北京版六年级上册UNIT SEVEN WHAT ARE THE TWELVE ANIMALS -Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:801ee).zip


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UNIT SEVEN WHAT ARE THE TWELVE ANIMALS? Lesson 25 京版英语六上京版英语六上 Watch and say Are they talking about Chinese zodiac? Q1:Whats Linglings favorite animal and what is she like? Q2:What animal does grandma like best and what is she like? Q3:Whats Mikes birth-year animal and what is he like? Q1:Whats Linglings favorite animal and what is she like? Talk in pairs. Q2:What animal does grandma like best and what is she like? Q3:Whats Mikes birth-year animal and what is he like? Grandma likes the dog best. = Grandma likes dogs best. I like monkeys best. = I like the monkey best. What a surprise! Thank you. What is it? Hi, Lingling! I have a New Year gift for you. Listen and repeat! Yes, I was. My favorite animal is the tiger. I collect the birth- year animal stamps. Ill show them to you. Look! Its a tiger-year stamp! I got it in Canada. I know you were born in the year of the tiger. What is your birth- year animal, Mike? Great! My grandma also collects the birth-year animal stamps. She likes the dog best. She is as caring as a dog. Im as brave as a tiger. Im an ox. I work as hard as an ox. Read by yourselves! Questions : 1.Mike got the tiger-year stamp from his grandma. A. Im sure. B. Im not sure. 2. Grandma was born in the year of the dog. A. Im sure. B. Im not sure. 3. Mike likes collecting birth-year animal stamps. A. Im sure. B. Im not sure. 4. Both Lingling and grandma collect birth- year animal stamps. A. Im sure. B. Im not sure. Read in roles! Whats the first birth-year animal stamp in China? Whats the first birth-year animal stamp in China? A.B. C. D. Listen and match. strongcaringfriendlysmart Toms family tree fathermother Tomsisterbrother PeterJackdaughter nephew nephew is my best friend. likes the best. are . is as as a . Iris She rabbitRabbits Shefriendlyrabbit friendly Talk about your friends. 1. My brother could lift the heavy box. Hes as strong as an 2. Im hungry. I could eat a 3. I work 10 hours every day. Im as busy as a 4. I cant go to work today. Im as sick as a Listen and write. ox horse bee dog 1. as strong as an ox 3. as busy as a bee 4. as sick as a dog Simile(明喻)(明喻) 2. eat a horse Exaggeration(夸张)(夸张) I can smell a rat. 感到可疑感到可疑 Its raining cats and dogs. 倾盆大雨倾盆大雨 Exaggeration(夸张)(夸张) Homework: 1. Look up the phrases of the twelve animals. 2. Write about your friends. 1 北京版北京版英语英语 (一年级起点)六年级上册(一年级起点)六年级上册 Unit 7 Lesson 25 the Birth-year Animal Stamps 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容一、教学内容 本节课的教学内容是北京版英语 (一年级起点)六年级上册 Unit 7 Lesson 25 the Birth-year Animal Stamps。教材文本如下: 本课主要内容是 Mike 和 Lingling 谈论生肖邮票、各自的生肖以及奶奶最喜爱的动 物的性格特征。通过本课学习,学生能够在谈论生肖邮票的情景中描述最喜爱的动物 及其性格特征。同时,学生能够从多角度谈论生肖文化,并且很好地理解、欣赏和弘 扬中华优秀的传统文化。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本节课的授课对象是小学六年级学生,他们已经具备了一定的英语语言基础和听 2 说读写能力,大多数学生对英语学习充满热情,喜欢使用英语进行交流,拥有小组合 作学习意识。 虽然生肖文化是本套教材中首次谈论的话题,但是学生在之前的五年英语学习过 程中学过一些动物名称、谈论过最喜爱的动物。学生已有的知识储备如下: 在京版二上第四、五单元学习了一些动物的英文名称,如:rat, tiger, rabbit 等。在 京版三下第三单元学习了句型 Whats your favorite food / drink? 及其答语 I like best. 