北京版六年级上册UNIT FIVE WHEN DID THE ANCIENT OLYMPIC GAMES BEGIN -Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-(编号:11e21).zip


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展开 北京版一起六年级上册英语UNITFIVEWHENDIDTHEANCIENTOLYMPICGAMESBEGIN_Lesson17_ppt课件_含教案素材_县级公开课_编号11e21.zip北京版一起六年级上册英语UNITFIVEWHENDIDTHEANCIENTOLYMPICGAMESBEGIN_Lesson17_ppt课件_含教案素材_县级公开课_编号11e21.zip
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京版六上京版六上U6 Olympic GamesU6 Olympic Games 综综合实践活动合实践活动 Guessing Game Winter Olympic GamesWinter Olympic Games Itsakindofworldgames. Manyathletestakepartinthe gamesevery4years. Itsoftenheldinwinter. WeChinesewillhostthe24th gamesin2022inBeijing. Lets review the ancient Olympic Games the first modern Olympic Games L15L15L16L16 Lets talk When Who Which country beganin776BC 3000yearsago inOlympia acityinGreece nowomen onlymen thefirstmodern OlympicGames When Which country Who beganin1896 100years inAthens thecapitalcity ofGreece bothmenand women LetshaveamatchLetshaveamatch Answersomewords,Move1step. Answersomesentences,Move2steps. DoyouknowthissymbolDoyouknowthissymbol? OlympicFiveRingsOlympicFiveRings WhatdothesecolorsWhatdothesecolorsstandforstandfor? Europe Americas Asia Africa Oceania HelpeachotherLoveHelpeachotherLoveeachothereachother 1896 Greece 2010 Sigapore 1960 Rome 1924 France 2012 Austria 1976 Sweden SummerOlympicGames WinterOlympicGames SummerOlympicGames SummerYouth(青年) OlympicGames SummerParalympic (残疾人)Games WinterOlympicGames WinterYouth(青年)Olympic Games WinterParalympic (残疾人)Games EveryEvery 44 yearsyears ThekindsThekinds(种类)(种类) ofOlympicofOlympicgamesgames L17L17 Whenandwhere?Whenandwhere? FromAugust8FromAugust8th th toAugust toAugust2424th thin2008 in2008 BirdsNestBirdsNestWaterCubeWaterCube BeijingOlympicEmblem(BeijingOlympicEmblem(会徽)会徽) ChineseSeal,DancingBeijing BeijinghostedOlympic Gamesin2008. Olympic5Rings BeijingOlympicTorch(BeijingOlympicTorch(火炬)火炬) Torchrelayroute(接力路线)outsideChina Dar-es-Salaam Athens Pyongyang HoChiMinhCity SanFrancisco BuenosAires 20citiesof20countries Islamabad Canberra Paris Beijing TorchrelayrouteinChina103cities Onthewayoftorchrelay,peoplespread(传播) theOlympicspirit(精神),friendshipandpeace (和平). YouandMeYouandMe LiuhuanLiuhuan&Sarah&Sarah, ,BrightmanBrightman Anthem(song)Anthem(song) MascotsMascots(FriendliesFriendlies)吉祥物吉祥物 Beibei Jingjing Huanhuan Yingying Nini WelcometoBeijingWelcometoBeijing OneOneworldworld , ,OneOnedreamdream SloganSlogan(口号)(口号) UnityUnity(团结)(团结),Friendship,Friendship(友谊)(友谊), , ProgressProgress(进步)(进步), ,a andHarmonyndHarmony(和谐)(和谐) MedalsMedals the medal table WatchthemovieWatchthemovie TalkabouttheBeijingOlympicGamesTalkabouttheBeijingOlympicGames 1. hostedOlympicGamesin 2.TheEmblem/Torch/Mascot /Anthem/Slogan/is 3.Chineseathleteswonmedals. 4.Weareproudof PreparationPreparation 1.Findoutthesymbolsof281.Findoutthesymbolsof28th th,30 ,30th th,31 ,31st stOlympicOlympic Gamesontheinternet.Gamesontheinternet. 2.Choose2.Chooseanddesignanddesignposter.poster. 1.Discussandmake1.Discussandmakeposter.poster. 2.Talkaboutthe2.TalkabouttheOlympicgames.Olympicgames. GroupTaskGroupTask Emblem(会徽)/Torch(火炬)/Anthem(会歌)/Medals /Mascots(吉祥物)/Slogan(口号)/Stadium(场馆) TipsTips: 1. 1. .hostedOlympicgamesin.in.hostedOlympicgamesin.in. 2.Emblem(会徽)/Torch(火炬)/Anthem(会歌)/Medals /Mascots(吉祥物)/Slogan(口号)/Stadium(场馆) TipsTips: TalkShowTalkShow 1. hostedGamesin 2.ItsEmblem/Torch/Mascot /Anthem/Sloganis 3.Chineseathleteswonmedals. 