Project 2 My snack bar-Part A B C ,D & E-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:d14e9).zip


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      • food and drinks
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        • banana.jpg--点击预览
        • big.jpg--点击预览
        • cake.jpg--点击预览
        • chicken.jpg--点击预览
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        • grape.jpg--点击预览
        • hamburger.jpg--点击预览
        • hot dog.jpg--点击预览
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      • 1分钟音乐.mp3
      • 1分钟音乐.wav
      • 30秒.wav
      • 30秒加闹铃.wav
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      • C.swf
      • chant1节奏.wav
      • D.swf
      • Do you like.swf
      • Doc1.doc--点击预览
      • E.swf
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      • KFC.jpg--点击预览
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      • Project 2 My snack bar 教学设计.doc--点击预览
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      • wish a Christmas.swf
      • [铃声]1流动的城市.wav
      • 半分钟音乐.wav
      • 听力材料.doc--点击预览
      • 板书.doc--点击预览
      • 歌曲《Theclothesshop》伴奏.mp3
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      • 让人听到心痛想哭的凄美哼唱 - 天空之城.mp3
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      • 钢琴轻音乐瓦妮莎的微笑30秒.wav
      • 阳光舞甜橙.mp3
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    • 教案d14e9.doc--点击预览
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My snack bar 义卖 英语专场 我们能为他们做些什么呢?我们能为他们做些什么呢? My snack bar 义卖 如何做你的snack bar 才能生意好呢? Howtohaveacharitysale Prepareenough goodsnacks. 准备足够的食品。准备足够的食品。 Puttheminthe rightplace. 把他们放在合适的位置把他们放在合适的位置 。 setareasonable price. 制定合理的价格。制定合理的价格。 Sellandbuyin English. 能用英语买卖商品。能用英语买卖商品。 food drinks food drinks black tea 红茶红茶 green tea 绿茶绿茶 I have Its/Theyre very good/nice We have Look at my ice cream, Look at my hamburgers, Theyre very cheap! And theyre very good! You can buy them all. Ha! Ha! Where are they? Tip: You can take some notes. 当听到信息量比较多的一 段话的时,可以适当地做些笔记,记下重要信息,便于回顾 。比如,这次,你就可以把食物和相应的位置连线。 - Where is/are the ? -Its/theyre in/on the -Yes, youre right. / No, its/theyre in/on the Rules: 1. 快速问答,在规定时间内说的正确且 数量多的小组获胜,不能重复哦。 2. 先讨论,音乐停马上开始。 -How much ? Guess! -Its/Theyre Its very cheap(便宜便宜). Theyre very dear(昂贵昂贵 ). 给你的商品定价给你的商品定价 -How much ? -Its/Theyre -Thats good. Its/Theyre cheap.(便宜便宜) Its/Theyre dear.(昂贵昂贵) Can you sell? 如果你是卖家,你会说什么?如果你是卖家,你会说什么? Can you buy? 如果你是顾客,你会说什么?如果你是顾客,你会说什么? -What would you like? Welcome to my snack bar. - Can I help you? -How many would you like? - Yes,please. -Id like -What about ? -Here you are. - How much ? - Thank you. -Welcome back. 欢迎再次光临。欢迎再次光临。 -Anything else ? Howtohaveacharitysell Prepareenough nicesnacks. 准备足够的食物。准备足够的食物。 Puttheminthe rightplace. 把他们放在合适的位置把他们放在合适的位置 。 setareasonable price. 