北京版四年级上册UNIT ONE WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY -Lesson 4-Now I can understand Now I can say Now I know the sound-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:1038c).zip


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Mr. Fox one mouse two mice three mice WhatWhat dodo youyou see/see/ WhatWhat dodo youyou know?know? I I see/see/ I I knowknow WhatWhat dodo youyou see/see/ WhatWhat dodo youyou know?know? I I see/see/ I I knowknow writer/ author drawer/ illustrator Press: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Title Grandma had made Mr Fox some socks. 1 1. . WhoWho cancan youyou seesee inin thethe room?room? I I cancan seesee 2.2. WhoWho mademade thethe sockssocks? ? “They will keep you warm at night,” said Grandma. 1 1. . WhyWhy grandmagrandma mademade thethe socks?socks? BecauseBecause 2.2. WhatWhat dodo youyou think(think(认为认为) ) ofof grandmagrandma? ? I I thinkthink Mr Fox took the socks home in a long, red box. HowHow diddid Mr.Mr. FoxFox feel?feel? WhyWhy? ? I I thinkthink BecauseBecause When he got home he put the box down. Then he made his tea. 1. 1. WhatWhat diddid Mr.Mr. FoxFox do?do? 2.2. WhatWhat happenedhappened toto hishis long,long, redred box?box? Mr Fox saw a hole in the box. Who made that hole? a hole 1. 1. WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith thethe box?box? 2.2. WhatWhat wouldwould hehe saysay? ? HeHe wouldwould saysay 3. 3. WhatWhat wouldwould hehe dodo nextnext? ? HeHe wouldwould Mr Fox saw a hole in his socks. Who made that hole? 1. 1. WhatWhat diddid Mr.Mr. FoxFox findfind out?out? WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith thethe socks?socks? 2.2. WhatWhat wouldwould hehe saysay? ? HeHe wouldwould saysay 3. 3. WhatWhat wouldwould hehe dodo nextnext? ? HeHe wouldwould 1. 1. WhatWhat diddid Mr.Mr. FoxFox findfind out?out? 2.2. WhatWhat diddid theythey do?do? This is not your home, it is my sock! 1. 1. HowHow diddid Mr.Mr. FoxFox feel?feel? Why?Why? I I thinkthink BecauseBecause 2.2. WhatWhat wouldwould hehe saysay? ? HeHe wouldwould saysay That night Mr Fox had a dream about his socks and the mice. 1. 1. WhatsWhats thethe dreamdream about?about? ItsIts aboutabout 2.2. HowHow diddid littlelittle micemice feel?feel? WhatWhat wouldwould hehe dodo nextnext? ? HeHe wouldwould “Come in,” said Mr Fox. “You can have my socks. I do not need these black socks.” 1. 1. HowHow diddid littlelittle micemice feel?feel? WhyWhy? ? I I thinkthink BecauseBecause 2.2. WhatWhat wouldwould littlelittle micemice saysay? ? TheyThey wouldwould saysay ListenListen toto thethe wholewhole story:story: P2-16P2-16 1. 1. DoesDoes Mr.Mr. FoxFox needneed thethe sockssocks? ? 2.2. WhatWhat dodo youyou think(think(认为认为) ) ofof Mr.Mr. Fox?Fox? I I thinkthink 3. 