Unit 4 I can play basketball-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:925bc).zip


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展开 译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit4Icanplaybasketball_SoundtimeSongtimeCheckouttimeTickingtime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开.zip译林版三起四年级上册英语Unit4Icanplaybasketball_SoundtimeSongtimeCheckouttimeTickingtime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开.zip
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Unit 4 I can play basketball (Period(Period 3)3) Copy , copy LeveLeve l l 1 1 I say :I can You say :You can LevelLevel 2 2 I say :Can you You say :Yes, I can. I can = Mario (玛丽)(玛丽) I know the sound of the letter “f”. 我能学会字母我能学会字母“f”“f”的发音。的发音。 I can name some sports and activities. 我能说出所学的运动类单词。我能说出所学的运动类单词。 I can use “can” and “cant”. 我会运用我会运用cancan和和cantcant。 同学们,只有帮助玛丽出色地完成任务同学们,只有帮助玛丽出色地完成任务 ,获得,获得三颗星三颗星,他才能得到蘑菇能量哦!,他才能得到蘑菇能量哦! Super Mario (超级玛丽)(超级玛丽) Shark Bait 海底大冒险海底大冒险 Stop1 Shark Bait海底大冒险海底大冒险 如果看到单词或图片时,请大声说出来,如果看到如果看到单词或图片时,请大声说出来,如果看到 ,一起说:,一起说:“Look out”。说对越多,星星越多!。说对越多,星星越多! 1.I can name some sports and activities. 我能说出一些运动类的词。我能说出一些运动类的词。 ( (当心当心 ) ) Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Stop2 Mysterious Castle (神秘古堡神秘古堡) You should finish three tasks(任务)任务), then you can pass(通过)(通过) ! 1.Helen cannot skate. 2.Su Yang can play table tennis. 3.Liu Tao cannot play basketball. 4.Yang Ling can play football. Helen cant swim, but she can skate. Liu Tao can play basketball. Yang Ling cant play football, but she can play table tennis. Task 1:Listen and judge 如果你是这男孩,帮如果你是这男孩,帮 他作一个自我介绍。他作一个自我介绍。 Task 2:Look and say Hello!Im Tom. Im 10. I can and . I cant play . I cant ,either. play table tennis swim basketball skate Hello,Im Im years old. I can I cantoo. But I cant I cant either. Task 3:Introduce yourself 自我介绍 2.I can use “can” and “cant”. 我会运用我会运用cancan和和cantcant。 Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Stop3 Sound Island (语音岛) 你能说出更多含有你能说出更多含有 字母字母f的单词吗?的单词吗? Make new sentences fatherfamily fat There are trees on the . fruit farm four In my ,my is very . 小组讨论,根据所给图片,思考含有字母小组讨论,根据所给图片,思考含有字母 f 的单词填入空格中,使句意通顺。的单词填入空格中,使句意通顺。 frogfox flower fishfly forest fordogbox Read and choose The two _ are_ .friends frogs In the_,the _ finds( (找到)找到)a _. foxforest fly forestfrogfoxflowerfishfly 3.I know the sound of the letter “f”. 我知道字母我知道字母f的发音。的发音。 Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Stop 4:第四关:第四关: Dream Stage(梦想大舞台梦想大舞台) Can you swim and can you run? Can you skate and can you jump? Oh, yes, I can. Oh, yes, I can. I can swim and I can run. I can skate and I can jump. Say a chant Can you swim and can you run? Can you skate and can you jump? Oh, yes, I can. Oh, yes, I can. I can swim and I can run. I can skate and I can jump. Learn the song Can you ? Can you ? Oh, yes, I can. Oh, yes, I can. I can . I can . Make a song 小组合作,改编歌词 ,并在小组内唱一唱 。看看哪一组最棒! Show time Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Oh, I have enough power (能量)(能量)now. Thank you ! Love sports,love life! 爱运动,爱生活爱运动,爱生活! O(_)O ! ( )1. 当你想问他会不会游泳时,你可以说: A. Can you swim? B. Can you skate? ( )2. 当你想知道别人会做什么,你可以说: A. What can you do? B. Can you skate? ( )3.Can Mike play table tennis? Yes, _. A. I can B. he cant C. he can ( )4.Can you play _? A. a football B .basketball C. the table tennis 检测反馈检测反馈 A B C A Homework 1. 将今天自编的英文歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听将今天自编的英文歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听 ! 2. 每天坚持做一些锻炼哦!每天坚持做一些锻炼哦! 