制定合理的价格。制定合理的价格。 Sellandbuyin English. 能用英语买卖商品。能用英语买卖商品。 My snack bar 义卖 Tip: 1. 第一、第三组的同学做售货员,第二、第四组的同 学做顾客。 2. 整个义卖过程必须用英语交谈。 Tip: 1.第二、第四组的同学做售货员,第一、第三组的同 学做顾客。 2. 整个义卖过程必须用英语交谈。 Study English. 学习英语 。 Help others. 帮助他人 。 Enjoy ourselves. 快乐自己 。 2. 把你今天在义卖活动时和同学的对 话写下来,可以配上小插图哦! 1. 把我们义卖所得的善款捐给学校红 十字会。 Where are they? How to praise your goods. Look at my Its/They are How ! What a ! Howtohaveacharitysell Prepareenough nicesnacks. 准备足够的食物。准备足够的食物。 Puttheminthe rightplace. 把他们放在合适的位置把他们放在合适的位置 。 Setthereasonable price. 确定合理的价格。确定合理的价格。 Sellandbuy inEnglish. 能用英语买卖商品。能用英语买卖商品。 Howtohaveacharitysell Prepareenough nicesnacks. 准备足够的食物。准备足够的食物。 Puttheminthe rightplace. 把他们放在合适的位置把他们放在合适的位置 。 setareasonable price. 制定合理的价格。制定合理的价格。 Sellandbuyin English. 能用英语买卖商品。能用英语买卖商品。 Can you sell? -What would you like? Welcome to my snack bar. - Can I help you? -How many would you like? - Yes,please. -Id like -What about ? -Here you are. - How much ? 如果你是卖家,你会说什么?如果你是卖家,你会说什么? Can you buy? 如果你是顾客,你会说什么?如果你是顾客,你会说什么? - Thank you. -Welcome back. 欢迎再次光临。欢迎再次光临。 -Anything else ? food drinks fruit Rules: 1. 夸一夸你店里的零食,eg: Look at my , its red and big/ sweet /nice /great/good/yummy。 2. 每人轮流说一个,不能重复哦。在 30秒中内说的越多越好。 3. 先讨论,音乐停马上开始。 Look at my , its/theyre Project 2 My snack bar 教学设计教学设计 教学内容教学内容 译林版牛津小学英语4A Project 2 My snack bar 第二课时 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写食品类单词: rice, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of juice, a glass of milk,能听、说、读食品类单词:humburger, sandwich, noodles,并且能整理前两册书上学过的食品类词汇。 2. 能熟练运用交际用语:Can I help you? Yes, please. What would you like? What about ? Id like ? Would you like ? Yes, please. No, thanks. Where ? Its/Theyre in/on How much ? Its/Theyre yuan. 3. 能在义卖活动中熟练正确运用以上词汇和交际用语,并能尽可能多地结 合使用相关的交际用语。 4. 能在活动中享受到学习英语、帮助他人、愉悦自我的快乐。 教学理念教学理念 任务型的教学方式有利于实现学生在情境中有效使用英语;游戏竞赛有效 激发学生的学习热情;创设真实的义卖情境,鼓励学生使用买卖相关的交际用 语。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Before class. Enjoy the song ,Say the rhyme ( 在轻松的歌声中复现学过的食品类词汇和交际用语) 2. 创设情境,圣诞节来临了,我们很开心,但是还有很多生活困难急需帮 助的同龄人,我们通过开展义卖活动来帮助他们。 (为整堂课的教学创 设一个有意义的活动情境) T: Christmas is coming. Are you happy? Yes, we are very happy. But look at them, they are so poor, would you like to help them? S: Yes. T: Great. Today We are going to have a charity sale with “ My snack bar”. OK? S: Yes. T: Lets Enjoy some snack bars, then talk about how to have a charity sale. 3. How to have a charity sale.(怎么做才能有效义卖呢?) a.Prepare enough nice food.(食物充足) b. Put them in the right place. (位置放置合理) c.Reasonable price for the goods.(合理定价) d. Sell and buy in English.