Unit 3 Holiday fun-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:b0238).zip


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展开 译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit3Holidayfun_SoundtimeCulturetimeCartoontime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号b0238.zip译林版三起六年级上册英语Unit3Holidayfun_SoundtimeCulturetimeCartoontime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号b0238.zip
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Unit 3 Holiday fun Grammar time & Fun time Period 3 Free talk Where did you go this summer holiday? I went to How was your summer holiday? It was What did you do there? I Did you ? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. the National Day holiday the summer holidaythe winter holiday main school holidays School holidays in China (主要的)(主要的) School holidays in the UK the Easter holiday the Christmas holidaythe summer holiday There are three main school holidays in the UK. They are the Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday. Look and guess He went to, I think. Where did Bobby go? I was in the park. We had a fashion show there. (时装表演)(时装表演) Tina is excited about the show. (对(对激动的)激动的) Cartoon time Welcome to English reading show time What did they wear? Bobby wore a paper _ and paper _. wore 穿着 (wear的过去式 ) T-shirtshorts Cartoon time What do you think of Bobbys clothes? Ha! Ha! Thats cool. What great fun! Sam wore a lot of _.bottles 瓶子 Cartoon time What do you think of Sams clothes? Wow, thats interesting! Look and say What happened then? heavy rain(大雨)(大雨) At first (起初)(起初) go well (进展顺利)(进展顺利) broken heavy Learning tips: 1、Pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. (跟读课文,注意模仿正确的(跟读课文,注意模仿正确的语音语音、语调语调、语气语气哦!)哦!) 2、Pay attention to these reading signs. (注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦!)(注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦!) 表示重读表示重读表示降调表示降调表示升调表示升调 Listen and imitate Dubbing 语音语音 语调语调语气语气 Tip: Work in three. One dubs Bobby, another dubs Tina, the other dubs the narrators(叙述者)叙述者). 三人三人一组为课文配一组为课文配音,一音,一人为人为Bobby 配配音,一音,一人人 为为Tina配配音,另一人为音,另一人为旁白配音。旁白配音。 Imagination TipsTips:如果你是:如果你是SamSam或或BobbyBobby,被大雨淋湿后,被大雨淋湿后, 你的感觉如何?你的感觉如何? cold tired Discussion Requirement: Four in a group. (要求:四人一组讨论,给故事加个主题吧!(要求:四人一组讨论,给故事加个主题吧! ) Summary 1.本节课我知道了: 2.我还知道了: 3.最后,我会: 1. There are three main school holidays in the UK . They are _, _ and _. 动词过去式的不规则变化:have wear 为cartoon time 配音,并理解了卡通的内容。 the Easter holiday the summer holiday the Christmas holiday hadwore I know three main school holidays in the UK. I can use “wore”. I can understand the cartoon. Ticking time 请认真完成当堂检测请认真完成当堂检测 根据Cartoon time 填空。 Bobby _ a fashion show in the _. Tina loved fashion shows. She was _about the show. Bobby _ _ clothes on the show. Sam _ a lot of _. The show went well at _, but there_ heavy rain at last. 当堂检测当堂检测 had park excited wore paper wore bottles firstwas Homework 1、Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently. 2、Preview (预习)(预习)Sound time and Checkout time . 3、Finish Unit3 Exercise 3. A fashion show Tina BobbySam wear wore have had in the park go well at first heavy rain then 板书设计板书设计 UnitUnit 3 3 HolidayHoliday funfun(Culture time& Cartoon time) 教学目标教学目标 1知识目标: (1) 能听懂、会说、会读、会写: excited, ask, paper, bottle, at first. (2)能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组: main, Easter, Christmas, Had,wore, fashion show, go well, heavy rain,ask about. (3)能听懂、会说、会读句型 We had a fashion show there. Thats cool. What great fun! (4)能了解英国学校主要的三个假期。 2能力目标: (1)会读 Culture time 并理解其内容。 (2)能正确、流利地朗 cartoon time,并理 cartoon time 内容。 (3)能正确运用一般过去式谈论过去发生的事情,将所学内容运用到实际生活 中。 3情感目标: (1)培养学生对事情的正确评价。 (2)激发学生善于发现生活中的乐事, 并与他人分享自己的快乐。 教学重点与难点 1能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组: main, Easter, Christmas, had, wore, fashion show, go well, heavy rain,ask about. 2能正确、流利地朗 cartoon time,并理 cartoon time 内容。 3能说出英国学校主要的三个假期。 教学准备及手段 1教具准备:课件,卡通人物头饰 2教学准备:学生预习, exercise paper 3板书准备:写好课题 教学过程 Step1 Greetings Step2 Revision Free talk: T: How was your summer holiday? T: Where did you go this summer holiday? S:I T: What did you do? S: I T: Did you ? S: Yes/No, Step3 Presentation 1. Learn culture time. (1)Learn school holidays in China. T: The National Day holiday is one of our school holidays. Do you know other school holidays in China? S: The summer holiday and the winter holiday. T: When is the summer holiday? When is the winter holiday? S: The summer holiday is in July and August. The winter holiday is in January or February. T: People usually call them main school holidays. (2)Learn main school holidays in the UK. T: Do you know main school holidays in the UK? S: The summer holiday, the Easter holiday and the Christmas holiday. T: Which holiday do you want to know best? S: I want to know more aboutfirst. T: OK. Lets watch a short video about (课件呈现图片和音频,教师带领学生学习更多有关西方学校假日的文化知识) (3)Read culture time after the tape. 2. Learn cartoon time. 1)Look and guess. T: Where did Bobby go? S: He went to , I think. T: Lets listen to him. Bobby: I was in the park. We