Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:612ff).zip


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Project 2 My snack bar (Period 1) B C A D KFC2 1 3 4 Do a puzzle food 食物食物 h_ mb_rg_r hamburger s_n_w_ _h sandwich n_ _ _l_snoodles r_c_ dumplings bread / e / Brain storm rice jumpdumpling hot dog pie cake Say a rhyme What would you like ? What would you like ? Id like a . Id like some . Theyre all very nice. What would you like ? What would you like ? Id like a/an _. Id like some _. Theyre all very nice. 选择一种方式,编一个新选择一种方式,编一个新rhyme吧!吧! 1.两人齐说两人齐说 2.一问一答一问一答 3. 一人一句轮流说一人一句轮流说 Make a rhyme a glass _ milksome two glasses of milkthree glasses of milk m i l k mil k a glass of milk Lets guess seven glasses of milk Lets guess a glass of juice j e c i u juice a glass of orange juice a glass of . juice Lets guess a cup of coffee o f c f e e five cups of coffee _ coffee some Riddle: I live in a cup. I am black. I am bitter (苦的苦的 ). What am I ? Lets guess a cup of teaa cup of _ tea a cup of black tea a cup of green tea Riddle: Sometimes I live with some leaves(叶子叶子) in a cup. Im not sweet. What am I ? Lets read drinks 饮饮 料料 a glass of milk a glass of juice a cup of coffee a cup of tea some cola Do you want to have your own snack bar? 你想拥有自己的快餐店吗? My snack bar Miss Cais 招聘启事招聘启事 新店开张,招收服务员。新店开张,招收服务员。 要求如下:要求如下: 1.1.努力学习努力学习,成为合格服务员。,成为合格服务员。 2.2.大胆表现大胆表现,争当优秀服务员。,争当优秀服务员。 表现好的可以得到购物优惠券表现好的可以得到购物优惠券 或者自己开店哦!或者自己开店哦! My snack bar Miss Cais How much is/ are? Where is/are? How much is/ are? Its/Theyre1.Choose the popular food 选择受欢迎选择受欢迎 的食物的食物 2.Put the things in the right place 把东西放在合适的位置把东西放在合适的位置 3.Set the nice price 设定诱人的价格设定诱人的价格 Rule:当你看:当你看 到飞机时大声说到飞机时大声说 出上面的价格并出上面的价格并 将它击落将它击落。 Game: Shoot planes 5 yuan 20 yuan 15 yuan 12 yuan 30 yuan 3 yuan Well done. 干得好。干得好。 Game: Shoot planes 55 yuan 25 yuan 44 yuan Miss Cais Snack Bar Welcome to my snack bar. Its nice and clean. We have many food and drinks. cake 5 hamburger hot dog sandwich Ice cream 10 3 5 2 5 3 4 2 milk cola coffee green tea apple juice black tea grape juice 2 6 6 (菜单) They are very nice and cheap(便宜). All the drinks, buy one get one free. (全场饮料,买一送一)(全场饮料,买一送一) How to sell: 怎样卖怎样卖 How to buy : (怎样买)(怎样买) Hi./Good morning./. Can I help you? What would you like? Would you like.? How many would you like? What about.? Anything else? Here you are. Heres your change. . (零钱)(零钱) Id like /.,please. These are very nice. This is cool. How much is it? How much are they? What about . yuan? Here you are. . Lets summarize Have nice price Always smile Popular food Pleasant put Yummy! 诱人的价格诱人的价格 保持微笑保持微笑 受欢迎的食物受欢迎的食物 愉悦人心的摆设愉悦人心的摆设 美味啊!美味啊! 要用欢乐的心情接待顾客要用欢乐的心情接待顾客 ! H A P P Y Lets tick What are you going to sell(卖卖)? Im going to sell Lets draw Design your snack bar This is my snack bar. I have . Look!The . is/are in/on. Its/Theyre .yuan. Its/Theyre very. Welcome to my snack bar! Lets introduce Introduce your snack bar This is my snack bar. My snack bar Miss Cais I have a hamburger, some apples and some cola. Look!The cola is in the fridge. Its 3 yuan. Its very cheap. Welcome to my snack bar! This is my snack bar. I have . Look!The . is/are in/on. Its/Theyre .yuan. Its/Theyre very. Welcome to my snack bar! Lets introduce Introduce your snack bar Peters snack bar Lucy Lily Q1. What would like? Q2. How much are they? Read and answer A. a hamburger B. a glass of grape juice C. a hamburger and a glass of grape juice A. fourteen yuan B. fifteen yuan C. sixteen yuan Lets read Q1. What would like? Q2. How much are they? Read and answer A. a hamburger B. a glass of grape juice C. a hamburger and a glass of grape juice A. Fourteen yuan B. Fifteen yuan C. Sixteen yuan Healthy food 健康食品健康食品 Junk food 垃圾食品垃圾食品 Healthy food, healthy body. 合理饮食,健康身体!合理饮食,健康身体! eggice creamcolacoffeetea Homework ToyToy ShopShop 2.Choose one scene to make a dialogue and write it down. (自选情景,编写一段购物对话。自选情景,编写一段购物对话。) (At a toy shop/ fruit shop/ stationery shop) 1.Review Unit 5-8 (复习复习unit 5-8) A: What do you like ? B: I like pineapples. I want to buy a big pineapple. How about you? A: Me, too. And I like grapes, too. I want to buy some grapes and six mangoes. B: Do you like grapes, C? C: No, I dont. I want five mangoes and eight apples. B: Oh, you like mangoes and apples. C: Yes. B: Lets buy the fruit now. A&C: OK. At a fruit shop A: Look at all these toys. They are lovely. B: Yes. I like the toy ducks over there. How many? A: Lets count. One, two, three thirteen! How much are they? Assistant(售货员): Theyre fifty-nine yuan. B: We only have fifty yuan. A: Oh, there is a brown toy bear. How cool! B: Where is the bear? I cant see it. A: Its beside the door. B: Wow! What a big bear! How much is it? Assistant: Forty-four yuan. A&B: Great! B: We can also buy some stickers. How many can we buy? A: How much is one sticker? Assistant: Two yuan. A: OK. At a toy shop Homework ToyToy ShopShop 2.Choose one scene to make a dialogue and write it down. (自选情景,编写一段购物对话。自选情景,编写一段购物对话。) (At a toy shop/ fruit shop/ stationery shop) 1.Review Unit 5-8 (复习复习unit 5-8) HAPPY NEW YEAR THANK YOU GOOD BYE 四上英语四上英语( (译林版译林版)Project2)Project2 MyMy snacksnack barbar 教案教案 教学内容: 4A Project2My snack bar主要复习巩固 unit5unit8 的单词及句型, 将前面学过的词语和句型糅合在一起进行综合操练,以达到复习巩固及灵活运 用的目的。在分类复习单词的基础上,引入询问物品及祈使句的教学,并通过 听力、游戏等部分重点复习这一句型,一改复习课枯燥单调的传统印象,大大 地增强了课堂的生动性、趣味性。 教材简析: Project 部分是 4A 新教材的复习单元。该部分有别于传统的复习单元。传 统的复习单元是将之前的单元的知识点进行梳理。但是新教材的复习单元除了 对前面四个单元知识点的内容进行整理外,还加入了生动的卡通成分。 教材目标: 1. 知识、能力目标: (1)能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。 (2)能正确地听、说、读单词: 4A Unit5-8 (3)能在真实的情景中正确运用日常交际用语 4A Unit5-8 2. 策略目标:能与别人相互合作,共同完成学习任务。 3. 情感目标:明白在公共场合的基本礼仪,遵守公共秩序。 教学重点: 能正确理解掌握对话,并能朗读表演。 教学难点: 1. 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。 2. 能正确朗读单词:4A Unit5-8。 教学过程: Step1、Warm up and revision 1. Greetings. 2. Review Unit 5 T: Lets sing: I love my bedroom. Ss do it. Show some pictures about the home T: This is my home. I have two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. How about you? S1: I have . S1(问 S2): How about you? S2: I have . Chain groups. Ask one by one. T: Good. Then ask and answer in groups.(同桌操练) T: Where is the ? S1: Its in/on/under the . T: Where are the s? S1: Theyre in/on/under the . Ask and answer in groups T: Lets read the words below.(回忆单词) And check your Revision Paper.