(买卖时使用英语,落实到学科技能目标) Step 2 Presentation and practice Task 1 Prepare enough nice food. 1. T: Boys and girls, lets prepare enough nice snacks for the charity sell. What kinds of snacks do you have in your snack bar? S: We have food, drinks . T: Look, I have a cake in my snack bar. Its sweet and nice. What about you? S: I have Its/Theyre T: I have some drinks in my snack bar,too. Look, I have a glass of orange juice. Its nice and sweet. What do you have? S: I have Its 2. T: Now, Id like to show you them. 介绍 black tea & green tea 3. T: So, we have so many nice snacks, lets read together. 读一读书上 A 部分 的食品类单词和词组。 4. Now, lets sing a song about our snacks. OK? a. Sing a song.(T 示范) b. Sing together. c. 创编歌曲。 (设计理念:在展示商品这个情景中复习所有学过的食品类单词) Task 2 Put them in the right place. 1. 过渡。T: Good job. You have so nice snacks. But where are they? Please look at my snack bar. Please listen and put them in the right place. 2. 听录音连线。 Tips: 当听到信息量比较多的一段话的时,可以适当地做些笔记,记下重要 信息,便于回顾。比如,这次,你就可以把食物和相应的位置连线 3. Check the answer. 板书:Where is/are ? Its/Theyre 4. 猜一猜零食的摆放位置。练习 Where is/are ? Its/Theyre T: Where are your sancks in your snack bar? Please take out your snack bars. This is xxs snack bar? Where is/are the ? Guess. S1: Its/Theyre T: Yes, youre right. / No, its/theyre 5. Have a PK. Rules: 1. 快速问答,在规定时间内说的正确且数量多的小组获胜,不能重复。 2. 先讨论,音乐停马上开始。 (设计理念:在摆放商品过程中复习、使用句型:Where is/are Its/They re in/on/under ) Task 3 Reasonable price for the goods. 1. 过渡。T: Well done. Now, the snacks are in the right place. But how much are they? Lets set the right price. 2. 引出句型:How much ? Its/Theyre yuan. Its/They very cheap/dear. T: Look at my snack bar. Pleas guess, How much is the pie? S1: Its S2: Its T: Look its only one yuan. Its very cheap, but its very nice. 教 cheap 便宜 T: How much are the oranges? S1: Theyre S2: Theyre T: Look theyre 20 yuan. Theyre very dear. 教 dear 昂贵 3. 操练句型 How much ? Its/Theyre yuan. Its/They very cheap/dear. T: Now lets set the right price for your snacks. 学生相互商定自己手里零食的价格。 (设计理念:在给自己食物定价过程中,使用语言:How much ?及回答。 同时要综合考虑这个价格是否合理。 ) Task 4 Sell and buy in English. 1. 过渡。Now, lets have a rest. Lets say the chant. 2. T: Wonderful! But can you sell and buy snacks in English? 3. If you are the seller, what can you say? Ss: 小结: a. Greetings. b. Can I help you? What would you like? Would you like ? What about ? Theyre very cheap and theyre very nice. Here you are. c. Goodbye. Welcome back. 3. If you are the Customer, what can you say? Id like How much ? Its very nice but its very dear. Thank you. Goodbye. (设计理念:通过引导学生自己来总结概括购物所要用到的基本交际用语, 以此自主构建知识框架体系。同时引导学生结合生活实际,知道如何做到文明 购物,使用礼貌用语。 ) Step 3 Consoldation and production 1. 示范 T: Excellent. Now lets have a try. Come to my snack bar, please. Who will be the volunteer. T: Welcome to my snack bar. Now, Im the seller.(贴上营业员标准) Can I help you? S1: Yes, please. Id like T: Look at the Theyre nice and cheap. S1: How much ? T: only yuan. S1: Here you are. T: Thank you. Welcome again. 2. T: Now, you can have a try. 第一、三组的同学带上营业员标志,第二、 四组的同学作为顾客开始义卖活动。 3. 第二、四组的同学带上营业员标志,第一、三组的同学作为顾客开始义 卖活动。 