Unit 7 How much -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:90884).zip


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展开 译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit7Howmuch_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开课_编号90884.zip译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit7Howmuch_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_市级公开课_编号90884.zip
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Story time Unit 7 How much? Think and sayThink and say This song is about(关于) _. A. price(价格) B. animals C. time Look and sayLook and say 当看到数字或单词时,请说出其对应英文。当看到数字或单词时,请说出其对应英文。 当看到炸弹时,请说“Bomb!”. 1 1 13 15 18 five 14 seven nine18 1313 six 19 eleven 12 15 6 Time 时间 Quantity 数量 Age 年龄 Price 价格 Where can we use them? 在哪里会用到数字呢? Think and sayThink and say HowHow much? much? very much Price 价格 Think and sayThink and say Story time Unit 7 How much? Look and sayLook and say 低价卖出自己制作 的物品或旧物献爱 心。 活动说明: 蒲公英志愿 者致力于为贫 困山区奉献爱 心。 此次所酬善 款将全部捐给 山区孩子。 Look and sayLook and say Who are the sellers(卖方) ? Who are the buyers(买方) ? What would they like? What would like? What would like? What would like? Watch and chooseWatch and choose 观看动画时,注意生词的读音。 What would like? What would like? would like would like shoes,socks, gloves(手套)都 是成双成对出现的 ,所以是复数名 词。 Watch and chooseWatch and choose What would like? What would like? What would like? would like would like would like Watch and chooseWatch and choose 5 5 4 4 19 19 How much is it? Its yuan. How much are they? Theyre yuan. Read and matchRead and match Read Pictures 1-3, underline the price. 自读P44-45 图1-3,划出物品价格。 Read and findRead and find 5 5 4 4 19 19 How much is it? Its yuan. How much are they? Theyre yuan. Read and findRead and find Read and findRead and find 5 5 4 4 19 19 Read and findRead and find How much is it? Its yuan. How much are they? Theyre yuan. 仅仅,只有仅仅,只有 Look and sayLook and say 5 5 4 4 19 19 28 28 twenty ten Look and sayLook and say twenty-eight _! _? _. _._. _._. _, _. What else do they say? 再读图1-3,同桌找一找 买家、卖家还说了什么呢? Read and findRead and find _! _? Read and findRead and find Can I help you? 不仅可用于 义卖,还可用于各种大型商场 或服务型场所。 如果你是卖家,你还会 说什么来推销你的物品? _. _. _. Read and findRead and find _, _. _. _. Read and findRead and find 要注意模仿人物的语要注意模仿人物的语 气、表情和动作哦气、表情和动作哦 Read and imitateRead and imitate Read and imitateRead and imitate Read and imitateRead and imitate Think and sayThink and say Read and imitateRead and imitate Read and actRead and act 四人一起朗读 Try to read the story. 选择不同的方式朗读课文。 Pic1 Pic2Pic3Pic4 每人读一幅图 Try to read together. 全班齐读课文。 Good monring! / Hi. / . Its / Theyre . yuan. Id like . Here you are. How much is it / are they? Can I help you? This . is very . These . are very . HHow to sell?ow to sell?HHow to buy?ow to buy? This . is very . These . are very . Look and sayLook and say 活动说明: 蒲公英志愿 者致力于为贫困 山区奉献爱心。 此次所酬善 款将全部捐给山 区孩子。 a fancan 爱心接力 让我们加入Su Hai & Su Yang, 继续 义卖扇子或身边的物品,筹集更多善款。 Work in pairs. Make a dialogue. 2人一组,设计一段对话来进行买卖。 Good monring! / Hi. / . Its / Theyre . yuan. Id like . Here you are. How much is it / are they? Can I help you? This . is very . These . are very . HHow to sell?ow to sell?HHow to buy?ow to buy? This . is very . These . are very . Look and sayLook and say Helping others is happy! Helping others is happy! 帮助别人是快乐的帮助别人是快乐的 ! Helping each other!Helping each other! 互相帮助!互相帮助! 活动说明: 蒲公英志愿 者致力于为贫困 山区奉献爱心。 此次所酬善 款将全部捐给山 区孩子。 HomeworkHomework Listen and read the story, try to recite it. 听读故事,尝试背诵。 Go on the Charity Sale to help others.Go on the Charity Sale to help others. 继续义卖,帮助他人。 Thank you ! Byebye What would like? What would like? What would like? would like would like would like shoes socks clock shoes,socks, gloves(手套)都 是成双成对出现的 ,所以是复数名 词。 