1 四上四上 Unit4 I can play basketball (第三课时)(第三课时) Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容 Checkout time、 Listen and judge、 Sound time & Song time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标 1. 能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型 Can you ?并且会用 Yes, I can.和 No,I cant 来回答。 2. 能了解字母 f 在单词中的读音,即/f/,并能说出更多含有此发音的单词。 3. 能理解并唱歌曲 I can skate and I can jump。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 1. 能理解并运用句型can的使用方法。 2. 能了解辅音字母 f 在单词中的发音. (能听后辨认,会读) 3. 能正确地演唱歌曲 I can skate and I can jump. Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程 Activity one(活动一) :Warm up 1. Warm up PPT 播放歌曲视频,初步了解 can you do it 的含义。 T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss Ding. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. 2. Game ”Copy,copy” T: Look, I can swim, can you do it? S: Yes. I can swim.(边说边做动作) T: (出示图片) Can you do it? T: Lets play a game ” Copy,copy?” T: I say ”I can”,you say “ You can” (设计意图:通过歌曲和游戏的方式,巩固复习之前所学的有关运动的一些单词和词组, 以及本单元的重点句型 I can Can you等。) Activity two(活动二) :Presentation and practice (以帮助玛丽闯关为主线,完成 Checkout time、 Listen and judge、 Sound time & Song time 几个板块的教学。 ) T:Look, this is Mario,What can he do ? Ss: He 2 T: Yes, he can get stars, and three stars equal to a mushroom. When he eats a mushroom, he can become bigger and stronger. Lets help him be the super Mario ,ok ? (设计意图:采用闯关游戏的方式,将书上的几个板块串连在一起,形成一条主 线,同时也激发了孩子们学习的兴趣和热情,在游戏竞赛中,获得成就感。) Stop1:Shark Bait T:Now, lets come to the first stop ”Shark Bait”. Rules: When you see the word or picture, say it out. When you see the shark, please say ”Look out” loudly. The more words you say, the more stars you can get. (设计意图:快乐的游戏中,快速闪现已学的运动类单词,不仅有趣,而且能够 很好的复习已学内容,从而达到第一个学习目标。) Stop2:Mysterious Castle 1.Task 1:Listen and judge T:Open your books at page 29, what can they do ? Lets listen and judge. (设计意图:共四小题,逐条听,并即时进行核对,说出不对的依据,训练学生的听说能 力,培养孩子们良好的听说习惯以及辨识能力。) 2. Task 2: Look and say T: Look at this boy, he is Tom, what can he do ?Look at these pictures, if you are Tom, can you introduce yourselves? (设计意图:通过给出的语言支架,借助图片的辅助,培养学生词不离句,句 不离篇的语言感觉,同时操练了 can 和 cant 的用法。) 3. Task 3:Introduce yourselves (设计意图:通过第二个任务,升华到自己介绍自己,充分地进行了知识的层 层梯进,让学生逐步学会运用语言。 ) Stop3:Sound Island T: Lets come to the Island of the sound “f”. Can you read these words? T: We should know these words. Can you say more other words? T: Lets use these words to make new sentences, please work in groups . Ss:. T: In the island ,there are also many words about “f”, can you find ? Look, T: Can you read? Look at these words ,can you ? Please try to read these words, and then choose the correct words into the sentences. (设计意图:通过学习字母 f 的发音,让孩子在学会课本内容之后,再进行一个 知识的再现,回忆已经学过的单词中哪些也有这样的发音,并通过图片的形式 进行运用操练;最后,通过语音岛,提炼出一些简单的生词,再通过以旧带新 的方式,让学生尝试去读单词,进一步的培养了学生“见词能读”的能力。) Stop 4:Dream Stage 1. T: Look at this chant ,Can you say it? T: Please read this chant in groups. (设计意图:学习歌曲之前,必须要先熟悉歌词,这个 chant 的内容就是歌词内 容,通过说练的方式操练,让孩子们先初步感知歌词内容和含义。) 2. Learn the song T: Lets listen . 3 T : Follow it .(一句一句跟唱) T: Ok,lets sing together. 3. Make a new song T: Can you change some words and make a new song ? Please work in groups, and try to show us. Ss: Activity three(活动三) :Summary 1.T: What do you know in this class? (设计意图:总结这节课所学内容,完成 Ticking time。 ) 2.T: Look at Super Mario,he is so strong now, what can he do ? Ss: 3.Love sports, love life.(升华) 【检测反馈检测反馈】 ( )1. 当你想问他会不会游泳时,你可以说: A. Can you swim? B. Can you skate? ( )2. 