Unit 5 Our new home-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:14aaf).zip


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      • 4A U5 Our new home.avi
      • 4A U5 Our new home.doc--点击预览
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      • 4A U5 Our new home教案.doc--点击预览
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      • 4A U5.ppt--点击预览
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展开 译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit5Ournewhome_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号14aaf.zip译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit5Ournewhome_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号14aaf.zip
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UnitUnit 5 5 ( Story time ) TipsTips : : 1 1、看到图片大声说出英文、看到图片大声说出英文 2 2、看到单词大声拼读、看到单词大声拼读 2 2、看到短语、句子大声朗读、看到短语、句子大声朗读 3 3、看到炸弹请起立,展开双手、看到炸弹请起立,展开双手 边拍边说:边拍边说:BombBomb Come on ! in Its behind the door. white my schoolbag I like dogs. Is it under your desk ? red and yellow Theyre on my book . in the living room Tips:Tips: 认真观看卡认真观看卡 通,看看通,看看SuSu HaiHai和和 SuSu YangYang正在做什正在做什 么?么? A 、Theyre cleaning the new house. 她们正在打扫新房子。她们正在打扫新房子。 B、Theyre looking for their things. 她她 们正在寻找她们的东西。们正在寻找她们的东西。 Tips:Tips:仔细听录音仔细听录音 ,勾出所听到的物,勾出所听到的物 品。品。 ( ( ) ) ( ( ) )( ( ) ) ( ( ) )( ( ) )( ( ) ) Tips:Tips:自读课文,把自读课文,把 物品和人物、地点 连出来。连出来。 bag skirts cap Su Yang Su Hai 通过对故事和图片的解读,你能把物品和人物、 地点连起来吗?Have a try ! kitchen bedroom living room Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt. Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is !in the kitchen 惊讶?! 好笑?! 过来看看过来看看 bag skirts cap Su Yang Su Hai kitchen bedroom living room Read after the tape 跟读课文跟读课文 注意升调、降调以及重读注意升调、降调以及重读 Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Story time No, it isnt. Its in your bedroom. Mum, wheres my bag? Mum, where are my skirts? Is it in your bedroom? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt. Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen ! (小小配音员(小小配音员 ) Tips:Tips:三人一小组,分三人一小组,分 别扮演别扮演MumMum、SuSu HaiHai 和和SuSu YangYang。注意人物。注意人物 的表情、语气哦!的表情、语气哦! 我会用单数和复数来谈论物品的位置哦! 我会加上合理的动作、表情哦! A: Wheres my ? B: Is it ? A: No, it isnt. Its . / Yes, it is. A: Where are my ? B: They are Su Hai和和Su Yang 继续在寻找着她们的东西继续在寻找着她们的东西 ! Lets help our Mum and Dad do something at home. 让我们在家帮助爸爸、妈妈做些事情。让我们在家帮助爸爸、妈妈做些事情。 Our home will be more and more beautiful! 那么,我们的家会变得越来越美丽!那么,我们的家会变得越来越美丽! 1、熟读、背诵、熟读、背诵Story time 2、抄写单词、抄写单词bedroom 、living room六六 遍遍 3、预习、预习Fun time 、Checkout time, 学学 习更多有关习更多有关home的东西的东西 4 A Unit5 Our new home Period 1 一、教学内容 译林版小学英语三年级起点 4A Unit5 Our new home (Story time) 二、教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会读三会单词 home, sofa, come, kitchen 2、学生能听懂、会读、会拼四会单词 bedroom , living room 3、学生会熟练朗读、表演 Story time 4、学生会初步背诵 Story time 三、教学重、难点 1、学生能听懂、会读三会单词 home、sofa、come、kitchen 2、学生能听懂、会读、会拼四会单词 bedroom、living room 3、学生会熟练朗读、表演 Story time 4、学生会初步背诵 Story time 四、教学准备 人物头饰、单词卡片、光盘、PPT 五、教学过程 一、. Warm up Enjoy a song Where is it? (Let the students do “on、in、under” with the hands) 二、Learning target Today, Well learn the new words about home、sofa、come、kitchen、bedroom and living room. We can read the story,act the story and recite the story. Come on! 三、Free talk Now, Lets speak in English. T: Hello, Im Miss Yu Whats your name? S: Im T: Nice to meat you , Ss: Nice to meat you , Miss Que. T: Good morning, boy/girl, Look at my What colour is it ? S: Its . T: What about his/her ? S: Its T: Do you like animals? S: Yes,I do. T: I like cats,what about you? S: I like T: The cats can jump, I can jump, Can you jump? S: Yes. T: Lets jump!(Ss jump) T: I can jump, I like sports. And I like playing games.Do you like playing games. S: Yes. T: Now ,Lets play a game. 