umbrellaan 4A Unit 7 How much? (The first period) 一、教学内容: Story time. 二、教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbrella, fan, twenty 2. 学生能够理解句型 How much is it/are they? Its/ Theyre yuan 技能目标: 1. 学生能够理解 Story time 部分内容,能够在教师的引导和帮助下尝 试复述、表演课文。 2. 学生能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 ,询问价格,进行购物买卖。 情感目标: 引导学生建立助人为乐的感情,帮助别人是快乐的。 三、教学重难点: 重点: 1. 学生能够读准单词:shoes,socks,umbrella 2. 理解句型 How much is it/are they? Its/ Theyre yuan 难点: 1. 学生能够理解 Story time 部分内容,能够在教师的引导和帮助下尝试 复述、表演课文。 2. 学生能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型 ,询问价格,进行购物买卖。 四、教具准备: 1多媒体课件(PPT) 。 2教学卡片和教学挂图。 五、教学过程: Step One: Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Class begins! Ss: Stand up! T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Wu T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. T: Sit down, please Ss: Thank you. 2. Play a game: I say you say T: Boys and girls, do you like playing games? Ss: Yes. T: Now lets play a game, I say you say, ok? Ss: Ok. T:I like dogs. S1: I like cats. S2: I like pandas. S3: . T: We know these are all about animals. T: I have an ice cream. S1: I have a hamburger. S2: I have a sandwich. S3: . T: We know these are all about the food. T: I can say one, two, three. S1: I can say four. S2: I can say five. S3: . T: We know these are all about the numbers. T: Numbers are very useful. So, in what occasions can we use them? S1: What time. S2: How old. S3: . T: Good! We can use in these occasions: Time, quantities, age. And we can also use them to talk about price. T: So how to ask about the price? S: How much? T: Excellent! Weve learned “very much” yes? Ss: Yes. T: So who can read this sentence? S: How much? T: Great! So today well learn Unit 7 How much? 板书课题 S: Unit 7 How much? 读两遍 Step Two: Presentation and practice. 1. Watch and tick: What would they like? T: Before the story, I want to show you some pictures. Lets see. (播放图片) T: Whats your feeling? Are you happy or sad? S: Sad! T: Were sad. What can we do? S:. T: We can help them. We can do a lot of donations and we can also take part in a charity sale. Have you ever been in a charity sale? S: Yes. T: Wonderful! Our friends are also in a charity sale. T: Do you know who is the seller from the pictures? S: Su Hai and Su Yang. T: Great! And who is the buyer? S: Liu Tao, Yang Ling, Mike. T: Yes. Now can you guess what would they like? S1: Skirt? S2: Jacket? S3: . T: You have very good imaginations. Now lets watch a video and tick: what would they like? When watching, please pay attention to the pronunciation of new words. Now please take out your paper. Are you ready? S: Go! (播放视频) T: So much for the video. Now who can tell me what would they like? S: They would like shoes, socks and an umbrella. T: Good! Here are three new words. Lets learn. T: Clock-sock, socks. Can you make a sentence with the socks? S: . T: Shoes. Umbrella. T: Can you make a sentence with umbrella? S: . 2. Picture1 T: If you are Su Hai or Su Yang, what will you say? S1: Can I help you? S2: Anything else? S3: . T: Now lets check what actually do they say? (播放音频) S: Su Yang says: Good morning. Can I help you? T: Good! Now Liu Tao is coming. If you are Liu Tao, what will you say? S1: Id like. S2: This . is cool S3: . T: Now lets check what actually does Liu Tao say? (播放音频) T: First Liu Tao says: Id like these shoes. He also asks. Ss: How much are they? T: Great! Why we use “are they” here? (贴板书 How much are they?) S: 因为鞋子是复数 T: Yes. How much are they? S: Five yuan. T: Yes. We can also say like this: They are five yuan. (贴板书 They are . Yuan.) T: Now lets read and imitate. (播放音频,学生跟读) T: Now lets read together. (学生齐读) 3. Picture 