北京版五年级上册UNIT SEVENWHAT WILL YOU DO IN CHENGDU -Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-(编号:52127).zip


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展开 北京版一起五年级上册英语UNITSEVENWHATWILLYOUDOINCHENGDU_Lesson25_ppt课件_含教案素材_县级公开课_编号52127.zip北京版一起五年级上册英语UNITSEVENWHATWILLYOUDOINCHENGDU_Lesson25_ppt课件_含教案素材_县级公开课_编号52127.zip
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Unit 7 Lesson25 Unit 7 Lesson25 What will you do in Chengdu?What will you do in Chengdu? a travel plan Chengdu She is going to _ They are going there _ by plane They are going to _, _ and _. In the plane, he makes a new friend. He is going to _too . He will _and _. Chengdu Nice to see you all again. You are taller, lingling. 1. When are they going to see the pandas, in the morning or in the afternoon? 2. When are they going to visit Du-jiang-yan? 1. When are they going to see the pandas , in the morning or in the afternoon? They are going to see the pandas in the morning. 2. When are they going to visit Du-jiang-yan? They are going to visit Du-jiang-yan in the afternoon. 2.What time are they going to leave? 1.How will they go to see the pandas, by bus or by car? 1. They will go to see the pandas by _ ( bus/ car) 2. They are going to leave at _. Exercise1. 1. They will go to see the pandas by _ ( bus/ car) car I will drive you there. driver 2. They are going to leave at _. 7:30 We are going to leave early at 7:30 after breakfast. He gets up early. Thank you, Uncle! Are we going to see the pandas tomorrow? What time are we going to leave? We are going to leave early at 7:30 after breakfast. Yes. Ill drive you there. Im a good driver. Nice to see you all again. You are taller, lingling. 7:35 ? Day 2Day 2Day 2Day 2 Are you going to Du- jiang-yan, too? Are you going to Du-jiang-yan, too? Yes, in the afternoon. Well have a busy day. a busy day a busy day Are you going to Du-jiang-yan, too? Yes, in the afternoon. Well have a busy day. We will come back for dinner, Grandma. 6:30get up 7:00have breakfast 7:30leave 8:00see the pandas leave for Du-jiang- yan visit Du-jiang-yan (都江堰) go home have dinner 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 5:30 pm 13:00 14:00 17:30 a busy day a busy day 18:30 6:30 pm Listen & repeatListen & repeatListen & repeatListen & repeat Now I can readNow I can readNow I can readNow I can read Role playRole play Lingling will have a busy day. She is going to _with her parents. Her uncle will _ them there They are going to leave _in the morning. In the afternoon, they are going to _ and they will come back for _. at 7:30 visit Du-jiang-yan dinner see the pandas drive The trip Du Fu thatched cottage Wuhou Temple Kuanzhai AlleyJinli Street Day 3Day 3Day 3Day 3 Du Fu thatched cottage Wuhou Temple Kuanzhai AlleyJinli Street Day 3Day 3Day 3Day 3rd rdrdrd get up leave visit Du Fu thatched cottage 杜甫草堂 have lunch in Kuanzhai Alley 宽宽窄 巷子 visit Wuhou Temple 武侯祠 go shopping in Jinli Street 锦锦里 get back home What time are we going to get up? We are going to get up at 6:30 B 6:30 A 6:30get up 7:30leave 8:30visit Du Fu thatched cottage 杜甫草堂 12:00have lunch in Kuanzhai Alley 宽宽窄 巷子 13:00visit Wuhou Temple 武侯祠 15:30go shopping in Jinli Street 锦锦里 20:00get back home What time are we going to get up? We are going to get up at 6:30 Describe the plan We will have a busy day. We will go to _, _, and _. We will go there by _. We are going to get up at_ We are going to leave at _We will be busy but happy. Homework: This weekend is a nice day. What will you do on this day? Make a plan. get up have breakfast go home Du Fu thatched cottage Wuhou Temple 诸葛亮 刘备 Jinli Street Sichuan Opera Face-changing Kuanzhai Alley enjoy the foodenjoy the foodenjoy the foodenjoy the food 1 教学基本信息 课题Lesson25 what will you do in Chengdu? 