在京版四下第一单元又一次运用句型 I like country music best. / Saras favorite music is jazz. / Yangyang likes pop songs best.等谈论最喜爱的音乐。在京版五上第一单元再一次 运用句型 My favorite subject is / I like best.来谈论最喜爱的课程。之后又在第六单 元运用句型 My favorite sport is 来谈论最喜爱的运动。这些知识储备为学生学习本课 重点句型 His / Her favorite animal is the . He / She likes best.奠定了基础。 本课的另一个重点句型是 He / She is as as a 。学生在之前的学习中已经掌握 了一些描述生肖动物的形容词,如:brave, smart, cute 等。但是如何运用句式 as as 准确描述人物外貌及性格特征对于学生来说是一个难点。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、语言能力 (1)能掌握四会单词:stamp, collect, show, ox (2)能听懂、认读并理解单词:caring, nephew (3)能听懂、认读并理解句型:His / Her favorite animal is the He / She likes the best. He / She is as as a(an) (4)能在真实语境中谈论自己及他人喜爱的生肖并表述原因。 2、文化品格 能了解和学习另一种文化:生肖邮票。通过学习逐渐培养学生热爱中国传统文化, 并能够向外国友人介绍中国生肖邮票文化。同时,在谈论动物的一些正面的特质特征 时有意渗透德育教育,宣扬正确的人生观和价值观。 3、思维品质 能用英语进行理解和表达,在学习过程中培养学生的判断和推理能力。 4、学习能力 能积极运用所学语言进行自主表达,并在与同伴的交流、合作中共同完成学习任 3 务。 四、四、教学重难点教学重难点 1、教学重点 (1)能够正确认读、理解和运用句型:His / Her favorite animal is the . He / She likes best. He / She is as as a(n) (2)能够听懂、认读并理解本课对话,能够正确朗读。 2、教学难点 能够在真实语境中谈论自己及他人最喜欢的生肖并表述原因。 五、五、教学准备教学准备 教材、图片、板条、词卡、幸运签、多媒体课件、视频、音频、学案 六、六、教学过程教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1. Watch and say T: First, lets watch a video about Chinese zodiac and say them out. (Stick the pictures of Chinese zodiac on the blackboard.) Ss: Rat, Ox, Tiger 【设计意图】 激活旧知,活跃课堂气氛。 Step 2: Free talk T: Look! They are Chinese zodiac. How often does each animal come around? Ss: Every twelve years. T: Why did we Chinese name the years after twelve animals? S1: Because the Jade Emperor held a swimming race to choose animals for the names of the years. T: Who starts the circle? Ss: The rat starts the circle. T: Which animal was the fifth of the twelve? Ss: It was the dragon. T: Which animal was the seventh of the twelve? 4 Ss: It was the horse. T: Now Id like to know your birth-year animals. Whats your birth-year animal and do you like it? S1: My birth-year animal is the rooster. T: Do you like it? S1: Yes, I do. T: Why do you like it? S1: Because I think the rooster works very hard. T: Yes. You know the rooster gets up very early and tells time for people on time. So it works very hard, right? (板书 hard)And I hope you can work as hard as a rooster. Ok? S1: OK! T: How about others? Whats your birth-year animal? S2: My birth-year animal is the monkey. T: Do you like it? S2: Yes, I do. T: What do you think of it? S2: I think its very clever. T: Yes. (板书 clever)Anyone else? S3: My birth-year animal is the monkey. T: Do you like it? S3: No, I dont. T: Then whats your favorite animal? S3: I like the dog best. T: Why do you like it? S3: I think its very loyal. T: Yes, I agree with you. The dog is very loyal.(板书 loyal)What about others? S4: 【设计意图】 通过师生互动、自由交谈再一次激活旧知。 Step 2: Presentation 5 1. Watch the dialogue for the first time and summarize the general idea. T: Look at the picture! Are they talking about Chinese zodiac? Lets watch the dialogue. Ss: Watch the dialogue. T: Are they talking about Chinese zodiac? Ss: No. T: Then what are they talking about? S1: They are talking about the birth-year animal stamps. T: Yes. They are talking about the birth-year animal stamps. (Stick the title on the blackboard.) 