3. WhatWhat dodo youyou learn(learn(学到学到) ) fromfrom thethe storystory? ? I I learnlearn “I have my own socks on my feet. And I never get holes in them.” ReadRead byby yourselves:yourselves: P2-16P2-16 2min2min PairPair work:work: P2-16P2-16 2min2min rhyming words 押韵押韵 GroupGroup work:work: ActAct outout inin partsparts 3min3min 3 3 characters:characters: Mr.Mr. FoxFox grandmagrandma narratornarrator ( (旁白旁白 ) ) PartPart 1:1: P2-4P2-4 BeginningBeginning PartPart 2:2: P5-12P5-12 DevelopingDeveloping PartPart 3:3: P13-16P13-16 EndingEnding 5 5 characters:characters: Mr.Mr. FoxFox 3 3 micemice narratornarrator 5 5 characters:characters: Mr.Mr. FoxFox 3 3 micemice narratornarrator Homework: 1. Share the story with your parents. 2. Try to act out the whole story with your friends . 1 绘本阅读教学提升小学生英语口语能力的行动研究绘本阅读教学提升小学生英语口语能力的行动研究 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 指导思想与理论依据 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 1 Why are you so happy? Lesson 4 单元拓展绘本课 丽声妙想英文绘本 第四级 Mr. Foxs Socks 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 是 学科英语学段:中段年级四年级 相关领域 教材 书名: 丽声妙想英文绘本 第四级 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期:2014 年 8 月第一版 2 义务教育英语课程标准 (2011 年版)指出,义务教育阶段英语课程承担着培养 学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语 语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力, 进一步促进思维能力的发展,为今后继续学习英语和用英语学习其他相关科学文化知 识奠定基础。 国内外许多语言学家认为,大量的课外阅读有助于提高阅读能力,增加词汇量, 还有助于其他语言能力的提高。阅读量不足会限制说和写的能力的发展。英语的听说 读写能力是一个相互联系的有机体,听说能力的提高是以一定的阅读能力为前提条件 的。 此教学设计在本单元情感与情绪话题表达的基础上进行拓展阅读,通过图片环游 和描绘 story map 的阅读方式以及同伴、小组合作的学习方式,培养学生提取、分析故 事主线信息的能力,在语境中进行语言实践,表演和创编主要故事情节,从而提高学 生的听力和口语表达能力。 教学背景分析 1. 教学内容教学内容: 本单元的话题是围绕情感与情绪的表达展开,学生已经能够对情绪状况简单问询、 表述原因以及安慰他人。学生能够初步运用了解他人情绪状态的日常交际用语“Why are you so”,“Why do you look so”及其相应回答“Because I/ we”等,能够认读、 理解用于描述情绪及情感状态的形容词 happy,sad,excited,worried,surprised 和 upset 等。本课是单元拓展绘本课,内容选取了丽声妙想英文绘本第四级故事 Mr. Foxs Socks,对情感与情绪话题进行了延伸。 本教材是丽声妙想英文绘本第四级的故事类读物。 丽声妙想英文绘本是一 套帮助孩子从零起点开始直至独立阅读的英语分级读物,此套绘本教材在情节架构、 词汇、句长、单词及句型复现、文学体裁等方面都做了精心设计,在有趣的绘本阅读 中融入了自然拼读、视觉词运用、英语听说写等能力的训练。该系列绘本不仅有风格 多样的插画,更包含了宽容、勇气、诚信、分享等教育主题,既有助于提高孩子的英 5 语阅读能力,又对其提升英语听说能力及对英语文学作品的鉴赏力大有裨益。 本课的故事描述了狐狸先生高兴地获得奶奶送的黑袜子,带回家后被小老鼠们咬 破霸占为家,生气地赶走它们;晚上,狐狸先生梦到无家可归的可怜小老鼠们,最终 决定把袜子送给它们当窝。此教学设计根据其语言和故事内容的特征,引导学生抓住 “袜子去哪了” 和“狐狸先生的情感变化”开展阅读,通过和学生进行图片环游和描 绘 story map 猜测并交流故事的情节发展,体会狐狸先生的情感变化以及它的善良和幽 默,帮助学生享受有趣的故事内容和阅读的快乐。根据文本特点,本设计多层次地提 取和整合文本信息,如预测情节发展,理顺文本逻辑;把握人物情绪变化主线;评鉴 观点和人物性格;评鉴修辞押韵等。绘本内容如下: 6 7 2. 学生情况学生情况: 授课对象:北京亦庄实验小学四年级学生 学生具备一定的英语听说能力,可以使用英语进行简单的交流。 学生乐于参与课堂活动和表演,可以在教师的指导下开展同伴或小组合作。 语言知识:学生在四年级上册学习过有关 feelings 主题的表达,具有一定的语言 基础;故事中需要掌握的 make、take、get、see、look、have、say 等词汇,学 生已经学习过,但是没有接触过它们的动词过去式,需要在语境中积累和学习。 阅读能力:学生刚开始接触绘本阅读,对阅读课的基本流程不熟悉,正在逐步 培养文本意识和阅读习惯。 学生知道分享的道理,但在现实生活中仍不能积极主动地与他人分享,希望借 助绘本故事的感染力,让学生懂得换位思考,理解分享的美德。 