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 是 学科英语学段: 高年级年级五年级 相关 领域 教材书名: 北京版小学英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2014 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 其他参与者 一、指导思想与理论依据 2 国家英语课程标准提出:“要强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用 性。主张学生在真实的语境中接触、体验和理解语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。 ”本课是高年级教学,注重以话题为主线呈现语言知识,教师要设计多种多样的板块 活动。在课堂上尽可能多的为学生创造运用语言的环境,学生通过多种形式跟读、小 组合作学习的形式学习本单元旅行的话题,在活动中体验并运用所学语言,提高语言 在真实环境中的应用。 二、教学背景分析 (一)教学内容: 单元内容分析:本单元围绕旅行这一话题,重点学习询问乘坐的交通工具,在旅 行中安排活动时间以及计划做什么事情。学生第一次接触此话题。本单元所要学习的 新的交际用语是询问乘坐的交通工具“Are you going toby?/No, we are going by”在某地计划做某事“What will you do in?/ I will ”安排活动时间“what time are we going to?/ We are going toat”在本单元的三课学习课,以玲玲 一家去成都看望爷爷奶奶并游览当地的景点为情景主线。在第一课时中,玲玲向宝宝 表达自己要乘坐飞机去成都看望家人和游览其他景点的计划。第二课时,玲玲在前往 成都的飞机上与陌生人交谈在成都计划做什么事情。在第三课时中,主要呈现玲玲一 家在成都的活动安排,强调了在某一时间里计划做某事,将前两课的功能句型进行了 复现。 (二)学生情况: 五年级的学生在学习上有自主的学习能力,朗读能力及语言表达能力。他们对英 语的学习有兴趣,尤其是谈论外出旅行的话题更能激发他们的学习乐趣。但是学生的 学习存在着差异,对于学习基础较好的同学可以在课堂上积极地参与到课堂中来,学 习效果也比较好,有的学生只能学习简单的词汇与语句。在老师的和同学的帮助下, 也可以参与到课堂当中来。每个学生在老师的引导下,都能够进行学习,根据自己的 学习能力学到知识。 3 教学方式:师生互动,体验学习,合作学习。 (三)教学手段及技术准备:配套多媒体课件;自制课件;自制视频;自制单词卡; 学案。 三、教学目标(内容框架) (一一)教学目标:教学目标: 1.能询问及表达“将在某时间做什么事情”的交际用语:“What time are we going to leave? We are going to leave at 7:30”并能在实际情景中应用。 2. 能够听说认读单词,taller, early, busy, leave, leave for, come back 等。 2.能正确理解、朗读对话内容。 3.能够用所学知识描述简单的旅行计划。 (二)教学重、难点:(二)教学重、难点: 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 询问及表达“将在某时间做什么事情”的交际用语:“What time are we going to do? We are going to at” 2. 能正确理解、朗读对话。 教学难点:教学难点: 用“What time are we going to do? We are going to at”询问及表达“将在某时间 做什么事情” 。 4 四、教学过程(文字描述) Step1: Warm up & lead in 1.Free talk T: This lesson we are going to talk about travelling. In lesson 23, we know lingling has a travel plan. She is going to The teacher will lead students to retell the key information in lesson 23 &24, and students try to answer t he questions. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过提问,激活学生已有认知,唤起他们对本单元前两课玲玲准备 去成都旅行和在飞机上遇到的新朋友的背景知识的相关记忆,用语篇的形式,帮学生 梳理知识间的联系。 Step2: Presentation and Practice 1.Get general idea (1)Watch & listen to the dialogue T: Now look, Linglings family get to Chengdu. They are at the airport. Her uncle is coming to pick them up. Listen, What does he say? Ss: Nice to see you all again. You are taller lingling. 10 taller T: In uncles mind, lingling was like this, but now lingling grows taller. Use the gestures to explain “taller” and ask two students to stand up to compare who is taller. Show students the word card and lead them to read. Ss: read one by one. T: We know Lingling wants to see the pandas and visit Du-jiang-yan. Will they see the pandas and visit Du-jiang-yan tomorrow? Yes! Well, when are they going to see the pandas, in the morning or in the afternoon. When are they going to visit Du-jiang-yan? Please watch and find the answers. 【设计意图设计意图】创设玲玲在机场的情境,通过提问引导学生关注玲玲在成都第二天的 旅行活动有哪些,是如何在时间上进行安排的。 2.Study dialogue1 T: Oh, tomorrow lingling will go to see the pandas in the morning and visit Du-jiang- yan in the afternoon. Well, how will they go to see the pandas, by bus or by car? And 11 what time are they going to leave? leave Look, leave means Ss: Look at the picture and try to get the meaning. T: Linglings family leave their home. (1) Finish Exercise 1. T: Ok, now please take out your worksheet and do Exercise1. You can open your book and find the answers. Students will find the answers on the book and then write down the answers on the worksheet. (2) Check answers. T: How will they go to see the pandas, by bus or by car? Ss: They will go there by car. T: Look, Linglings uncle will drive a car. He will drive them there. He is a driver. driver Show students the word card and lead them to read. early T:What time are they going to leave? Ss: They are going to leave early at 7:30 after breakfast. T: Well done! Look, which boy gets up early? 