北京版四年级上册UNIT THREE WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOUR -Lesson 10-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b0167).zip


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Unit 3 Will you do me a favour? Lesson 10 What is the song about? How does the little monkey help? How does the sister monkey help? Lets read! Read and finish the following questions. 1 23 45 6 ( )2.What does Santa Clause give Amy? A. presents B. dogs C. beds D. good children ( )3.What does Amy do for her mum? A. She folds the clothes. B. She washes the clothes C. She hangs up the washing. D. She does not help her mum. ( )4.How does Amy help dad? A. She sets the table. B. She clears the table. C. She cooks the dinner. D. She water the plants. 5. What do you think of Amy? Is she a good and helpful girl? _ A A B What is she doing? the word game the word game on the computer Who needs help? How? Would you show me how to play this word game on the computer? Sure, grandma. Its easy. / / / Who also helps at home? How does Guoguos mum ask for help? Would you mind closing the window, please? I feel cold. Sure. Would you like a glass of hot water? Yes, please. Lets read! What do you think of them? good kind helpful Are you helpful? Do you help at home? Are you helpful? Do you help at home? I think I am a helpful girl. I always help my mum to make the bed. And I also help my dad to clear the table and wash the vegetables. Sometimes I help my grandparents to fold the clothes. I love my family! Are you helpful? Do you help at home? I think I am a helpful . I always help my mum to . And I also help my dad to . Sometimes I help my grandparents to . I love my family. open the door/window turn on/off the light turn on/off the TV clean the floor/room do the shopping cook breakfast/dinner wash the clothes Words Bank Review the text and the phrases. Share the photo you help at home with us(wechat). Homework 教学设计个人信息教学设计个人信息 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 教学基本信息教学基本信息 课题Unit Three:Will you do me a favour? Lesson10 学科英语学段中段年级四年级 教材 书名:义务教育教科书 英语四年级 上册 出版社: 北京出版社 出版日期: 2014 年 7 月 一、指导思想与理论依据一、指导思想与理论依据 1.“任务型教学”中提出,从学生的基本心理需求出发,学习是满足个体内部需要的过 程,在教学目标上注重突出教学的情意功能,追求学生在认知、情感和技能目标上的均 衡达成。它强调教学只有创造条件,通过一系列任务的完成,满足学生的归属感和影响 力,他们才会感到学习是有意义的,才会愿意学,才会学得好。任务型教学的整个教学 过程都充满了情意色彩。 2. 义务教育英语课程标准中指出,英语课程的总目标是通过英语学习使学生形成初 步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。 义务教育英语课程标准中提到,英语课程基本理念中提到:强调学习过程,重视 语言学习的实践性和应用性。 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 1.1. 教材分析教材分析 Lesson 10 是北京版教材四年级上册 Unit 3 第二课时,为新授课内容。本课聚焦词 汇和会话教学。包括 Listen and say(核心对话), Listen,look and learn(重点句型, 核心词汇),Write and tell(任务活动,巩固语言)三个板块。 纵观本单元内容,本单元话题是寻求帮助和帮助别人,三课新授课中提供了不同的 寻求与提供帮助的场景。 学生在三年级曾经学过有关借物品的句型,本单元是之前学习的进一步提高。 为了更好地创设情境,我在第九课的教学中把 L9 与 L10 的第一幅图放在一起教学, 创设了学校扫除日的场景。本课的授课过程我把这两课的第二幅图一起教学,并补充一 些课外资源,创设了在家里主动提供帮助或是乐于提供帮助的情景。 2.2. 学情分析学情分析 知识能力方面:知识能力方面:我校小学部是小语种实验校,学生们对外语学习兴趣强烈。在 Lesson9 的学习后能听懂、使用 Would you please?与 Would you mind?并且在本学 期的口语课上我们也积累了一些有关家务劳动的短语,本课是前一课的巩固与练习。 生活背景:生活背景:我所任教的四年级学生中,部分孩子有在外学习英语的经历,他们语言 表达能力较强,喜欢在课堂上表现自己。另外每个孩子平时都会有需要帮助或是帮助别 人的经历,因此对这个话题比较熟悉。 三、教学目标(含重、难点)三、教学目标(含重、难点) 1. 能听懂、会说“Would you please/mind?”寻求帮助,并能够使用“Sure,no problem.”进行作答。能够区分两个问句的句型差别。 2. 能够认读、使用有关家务的短语。 3. 在真实任务的驱动下,学生能有效的进行学习,体验学习的乐趣。 4. 能够通过学习,了解帮助别人的乐趣,体会帮助的快乐。 教学重点教学重点 1.能够自我叙述一段帮助别人的文字。 教学难点教学难点 1.“Would you please/mind?”句型的差别,特别是 mind 后面动词词尾的变化。 2.“Would you show me how to play this word game on the computer?”这个长句 的理解与朗读。 