当你想知道别人会做什么,你可以说: A. What can you do? B. Can you skate? ( )3.Can Mike play table tennis? Yes, _. A. I can B. he cant C. he can ( )4.Can you play _? A. a football . B .basketball . C. the table tennis 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 4 I can play basketball /f/ family father four fat fruit farm Unit 4 I can play basketball (Period(Period 3)3) 江苏省如皋市白蒲小学江苏省如皋市白蒲小学 丁湘湘丁湘湘 Copy , copy LeveLeve l l 1 1 I say :I can You say :You can LevelLevel 2 2 I say :Can you You say :Yes, I can. I can = Mario (玛丽)(玛丽) I know the sound of the letter “f”. 我能学会字母我能学会字母“f”“f”的发音。的发音。 I can name some sports and activities. 我能说出所学的运动类单词。我能说出所学的运动类单词。 I can use “can” and “cant”. 我会运用我会运用cancan和和cantcant。 同学们,只有帮助玛丽出色地完成任务同学们,只有帮助玛丽出色地完成任务 ,获得,获得三颗星三颗星,他才能得到蘑菇能量哦!,他才能得到蘑菇能量哦! Super Mario (超级玛丽)(超级玛丽) Shark Bait 海底大冒险海底大冒险 Stop1 Shark Bait海底大冒险海底大冒险 如果看到单词或图片时,请大声说出来,如果看到如果看到单词或图片时,请大声说出来,如果看到 ,一起说:,一起说:“Look out”。说对越多,星星越多!。说对越多,星星越多! 1.I can name some sports and activities. 我能说出一些运动类的词。我能说出一些运动类的词。 ( (当心当心 ) ) Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Stop2 Mysterious Castle (神秘古堡神秘古堡) You should finish three tasks(任务)任务), then you can pass(通过)(通过) ! 1.Helen cannot skate. 2.Su Yang can play table tennis. 3.Liu Tao cannot play basketball. 4.Yang Ling can play football. Helen cant swim, but she can skate. Liu Tao can play basketball. Yang Ling cant play football, but she can play table tennis. Task 1:Listen and judge 如果你是这男孩,帮如果你是这男孩,帮 他作一个自我介绍。他作一个自我介绍。 Task 2:Look and say Hello!Im Tom. Im 10. I can and . I cant play . I cant ,either. play table tennis swim basketball skate Hello,Im Im years old. I can I cantoo. But I cant I cant either. Task 3:Introduce yourself 自我介绍 2.I can use “can” and “cant”. 我会运用我会运用cancan和和cantcant。 Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Stop3 Sound Island (问 音问 ) 你能说出更多含有你能说出更多含有 字母字母f的单词吗?的单词吗? Make new sentences fatherfamily fat There are trees on the . fruit farm four In my ,my is very . 小组讨论,根据所给图片,思考含有字母小组讨论,根据所给图片,思考含有字母 f 的单词填入空格中,使句意通顺。的单词填入空格中,使句意通顺。 frogfox flower fishfly forest fordogbox Read and choose The two _ are_ .friends frogs In the_,the _ finds( (找到)找到)a _. foxforest fly forestfrogfoxflowerfishfly 3.I know the sound of the letter “f”. 我知道字母我知道字母f的发音。的发音。 Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Stop 4:第四关:第四关: Dream Stage(梦想大舞台梦想大舞台) Can you swim and can you run? Can you skate and can you jump? Oh, yes, I can. Oh, yes, I can. I can swim and I can run. I can skate and I can jump. Say a chant Can you swim and can you run? Can you skate and can you jump? Oh, yes, I can. Oh, yes, I can. I can swim and I can run. I can skate and I can jump. Learn the song Can you ? Can you ? Oh, yes, I can. Oh, yes, I can. I can . I can . Make a song 小组合作,改编歌词 ,并在小组内唱一唱。 看看哪一组最棒! Show time Shark Bait 海底大冒险 Oh, I have enough power (能量)(能量)now. Thank you ! Love sports,love life! 爱运动,爱生活爱运动,爱生活! O(_)O ! ( )1. 当你想问 他会不会游泳问 ,你可以问 : A. Can you swim? B. Can you skate? ( )2. 当你想知道问 人会做什么,你可以问 : A. What can you do? B. Can you skate? ( )3.Can Mike play table tennis? Yes, _. A. I can B. he cant C. he can ( )4.Can you play _? A. a football B .basketball C. the table tennis 检测反馈检测反馈 A B C A Homework 1. 将今天自编的英文歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听将今天自编的英文歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听 ! 2. 每天坚持做一些锻炼哦!每天坚持做一些锻炼哦!
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Unit can play basketball_Sound time Song Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:925bc) 译林版
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本文标题:Unit 4 I can play basketball-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:925bc).zip

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