had a fashion show there. T: So Bobby went to the park. There was a fashion show. (板书,学习 havehad,a fashion show) T: Bobbys sister Tina is excited about the show. She asks Bobby about the show. (学习 excited) 2)Watch and answer. T: Look, Sam and Bobby are on the fashion show. What did they wear? Lets watch the cartoon and answer the question. S: Sam wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts. (学习 paper,wearwore) T: What do you think of Bobbys clothes? S: Cool! T: Look, what does Tina say? Lets listen to her. Tina: Ha! Ha! Thats cool. What great fun! (学生模仿 Tina 语气) T: How about Sam? Did he wear paper clothes too? S: No. He wore a lot of bottles. (学习 bottles) T: What do you think of Sams clothes? S: Funny, cool, special, interesting. T: And Tina also thinks so! She says, “Wow, thats interesting!”. (学生模仿 Tina 语气) 3)Look and say. T: From the cartoon, we know at first, Bobby wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts. Sam wore a lot of bottles. It was wonderful. The show went well. But what happened then? Do you still remember?(学习词组 at first, go well) S: Heavy rain. T: At last, there was heavy rain. What about their clothes now? S: Broken and heavy. T: “Oh, thats too bad,” said Tina.(学生模仿 Tina 语气) (4)Listen and imitate. (5)Lets dub for it. (6)Imagination. T: If you are Sam or Bobby, how do you feel? S: cold, sad, unhappy, shy, tired (7)Add a title to this cartoon. Requirement: Four in a group.(要求:四人一组讨论,给故事加个主题吧!) Step4 Summary 1. 本节课我知道了: There are three main school holidays in the UK . They are _, _ and _. 2. 我还知道了: 动词过去式的不规则变化:have wear 3. 最后,我会: 为 cartoon time 配音,并理解了卡通的内容。 Step5 Ticking time Step 6 当堂检测当堂检测 根据 Cartoon time 填空。 Bobby _ a fashion show in the _. Tina loved fashion shows. She was _about the show. Bobby _ _ clothes and _ shorts on the show. Sam _ a lot of _. The show went well at _, but there _ heavy rain at last. Step7 Homework 1Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently 2Preview Checkout time and Sound time of Unit3. 3Finish Unit3 Exercise3.2)Learn main school holidays in the UK. T: Do you know main school holidays in the UK? 板书设计板书设计: Unit3 Holiday fun(Culture time& Cartoon time) Unit 3 Holiday fun Grammar time & Fun time Period 3 Free talk Where did you go this summer holiday? I went to How was your summer holiday? It was What did you do there? I Did you ? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. the National Day holiday the summer holidaythe winter holiday main school holidays School holidays in China (主要的)(主要的) School holidays in the UK the Easter holiday the Christmas holidaythe summer holiday There are three main school holidays in the UK. They are the Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday. Look and guess He went to, I think. Where did Bobby go? I was in the park. We had a fashion show there. (时装表演)(时装表演) Tina is excited about the show. (对(对激动的)激动的) Cartoon time Welcome to English reading show time What did they wear? Bobby wore a paper _ and paper _. wore 穿着 (wear的过去式 ) T-shirtshorts Cartoon time What do you think of Bobbys clothes? Ha! Ha! Thats cool. What great fun! Sam wore a lot of _.bottles 瓶子 Cartoon time What do you think of Sams clothes? Wow, thats interesting! Look and say What happened then? heavy rain(大雨)(大雨) At first (起初)(起初) go well ( (题 展展题 利)利) broken heavy Learning tips: 1、Pay attention to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. (跟读课文,注意模仿正确的(跟读课文,注意模仿正确的语音语音、语调语调、语气语气哦!)哦!) 2、Pay attention to these reading signs. (注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦!)(注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦!) 表示重读表示重读表示降调表示降调表示升调表示升调 Listen and imitate Dubbing 语音语音 语调语调语气语气 Tip: Work in three. One dubs Bobby, another dubs Tina, the other dubs the narrators(叙述者)叙述者). 三人一三人一题题题文配音,一人文配音,一人题 Bobby 配音,一人配音,一人题 Tina配音,另一人配音,另一人题 旁白配音。旁白配音。 Imagination TipsTips:如果你是:如果你是SamSam或或BobbyBobby,被大雨淋湿后,被大雨淋湿后, 你的感觉如何?你的感觉如何? cold tired Discussion Requirement: Four in a group. (要求:四人一(要求:四人一题题题, ,题 故事加个主故事加个主题 吧!)吧!) Summary 1.本节课我知道了: 2.我还知道了: 3.最后,我会: There are three main school holidays in the UK . They are _, _ and _. 动词过去式的不规则变化:have wear 为cartoon time 配音,并理解了卡通的内容。 the Easter holiday the summer holiday the Christmas holiday hadwore I know three main school holidays in the UK. I can use “wore”. I can understand the cartoon. Ticking time 请认真完成当堂检测请认真完成当堂检测 根据Cartoon time 填空。 Bobby _ a fashion show in the _. Tina loved fashion shows. She was _about the show. Bobby _ _ clothes on the show. Sam _ a lot of _. The show went well at _, but there_ heavy rain at last. 当堂当堂题题 had park excited wore paper wore bottles firstwas Homework 1、Listen and read the cartoon, try to read it fluently. 2、Preview (预习)(预习)Sound time and Checkout time . 3、Finish Unit3 Exercise 3. A fashion show Tina BobbySam wear wore have had in the park go well at first heavy rain then 板板题题题
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Unit Holiday fun_Sound time Culture time Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:b0238) 译林版
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