4.Weareproudof WhydopeopleholdtheOlympicWhydopeopleholdtheOlympicgames?games? MeetandgettoknoweachMeetandgettoknoweachotherbetterotherbetter PeacePeace(和平)(和平)andFriendshipandFriendship(友谊)(友谊) UnitedUnited 团结团结 FriendlyFriendly Finishtheposterandsharenextclass.Finishtheposterandsharenextclass. HomeworkHomework Goodbye!Goodbye! Unit 5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin? -六上五单元综合实践活动 教学内容:复习 5 单元知识、了解奥运会相关知识、介绍某届奥运 会。 教学目标: 1.通过本节课的学习交流,使学生回忆本单元重点词句,巩固复习 并熟练表达。 2.进一步了解奥运会其它相关的知识。 3.通过上网查找资料、小组讨论、集体制作 28 /30/31 届夏季奥运 会的海报,在锻炼学生英语表达能力的同时培养他们的创新性思维。 教学重点:回忆复习旧知、适当拓展新知、集体制作海报并在班级 交流。 教学难点:将了解到的中文信息用较为清晰的思路展示出来并用简 单的英语表达出来。 学生准备: 1.课前上网查阅奥运会资料图片、文字,思考如何用英语表达。 2.查找海报样式图,思考并简单设计构思。 教师准备: 1. 教学课件。 2. 准备北京奥运会的精美海报。 3. 板书图片、奖牌、比赛小人标志、北京奥运会视频。 教学过程: 一、热身导入 1 1.教师朗读,学生猜测 Its a kind of world games. A lot of athletes take part in the games every 4 years. Its often held in winter. We Chinese will host the 24th games in 2022 in Beijing. What is it? 2.学生回答,揭示谜底 :Winter Olympic games 二、回忆复习 1 1.师生交流,回忆本单元学习内容。 T: We have learnt ancient Olympic Games and 1st Modern Olympic Games in L15,16 of This unit .Can you talk about them?教师课件出示 ancient Olympic Games and Modern Olympic Games 时间地点等重点信息。 2.全班叙述 在教师的引领下全班同学共同看课件复述古代奥运会的相关信息。 3.一名学生独立复述现代奥运会的相关信息。 提示:提示:如果学生说得不全时,教师可以提问:When and where did the ancient Olympic game begin? How long did they have? Who took part in the events? What events were there? 设计意图设计意图 轻松的猜谜活动自然引入主题的学习,或个人或集体的 表达交流帮助学生快速回忆、复习了本单元前两课时所学的内容。 三、拓展学习 18 1. 引入评价 T: Do you know other information about Olympic game? S: Yes. T: Lets have a match. If you answer some words, move 1 step. If you answer some sentences, move 2 steps; If you answer a paragraph, move 3 steps. 对前面发言的同学简单评价, 移动相应奖牌。 T:Lets see which group will win the gold medal, silver medal and bronze medals. Are you ready? 2. 标志 symbols (1)课件出示表格,学生小组讨论 Q:Do you know this symbol? S:Olympic Games . Q:What do these colours stand for? S: Blue stand for Europe.Black stand for Afica, red stand for America . Yellow stand forAsia.Green stand for Ocienia. (2)课件演示 设计意图设计意图 动画演示有助于所有学生准确理解奥运五环的含义。 (3)教师小结:It means that people from all over the world help each other and love each other. 3.创始人 Father of Ancient/ Modern Olympics (1)教师提问 Q: Who was the father of Modern Olympics? Who was the father of Ancient Olympics? Pierre De Coubertin Yifeitus (2)朗读单词:学生说出中文就算正确,之后教师教读两个人名。 4.种类 Kinds (1)猜测种类 T: Do you know how many kinds of Olympic Games? S:学生猜测。 (2)图片解释 分为夏季和冬季奥运会 Summer /Winter Olympic Games,其中分别 含有健全人 healthy people、青年 youth、残疾人奥运会 Paralympic 2008 年 09 月 06 日-2008 年 09 月 17 日 T: How many kinds of Olympic Games are there? S: 6 课件展示。 (3)深度交流 T:看课件,师介绍:This is the 1st time, 1st place they held. T: How often does each Olympic Games held? S: Every four years. 提示:遇到较为拗口和费解的知识内容,教师可以适当讲解。 T:Which kind of Olympic Games does China hold? S: We held Summer Olympic Games in 2008 in Beijing. We held Summer Paralympic Games in 2008 in Beijing. We held Summer Youth Olympic in 2014 in Nanjing. We will hold 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 in Beijing. 设计意图设计意图 通过课外知识的补充使学生对现代奥运会有进一步的了 解。 5.举例学习-以北京为例介绍其它的标志、信息 师生交流 We talked about 29th Olympic Games in L17.Do you remember ? (1)When and where Q: When and where did the Beijing Olympic Games hold? S:Birds Nest ,Water Cube and other stadiums in 2008 in Beijing. 随着学 生的发言出示课件并板书。 (2)Emblem 出示课件后提问 Q:This is S: Beijing Olympic Emblem. Q: What is it like? S:指着课件介绍:This is Chinese Seal, like dancing Beijing. This is Q:Can you put the information about the Emblem in the circle.找学生 贴图。 (3)Torch relay Q: Whats this? S: This is Beijing Olympic Torch. 课件出示图片-在国外和国内传递火炬的情景,教师介绍 T:We had a torch relay in China and outside China. Guess, how many countries or cities did they pass? Q: They passed 20 countries and 103 cities. On the way to torch relay, people spread the Olympic spirit(精神), friendship and peace. (4)Anthem(song) T: Did you hear the song of Beijing Olympics? 教师播放声音,学生猜 测:Whats its name? Who sang the anthem? S:You and me sang by Liuhuan &Sarah Brightman. 学生回答,教师纠正,之后找一名学生将相关信息贴在黑板上。 (6)Friendlies 福娃 T:What are they? S:They are Mascots. They are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying and Nini. T: What do they mean? S: Welcome to Beijing. 学生回答后找一名学生将相关信息贴在黑板上。 (7)Slogan T: Do you know the slogan of Beijing Olympics? S: One World , One dream. 教师小结:教师小结:教师小结:WeWeWe hopehopehope peoplepeoplepeople allallall overoverover thethethe worldworldworld UnityUnityUnity(团结)(团结)(团结), , , FriendshipFriendshipFriendship(友谊)(友谊)(友谊), , , ProgressProgressProgress(进步)(进步)(进步), , , andandand HarmonyHarmonyHarmony(和谐)(和谐)(和谐) 找一名学生将相关信息贴在黑板上。 (8)Medals T: Its a easy question. What are these? S: They are gold/silver/bronze medals. 课件出示北京奥运会奖牌榜,学生尝试表达 T:What do you know from the picture? S: Chinese athletes won 51 gold/21 silver/28 bronze medals .China was number one on the gold medal table. 找一名学生将相关信息贴在黑板上。 设计意图设计意图 此部分交流的内容部分知识在学习过,其他知识内容在 上网查找的内容中也都涉及,因此鼓励孩子们大胆思考并用表达, 锻炼自己的口语表达能力。 6.视频播放-北京奥运会盛况(尽可能短些) T:Oh ,it was great. Lets enjoy the exciting moment of Beijing Olympic Games. 7.看图复述:全班同学看着板书介绍 29th Olympic games. Beijing hosted the 29th Summer Olympic games in 2008 .About 10000 athletes took part in the big games. This is Emblem. The anthem is You and Me song by Liuhuan and Sarah,Brightman There are five Mascots. They are .The Slogan is One world,One dream. We got 51gold medals , 21silver medals, 28 bronze medals together. It was a great and successful Olympic games. We Chinese are proud of it . I love my country and I love Beijing. 课件出示学生作品,教师介绍 These are the works of other students. 设计意图设计意图 播放北京奥运会精彩视频,激发学生爱国之情及表达的 愿望;展示其他学生作品,可以帮助学生打开思路,为下面制作海报 做准备。 三、制作海报-回忆近三届奥运会 18 1.交流导入:Beijing Olympic Games was the 29th Summer Olympic games .Last week I ask you to find out the information about 28th/30th/31st Olympic Games, choose and design the poster. Lets do it now. 2.小组任务: (1)Discuss, design and make poster. (2)Talk about one of Olympic Games 教师提供语言支架,学生在音乐中小组讨论并制作海报。 3.各组汇报 教师或学生提出问题并交流。 四、总结升华 1 1.师生交流 T:Why do people hold the Olympic Games every four years? S: 2.教师小结(You and me 背景音乐) Meet and get to know each other, Peace and friendship. We often have sports festival and P.E. class. We also should be united and friendly with your classmates. 五、布置作业 1 完善各组的海报内容,下节课继续分享交流。 六、板书设计 Unit 5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin? -Integrated Practice Activity Slogan One World One Dream Emblem Chinese Seal Anthem Dancing Beijing Torch Relay 20 countries 103 cities You and Me Liuhuan&Sarah Brightman
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北京版六年级上册UNIT FIVE WHEN DID THE ANCIENT OLYMPIC GAMES BEGIN _Lesson 17_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级公开课_(编号:11e21) 北京
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