4. 小结。T: Now, how much do you have? 5. Its time to make a donation for the red cross. 同学们把义卖所得的钱放进爱心箱,捐给红十字会。合影留念。 6. T: Boys and girls, are you happy today? Ss: Yes. T & Ss: We study English, help others and enjoy ourselves. (设计理念:在最后一个环节,学生进行现场买卖,并把交易所得放进爱 心箱。最后大家合影留念。在这样的活动实现了英语知识的交际功能,学以致 用;而且学生在捐款这样活动中体验到了助人为乐的成就感。 ) Homework(作业课外延伸)(作业课外延伸) 1. 学生代表统计捐款数量交到会计室,放进学校红十字会。 2. 把你今天在义卖活动时和同学的对话写下来,可以配上小插图哦! (设计理念:学生是活动的主体,学生在活动中真切体会到做了实实在在 的好事。同时开放性的作业,避免了传统作业机械性的弊端,通过写一写,画 一画,使英语学科和美术相结合,同时也可以发挥学生的绘画特长,让学生感 觉到学习英语是有用的,是快乐的。 ) 板书设计板书设计 My snack bar Can I help you? Yes, please. cheap 便宜 What would you like? Id like What about you? Yes, please / No, thank you. dear 昂贵 Theyte very nice and theyre very cheap. Welcome back. My snack bar 义卖 英语专场 石塘湾中心小学 2015年12月16日 我们能为他们做些什么呢?我们能为他们做些什么呢? My snack bar 义卖 如何做你的snack bar 才能生意好呢? Howtohaveacharity sale Prepare enoughgood snacks. 准备足够的食品。准备足够的食品。 Putthemin theright place. 把他们放在合适的位把他们放在合适的位 置。置。 setareasonabl eprice. 制定合理的价格。制定合理的价格。 Sellandbuyin English. 能用英语买卖商品。能用英语买卖商品。 food drinks food drinks black tea 红茶红茶 green tea 绿茶绿茶 I have Its/Theyre very good/nice We have Look at my ice cream, Look at my hamburgers, Theyre very cheap! And theyre very good! You can buy them all. Ha! Ha! Where are they? Tip: You can take some notes. 当听到信息量比较多的一 段话的时,可以适当地做些笔记,记下重要信息,便于回顾。 比如,这次,你就可以把食物和相应的位置连线。 - Where is/are the ? -Its/theyre in/on the -Yes, youre right. / No, its/theyre in/on the Rules: 1. 快速问答,在规定时间内说的正确且 数量多的小组获胜,不能重复哦。 2. 先讨论,音乐停马上开始。 -How much ? Guess! -Its/Theyre Its very cheap(便宜便宜). Theyre very dear(昂贵昂贵). 给你的商品定价给你的商品定价 -How much ? -Its/Theyre -Thats good. Its/Theyre cheap.(便宜便宜) Its/Theyre dear.(昂贵昂贵) Can you sell? 如果你是卖家,你会说什么?如果你是卖家,你会说什么? Can you buy? 如果你是顾客,你会说什么?如果你是顾客,你会说什么? -What would you like? Welcome to my snack bar. - Can I help you? -How many would you like? - Yes,please. -Id like -What about ? -Here you are. - How much ? - Thank you. -Welcome back. 欢迎再次光临。欢迎再次光临。 -Anything else ? Howtohaveacharity sell Prepare enoughnice snacks. 准备足够的食物。准备足够的食物。 Putthemin theright place. 把他们放在合适的位把他们放在合适的位 置。置。 setareasonabl eprice. 制定合理的价格。制定合理的价格。 Sellandbuyin English. 能用英语买卖商品。能用英语买卖商品。 My snack bar 义卖 Tip: 1. 第一、第三组的同学做售货员,第二、第四组的同 学做顾客。 2. 整个义卖过程必须用英语交谈。 Tip: 1.第二、第四组的同学做售货员,第一、第三组的同 学做顾客。 2. 整个义卖过程必须用英语交谈。 Study English. 学习英语。 Help others. 帮助他人。 Enjoy ourselves. 快乐自己。 2. 把你今天在义卖活动时和同学的对 话写下来,可以配上小插图哦! 1. 把我们义卖所得的善款捐给学校红 十字会。 Where are they? How to praise your goods. Look at my Its/They are How ! What a ! Howtohaveacharity sell Prepare enoughnice snacks. 准备足够的食物。准备足够的食物。 Putthemin theright place. 把他们放在合适的位把他们放在合适的位 置。置。 Setthe reasonableprice. 确定合理的价格。确定合理的价格。 Selland buyin English. 能用英语买卖商能用英语买卖商 品。品。 Howtohaveacharity sell Prepare enoughnice snacks. 准备足够的食物。准备足够的食物。 Putthemin theright place. 把他们放在合适的位把他们放在合适的位 置。