北京版三年级上册UNIT THREE I WAS BORN ON MAY 23RD-Lesson 12-Now I can understand Now I can say-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:40cb4).zip


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Unit ThreeUnit Three I was born on May 23I was born on May 23rd rd Lesson 12Lesson 12 Rules -Im_. Are you my friend? -Yes. Im_. Im your friend. /No. Im_. Im not your friend. Hug each other and go back to your seat. Rules -Im_. Are you my friend? -Yes. Im_. Im your friend. /No. Im_. Im not your friend. Hug each other and go back to your seat. Miss Lu Do you know this number? 31 29 30 31 Do you know this number? 30 30 31 29 Do you know this number? 31 29 30 31 The Teddy Bear From the box, coming out a bear. Where is the gift? It is over there! Look at the bear, she takes a pear. From the box, coming out a bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. Look at the bear, she takes a pear. Lingling likes the teddy bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. The Teddy Bear From the box, coming out a bear. Where is the gift? It is over there! Look at the bear, she takes a pear. From the box, coming out a bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. Look at the bear, she takes a pear. Lingling likes the teddy bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. The Teddy Bear From the box, coming out a bear. Where is the gift? It is over there! Look at the bear, she takes a pear. From the box, coming out a bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. Look at the bear, she takes a pear. Lingling likes the teddy bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. The Teddy Bear From the box, coming out a bear. Where is the gift? It is over there! Look at the bear, she takes a pear. From the box, coming out a bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. Look at the bear, she takes a pear. Lingling likes the teddy bear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. The Teddy Bear Where is the gift? It is over there! From the box, coming out a bear. Look at the bear, she takes a pear. She sits in pair with Lingling, On the square chair. Lingling likes the teddy bear! Homework: 1. P25 Now I can write. 2. Finish your birthday book. 3. Read The Teddy Bear for your dear parents, friends or teachers. Thank you!Thank you! 1 教学基本信息 课题Unit Seven I was born on May 23rd Lesson12 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 否 学科英语学段: 中年级年级三 相关 领域 教材书名:英语三年级上册 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:14 年 7 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 指导者 课件制作者 其他参与者 指导思想与理论依据 义务教育英语课程标准的英语课课程教学建议中提到要“结合实际教学需要,创造性使用 教材” ,学生的发展才是英语课程的出发点和归宿。课程实施应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、 提高技能、磨练意志、活跃思维、展现个性、发展心智和拓展视野的过程。除此之外,英语学科的 核心素养中提到了“思维品质” ,即:思考辨析能力,包括分析、推理、判断、理性表达、用英语 进行多元思维等活动。学生在上课过程中观察英语语言现象、发现语言的规律,将听、说、读、写 等语言实践中的得到的信息相互转换,锻炼自己的思维能力,形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际 运用能力的提高。 教学背景分析 3 教学内容: 本单元是谈论生日的话题,在本单元的第一课时新授课中学生学习了询问生日的功能句型 “When is your birthday?”,并能介绍自己的生日日期“My birthday is.”及 1-8 月月份的认读并能在语 境中使用;第二课时新授课学生学习了用“When was/wereborn?” “I/ He/ She was/ were born.” 询问他人的生日和应答和单词 born 的听、说、认读;第三课时新授课中学生学习了询问他人年龄 的用语及其答语“How old are you?” “I am years old.” “How old is?” “He/ She is years old.” 。 