourselves. (设计意图:通过两次 不同方式的读课文,来进一步巩固本节课可所学知识。 ) Step 4,consolidation. 1,Su Hai and Nancy are talking about their holiday. please lets act Su Hai And Nancy.lets talk. 学生就课文中的问题在小组内练习对话。 2,Doyou have any more questions. 针对课文问题,还有没有其他的问题可以一起来分享。 让学生学会自己提问。 3,Make a holiday album of Su Hai and Nancy.利用所学知识,编写对话 (设计意图:本节课的拓展部分充分利用课后 Su Hai 和 Nancy 的对话让学生练习问答,并 在此基础上加大难度,引入开放性的问题。Any more questions.让学生利用所学知识通过问 问题的方式进一步本课重点句型,单词。并安排角色扮演的方式来演一演 Su Hai and Nancy. 让学生自己运用所学知识练习编写关于她们的国庆假期的对话。做到学以致用。 ) Step 5.Homework 1,Read the text after the tape 2,Make a holiday album by yourself 板书设计: Unit 3 Holiday fun (story time) National Day holiday Liu Tao Mike went to_ went to _ Visited his aunt picked oranges Went to the Bund went fishing Visited the Shanghai Museum caught a big fish It was great fun! Unit 3 Holiday fun Whats this? What do people usually do on? They usually What do you usually do in the National Day holiday? What did you do last National Day holiday? Where did you go? I went to Beijing and Shanghai. Do you know any scenic spots(旅游景点) in Beijing and Shanghai? the Bund 外滩 the Great Wall 长城 the Palace Museum 故宫 the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆 the Summer Palace 颐和园 Tiananmen Square天安门广场 Play a game: Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? Whats missing? Close your books, and listen to the tape, answer the following questions. 1. Where did Liu Tao go for the holiday? 2. Where did Mike go for the holiday? He went to Shanghai. He went to a farm near Star Lake. Watch the cartoon and try to finish “Think and write” in P28. Liu Tao went to _. He went to the _and the _.He saw many _. Mike went to a _. He picked some _. He went _too. He caught _. Shanghai Bund Shanghai Museum interesting things farm oranges fishing a big fish Watch the cartoon again and try to imitate. The students came back to school after the National Day holiday. Mike: Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you werent at home. Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. Mike: What did you do there? Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things. How was your holiday, Mike? Mike: It was great fun. Our family went to a farm near Star Lake. We picked some oranges and went fishing. Liu Tao: Did you catch any fish? Mike: Yes, I did. I caught a big fish. Liu Tao: Thats great. Why did you call me? Mike: Because I wanted to give you the fish. Liu Tao: Wheres the fish now? Mike: I ate it! callcalled pick-picked want-wanted visit-visited catch-caught eat-ate go-went come-came arent-werent Phrases come back 回来 national Day 国庆节 call you 打电话给你 at home 在家 interesting things 有趣的东西 our family 我们一家人 go to the farm 去农场 pick some oranges 摘些橘子 go fishing 去钓鱼 catch fish 捉鱼 a big fish 一条大鱼 Read the dialogue in roles. Then do the exercise in page 25(bannixue). Summary 总结Story time中出现的动词过去式 总结本课时学习的重点句型 1.特殊疑问句 What did you/he do? I/ He 2.一般疑问句 Did you/ he? Yes, I/ he did. No, I/ he didnt. Homework 听Story time的录音三遍并模仿跟读。 完成伴你学Story time剩余的题目。 选做:模仿Story time编对话,与同桌交流 。
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Unit Holiday fun_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:f011f) 译林版 六年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt 课件
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