北京版六年级上册UNIT EIGHT REVISION-Lesson 28-Do you understandCan you talkCan you write-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:404fb).zip


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1 教学基本信息 课题Great Dads 学科英语学段: 高段年级六年级 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者穆寅跃朝阳区石佛营小学18610209285 实施者穆寅跃朝阳区石佛营小学18610209285 指导者李大生潮阳区教研中心 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准中指出:英语课程要力求合理利用和积极开发课程资源,给学生 提供贴近学生实际、贴近生活、贴近时代的内容健康和丰富的课程资源;要积极利用 音像、电视、书刊杂志、网络信息等丰富的教学资源,拓展学习和运用英语的渠道; 积极鼓励和支持学生主动参与课程资源的开发和利用。 基于上述理论,本课教学内容选取阅读题材为双语杂志2015 年 9 月期:伟大 的父亲、2015 年 10 月期:伟大的父亲(二) 。教师根据学生阅读现有水平将两篇文章 合理整合为本课阅读材料。在教学中充分利用视频展示帮助学生理解文章重难点。利 用 PPT 呈现图片、表格等内容辅助学生完成本课学习。 教学背景分析 2 教学内容: 本课是小学六年级阅读课。文章分别介绍了.Emperor Penguin (帝企鹅)、 Monkey、Sand grouse(沙鸡) 、Sea horse、Wolf、Siamese fighting fish(暹罗斗 鱼)六种动物爸爸们育儿的感人故事。文中通过动词词组 bear the cold winds、keep the egg on his feet等对育儿故事进行具体描述。 学生情况: 六年级学生在小学阶段经常接触到动物为题材的阅读材料或授课内容。学过 carry、keep、protect 等动词。在六年的学习中具备了一定的阅读策略和阅读技巧。 在三年级下学习过父亲节相关内容,能就父亲为孩子做了什么这一话题展开简单的讨 论和表达。 本课授课对象为某校六年级学生,共 28 名学生。英语基础较好,乐于阅读、分享 和表达,情感丰富,有一定的思维判断和辨析能力。但是由于年龄限制,学生更喜欢 形象、生动的形式进行学习。 基于以上学情,我在本课中选择了较多的视频欣赏、图片欣赏等教学手段。同时 配以生动形象的阅读材料和板书。这些激发了学生学习兴趣,促进学生理解。起到了 良好的效果。 教学方式:情境教学法、合作学习法、任务型教学法。 教学手段:多媒体手段 技术准备:帝企鹅视频;感恩父母视频;有关动物名称的图片;动词词组的单词卡; 课件。 教学目标 教学目标: (一)知识技能与过程方法目标 1.借助阅读获取信息,通过情景体验、视频欣赏、观察图片等形式理解文章中动 物爸爸育儿的关键信息。 2.应用文中出现的重点词句,表述动物爸爸们育儿的行为,并能对其进行简单的 评价。 3.通过自主阅读、同伴阅读、小组讨论、分享阅读等形式,尝试不同阅读方法, 帮助学生初步形成初读、精度、查读、跳读等阅读策略,养成阅读中做标记的好习惯。 (二)情感态度价值观目标: 1.在阅读中感受英语学习的乐趣。 2.通过阅读动物爸爸育儿的感人故事,体会父母养育子女不易,产生对父母的感 恩之情。 教学重难点: (一)重点: 1、能读懂文章大意,理解动物爸爸育儿的故事。 3 能表述动物爸爸们育儿的行为,并能对其进行简单的评价。 (二)难点: 1、词组 bear the cold winds、keeps on 的理解。 2、对动物爸爸的育儿行为进行简单的评价。 教学流程示意(可选项) 教学过程(文字描述) 教学过程: 一 Warming up 1.Greetings T:Hello,boys and girls,Im so glad to meet you .Im Miss Mu,Do you like animals? 一.Warm up 导入 二. Presenting & Practice 任务呈现、学习新知 三. Production 巩固扩展 五. Homework 作业 活动二:自主阅读。 活动一:视频欣赏。 活动一:指导阅读。 活动二:讨论和表达。 四. Summary 总结 活动:教师布置作业。 活动:Guess game。 活动:What do we learn today? 7 Ss:Yes,I do. T:Ok,Today lets make a new animal friend,Guess!Who is he ? Ss: penguin T:Today we will read a story about emperor penguins. 实施方法:教师手拿盒子请学生触摸,猜测动物名称。之后教师板书出示单词 penguin 并指导拼读单词。 二 Reading (一)指导阅读 1.初读第一段,回答问题; Read the passage one by yourselves and answer questions. (第 1 次读 1 段:初读) Q1:Who is the main character in passage 1?(.Please circle it.) Ss:The father emperor penguins.(板书 Characters) Q2:What does the father emperor penguin do for his baby ?(Please underline them. ) Ss:He bears the cold winds for 60 days or more to protect his egg. (板书 Actions) 感知、理解单词 bear 教师倒好一杯凉水询问学生 T:The cup of water is cool,can you bear it ? Ss:Yes ,I can bear it. 教师倒好一杯冰水询问学生 T:The cup of water is very cold,can you bear it ? Ss:. T:In the Antarctic(南极).It is -80.can you bear it? Ss:No ,I cant bear it. Q1:Whats the meaning of “bear”? 学生说出单词中文,词卡出示 bear :忍受 (2)视频欣赏“企鹅爸爸忍受寒风“ T:How does father penguin bear the cold winds?lets watch a video. 2.合作阅读,寻找答案(第 2 遍读 1 段:精读、跳读) (1)阅读和研讨问题 Read with your partner,and discuss the questions. Q3:How does the father emperor penguin protect his egg ? 