四、Fun time. T: When you see a picture,speak English. When you see a word,spell it. When you see a phrase or a sentence,read loudly. When you see a bomb,stand up,clap your hands and say “Bomb”. Ready? Go! 五、Presentation. 1、(Fun time 最后一张:home) Teach: home (show picture)T: Whose home is it ? S: Its Su hai and Su Yangs home.(师引导说完整) 张贴人物板书 2、T:Look, where are Su Hai and SuYang? S: Theyre in the living room. Teach: living room.(拼读) Chant: Living room, living room. In the living room. T: Su Hai, Su Yang and Mum are in the living room,What can you see in the living room? S1:Some /many boxes. S2:A sofa Teach: sofa 沙发 S3:Two carriers T: Yes, theyre moving into a new home Teach: new home. 揭题:Today,well learn Unit5 Our new home. 3、T: What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing? Watch the cartoon and choose. A: Theyre cleaning the new house. B: Theyre looking for their things.() 4、T: Su Hai and Su Yang are looking for their things,What are they looking for?Listen and tick. Tick: a bag two skirts a cap T: What colour is it? S: Its white. T: Theyre looking for a bag. skirts, and a cap.(板书张贴) 5、Where are their things? Please open the books, read and match. (分解认图教学) 1)T: Whose bag is it? S: Su Yangs T: Wheres Su Yangs bag? S: Its in your bedroom. Teach: bedroom(拼读) Chant: Bedroom ,bedroom. Its in your bedroom. T: Im Su Yang, youre Mum. (T - Groups) (Ss T) 2)T: Su Yangs bag is in the bedroom. Wherere Su Hais skirts? S1: Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. T: How does Su Hai ask to Mum? Can you read? S: Mum, where are my skirts? (3 4 Ss) T: Where are Su Hais skirts? Ss: Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. 3)T: We find the bag and the skirts .Whose white cap is it? S: Su Yangs. T: Wheres Su Yangs white cap? S: Its in the kitchen. Teach: kitchen Chant: kitchen, kitchen. Its in the kitchen T: Look .Are they in the kitchen ? S: No. T: Wherere Su Hai and Su Yang? S: Theyre in the bedroom. T: Su Hai and Su Yang are in the bedroom . (Listen) How does Su Hai answer? S: Is it in your bedroom? (3 4 Ss) T: Su Hai is uncertain. Is the white cap in Su Hais bedroom? Ss: No, it isnt. T: The white cap isnt in the bedroom. Su Hai finds it in the kitchen. Look at the picture, wheres the white cap? S: Its in the dogs mouth. T: Its so funny. How does Su Hai say? (Listen) Teach: come and look 过来看看 T: How does Su Hai feel when she sees the cap is in the dogs mouth? 引:Surprised! Funny! T: Lets tell Su Yang “Wheres her white cap ?” with surprised and funny together. 6、Ss checkout the answers 7、Read time. Now, we know “Where are their things?”(板书张贴位置) 1)Lets read and repeat the story. 2)Lets read together. 3)Read in groups 4)Read by 3 students 5)Lets dub 6)Lets act(分戴头饰) 8、Ticking time. 9、Homework 1)Read and recite the story 2)Copy the words. 3)Review Fun time. Checkout time. Learn more things about “Home” 六、板书设计 Unit5 Our new home Su Yang bag bedroom cap kitchen Su Hai skirts living room sofa Unit5 Our new home Read and match bedroom kitchen skirts bag Ticking time 我会读三会单词 home, sofa, come, kitchen 我会读、会拼四会单词 bedroom , living room 我会熟练朗读 Story time 我会表演、背诵 Story time Su Hai Su Yang cap living room Unit 5 ( Story time ) 无锡市柏庄实验小学 俞杜鹃 Tips : 1、看到图片大声说出英文 2、看到单词大声拼读 2、看到短语、句子大声朗读 3、看到炸弹请起立,展开双手 边拍边说:Bomb Come on ! in Its behind the door. white my schoolbag I like dogs. Is it under your desk ? red and yellow Theyre on my book . in the l iving r oom Tips: 认真观看卡 通,看看Su Hai和 Su Yang正在做什 么? A 、Theyre cleaning the new house. 她们正在打扫新房子。 B、Theyre looking for their things. 她 们正在寻找她们的东西。 Tips:仔细听录音, 勾出所听到的物品 。 ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( ) Tips:自读课文,把 物品和人物、地点 连出来。 bag skirts cap Su Yang Su Hai 通过对故事和图片的解读,你能把物品和人物、 地点连起来吗?Have a try ! kitchen bedroom living room Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt. Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is !in the kitchen 惊讶?! 好笑?! 过来看看 bag skirts cap Su Yang Su Hai kitchen bedroom living room Read after the tape 跟读课文 注意升调、降调以及重读 Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Story time No, it isnt. Its in your bedroom. Mum, wheres my bag? Mum, where are my skirts? Is it in your bedroom? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt. Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen ! (小小配音员 ) Tips:三人一小组,分 别扮演Mum、Su Hai 和Su Yang。注意人物 的表情、语气哦! 我会用单数和复数来谈论物品的位置哦! 我会加上合理的动作、表情哦! A: Wheres my ? B: Is it ? A: No, it isnt. Its . / Yes, it is. A: Where are my ? B: They are Su Hai和Su Yang 继续在寻找着她们的东西 ! Lets help our Mum and Dad do something at home. 让我们在家帮助爸爸、妈妈做些事情。 Our home will be more and more beautiful! 那么,我们的家会变得越来越美丽! 1、熟读、背诵Story time 2、抄写单词bedroom 、living room 六 遍 3、预习Fun time 、Checkout time, 学 习更多有关home 的东西 4 A Unit5 Our new home Period 1 无锡市柏庄实验小学 俞杜鹃 一、教学内容 译林版小学英语三年级起点 4A Unit5 Our new home (Story time) 二、教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会读三会单词 home, sofa, come, kitchen 2、学生能听懂、会读、会拼四会单词 bedroom , living room 3、学生会熟练朗读、表演 Story time 4、学生会初步背诵 Story time 三、教学重、难点 1、学生能听懂、会读三会单词 home、sofa、come、kitchen 2、学生能听懂、会读、会拼四会单词 bedroom、living room 3、学生会熟练朗读、表演 Story time 4、学生会初步背诵 Story time 四、教学准备 人物头饰、单词卡片、光盘、PPT 五、教学过程 一、. Warm up Enjoy a song Where is it? (Let the students do “on、in、under” with the hands) 二、Learning target Today, Well learn the new words about home、sofa、come、kitchen、bedroom and living room. We can read the story,act the story and recite the story. Come on! 三、Free talk Now, Lets speak in English. T: Hello, Im Miss Yu Whats your name? S: Im T: Nice to meat you , Ss: Nice to meat you , Miss Que. T: Good morning, boy/girl, Look at my What colour is it ? S: Its . T: What about his/her ? S: Its T: Do you like animals? S: Yes,I do. T: I like cats,what about you? S: I like T: The cats can jump, I can jump, Can you jump? S: Yes. T: Lets jump!(Ss jump) T: I can jump, I like sports. And I like playing games.Do you like playing games. S: Yes. T: Now ,Lets play a game. 四、Fun time. T: When you see a picture,speak English. When you see a word,spell it. When you see a phrase or a sentence,read loudly. When you see a bomb,stand up,clap your hands and say “Bomb”. Ready? Go! 五、Presentation. 1、(Fun time 最后一张:home) Teach: home (show picture)T: Whose home is it ? S: Its Su hai and Su Yangs home.(师引导说完整) 张贴人物板书 2、T:Look, where are Su Hai and SuYang? S: Theyre in the living room. Teach: living room.(拼读) Chant: Living room, living room. In the living room. T: Su Hai, Su Yang and Mum are in the living room,What can you see in the living room? S1:Some /many boxes. S2:A sofa Teach: sofa 沙发 S3:Two carriers T: Yes, theyre moving into a new home Teach: new home. 揭题:Today,well learn Unit5 Our new home. 3、T: What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing? Watch the cartoon and choose. A: Theyre cleaning the new house. B: Theyre looking for their things.() 4、T: Su Hai and Su Yang are looking for their things,What are they looking for?Listen and tick. Tick: a bag two skirts a cap T: What colour is it? S: Its white. T: Theyre looking for a bag. skirts, and a cap.(板书张贴) 5、Where are their things? Please open the books, read and match. (分解认图教学) 1)T: Whose bag is it? S: Su Yangs T: Wheres Su Yangs bag? S: Its in your bedroom. Teach: bedroom(拼读) Chant: Bedroom ,bedroom. Its in your bedroom. T: Im Su Yang, youre Mum. (T - Groups) (Ss T) 2)T: Su Yangs bag is in the bedroom. Wherere Su Hais skirts? S1: Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. T: How does Su Hai ask to Mum? Can you read? S: Mum, where are my skirts? (3 4 Ss) T: Where are Su Hais skirts? Ss: Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. 