置。 setareasonabl eprice. 制定合理的价格。制定合理的价格。 Sellandbuyin English. 能用英语买卖商品。能用英语买卖商品。 Can you sell? -What would you like? Welcome to my snack bar. - Can I help you? -How many would you like? - Yes,please. -Id like -What about ? -Here you are. - How much ? 如果你是卖家,你会说什么?如果你是卖家,你会说什么? Can you buy? 如果你是顾客,你会说什么?如果你是顾客,你会说什么? - Thank you. -Welcome back. 欢迎再次光临。欢迎再次光临。 -Anything else ? food drinks fruit Rules: 1. 夸一夸你店里的零食,eg: Look at my , its red and big/ sweet /nice /great/good/yummy。 2. 每人轮流说一个,不能重复哦。在 30秒中内说的越多越好。 3. 先讨论,音乐停马上开始。 Look at my , its/theyre Project 2 My snack bar 教学设计教学设计 石塘湾中心小学 秦芳芳 教学内容教学内容 译林版牛津小学英语4A Project 2 My snack bar 第二课时 教学目标教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写食品类单词: rice, a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, a glass of juice, a glass of milk,能听、说、读食品类单词:humburger, sandwich, noodles,并且能整理前两册书上学过的食品类词汇。 2. 能熟练运用交际用语:Can I help you? Yes, please. What would you like? What about ? Id like ? Would you like ? Yes, please. No, thanks. Where ? Its/Theyre in/on How much ? Its/Theyre yuan. 3. 能在义卖活动中熟练正确运用以上词汇和交际用语,并能尽可能多地结 合使用相关的交际用语。 4. 能在活动中享受到学习英语、帮助他人、愉悦自我的快乐。 教学理念教学理念 任务型教学帮助学生在情境中有效使用英语;游戏竞赛有效激发学生的学 习热情;创设真实的义卖情境,鼓励学生使用买卖相关的英语知识。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Before class. Enjoy the song ,Say the rhyme ( 在轻松的歌声中复现学过的食品类词汇和交际用语) 2. 创设情境,圣诞节来临了,我们很开心,但是还有很多生活困难急需帮 助的同龄人,我们通过开展义卖活动来帮助他们。 T: Christmas is coming. Are you happy? Yes, we are very happy. But look at them, they are so poor, would you like to help them? S: Yes. T: Great. Today We are going to have a charity sale with “ My snack bar”. OK? S: Yes. T: Lets Enjoy some snack bars, then talk about how to have a charity sale. 3. How to have a charity sale. a.Prepare enough nice food. b. Put them in the right place. c.Reasonable price for the goods. d. Sell and buy in English. Step 2 Presentation and practice Task 1 Prepare enough nice food. 1. T: Boys and girls, lets prepare enough nice snacks for the charity sell. What kinds of snacks do you have in your snack bar? S: We have food, drinks . T: Look, I have a cake in my snack bar. Its sweet and nice. What about you? S: I have Its/Theyre T: I have some drinks in my snack bar,too. Look, I have a glass of orange juice. Its nice and sweet. What do you have? S: I have Its 2. T: Now, Id like to show you them. 介绍 black tea & green tea 3. T: So, we have so many nice snacks, lets read together. 读一读书上 A 部分 的食品类单词和词组。 4. Now, lets sing a song about our snacks. OK? a. Sing a song.(T 示范) b. Sing together. c. 创编歌曲。 Task 2 Put them in the right place. 1. 过渡。T: Good job. You have so nice snacks. But where are they? Please look at my snack bar. Please listen and put them in the right place. 2. 听录音连线。 Tips: 当听到信息量比较多的一段话的时,可以适当地做些笔记,记下重要 信息,便于回顾。比如,这次,你就可以把食物和相应的位置连线 3. Check the answer. 