本课是复习课,共由五个板块组成分别是 Now I can understand, Now I can say, Now I know the sound, Now I can write, Lets chant。学生复习本单元关于询问他人生日及应答的交际用语,能够在 语言情景中熟练运用,同时通过活动复习本单元所学词汇,学习语音词汇和小韵文。 已知: 1.学生在本单元前三课学习了如何询问及回答有关他人生日及年龄的语句:When is your birthday? Its on. When were you born? I was born on. How old is he/she? He/she is.并能与他人交流简单 个人信息。学生在二年级上册书第 6 单元第 21 课第一次接触到有关询问年龄的话题:How old are you? Im eight. 2. 在本学期课本前两个单元中学习了询问星期,日期的话题,以及月份和一些节日的表达法,还 有关于序数词的表达和用法。 未知: 1.学生对本单元的语音单词掌握不熟练。 预计的问题: 1.学生在 lets match 的环节:找朋友的时候,会不知所措。虽然老师已经打出了这个环节的规则, 但是在试讲的时候有的学生依然不知道该向谁提问、如何提问。 2.在最后一个阅读绘本学习语音词汇的活动中,其中有一个小环节是让学生自己听录音,根据听 到的内容,选出语音词汇。学生在此环节中会出现找不对、找不全语音词汇等情况。 对策: 1.录了一个小视频给学生当例子,方便学生更直观地参考如何在这个环节中做好活动。 2. 为了解决学生找不对、找不全语音词汇的问题,在自己寻找和全班讨论的活动之间增加了一个 学生两个人一组讨论语音词汇,更学生更对自主学习的机会。 学生情况: 1. 知识方面:本课时的授课对象是我校三年级 1 班的学生。三年级 1 班学生学习习惯良好,能做 到及时预习和复习。本节课是复习课,学生会询问及回答有关生日及年龄的语句,能用英文表 达月份和序数词。 2. 情感方面:本班学生爱动脑筋,对于有一些难度、能使他们思考的问题能激起他们的积极性。 3. 思维方面:本班学生在思维方面具有较好的观察能力能发现能力,在平时的课上能根据老师的 板书或思维导图进行简单的日常对话或进行简短的语段描述。 教学方式:观察找规律、理解表达、听力理解、阅读提取信息 4 教学手段:多媒体视频播放、PowerPoint 演示文稿 技术准备:自制课件、配套音频、演示视频、板书示意图文卡片 5 教学目标(内容框架) 教学目标 1.复习序数词和用英语表达月份、日期;会用英语询问他人生日及应答的交际用语,学生能够在 真实语境中熟练运用一种或两种方式与他人交流;能够感受字母组合 air, ere,ear,are 在单词中 的发音/e /,能够读出语音单词。 2.能将表达月份的单词运用到生日话题中,在谈论生日话题时能用英文表达日期,最终能通过日 期表达来谈论生日。 3.能在谈论他人年龄或他人生日时,体会关心他人的情感。 教学重点: 1.会用英语询问他人生日及应答的交际用语,学生能够在真实语境中熟练运用一种或两种方式与 他人交流。 2.能够感受字母组合 air, ere,ear,are 在单词中的发音/e /,能够读出语音单词。 教学难点: 1.能够感受字母组合 air, ere,ear,are 在单词中的发音/e /,能够读出语音单词。 教学流程示意(可选项) 6 教学过程(文字描述) 一Warm up 1. Lets sing Sing a song: The month of the year 设计意图:激发已知,唤起学生记忆,调节学生情绪,帮助学生在轻松的氛围下进入 学习状态。 二Vocabulary Review 1. Lets do the brain storm T: Which holiday is this? In which month we celebrate Childrens Day? What do you do on Childrens Day? In Which month we celebrate our National Day? Which month is the shortest month? How many days are there in February? In Which month we go back to school? S: Answer the question Its Childrens Day. In June we celebrate Childrens Day. In October we celebrate our National Day. In September or February we go back to school. Stick the names of months on the blackboard 设计意图:呈现复习重点:月份的表达。学生通过头脑风暴的游戏,通过看图片,看 视频,问答等形式猜出节日所在月份,培养学生的思维能力,考查学生对月份单词的 认读。 2.Lets find your friend T: The first month and January are good friends. The first month is January. Whos Februarys friend? S: The second month. Stick it on the black board S: The second month is February. T: Now we know that they are good friends. Where is your friend? Now lets find your friend! Lets go!” 9 S: Watch an example(video) Find friends -S1: Im March, are you my friend? -S2: Yes. Im the third month. Im your friend. / No, Im the fifth month. Im not your friend. Show in class Stick the cards on the blackboard -S1: The third month is March. -S2: The tenth month is October. . 设计意图:复习月份单词和序数词。全员考察,全员参与,考察学生对月份单词和序 数词的认读和理解,其的认读和理解。学生需要知道哪个月份单词和哪个序数词相匹 配,培养学生的逻辑思维能力。 三Listening Comprehension 1. Lets listen T: Now you find your friend. Look at here: Mike, Sara and Lingling! They are good friends, too. When were they born? We well listen to the tape for three times. The first step: listen. The second step: stick their photo on the birthday book. The third step: check. S: Listen to the tape Listen to the tape Stick the photo on the birthday book. Listen and check Ask together Ss: When was Mike/Sara/Lingling born?” -S1: Mike was born on. -S2: Sara was born on -S3: Lingling was born on 设计意图:考察学生能否听懂有关日期的表达。