3)T: We find the bag and the skirts .Whose white cap is it? S: Su Yangs. T: Wheres Su Yangs white cap? S: Its in the kitchen. Teach: kitchen Chant: kitchen, kitchen. Its in the kitchen T: Look .Are they in the kitchen ? S: No. T: Wherere Su Hai and Su Yang? S: Theyre in the bedroom. T: Su Hai and Su Yang are in the bedroom . (Listen) How does Su Hai answer? S: Is it in your bedroom? (3 4 Ss) T: Su Hai is uncertain. Is the white cap in Su Hais bedroom? Ss: No, it isnt. T: The white cap isnt in the bedroom. Su Hai finds it in the kitchen. Look at the picture, wheres the white cap? S: Its in the dogs mouth. T: Its so funny. How does Su Hai say? (Listen) Teach: come and look 过来看看 T: How does Su Hai feel when she sees the cap is in the dogs mouth? 引:Surprised! Funny! T: Lets tell Su Yang “Wheres her white cap ?” with surprised and funny together. 6、Ss checkout the answers 7、Read time. Now, we know “Where are their things?”(板书张贴位置) 1)Lets read and repeat the story. 2)Lets read together. 3)Read in groups 4)Read by 3 students 5)Lets dub 6)Lets act(分戴头饰) 8、Ticking time. 9、Homework 1)Read and recite the story 2)Copy the words. 3)Review Fun time. Checkout time. Learn more things about “Home” 六、板书设计 Unit5 Our new home Su Yang bag bedroom cap kitchen Su Hai skirts living room sofa Unit 5 ( Story time ) 无锡市柏庄实验小学 俞杜鹃 Tips : 1、看到图片大声说出英文 2、看到单词大声拼读 2、看到短语、句子大声朗读 3、看到炸弹请起立,展开双手 边拍边说:Bomb Come on ! in Its behind the door. white my schoolbag I like dogs. Is it under your desk ? red and yellow Theyre on my book . in the l iving r oom Tips: 认真观看卡 通,看看Su Hai和 Su Yang正在做什 么? A 、Theyre cleaning the new house. 她们正在打扫新房子。 B、Theyre looking for their things. 她 们正在寻找她们的东西。 Tips:仔细听录音, 勾出所听到的物品 。 ( ) ( )( ) ( )( )( ) Tips:自读课文,把 物品和人物、地点 连出来。 bag skirts cap Su Yang Su Hai 通过对故事和图片的解读,你能把物品和人物、 地点连起来吗?Have a try ! kitchen bedroom living room Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt. Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is !in the kitchen 惊讶?! 好笑?! 过来看看 bag skirts cap Su Yang Su Hai kitchen bedroom living room Read after the tape 跟读课文 注意升调、降调以及重读 Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Story time No, it isnt. Its in your bedroom. Mum, wheres my bag? Mum, where are my skirts? Is it in your bedroom? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen. Mum, wheres my bag? Its in your bedroom. Mum, where are my skirts? Theyre in the living room, on the sofa. Wheres my white cap, Su Hai? Is it in your bedroom? No, it isnt. Come and look, Su Yang. Your cap is in the kitchen ! (小小配音员 ) Tips:三人一小组,分 别扮演Mum、Su Hai 和Su Yang。注意人物 的表情、语气哦! 我会用单数和复数来谈论物品的位置哦! 我会加上合理的动作、表情哦! A: Wheres my ? B: Is it ? A: No, it isnt. Its . / Yes, it is. A: Where are my ? B: They are Su Hai和Su Yang 继续在寻找着她们的东西 ! Lets help our Mum and Dad do something at home. 让我们在家帮助爸爸、妈妈做些事情。 Our home will be more and more beautiful! 那么,我们的家会变得越来越美丽! 1、熟读、背诵Story time 2、抄写单词bedroom 、living room 六 遍 3、预习Fun time 、Checkout time, 学 习更多有关home 的东西 Unit 5 ( Story time ) 无锡市柏庄实验小学 俞杜鹃 我会读三会单词 home, sofa, come, kitchen 我会读、会拼四会单词 bedroom , living room 我会熟练朗读Story time 我会表演、背诵Story time Tips : 同学们,本节课我们要学习以下知识哦!相信 你一定能得到满星哦! Tips : 1、看到图片大声说出英文 2、看到单词大声拼读 2、看到短语、句子大声朗读 3、看到炸弹请起立,展开双手 边拍边说:Bomb Come on ! in Its behind the door. white my schoolbag I like dogs. Is it under your desk ? red an
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Unit Our new home_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:14aaf) 译林版 四年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt
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本文标题:Unit 5 Our new home-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:14aaf).zip

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