【设计意图】 学生通过第一次观看对话视频提炼对话主题并呈现板书。 2. Deal with some details in the dialogue. T: Look! Whats in Mikes hand? Ss: A stamp. T: Whose stamp is it? Ss: Its Mikes. T: Does Mike want to give it to Lingling? Ss: Yes, he does. T: Why does Mike want to give it to Lingling? Lets listen to a mini-talk. Ss: Listen to a mini-talk. T: Why does Mike want to give it to Lingling? S1: Maybe Mike knows Lingling likes collecting stamps. T: Maybe! And what else? S2: Mike wants to give a New Year gift to Lingling. T: Right! And how does Lingling feel? Is she happy? Ss: Yes, she is. T: What does Lingling say? S1: Lingling says What a surprise! T: Yes! Lets listen! Ss Read it together. 6 T: Can you imitate? S1: What a surprise! S2: What a surprise! S3: What a surprise! S4: T: If I were Lingling, I would say what a big surprise! If you were Lingling, what would you say? S1: Wow! Thats great! S2: Oh! Wonderful! S3: Its such a big surprise! S4: T: See! What stamp is it? Ss: Its a tiger year stamp. T: Why does Mike want to give a tiger year stamp to Lingling? S1: Because Mike knows Lingling was born in the year of the tiger. T: And where did Mike get the stamp? Ss: He got it in Canada. 【设计意图】 引导学生观察对话主题图,深入挖掘文本信息,理解并掌握对话细节,培养学生 的思维品质,训练他们的语言表达能力。 3. Ss watch the dialogue again, then talk about some questions in pairs, and then the teacher present the blackboard design. T: Lets watch the dialogue again. Before watching, here are some questions for you. (见图 1)Please read them together. 图 1 7 Ss: Read the questions together and then watch the dialogue again. T: For this time, please open your books and turn to P54, now talk in pairs. Ss: Talk about the questions in pairs. T: Whats Linglings favorite animal? S1: Her favorite animal is the tiger. T: Yes. Lingling says her favorite animal is the tiger. (板书 Her favorite animal is the ) T: What is Lingling like? S2: She is as brave as a tiger. T: You know the tiger is very brave.(板书 brave)So Lingling says she is as brave as a tiger.(板书 She is as as a ) T: How about grandma? What animal does grandma like best? S3: She likes the dog best. T: Yes. Mike says she likes the dog best.(板书 She likes the best.) T: See! Grandma likes the dog best. It means grandma likes dogs best. For me, I like monkeys best. But today I can also say I like the monkey best. T: What is grandma like? S4: She is as caring as a dog. T: Yes. You know the dog is very caring.(板书 caring)So Mikes says grandma is as caring as a dog. T: What does caring mean? Ss: Say out the Chinese meaning. T: Yes. It refers to give a loving feeling to others. Lets read it together. Ss: Read caring in different ways. T: Look at the mother, the nurse and the children, what do you think of them?(见图 2) 8 图 2 Ss: They are very caring. T: Yes. And whats Mikes birth-year animal? S5: His birth-tear animal is the ox. T: Yes. And what is he like? S6: He works as hard as an ox. T: Yes. You know the ox works very hard.(板书 hard) So Mike says he works as hard as an ox. 【设计意图】 放手学生,引导他们通过小组合作的学习方式讨论、提炼并汇报问题答案,同时 在板书上呈现本课核心句型及词汇。 