北京版五年级上册UNIT THREE CAN YOU TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE MID-AUTUM FESTIVAL -Lesson 10-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f0236).zip


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Unit ThreeUnit Three Can you tell me more aboutCan you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival?the Mid-Autumn Festival? Lesson 10Lesson 10 the Spring Festivalthe Spring Festival the Lantern Festivalthe Lantern Festival the the Dragon Boat Dragon Boat FestivalFestival the Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festival MON 1 廿二 2 廿三 3 廿四 4 廿五 5 廿六 6 廿七 7 廿八 8 廿九 15 初七 22 十四 29 廿一 9 初一 16 初八 23 十五 30 廿二 10 初二 17 初九 24 十六 31 廿三 11 初三 18 初十 25 十七 13 初五 12 初四 19 十一 26 十八 20 十二 27 十九 14 初六 21 十三 28 二十 TUEWED THUFRISATSUN 2017 2018 2019 Lets watch! Its on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar. 17 九月初九 重阳节 Do Eat Old people climb mountains with their families. We eat Chongyang cake on that day. Chongyang cake The Double Ninth Festival Its on Old people We eat Old people climb mountains with their families. What do young people do? Lets read! Lets watch! Young people usually do something for the old. What is Yangyang going to do? He is going to visit his grandpa. He has a gift for him. It sounds like a holiday for the old people. Lets watch! P20 Read with your partner. I can read! Retell the story The Double Ninth Festival is on _ _. People eat _ on that day. Old people _with their families. _usually_. Its a holiday for the _. of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar climb mountains Chongyang cake Young people do something for the old old people the ninth day Lets try! The Double Ninth Festival is on Old people We eat Young people usually for Yangyang is going to He has for Its a for Lets read! Tips: 1. No Chinese. 2. Listen carefully. 3. Get more information. Read by selves. Underline the key sentences. 1 Share the information in groups. 2 The Double Ninth Festival is on October 7th next year. Its during . I will on that day. Lets do! Homework: Make a cultural postcard about the Double Ninth Festival and find more interesting things about it. Lets enjoy! Unit ThreeUnit Three Can you tell me more aboutCan you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival?the Mid-Autumn Festival? Lesson 10Lesson 10 Denglai Primary School Yu Li the Spring Festivalthe Spring Festival the Lantern Festivalthe Lantern Festival the the DuanwuDuanwu Festival Festival the Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festival the Spring Festivalthe Spring Festival the Lantern Festivalthe Lantern Festival the Dragon Boat Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival the Mid-Autumn Festivalthe Mid-Autumn Festival Lets enjoy! As a lonely stranger in a strange land, At every holiday my homesickness increases. Far away, I know my brothers have reached the peak, They are planting flowers, but one is not present. 独在异乡为异客 , 每逢佳节倍思 亲。 遥知兄弟登高处 , 遍插茱萸少一 人。 