教学目标(内容框架) 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 学生能够通过跟读、默读等活动认读、理解单词: mice、hole、made、took、got、saw、looked、had、said 等;词组 made socks for 8 ,saw a hole,slept in the sock,got them out,gave socks to 等。 2. 学生能够通过图片环游和描绘 story map 的方式,初步理解故事情节主线和狐狸先 生的情感变化。 3. 学生能够有感情地朗读故事,并通过小组合作的形式进行片段表演和创编,深入理 解故事内容,分析狐狸先生的性格。 4. 学生通过阅读故事,愿意在别人需要时将自己珍视的东西主动分享。 教学重点:教学重点: 学生能够通过图片环游和描绘 story map 的方式,初步理解故事情节主线和狐狸先 生的情感变化。 教学难点:教学难点: 学生能够通过小组合作的形式进行片段表演和创编,深入理解故事内容,分析狐 狸先生的性格。 教学流程示意(可选项) 9 教学过程(文字描述) Step 1 Pre-reading 3 1. Greetings T: Today I feel happy and excited. Because I will share a great story with you. How do you feel? Why? S: I feel 2. Guessing game T: Today I bring you a wonderful story. Its a story between two kinds of animals. Please guess, what are they? The first animal: it looks like a dog with red fur. Its clever and tricky. Whats this? T: Yes. When we talk about “fox”, the first word comes into mind is tricky and cunning. Do you like it? T: But today we are going to learn about Mr. Fox, a fox with different character. T: The second animal: its a small animal with a pointed nose and a long tail. Its afraid of cats very much. Whats this? 14 (学习 mouse,mice) (设计意图:通过猜谜引起兴趣,激活已有动物知识储备,引入绘本主要人物)(设计意图:通过猜谜引起兴趣,激活已有动物知识储备,引入绘本主要人物) Step 2 While-reading 17 1. Reading the cover page T: First, I will show you the cover page of the story. What do you see or what do you know from the cover page? (T: How does Mr. Fox feel?) (T: Whats in Mr. Foxs hand?) (T: Whats in the sock?) (T: Whats the weather like?) (T: What is Mr. Fox wearing?) T: What will happen to the socks? What will happen between fox and mice? Have a guess. T: Can you tell me some other information from the cover page? (学习 title、writer、drawer、press 等封面信息) (设计意图:激发探索故事内容的渴望,培养观察图片、封面信息的习惯)(设计意图:激发探索故事内容的渴望,培养观察图片、封面信息的习惯) 2. Shared reading(图片环游)(图片环游) P2 15 T: Lets begin our story. Look, who can you see in the room? T: Can you tell me who made the socks? P3 T: Why grandma made the socks? (学习 made socks for ) T: What do you think of grandma? P4 T: How did Mr. Fox feel? Why? Pay attention to the picture. T: Then Mr. Fox put the socks in a long, red box. And happily took it home. (设计意图:了解故事开端,体会(设计意图:了解故事开端,体会 Mr.Mr. FoxFox 获得新袜子时的高兴情感)获得新袜子时的高兴情感) P5 T: What did Mr. Fox do? T: Look, what happened to his long, red box? P6 T: Take a close look at the picture. Whats wrong with the box? (学习 hole) T: What would he say? Have a guess. 1 T: What would he do next? P7 T: Did he find out the answer? P8 T: What did Mr. Fox find out? Whats wrong with the socks? (学习 saw a hole) T: What would he say? Have a guess. T: What would he do next? P9 T: Did he find out the answer? P10-11 T: What did Mr. Fox find out? T: What did they do? (学习 slept in the sock) P12 T: How did Mr. Fox feel? Why? 1 T: Do you understand Mr. Foxs feeling? T: What would he say? Have a guess. T: Look at the three little mice. How poor they are! Would