8 Ss:He keeps the egg on his feet and covers it. (1)选择单词 keep 有相同含义的句子 A I keep a pet ,It is a rabbit. B A father catfish keeps the eggs in his mouth 出示单词意思 Keep :存放,保持 (2)视频欣赏:企鹅爸爸保护蛋 T:How does father emperor keep the egg ?lets watch a video. 观看视频 Q4:Why does the father emperor penguin lose about 25pounds ? S: During this time ,he does not eat any thing! 教师图片解释 25pounds 1 pound 磅=0.4536 kilogram 千克 25pounds=11.49KG 附图片:企鹅爸爸 60 天前后对比 3.跟读录音,积累语言,表达观点。 (第 3 次读 1 段:精读) (1)学生跟读录音 (2) T:Why does the father emperor penguin try their best to protect the egg? Ss: T:Because they love their baby very much . Q: How do you think about “the father emperor penguin”? (板书 Opinions) 预设:学生说出描述企鹅爸爸的一系列形容词 T:Yes.Is he responsible?(板书) SS : 4.阅读填写表格(第一段部分) T:lets fill in the blank part 1 教师引导学生填表 附:Read and fill in the blank GradePassageCharacters(主人公主人公)Actions(行为行为)Your opinion 9 5 总结阅读方法 T:Can you say out :How can we read a passage? When reading a passage,you can : Circle characters: Underline actions: _ Mark key words: T:lets read other passages in this way. (二) 自主阅读 1 整体阅读 T:OK ,We have more new animal friends.Please read other passages and answer question: Q:Who are the main characters in passages? 2 同伴分享阅读 choose one or more passages and read with your partner.And then fill in the blank: 实施方法:每两名学生一起选择喜欢的一篇或多篇段落进行阅读,查找信息并完成表 格。 3 小组分享 Q:1.Which “father ” do you like best ? 2.What does he do ? 3.How do you think about him ? 4.Can you find out key sentences or key words?Please read it. 实施方法:每四人一组根据提纲,自选短文展开分享讨论。 (观点观点) 1A father emperor penguin Protect his egg Responsible 2 3 4 5 6 8 评价方式:学生自选不同难易程度的段落,积分。教师根据小组活动情况和任务完成 情况给予及时评价,学生根据评价量规进行生生互评。 (见附件) 3 班级汇报 小组派代表汇报讨论结果(教师板书) 三 拓展表达 1 总结全文 T:We know so many stories , How do you think about these fathers? Why ? Ss : 预设:学生说出自己的看法,读出文中呈现的事迹。 T:So we can call them “Great dads” (教师板书) 教师总结 They try their best to protect their babies,give all love to their children without repayment. T:So does mother animals .How about our parents ? 视频欣赏:我们父母的付出 T:What did your parents do for you ? What do you want to say for them ? What do you want to do for them? Ss : 预设:学生说出父母帮我们做的事,以及自己感谢的语言和行动。 总结:Our parents do more things for us,what shall we do for them?Think about it .After class lets do something for your parents. 学习效果评价设计 本课采用教师评价、学生互评以及学生自评三种评价相结合的方式依据评价量规 表完成评价。 8 阅读活动评价表阅读活动评价表 评价内容评价内容评价方法评价方法评价标准评价标准等级等级 段落选择学生自评根据所选文章难度等级,累计得星星数目。 活动效果同学互评 教师评价 能够小组协作阅读文章。 能正确的圈划出关键词汇及句子。 能够完成表格填写。 能积极询问和表达文章信息,对文中主人公进行评价。 能正确、比较流利地朗读文章。 规则和纪 律 小组评价 教师评价 能遵守活动纪律。 能积极主动与同伴交流。 能基本完成纯英语交流。 总分 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 第一 在阅读材料方面,本课选取了学生们非常喜爱的动物故事,根据学生阅读水 平对两期双语杂志文章进行整合和修改。题材生动有趣、难度适宜,适合学生阅 读。 第二 本课充分利用了多媒体手段。通过播放视频引导学生理解 bear the cold winds、keep the egg his feet等重点词句。通过播放视频感恩父母总结全文、 升华主题,进行情感教育。让学生在体验、感知的基础上进行语言的学习,产生情感 的触动。同时利用 PPT 展示图片、表格等内容辅助学生阅读。 第三 本课将阅读策略的指导贯穿于课堂。先教师指导阅读再学生合作自主阅读; 引导学生从主人公、行为、评价几个方面入手进行每段阅读;阅读时用圈圈、折线、 8 三角等标记进行圈画。 第四 本课寄情感教育于英语阅读教学,通过阅读引导学生体会父母养育子女的不 易,从而产生感恩父母的情感。