Lets read! The Chongyang Festival is on October 17th this year. It is between October 1st and October 30th. It is on the 9th day of the 9th month in the Chinese calendar every year. So, it is called the Double Ninth Festival. The festival has a history of more than 2,000 years. In the Book of Changes ,nine is a yang number. The ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar has too many yang. People think it is good for us. Double ninth also means “a long time”. People think it can keep the old people healthy. There are many activities on the Double Ninth Festival. Climbing mountains has been the tradition of the Chong Yang Festival from the Western Han Dynasty. On the Double Ninth Festival, people eat Chong Yang cakes, enjoy chrysanthemum flowers, and drink chrysanthemum wine. They also wear Zhuyu on that day. Today, the Double Ninth Festival has got its new meaning-a day for showing respect to the old. On the festival day, people do lots of things to help the old. Many young people accompany the old on outings, or make some delicious food for them. 1 教学基本信息 课题Unit 3 Can you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival? Lesson 10 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 否 学科英语学段: 高年级年级五年级 相关 领域 会话阅读教学 教材书名:小学英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2018 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 其他参与者 指导思想与理论依据 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 版) 中的课程基本理念指出:现代外语教育注重语言学习的 过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习 和运用语言。尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。而信息技术可以为学生创设良 好的语言环境,提供更多的语言实践和交际的机会,真正体现英语是一种交际工具的价值。现代教 学主张通过多种手段创设情境,激发学生的积极情绪和浓厚兴趣,形成主动发展的动力,大力发展 形象思维,充分发挥形象思维的作用。信息技术的运用可使课堂教学容量相对增大,给学生提供的 语言实践机会更多,有利于学生语言运用能力的提高,达到教学的最佳效果。 本课教学内容紧紧 围绕“中国传统节日重阳节”展开,语言情境真实而自然。 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 版) 分级标准的文化意识中指出:能初步用英语介绍祖国的 主要节日和典型的文化习俗。 “百善孝为先” ,本节课通过为学生补充阅读与重阳节内容相关的文本, 在运用拓展环节,设计了明年重阳节关爱老人的活动设想,引导学生从小尊敬老人、关爱老人,为 老人献爱心,做好事。让学生在学习重阳节日文化知识的同时,感受重阳节日文化的精髓,提高学 生对我国传统文化的兴趣,增强学生对我国传统节日的认同感。 思维品质是英语学科核心素养四个维度之一,是基础教育阶段所有学生的普适性要求。在小学 英语阅读教学中,引入思维可视化工具梳理文本逻辑,培养学生自主提问及勇于质疑的习惯等策略, 可以使学生思维的逻辑性、批判性和创造性有较大程度的改善,从而促进学生思维品质的发展。一 图胜千字,图是最直观的语言,易读、易懂、易记而且记得牢。因此,实现“思维可视化”的最有 效方式便是用“图”把“思维”呈现出来。在本节课的教学中,主要通过思维导图(Mind Map) 来实现“思维可视化” 。只有这样,学生的思维能力才会在学习的过程中得到有效发展,才会使学 生对知识的理解更深入、更透彻、更系统,从而进入会学、乐学的良性循环。 教学背景分析 教学内容: 2 本单元是北京版小学英语五年级上册第三单元 Can you tell me more about the Mid-Autumn Festival? 单元主要谈论主题是中西方节日。本单元由四课时组成。前两课时以中国传统节日 the Mid-Autumn Festival 和 the Double Ninth Festival 为主,第三课时以西方英语国家传统节日 Halloween 为主,第四课时则是中西方传统节日的对比学习。本单元重点学习中西方节日的相关知 识。一是学习相关的专有表达法,如 the Mid-Autumn Festival、Chongyang cake 等词汇;二是学习 介绍传统节日的日期,学生在介绍日期时,公历和农历上的日期是不同的;三是学生在介绍特色饮 食及传统活动时,需要有丰富的传统文化知识和语言基础以及相关的表达能力。在教学过程中应为 学生提供大量的图片与文字支持,同时创设相应的情景,与学生的实际生活紧密联系起来。 本节课为单元第二课时 Lesson 10. 主要谈论的是重阳节,学习重点是除了传统节日日期的表 达法外,更要通过了解重阳节的传统习俗来教育学生学会感恩,学会做人,从力所能及的小事做起, 为老年人办实事、送温暖、献爱心,以实际行动回报老人给自己的关爱。 课文呈现的情景是 Lingling 和 Yangyang 在向朋友 Mike 介绍中国传统节日重阳节。这一次 我们要帮助 Mike 了解我们的节日重阳节。请学生猜测 Mike 想知道的内容,学生的猜测一定 会超出教材内容的范围,教材内容远远不能满足学生对传统节日重阳节的深入了解。因此本节课尝 试从多层面对重阳节内容进行改编、重组与整合,构建成新的、有实际意义的的语言材料,组织学 生在新的语境中巩固和运用所学语言,启发学生思维,培养学生对语言的深刻理解力、透彻的感悟 力和丰富的想象力,在交际中学会用英语表达思想,传情达意,提高语言运用能力。 学生情况: 本次授课对象为五年级学生。他们已经学习了 Chinese New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, National Day, Childrens Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, May Day, Womens Day, World Earth Day, Tree-planting Day 等主要的中西方节日,他们能够从、时间、饮食、庆祝活动等方面介绍 特殊的节日,能够对自己喜欢的节日进行简单的描述。他们刚在四年级下册学过端午节的日期表达 法,食物和活动,重点句型也涉及到了春节和元宵节的活动。 学生对端午节的相关信息已经比较了解,这节课主要学习重阳节。对于到涉及阳历和阴历的一 些知识,在第 9 课中学生有了初步接触,因此降低了本节课上对相关知识理解的难度。对于重阳节 的其他活动和习俗学生了解甚少,传统节日的文化背景知识欠缺,语言存在障碍。 教学方式: 本课主要采用探讨互动的方式构建重阳节相关信息思维导图。在探讨过程中,教师引导学生通 过感知、参与和小组合作等学习方法完成任务,感受成功。在教师的指导下达到本课的最终教学目 标。 教学手段: 京版云、多媒体展台等 技术准备: 视频资料、PPT、阅读材料等 教学目标(内容框架) 1. 能够听懂、认读 the Double Ninth Festival, climb mountains, eat Chongyang cake 等;能够运用 When is ? 以及 What do young people do? 来询问和简单介绍中国传统节日重阳节的习俗。 2. 