4. Add His and He to the blackboard design. T: Now we know Lingling and grandmas favorite animals, right? How about yours? Whats your favorite animal and what are you like? S1 (a boy): My favorite animal is the dragon. T: What are you like? S1: Im as energetic as a dragon. T: Good! Boys and girls, whats his favorite animal? Ss: His favorite animal is the dragon. T: Yes. His favorite animal is the dragon.(板书 His)And we can also say He likes the dragon best.(板书 He) T: And what is he like? Ss: He is as energetic as a dragon. T: Yes. He is as energetic as a dragon.(板书 He 和 energetic) T: How about others? S2 (a girl): My favorite animal is the dog. T: What are you like? S2: Im as honest as a dog. T: Good! Boys and girls, whats her favorite animal? 9 Ss: Her favorite animal is the dog. T: And we can also say she likes the dog best. T: Then what is she like? Ss: She is as honest as a dog. (板书 honest) 【设计意图】 通过师生互动进一步补充和完善板书。 Step 3: Practice 1. Listen and repeat. Ss listen and repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence. 【设计意图】 通过跟读培养学生正确的语音、语调,进而内化语言。 2. Read by yourselves. T: Open your books and turn to page 54, please read the dialogue by yourselves. Ss read the dialogue by themselves. 【设计意图】 培养学生有语气朗读对话的能力,同时再一次内化语言。 3. Talk about some questions according to the dialogue. T: Here are some questions for you. Lets talk about them.(见图 3) 图 3 Ss: First read the questions together, then make judgments, and then give reasons. T: Please read the first one. Ss: Mike got the tiger-year stamp from his grandma. T: Are you sure? 10 Ss: Im not sure. T: Why? S1: Because in the dialogue we just know Mike got the tiger year stamp in Canada. But the dialogue doesnt say Mike got the tiger-year stamp from his grandma. T: How about the second one? Read it, please! 【设计意图】 通过问题设置考察学生对文本的理解程度,这是对文本学习的反馈。在此,教师 又一次培养了学生的思维品质,即“用英语思维”的能力,关注了对学生思维逻辑性、 批判性以及创新性的训练,同时发展了他们的语言能力。 4. Ss read the dialogue in roles and then show their work. T: Please read this dialogue in roles. Ss read this dialogue in roles and then show their work. 【设计意图】 学生小组合作分角色朗读对话并进行小组展示,培养了他们小组合作意识,同时 又一次内化语言。在小组展示之前使用幸运签来决定谁来展示,这一做法激发了学生 学习的积极性,促进全员参与,让每名学生的参与机会均等,促进了教学公平。 Step 4: Production 1. Culture link T: In the dialogue, both Lingling and grandma collect birth-year animal stamps. Why do they collect them? S1: Because they like Chinese zodiac. T: Maybe! Any other ideas? S2: Because they think the birth-year animal stamps are very interesting. T: Perhaps! Any more? S3: Because they think the birth-year animal stamps are beautiful. T: Probably! Now lets watch a video about the birth-year animal stamps. Before watching, here is a question for you. Lets read it together. Ss read the question Whats the first birth-year animal stamp in China? T: Now lets enjoy the video. 11 Ss: Enjoy the video about the birth-year animal stamps. T: Whats the first birth-year animal stamp in China? Ss: The monkey year stamp. 【设计意图】 学生观看教师自制的生肖邮票文化的视频,在此关注了对学生文化品格的培养, 增加了知识,拓展了视野。同时,通过观看视频,引导学生热爱中国文化,并能够向 外国友人介绍中国生肖邮票文化。 2. Listen and match. T: Today lets meet a new friend, Tom. You know Toms family members like the animals very much. Now take out your worksheet, (见图 4)lets listen and match. 