技术准备技术准备 PPTPPT,纷分英语资源,纷分英语资源 四、教学流程示意四、教学流程示意 五、教学过程五、教学过程 I. Warming up 5 活动活动 1:Sing a song T: Lets sing the song together. 1.Lets help song 帮助学生复习口语课学 到的家务短语,活跃课堂气氛,唤醒 知识积累。 1. 阅读纷分英语资源中的小短文,帮助学 生进一步复习巩固家务类短语为之后的叙 述做铺垫。 2. 学习课文内容,解决重难点。 I Warm-up 5 IIIPractice 5 IVProduction 4 VHomework 1 IIPresentation 25 1. 同学之前互相说一说自己是如何在家里 提供帮助的。 1. 在家里提供一些帮助并拍照分享给大家。 1.与同伴之间分享自己是如何在家里提 供帮助的。 Ss:Sing together. 活动活动 2:Answer the questions T:Please answer:1.What is the song about? 2. How does the little/sister monkey help at home? Ss:1.help at home 2 【设计意图设计意图】歌曲导入,激发学生学习兴趣。通过问答复习家务活动短语,为学生本课 的学习与表达做铺垫。 II Presentation 25 活动活动 1:reading T:The monkeys help at home, who also help at home? Watch the video together. S:Watch the video. T:Who helps at home in the story? How does she help? Read the short passage and finish the questions. S:Amy! Read the finish the questions. 【设计意图】 新课改中提到中高年级学生应具备一定的读写能力,能读懂简短的故事。 逐渐培养四年级学生阅读语篇的能力,另外通过补充阅读材料,再次巩固歌曲中出现的 有关帮助的短语。 活动活动 2:Watch the video and learn the conversational discourse Teacher shows the picture of text. T:What is she doing? Where is the word game? Ss:play the word game on the computer The first time watch the video: T:Who needs help? Ss:Grandma. The second time watch the video: T: How does she ask for help? S:Would you show me ? T: Would you show me/ how to play /this word game /on the computer? 【设计意图】学生在学习新知时,从泛听整体感知对话再到逐步听细节,学习本课新知 关键句型,听力难度层层递进,学生更容易接受。同时也培养了学生的学习策略。 活动活动 3:Picture2 presenting T:Who are in this picture? S:Guoguos family. T:Please guess who also helps at home? 活动活动 4:Watch the video and learn the conversational discourse The first time listen to the tape: T:Who helps at home? Who needs help? S:Guoguo. Mum. The second time listen to the tape: T: How does Guoguos mum ask for help? S: Would you mind? 此时教师引导学生注意,与之前的问句不同,mind 后面的动词词尾要有变化,不能用混。 T: Guoguo also wants to give her mum sth to drink, how does she ask? S: Would you like? T:would you like=do you want 活动活动 5:Read and act Ss: Read after tape, read in pairs, act and show in class. 【设计意图】通过一步步学习,突破本课重难点,教师在板书中也有所显示。学生分角 色表演课文,增加趣味性。 IIIPractice 14 活动活动 1:Evaluate the friends T: What do you think of these friends? Ss: good kind helpful T: Are you helpful? Do you help at home? 【设计意图】教师让学生评价课堂上学到的小朋友,鼓励学生日常多多帮助别人。 活动活动 2:Do you help at home? T: Are you helpful? Do you help at home? Please think about your daily life and talk with your friends. 教师给学生提供句子结构让学生在表达过程中有依靠。 Ss: I think I am a helpful boy. I always help my mum to . And I also help my dad to . Sometimes I help my grandparents to . 【设计意图】 课标中指出要“培养学生用英语做事情的能力” ,此活动让学生根据本 课所学,结合自己的日常实际活动与同学进行口语表达,锻炼了学生的口语表达能力, 并为之后的写作进行铺垫。 IVProduction 4 活动 1:share with us S: I think I am a helpful boy. I always help my mum to . And I also help my dad to . Sometimes I help my grandparents to . 【设计意图】让学生自主介绍自己平时是如何在家提供帮助的,锻炼学生的口语表达能 力,让学生真正做到使用语言。 V. Homework 1 T:1. review the text and phrases. 2.take a photo about you help at home and share with us. 【设计意图】复习巩固本课内容是对于知识层面的要求,而让学生分享一下自己在家帮 忙家务劳动或是分担家务的照片则是在情感态度价值观上鼓励学生。 【板书设计】 六、学习效果评价设计六、学习效果评价设计 实物奖励:教师在授课过程中一直把小字母作为一种奖励手段,鼓励学生课后拼单词。 教师评价:除实物奖励外,教师还有言语激励、肢体动作等作为及时评价。 生生互评:学生表演时生生互评,可以间接引导学生尊重他人。 七、七、本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点 1. 采用任务型教学,提高学生运用语言进行交际的能力 在设计本课教学活动过程中,教师通过一个个小任务引导学生学习本课内容。 2. 板块间合理整合,创造性地使用教材 本节课教师将前两课书的课文内容重新整合,帮助学生创设了更为完整且贴近生活的教 学情境,并且补充课外资源丰富了学生的语言,为学生的自主表达打下了良好的基础。
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北京版四年级上册UNIT THREE WILL YOU DO ME FAVOUR _Lesson 10_ppt课件_(含教案)_(编号:b0167) 北京 一起 一块儿 四年级 上册 英语
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