2&3 T: We know Liu Tao would like the shoes and theyre five yuan. (板书) How about Yang Ling and Mike? Now read picture 2&3 and try to finish the table. Here I have a tip for you. Work in pairs and try to ask and answer with the sentence patterns. T: Times up! Which group wants to have a try? S1: What would Yang Ling like? S2: She would like socks. S1: How much are they? S2: Four yuan. T: Wonderful! Lets clap hands. T: We know Yang Ling would like socks and theyre four yuan. (板书) How about Mike? S1: What would Mike like? S2: He would like an umbrella. S1: How much is it? S2: Nineteen yuan. T: Wonderful! Lets clap hands. T: We know Mike would like an umbrella and its nineteen yuan. (板书) T: Why we use ” is it” here? (贴板书 How much is it?) S: 因为伞是单数。 T: Good! Is the umbrella dear or cheap? S: Cheap. T: Why? S: Its only nineteen yuan. T: Good ! Only here means “仅仅,只有”. Read after me “only”. (教授 only) S: Only T: Who can try to read the whole sentence? S: Its only nineteen yuan. T: Lets read and imitate. (播放音频,学生跟读) T: Now about picture2, girls are Yang Ling, boys are Su Hai and Su Yang, lets read together. Then exchange. T: Now about picture3, Im Su Yang, girls are Su Hai, boys are Mike, lets read together. 4. Picture 4 T: Weve known the price each. How much is the total? S: Twenty-eight yuan. T: Yes. Weve learned ten, so this is twenty. (教授 twenty) S: Twenty. T: Su Hai and Su Yang have twenty-eight yuan now, so they must be very excited. If youre one of them, how will you say? S: We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. T: Now lets listen. (播放音频,学生跟读) S: We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. T: Who can try again to read it better. S1: We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. S2: We have twenty-eight yuan, Miss Li. T: Good job! If youre Miss Li, how will you praise? S1: Wonderful! S2: Cool! S3: . T: Lets listen what does Miss Li say?(播放音频) S1: Well done! T: Who can try again? S2: Well done! S3: Well done! T: Great! Now lets read and imitate. (播放音频,学生跟读) 4. Read and recite 1. Read the whole text after the tape. 2. Read together. 3. Memory king. Step Three: Consolidation 1. T-S Model T: We know the shoes, socks and umbrella are sold. Which is unsold? S: Fan. T: Good. This is “can” and this is “fan”. (教授 twenty) S: Fan. T: Now if youre a seller, what will you say to sell it? S1: Can I help you? S2: Anything else? S3:. T: Now if youre a buyer, what will you say to buy it? S1: Can I have a look? S2: This fan is cool. S3:. T: Yes. We can use these sentence patterns to sell and buy. T: Now Im a seller, who want to be a buyer? S: let me have a try. (师生展示买卖扇子) 2. S-S Model T: Well done! Now work in pairs and choose one scene to make a dialogue. T: Now its your show time. (生生展示买卖东西) Step Four: Summary T: You guys did a very good job! T: We know Su Hai and Su Yang are in a charity sale. They say they will donate money to the Chinese Red Congress. They are so helpful. T: Around our China, there are still many poor areas, poor children. They have no books, no pencils, even no classrooms to study. So we can try our best to help them because helping others is happy and we should also help each other in our daily life. Ok? S: Ok. Step Five: Homework 1. Listen and read after the tape. 2. Act it out in groups. Step Six Blackboard Design Unit 7 How much? Who What How much How much is it? Liu Tao shoes five Its . yuan. Yang Ling socks four How much are they? Mike umbrella nineteen Theyre . yuan.
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Unit How much _Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:90884) 译林版 四年级 上册 英语 unit time_ppt
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