图 4 Ss do the task. T: Check the answers. S1: Grandma likes the dog best. She is as caring as a dog. S2: Grandpa likes the horse best. He is as strong as a horse. T: 板书 strong S3: His nephew likes the monkey best. He is as smart as a monkey. T: 板书 smart T: Explain the word nephew according to Toms family tree.(见图 5) 12 图 5 S4: His daughter likes the rabbit best. She is as friendly as a rabbit. T: 板书 friendly 【设计意图】 学生通过听力练习操练本课核心句型 likes the best. / is as as a ,同时不 断补充和完善板书。 3. Talk about your friends. T: Many people like the animals very much, so does my best friend. Now Id like to introduce my best friend to you.(见图 6) 图 6 T: Iris is my best friend. She likes the rabbit best. Rabbits are friendly. She is as friendly as a rabbit. This is my best friend. How about yours? Please talk in pairs. Ss: Talk about their friends in pairs and then show their work.(见图 7) 图 7 【设计意图】 学生两人一组运用学案上教师提供的语言框架并参考范例谈论朋友,再一次操练 本课核心句型 likes the best. / is as as a ,同时不断补充和完善板书。 4. Listen and write. 13 T: Actually, there are many phrases about animals in our daily life. Lets listen and write.(见图 8) 图 8 Ss do the task. T: Check the answers. S1: 1. My brother could lift the heavy box. Hes as strong as an ox. T: 板书 strong S2: 2. Im hungry. I could eat a horse. S3: 3. I work 10 hours every day. Im as busy as a bee. S4: 4. I cant go to work today. Im as sick as a dog. T: Among these sentences, which one is different? Ss: Sentence 2. T: Good! You know in sentence 1, 3, 4 we use simile, but in sentence 2 we use exaggeration. And here are some other examples like sentence 2, lets have a look. T: Teach the following phrases. I can smell a rat. Its raining cats and dogs. Ss: Learn the new phrases. T: And there are still many, if youre interested, you can look up by yourselves after class. 【设计意图】 学生通过听力练习学习了更多有关动物的短语,并复习、巩固了 as as 的用法, 同时教师为学生渗透了明喻及夸张两种修辞手法。 14 Step 5: Ending Homework: 1. Look up the phrases of the twelve animals. 2. Write about your friends. 【设计意图】 收集有关十二生肖的习语,这是对有限的课内学习资源的补充,拓展了学生的视 野,帮助他们养成自主学习的良好习惯。同时,将课上谈论朋友这一环节落实到书面, 旨在培养六年级学生写作能力,将语言学习迁移到真实生活中,到达语言学习的学以 致用。 板书设计:板书设计: 七、七、教学反思教学反思 1、注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力。 现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中 接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。在教学中,我尽可能多 地为学生创设在真实语境中运用语言的机会,学生通过接触、理解、操练、运用语言 等环节内化语言。通过学习,他们能够用英语做事情,能够表达简单的个人观点和感 受,从而提升了综合语言运用能力。 2、培养学生的文化品格,引导他们热爱中华传统文化,树立正确的价值取向。 语言与文化是密切相关的。2016 年中国学生发展核心素养(征求意见稿) 明确 指出国家认同是学生应具有的九大核心素养之一,它包括文化自信。重点是理解、欣 赏、弘扬中华优秀传统文化。在教学中,我结合本课教学内容,引导学生关注语言和 15 语用中的文化因素。学生通过观看教师自制的生肖邮票视频了解生肖邮票文化,引导 学生热爱中华传统文化,并能够向外国友人介绍中国生肖邮票文化。同时,教育的根 本任务是立德树人,为了实现这一目标, 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)也明确 英语学科具有工具性和人文性双重性质,英语不仅是语言交际和思维发展的工具,还 是促进学生心智发展的工具。因此,在谈论动物的一些正面特质特征时我有意渗透德 育教育,宣扬正确的人生观和价值观。 3、设计多样的教学活动,关注学生思维发展,提升学生思维品质。 语言与思维的关系十分密切,学习和使用语言要借助思维。同时,学习和使用语 言又能够进一步促进思维的发展。因此,在教学中,我
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北京版六年级上册UNIT SEVEN WHAT ARE THE TWELVE ANIMALS _Lesson 25_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_(编号:801ee) 北京 一起 一块儿 六年级
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本文标题:北京版六年级上册UNIT SEVEN WHAT ARE THE TWELVE ANIMALS -Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:801ee).zip

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