Unit 2 Let's make a fruit salad-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:00c03).zip


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展开 译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit2Letsmakeafruitsalad_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案音频_市级公开课_编号00c03.zip译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit2Letsmakeafruitsalad_Storytime_ppt课件_含教案音频_市级公开课_编号00c03.zip
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Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad (Story time) Pre-learPre-learn ninging WhileWhile learninglearning DripsDrips TickTick DripsDrips TickTick PostPost learninglearningDripsDrips TickTick ( (1 1) )I I c ca an n r re ea ad d a an nd d a as sk k s so om me e questiquestio onsns (2)I(2)I cancan understandunderstand thethe story.story. ( (1 1) )I I c ca an n n na am me e s so om me e a an ni im ma al ls s a an nd d fruits.fruits. (2)I(2)I cancan namename moremore fruits.fruits. (1)I(1)I cancan readread thethe storystory . . (2)I(2)I cancan actact thethe story.story. Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad What animals do you like? Lets talk: Do you like s? I like fruit.我爱水果。 Enjoy a song ruler blue Enjoy a song Q1:What fruit can you hear in the song? 你能在歌曲中听到哪些水果你能在歌曲中听到哪些水果? Enjoy a song Enjoy a song Q1:What fruit can you hear in the song? 你能在歌曲中听到哪些水果你能在歌曲中听到哪些水果? bananaspears lemons Q2: What fruit can you name? 你能说出哪些水果的英文名称 ? FruitFruit FamilyFamily Lets talk: Pre-learingPre-learing ( (1 1) )I I c ca an n n na am me e s so om me e a an ni im ma al ls s andand fruits.fruits. (2)I(2)I cancan namename moremore fruits.fruits. DripsDrips TickTick How many drips can you get? Please tick in the blanks. Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad I want to eat many fruits. What can we make ? 我想要一下子吃许多水果,我们可以把它们做成什么? D o y o u h a v e a n y questions? 你有什么想问的吗?你有什么想问的吗? Look and answer Q1:Who are they ?图片上有些谁?图片上有些谁? Look and answer Q2:What are they doing ?他他们们正正在在做做什什么么? Lets talk : LetsLets makemake a a fruitfruit s sa al la ad d. Great! 幻灯片 13 cat robot Lets enjoy: Lets enjoy: Look at these fruit salad. Look and answer Q3:What fruit do they have ? 他们有些什么水果?他们有些什么水果? ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) Watch the cartoon and tick what they are talking about. 听录音,勾出他们谈论的水果。听录音,勾出他们谈论的水果。 Lets watch : ( )( )( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( ) Watch the cartoon and tick what they are talking about. 听录音,勾出他们谈论的水果。听录音,勾出他们谈论的水果。 Lets watch : A : I have . Its/Theyre sweet. B : I have . Its/Theyre _. 同桌说说同桌说说 Look and answer Q3:Whose fruits are they ? 这些水果是谁的?这些水果是谁的? Read the story, find out the fruit they have and write on the paper. 自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果并写在纸上自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果并写在纸上 。 Lets find : Play a game : Match the students and the pictures . 将人物与水果图片配对。将人物与水果图片配对。 两两人人比比赛赛,看看看看谁谁快快! find out the fruit they have and where can you find. 找出他们各自带来的水果并说出你是从哪副图里找到的找出他们各自带来的水果并说出你是从哪副图里找到的 。 I have a pineapple. I have a mango and an orange. I have some grapes. Lets check : Lets talk : 幻灯片 13 我有我有一些一些葡萄。葡萄。 提示:提示:somesome表示一些表示一些 ,用于,用于肯定句肯定句中。中。 work in pair A:I have some grapes. Do you like grapes? B: Yes,I do. I like . / No , I dont . I like . 同桌说同桌说 说说 Read the story, find out the fruit they have. 自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果。自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果。 I have a pineapple. I have a mango and an orange. I have some grapes. Lets find : . Lets talk : 幻灯片 13 Read the story, find out the fruit they have. 自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果。自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果。 I have a pineapple. I have a mango and an orange. I have some grapes. I have two apples. Lets find : I have a pineapple. I have a mango and an orange. I have some grapes. I have two apples. ? Lets talk : 幻灯片 13 Task3 Lets listen : ? 请小朋友们听请小朋友们听课文课文 录音,找出谁有香录音,找出谁有香 蕉,然后翻开书到蕉,然后翻开书到 P12,用用“-”划出划出 苏海问的问题。苏海问的问题。 Do you have any bananas,YangLing? Wang Bing,do you have a banana? Lets read : 提示:提示:anyany也表示一些,用也表示一些,用 于于一般疑问句一般疑问句和和否定句否定句中。中。 WhileWhile-learing-learing ( (1 1) )I I c ca an n r re ea ad d a an nd d a as sk k s so om me e questiquestio onsns ( (2 2) )I I c ca an n u un nd de er rs st ta an nd d t th he e story.story. DripsDrips TickTick How many drips can you get? Please tick in the blanks. Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad 同学们,让我们来体验一下读对话的快乐同学们,让我们来体验一下读对话的快乐 吧!吧! Tips:跟读课文时要尽量模仿录音中的语跟读课文时要尽量模仿录音中的语 音、语调。音、语调。 