8 Show students the word card and lead them to read. 【设计意图设计意图】:抓住关键信息,通过出示图片,动作演示等方法帮助学生理解 leave, driver, early 的含义。 (3) Listen and say dialogue 1 T: Now lets listen and say dialogue1 Ss: repeat dialogue1. T: 板书关键句型“What time are we going to leave? We are going to leave early at 7:30 after breakfast.” 2. Study dialogue2 (1)Listen to dialogue2 T: Look, its 7:35 now. Are they going to leave for the pandas? Ss: Yes! T: Who is she? Do you know what does grandma say to them? Lets listen. Ss: Are you going to Du-jiang-yan, too? Ss: Yes! T: So uncle says “ Yes, in the afternoon. Well have a busy day.” Look! “busy” means 8 T: After visiting Du-jiang-yan, what will they do? Lets listen. Ss: They will come back for dinner. T: Well done! Look! They will go home and have dinner together! Grandma hopes they will have a good time, so she says Ss: Have a nice day! T: Ok, now look, this is the timetable of their second trip. They will get up at 6:30 and have breakfast at 7:00. What time are they going to leave? Ss: They are going to leave at 7:30. T: Good! They are going to leave at 7:30 and see the pandas about 8:00. Well, how about leaving for Du-jiang-yan? Leave for Du-jiang-yan means go to Du-jiang-yan. Can you ask uncle, he knows. Ss: What time are we going to leave for Du-jiang-yan? Students will listen to the answer and ask the following 3 questions. 【设计意图设计意图】: 逐句呈现图 2 对话,理解 a busy day 的含义。完整呈现玲玲一 天的活动内容,使用功能句型“What time are you going to” “We are going toat”进行问答练习。 3. Read the dialogue T:Listen and repeat the whole dialogue. 8 The students read in groups and show the dialogues. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过角色扮演活动加深课文的理解、记忆,并在表演过程中培 养学生自信心。 Step3: Summarize the dialogue 1. Read and fill in the blanks. 2. Introduce some famous places in Chengdu. The students will watch the introduction and get to know more about linglings travelling in Chengdu. 3. Talk about the third days plan in Chengdu. 4. Make a plan of your trip in Chengdu in groups. If you travel in Chengdu, which place will you go, how will you go there and what will you do there? Make a plan and try to describe your plan. 【设计意图】:给学生拓展 4 个成都有名的旅游景点,让学生了解更多的关于成都 8 的背景知识和文化。通过信息差来进行同桌间的问答练习,为操练句型提供了真实 的语言环境。最后创设学生自己有一次去成都旅行的机会,计划他们自己的行程安 排,并用文段的形式描述出来。分小组进行,充分给学生自主选择活动的机会,并 使用 23,24,25 课三课知识进行表述。 Step4: Homework 板书设计板书设计 Lesson25 What will you do in Chengdu? What time are we going to ? We are going toat . 8 Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 25 学案(A) 一、一、 Fill in the blanks. 1. They will go to see the pandas by _ ( bus/ car) 2. They are going to leave at _after breakfast. 二、二、 Talk in pairs 三、三、 Describe the plan. get up leave visit Du Fus thatched cottage 杜甫草堂 have lunch in Kuanzhai Alley 宽窄巷子 13:00visit Wuhou Temple 武侯祠 15:30go shopping in Jinli 锦里 20:00get back home What time are we going to? We are going to at Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 25 学案(B) 一、一、 Fill in the blanks. 1. They will go to see the pandas by _ ( bus/ car) 2. They are going to leave at _ after breakfast. 二、二、 Talk in pairs 三、三、 Describe the plan. 6:30get up 7:30leave 8:30visit Du Fus thatched cottage 杜甫草堂 12:00have lunch in Kuanzhai Alley 宽窄巷子 visit Wuhou Temple 武侯祠 go shopping in Jinli 锦里 get back home What time are we going to? We are going to at
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