能够读懂有关重阳节的语篇,并从中提取信息,理解 go mountain climbing、 drink chrysanthemum tea、visit elderly relatives 等重阳习俗,运用不同阅读策略发展学生的多元思维。 3. 能够从时间、历史(故事) 、食物、庆祝活动等方面借助思维导图尝试介绍重阳节,并发表自己 的看法,初步感受重阳文化的氛围和精髓,对传统节日感兴趣。 3 教学流程示意(可选项) 教学过程(文字描述) 1、复习节日复习节日“聚聚”传统传统 1. 观看视频,引出话题 T: Hi, boys and girls, lets enjoy a video first. Ss: Watch the video. T: Can you name it? Ss: Festivals. 2. 交流节日,激活已知 T: What festivals are in this video? Ss: New Year, Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival, Womens Day, Labour Day(May Day), Childrens Day, Duanwu Festival(the Dragon Boat Festival), Mid-Autumn Festival. 3. 借助导图,聚焦传统 T: Do you know what Chinese traditional festivals are? Ss: The Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. T: What do you know about these festivals? Can you introduce them? Ss: Introduce the festivals. T: You know the special about these days. In this class, were going to talk about another special day. What do you want to know about the day? Ss: When is it? Is it a Chinese festival or a western festival? Whats the history of the day What do people eat or drink on that day? What do people do on that day? 4 【设计意图】 通过专题交流、分类梳理等方式激活节日话题,复习中西方节日名称,聚焦中国传统节日,为 后续学习做铺垫,在交流的过程中,激活学生对节日话题的认知。 2、学习对话学习对话“知知”重阳重阳 1. 观察图片,预测内容 T: What s the date today? Ss: Its October 23rd. T: Look! What was the date? Ss: Its October 17th. T: Is it a special day? What day was it? (出示今年重阳节的日期) Ss: Its the Chongyang Festival.(板书 Chongyang Festival) T: Is the Chongyang Festival on October 17th every year? Ss: No, it isnt. T: Look! In 2017, its on October 28th. Its on October 17th this year. Next year its on October 7th. When is the Chongyang Festival? Ss: Its on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar. (板书 the 9th day of the 9th month in the Chinese calendar) T: How many ninths are there? Ss: There are two. T: So we also call it the Double Ninth Festival.(替换板书 the Double Ninth Festival) T: Lingling and Yangyang are introducing the Chongyang festival to Mike. What do they tell him?(Show the pictures.) Can you guess? Ss: Maybe they tell Mike people eat Chongyang cake on that day. Maybe they tell him people climb mountains on that day. 2. 学习对话,初识重阳 T: Lets enjoy the cartoon. What do they tell Mike? Ss: They tell Mike the Double Ninth Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar. They tell him old people climb mountains with their families. They tell him people eat Chongyang cake on that day. T: Do you know Chongyang cake? Has anyone tried it? (Look at the pictures of Chongyang cake. There are some fruits and nuts in it.) T: Can you tell those to Mike? Ss: The Double Ninth Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar. Old people climb mountains with their families. People eat Chongyang cake on that day. T: Old people climb mountains. What do young people do? What is Yangyang going to do? Lets read Part 2 and underline the key sentences. Ss: Young people usually do something for the old. Yangyang is going to visit his grandpa. He has a gift for his grandpa. T: Lets watch the cartoon. Are they right? 5 T: What does Mike think of the Double Ninth Festival? Ss: It sounds like a holiday for the old people. T: Do you think so? Lets enjoy the whole cartoon. T: Please open your books. Lets listen and repeat the dialogue. Please read the dialogue in groups. Ss: Show the reading. 3. 