板书:Where is/are ? Its/Theyre 4. 猜一猜零食的摆放位置。练习 Where is/are ? Its/Theyre T: Where are your sancks in your snack bar? Please take out your snack bars. This is xxs snack bar? Where is/are the ? Guess. S1: Its/Theyre T: Yes, youre right. / No, its/theyre 5. Have a PK. Rules: 1. 快速问答,在规定时间内说的正确且数量多的小组获胜,不能重复。 2. 先讨论,音乐停马上开始。 Task 3 Put them in the right place. 1. 过渡。T: Well done. Now, the snacks are in the right place. But how much are they? Lets set the right price. 2. 引出句型:How much ? Its/Theyre yuan. Its/They very cheap/dear. T: Look at my snack bar. Pleas guess, How much is the pie? S1: Its S2: Its T: Look its only one yuan. Its very cheap, but its very nice. 教 cheap 便宜 T: How much are the oranges? S1: Theyre S2: Theyre T: Look theyre 20 yuan. Theyre very dear. 教 dear 昂贵 3. 操练句型 How much ? Its/Theyre yuan. Its/They very cheap/dear. T: Now lets set the right price for your snacks. 学生相互商定自己手里零食的价格。 Task 4 Sell and buy in English. 1. 过渡。Now, lets have a rest. Lets say the chant. 2. T: Wonderful! But can you sell and buy snacks in English? 3. If you are the seller, what can you say? Ss: 小结: a. Greetings. b. Can I help you? What would you like? Would you like ? What about ? Theyre very cheap and theyre very nice. Here you are. c. Goodbye. Welcome back. 3. If you are the Customer, what can you say? a. Greetings. b. Id like How much ? Its very nice but its very dear. Thank you. c. Goodbye. Step 3 Consoldation and production 1. 示范 T: Excellent. Now lets have a try. Come to my snack bar, please. Who will be the volunteer. T: Welcome to my snack bar. Now, Im the seller.(贴上营业员标准) Can I help you? S1: Yes, please. Id like T: Look at the Theyre nice and cheap. S1: How much ? T: only yuan. S1: Here you are. T: Thank you. Welcome again. 2. T: Now, you can have a try. 第一、三组的同学带上营业员标志,第二、 四组的同学作为顾客开始义卖活动。 3. 第二、四组的同学带上营业员标志,第一、三组的同学作为顾客开始义 卖活动。 4. 小结。T: Now, how much do you have? 5. Its time to make a donation for the red cross. 同学们把义卖所得的钱放进爱心箱,捐给红十字会。 6. T: Boys and girls, are you happy today? Ss: Yes. T & Ss: We study English, help others and enjoy ourselves. Homework 1. 把我们义卖所得的善款捐给学校红十字会钱校长处。 2. 把你今天在义卖活动时和同学的对话写下来,可以配上小插图哦! 板书设计板书设计 My snack bar Can I help you? Yes, please. cheap 便宜 What would you like? Id like What about you? Yes, please / No, thank you. dear 昂贵 Theyte very nice and theyre very cheap. Welcome back. At the snack bar A: Look, this is my snack bar. B: How nice! Im hungry. Id like a pie. Where is it? A: Its in the fridge. You can open the fridge and have a look. B: Thank you. Wow, there are some cakes in the fridge too. A: Yes, they are
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Project My snack bar_Part A, B, D E_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:d14e9) 译林版 四年级 上册 英语 project
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