Mr. Fox be happy? (学习 got them out) (设计意图:梳理故事主线,提取关键信息,体会(设计意图:梳理故事主线,提取关键信息,体会 Mr.Mr. FoxFox 发现袜子被老鼠霸占时的发现袜子被老鼠霸占时的 愤怒情感)愤怒情感) P13 T: Then, that night Mr. Fox had a dream. Whats the dream about? T: Look, how did little mice feel? T: Did Mr. Fox have a good sleep? P14 T: Then, Mr. Fox woke up. “Oh dear!” he said. What would he do next? P15 T: Yes, Mr. Fox gave socks back to the mice. (学习 gave socks to) T: How did little mice feel? Why? T: Yes, the little mice have their own home now. They felt happy, warm and thankful. Mr. Fox felt happy, too. 1 T: What would little mice say? P16 T: Did Mr. Fox have a good sleep now? (设计意图:小组讨论,继续梳理故事主线,提取关键信息,体会(设计意图:小组讨论,继续梳理故事主线,提取关键信息,体会 Mr.Mr. FoxFox 赶走老鼠赶走老鼠 后的抱歉和怜悯之心)后的抱歉和怜悯之心) Step 3 Post-reading 18 1. Listening to the whole story T: Now, lets listen to the whole story page by page, and find out the answers to the 2 questions. Does Mr. Fox need the socks? What do you think of Mr. Fox? (设计意图:通过听录音,再次熟悉故事内容)(设计意图:通过听录音,再次熟悉故事内容) 2. Character analysis and summary T: At the very beginning, does Mr. Fox need the socks? T: At the end, does he need the socks? Why? T: He gave socks to the mice as a home. Take a close look at his feet. Does he really not need the socks? T: What do you think of Mr. Fox? T: And at last, what does he say? T: What do you learn from the story? 1 (设计意图:总结(设计意图:总结 Mr.Mr. FoxFox 的性格,体会他的善良、幽默和乐于分享)的性格,体会他的善良、幽默和乐于分享) 3. Rhyming words T: Fox and socks, whats the same sound between the two words? T: Can you find other rhyming words from the story? T: Do you know some other words rhyming with fox, socks and box? 4. Acting out in parts T: Now, would you like to act the story out and share your feelings with us? Please work in groups and choose one part of the story. (设计意图:选段小组表演、创编故事,充分调动想象力和激发语言表达能力)(设计意图:选段小组表演、创编故事,充分调动想象力和激发语言表达能力) Step 4 Homework 2 T: Todays homework is: 1. Share the story with your parents. 2. Try to act out the whole story with your friends. Thank you very much. Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls! 板书设计:板书设计: 1 学习效果评价设计 评价方式:评价方式: 口头评价:教师进行了口头、表情和手势等多种评价。 小组评价:小组表演后,学生互相评价。 评价量规:评价量规: 1. 教师评价:通过学生到讲台表演故事以及教师在同伴合作时巡视学生讨论故事情节 程度,教师检验学生理解情况;通过小组内学生发言,检验掌握情况。 2. 生生互评:小组表演后,全班学生对其进行评价,完成生生互评。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 1 绘本阅读教学提升小学生英语口语能力的行动研究绘本阅读教学提升小学生英语口语能力的行动研究 1. 在阅读中充分利用图片让学生预测故事,既调动学生的已有知识,又给学生思维的 空间和时间,发散学生的思维,同时培养学生运用语言做事情的能力。 2. 在阅读中,注重学习策略的培养,如阅读方法,如自读、小组讨论、有感情的朗读、 扮演等,阅读技巧,如通过描绘 story map 梳理故事情节主线等。 3. 通过分段完整地表演故事情节,理解故事人物的心理、情感变化,使他们不仅能清 晰理解文字的表层意义,更能体会故事所表达的深层内涵,在学习语言的同时受到良 好的思想品德教育。
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北京版四年级上册UNIT ONE WHY ARE YOU SO HAPPY _Lesson 4_Now can understand Now say know the sound_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_(编号:1038c) 北京
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