跟随人物,叙说习俗 T: Now, what can you tell Mike about the Double Ninth Festival? Lets retell the dialogue. Ss: Hi/Hello! Mike! The Double Ninth Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar. People eat Chongyang cake on that day. Old people climb mountains with their families. Young people usually do something for the old. Its a holiday for the old people. 【设计意图】 基于对话学习内容,借助学生已有认知和生活经验,从学生熟知的吃重阳糕和与家人一起登高 入手,激活重阳节的相关信息。引发学生继续学习的愿望,开启重阳之旅。 3、分组合作分组合作“识识”重阳重阳 1. 问题引领,激活思维 T: If you are Mike, do you have more questions about the festival? What do you want to know? (bb: Write the students questions on the blackboard.) Ss: What other things do people often do during the festival? Why do we call it Chongyang festival? How long is the festival? Why do we have(celebrate) the Double Ninth Festival? 2. 初读文本,渗透渊源 T: Oh, you want to know a lot about the Festival. Maybe these notes can help you. Lets read them in groups of four. First, each one takes one. Read by selves. Underline the key sentences. Then, share the information with your group members. Tip1: Please dont speak Chinese when you talk. Tip2: Listen carefully and get more information from others. Ss: Read and share. 3. 细读文本,感受文化 T: What do you know from the notes? What can you tell Mike now? Ss: I know /I can tell Mike (学生边说边贴板书) 【设计意图】 经过反复输入、体验学习、小组介绍等活动后,学生对于重阳节有了较为深入的认识,通过对 比、观察、体验等方式进一步加深对重阳习俗的记忆和理解。在交流互动中,学生感受重阳习俗, 感受传统文化。 四、深入思考四、深入思考“话话”重阳重阳 1. 依托导图,梳理语言 T: Now youve known a lot about the special of the Double Ninth Festival. You know the Double Ninth Festival is The date /The history/The activities/The new meaning of the festival. (边梳理边归纳) 2. 小组合作,介绍重阳 6 T: Our foreign teacher Crystal is from America, she just came here. Does she know the Double Ninth Festival? Ss: No, she doesnt. T: Crystal has told you some about the western festivals. Do you want to tell her about the Double Ninth Festival? Ss: Introduce the Double Ninth Festival to Crystal. T: I think Crystal will be very happy to know about these. 3. 借由重阳,谈论感受 T: Mike thinks its a holiday for the old people. What do you think of the Double Ninth Festival? Ss: Its . T: What can we do on the Double Ninth Festival? Ss: We can . 【设计意图】 在深入思考重阳节的过程中,借助较为开放性的问题进行深入交流,表达观点,提升学生总结 概括、综合运用等能力。 五、拓展延伸五、拓展延伸“敬敬”重阳重阳 1. 礼敬重阳,畅谈传统 T: I know only one of you made a phone call to his grandpa on this Double Ninth Festival. T: What do you want to do next year? Next year, the Double Ninth Festival is on October 7th. Its during the National Day holidays. What will you do on that day? Ss: The Double Ninth Festival is on October 7th next year. Its during . I will on that day. The Double Ninth Festival is a holiday for the old people. We should do something for them. We should respect / help/accompany them. Remember to do these not only that day but every day all the time. 2. 布置作业,感受精髓 Make a cultural postcard about the Double Ninth Festival and find more interesting things about it. 【设计意图】 今年的重阳节已经过去,请学生畅想在明年的重阳节那天要以实际行动关爱老人,为他们做一 件小事或制作一张“感恩卡”等,激发学生进一步探究传统节日的欲望。学生在完成任务的过程中 运用所学知识,达到学以致用的目的。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 在本节课的教学实践中一方面利用信息化教学手段来创设较为真实的语言环境,让学生更多地 参与语言实践;另一方面利用视频资源和京版云学习平台,培养学生获取信息、分析信息、处理信 息、运用信息、传递信息的能力,更好地培养学生自主学习的能力,为终身学习打好基础。 同时思维导图的运用可将枯燥的学习内容转化为鲜艳的图画,且图画之间都有所联系并构成一 个完整的系统,是一种视觉化的再现。而将生动活泼的思维导图与单调乏味的阅读文本相结合,定 能在教学中碰撞出奇妙的火花。通过思维导图,可以帮助学生更好地进行知识总结,形成层次化的 知识网络。当需要提取这一知识时,学生就会先回忆起它所在的知识网络,进而可以从知识网络中 提取所需知识及其相关联的语言知识。通过思维导图可以进行对整个话题的回顾与总结,一方面以 图画的形式来表达信息,其本身就是一种信息转换方式,可以大大加深学生对学习材料的加工深度, 进而会大大增加学生将其纳入长期记忆的可能性;另一方面,画图过程中形成清晰的思维链条,也 有利于信息的提取。 7
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