最后通过语言表达自己为父母做事的心愿。 Great Dads Penguin Emperor 帝企鹅帝企鹅 s Emperor Penguin (帝企鹅帝企鹅) A father emperor penguin lives in the Antarctic( 南极) .He bears the cold winds for 60 days to protect his egg.He keeps the egg on his feet and covers it.During this time ,he does not eat any thing! After two months,most fathers lose(减少体重)about 25pounds. 1.Who is the main character(主人公主人公) in passage one?“ ” 2.What does he/she do? “ ” He bears the cold winds for 60 days to protect his egg. He bears the cold winds for 60 days to protect his egg. 3.How does the father emperor penguin protect his egg ? 4.Why does the father emperor penguin lose about 25pounds ? Read in pairs How does the father emperor penguin protect his egg ? He keeps the egg on his feet and covers it. 找出与句中标红单词含义相同的选项找出与句中标红单词含义相同的选项 A I keep a pet ,It is a rabbit. B A father catfish keeps the eggs in his mouth. Keep 存放,保持存放,保持 He keeps the egg on his feet and covers it. Why does the father emperor penguin ? During this time ,he does not eat any thing! 1 pound (磅磅)= 0.4536 kilogram (千克千克) 25pounds = 11.49kilogram Listen and repeat 6、How do you think about “the father emperor penguin”? 5、Why does the father penguin try his best(尽最大努力)(尽最大努力) to protect the egg? GradeGrade PassagePassage CharactersCharacters 主人公主人公 ActionsActions 行为行为 YourYour opinionopinion * * *1 * *2 *3 * * *4 * * *5 * * *6 A father emperor penguin Protect his eggResponsible Read in this way 1.1.WhoWho areare thethe mainmain charactercharacters s( (主主 人公人公)?)? 2 2、WhichWhich fatherfather dodo youyou likelike best?best? The animal fathers. Speed reading GradeGradePassagePassage CharactersCharacters 主人公主人公 ActionsActions 行为行为 YourYour opinionopinion * * *1 * *2 *3 * * *4 * * *5 * * *6 A father emperor penguin Protect his eggResponsibl e Read in pairs A father emperor penguin lives in the Antarctic(南极) .He bears the cold winds for 60 days to protect his egg.He keeps the egg on his feet and covers it.During this time ,he does not eat any thing! After two months, most fathers lose(减少体重)about 25pounds. 1.Which “father ” do you like best ? 2.What does he do ? 3.Can you find out key sentences or key words?Please read it. 4. How do you think about him ? Responsible Share the stories 1.Which “father ” do you like best ? 2.What does he do ? 3.Can you find out key sentences or key words?Please read it. 4.How do you think about him ? Great Dads How do you think about these fathers? Why ? The animal fathers try their best to protect their babies.They give all love to their children without repayment. What do your parents do for you ? What do you want to say for them ? What do you want to do for them? Our parents do more things for us.What shall we do for them?Think about it .After class lets do something for our parents.
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北京版六年级上册UNIT EIGHT REVISION_Lesson 28_Do you understand Can talk write_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_(编号:404fb) 北京
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