(自主预习 3) T:Open your books and lets read the story time. Now, recite by yourselves. (给 3 分钟时间背诵回忆) T: Now, lets recite/act it. 3. Review Unit 6 T: Lets Chant What would you like?. Ss do it. Show a menu T: Id like a/some? What would you like? S1: Id like . T: Anything else? S1: . Chain groups. Ask one by one. T: Good. Then ask and answer in groups.(同桌操练) And then, use these drills: What would you like? Id like a/some. Anything else? . T: Lets read the words below.(回忆单词) And check your Revision Paper.(自主预习 3) T:Open your books and lets read the story time. Now, recite by yourselves. (给 3 分钟时间背诵回忆) T: Now, lets recite/act it. 3、 Review Unit 7 T: Lets sing The clothes shop. T: Do you have any cakes now? S1: No, I dont. Show some things on PPT T: Can I help you? S1: Yes. Id like . How much is it? T: Its yuan. Anything else? S1: Id like . How much are they? T: Theyre yuan. Chain groups. Ask one by one. T: Lets read the words below.(回忆单词) And check your Revision Paper.(自主预习 3) T:Open your books and lets read the story time. Now, recite by yourselves. (给 3 分钟时间背诵回忆) T: Now, lets recite/act it. 5、Review Unit 8 T: Lets chant Two fat boys. Show some famous people Look at him/her. His / Her is/are . Who is he/she? Guess in groups T: Lets read the words below.(回忆单词) And check your Revision Paper.(自主预习 3) T:Open your books and lets read the story time. Now, recite by yourselves. (给 3 分钟时间背诵回忆) T: Now, lets recite/act it. Step2、Presentations T: You did a good job. Open your books, and turn to page 56 1、Talk about Part A 2、Talk about the snack bar A: Wheres the? B: Its in/on/under the . A: Where are the ? B: Theyre in/on/under the . Step3、Task 1、Introduce the snack bar Model: This is my snack bar. The is. The s are . Say in groups. 2、 Write down the sentences. 3、Read in your groups and check the sentences for each other. Step4、Homework 1、抄写没记牢的单词。 2、将课堂上自己的快餐店用英语描述下来。 教学反思: 这节课的教学内容为译林版小学英语四年级上册 Project2 的第一课时,主 要承载了两个方面的功能:1、引导学生复习、巩固 58 单元所学的话题、词 汇和句型,达到能够熟练运用以解决实际问题的层次;2、通过思考、讨论、交 流和合作,开自己的 snack bar 并进行游戏,在这个过程中不断发展语言能力 并培养学习英语的兴趣和自信心。 我由日期引出圣诞节,欣赏歌曲 we wish a merry Christmas 创设情景, 使学生的注意力在最短的时间里被激活,还渲染了学习英语的良好氛围,建立 轻松和谐民主的课堂氛围,并适时介绍圣诞老人,引出圣诞老人的 snack bar,学生欣赏着生动的电脑画面,过渡到想不想拥有自己的 snack bar.然后 开始设计自己的 snack bar. 分四步设计自己的 snack bar,在这几步的活动中,都是以四人一组展开 活动,小组活动有利于提高学生分工、合作的意识和能力;活动的展示既是为 学生用英语展示自己的语言、能力、爱好和特点提供了平台,也为学生相互学 习提供机会;教师的指导和教师的示范旨在提高活动的质量,使程度暂时较底 或学有所困的学生也能照着样子参与到语言实践活动之中,使不同程度的学生 都能得到相应的发展,体现教育要面向全体的教学理念。 本堂课的最后,我设计了一个拓展练习,如何让自己的 snack bar 生意更 加兴隆,结合圣诞和即将来临的元旦搞促销活动设计一张宣传海报并展示一下, 即提升学生写的能力,又锻炼了学生的口语及勇气。 最后的家庭作业:用英语向你的爸爸妈妈介绍你们的小吃店,并让他们给 你作出评价。把学习从课内引向课外,激发学生尝试着在生活中运用英语的意 识和能力。以学生为本,在课堂中运用多种方法促使学生多说,多用,形成自 主,探究性的学习,致力于激发学生学习的兴趣和参与积极性及建立培养自信 心上,使学生真正成为学习的主人,让学生在轻松,愉快的气氛中自然习得英 语。 每个活动环节中,我给学生一定的语言支撑,并给与详细的示范,有师生 示范,生生示范。在每一个活动环节的过程中,充分发挥学生的主动性,给与 学生足够的空间,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 这堂课让我深刻地感受到了生动性带给复习课的魅力。在实际的教学中, 我们要不断地增加复习课的生动性,从而提高教育教学的效果。
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Project My snack bar_Part A, B, D E_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:612ff) 译林版 四年级 上册 英语 project
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