Lets read : I have a pineapple. I have a mango and an orange. Lets read : Lets read : No, I dont. I have some grapes. Lets read : Yes, I do. Wang Bing, do you have a banana? Lets read : 幻灯片 13 Lets read : Lets make a fruit salad. Great! Lets read : 幻灯片 13 How nice! 以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢 的方式读一读课文。的方式读一读课文。 Read in roles.(分分 角色读角色读) Read together. (齐读齐读) Happy Reading Act the story.(表表 演课文)演课文) 小组练小组练 习习 Read fluently. 流利的朗读流利的朗读. Read fluently and beautifully. 流利、优美的朗读流利、优美的朗读. Act with emotions. 有感情地表演有感情地表演. Happy Reading P Postost-learing-learing (1)I(1)I cancan readread thethe storystory . . (2)I(2)I cancan actact thethe story.story. DripsDrips TickTick How many drips can you get? Please tick in the blanks. Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad Slimming salad 瘦身沙拉瘦身沙拉 Beauty salad 美容沙拉美容沙拉 Health salad 养身沙拉养身沙拉 Wisdom salad 益智沙拉益智沙拉 Homework 1.Read Story time five times (读故事五遍读故事五遍) 2. Make a fruit salad with parents And try to use new sentences. (跟父母一起做水果沙拉,(跟父母一起做水果沙拉, 并尝试使用新句子。)并尝试使用新句子。) Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad 第一课时第一课时 一、教学内容: Story time. 二、教学目标: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词 a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple; 复习水果类单词 an orange, a peach, a pear, an apple。 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Do you have?并且会用 Yes, I do.和 No,I dont 来回答。 3.初步理解 some 和 any 的使用方法。 4.了解西方国家的饮食文化。 5熟练朗读并能初步表演对话内容。 三、教学重难点: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词 a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple; 复习水果类单词 an orange, a peach, a pear, an apple。 2.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Do you have?并且会用 Yes, I do.和 No,I dont 来回答。 3.初步理解 some 和 any 的使用方法。 四、教具准备: 1事先板书好课题 Unit 1 Lets make a fruit salad 2教学卡片和多媒体(PPT) 。 3学生自带水果。 五、教学过程: 教学过程: Step One: Greetings and warming up 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? 2. Warming up T: Boys and girls . There are many animals here . Look! What can you see? S: I can see . 师随机提问:Do you like monkeys? T: (出现水果图片)Now what can you see ? What colour. ? T: Do you like apples ? Yes, I like apples, I like peaches. I like fruit.(引出 fruit 这个单词) Step Two: Presentation. 1. Sing a song : Q1:What fruit can you hear in the song? (S : bananas pears lemons . ) Q2: What fruit can you name? (学生教授水果单词) *take out your paper. How many drips can you get? Please tick in the blanks. 2.揭示课题 T:Wow! I want to eat many fruits. What can we make ? S: 猜测(fruit salad fruit cake fruit juice fruit soup .) T: I have a good friend -Miss Li. She and her students are coming! Now look at this picture . Do you have any questions ?(学生提问) T:Lets answer these quetions. Q1: Who are they ? Q2: Where are they ? Q3: What are they doing ?(make a fruit salad ) 出示课题:Today we will learn Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad. T: I like fruit salad. Its yummy . Enjoy some pictures. T: Look at these fruit salad. (How nice ! / Great / . ) 3. Story time (1)Watch the carton and tick what they are talking about. 相机教授新词:mango / pineapple / grape *相机教授 I have . (2) Read the story, find out the fruit they have. A:Play a game Can you match the students and the pictures as fast as you can ? Ill choose two students . B: Check Lets check it and tell me where can you find ? Liu Tao: I have a pineapple. (图 1) Mike: I have a mango and an orange. (图 1) Yang Ling : I have some grapes. (图 2) (引出 some) make a diaolgue : A:I have some grapes . Do you like grapes ? B: Yes, I do . I like grapes./ No, I dont . I like . Su Yang : I have two apples. (图 2) T: Who has a banana ? Boys and girls, listen to the tape and find out who has a banana ? (Wang Bing ) Noe open your book page 12, underline Su Has questions. Q1: Do you have any bananas,YangLing? Q2: Wang Bing,do you have a banana? *take out your paper. How many drips can you get? Please tick in the blanks. Step Four: Consolidation (一):Listen and repeat (二):Read the story . Ss read and act the story. *take out your paper. How many drips can you get? Please tick in the blanks. 总结:T : I like fruit salad . We can make many different kinds of salad. For example:Slimming salad / Beauty salad/ Health salad/Wisdom salad I like them. Do you think so ? Step five: Homework 1. Read Story time five times 2. Make a fruit salad with parents And try to use new sentences. Step six: Blackboard Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad Liu Tao: I have a pineapple. Mike: I have a mango and an orange. Yang Ling : I have some grapes. Su Yang : I have two apples. orangemango grape pineapple banana
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Unit Let's make fruit salad_Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:00c03) 译林版 四年级 上册 英语 unit
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