学生需在此环节中将听到的内容用生 日记录本的形式表现出来,从听力到图标的形式转变中培养了学生信息记忆及信息转 化能力。 四Sentence Review 1. Lets do the pair work T: I was born on October 3rd. When were you born? S: I was born on. 10 2. Lets do the groups work T: Do you know your friends birthday? Lets work in four. Ask your friends birthdays and circle the date and then write their name down on your birthday book so that we can celebrate birthdays for your friends. Lets go! S: Groups work Ask and answer -S1: When were you born? -S2: I was born on. -S3: When is your birth day? -S4: My birthday is on. Circle the date Write down the name. Show in class. -S1: When were you born? -S2: I was born on. -S3: When is your birth day? -S4: My birthday is on. 设计意图:复习有关询问生日的提问及回答。学生可用两种方式提问,这也要求学生 在根据对方提问的方式选择回答的方式,在询问和记录同伴生日的过程中培养了学生 严密思维的能力,让学生有意识地根据英语语言规则来组织话语、表达思想。 五Chant learning 1. Lets answer T: Look at your birthday book? Whose birthday is it today? S: Its Linglings birthday. T: What should we say to her? S: Happy birthday! 2. Lets guess T: Lingling is very happy and she invites us to her birthday party. She wants to play a guessing game with us! First, Lets listen to the riddle. Second, read the riddle together. Third, if you know the answer, please raise your hand. S:Guess the answer Listen to the riddle Read after tape Guess the answer -S1: There are thirty-one days in October. -S2: There are thirty days in September. -S3: Its thirty-one. 11 设计意图:改编自书中 Chant 环节,考察学生是否听懂、理解 Chant 并回答问题。 六Phonics Learning 1. Lets guess T: Today is Lingling birthday and here is a gift for her! But whats in the box? Lets check together! S: Its a teddy bear. 2. Lets listen T: Here I have a story! Lets enjoy it. S: Listen 3. Lets read after tape T: Now lets read after tape and pay attention to the words that pronounce /e / such as bear, Ok? 4. Lets circle the words T: Take out your pencil. While we are listening to the story, please circle the words that pronounce /e /. S: Circle the words that pronounce /e /. 5. Lets check in pairs T: Talk in pairs to check if you circled the same words. S: Check in pairs 6. Lets check together T: Which words did you circle? S: Bear, where, there, pear, pair, square, chair. Stick the words on the blackboard. 7. Lets read the story T: Now lets read the story together. S: Read the story T: Lets read in four. Let go! Ss read it in four. Show in class. 8. Lets find more words T: Look at here. I have more words. How to read these words? Try to read them together! S: Air, hair, wear, care Stick the words on the blackboard. 12 设计意图:打破常规课堂通常只是让学生听录音,跟读录音的方式学习语音词汇,而 是用语音单词给学生们创编了一个小绘本故事,让学生在语境中学习单词的发音,理 解单词的含义,然后带着自己对单词和故事的理解,再小组为单位全班展示,即朗读 绘本故事。学生通过“听故事、跟读故事,熟悉语音故事-再听故事,猜测语音单词- -集体讨论,验证猜测-借助绘本,再读语音故事-拓展:根据发音规律,读一读没学 过的单词”这一些列过程学习语音词汇。在此过程中,培养学生观察与发现能力。 教学过程(表格描述)(简单描述) 教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置 意图 技 术 应 用 时 间 安 排 Warm up1. Lets sing The month of the year 1. Sing the song 调节 情绪 唤醒 记忆 PPT2 Vocabular y review 1. Lets do the brain storm T: Which month is the shortest month? Which holiday is it? In which month we celebrate Childrens Day? In which month we go back to school? 1. Listen and answer Listen to the question. See the pictures. Watch the video and answer the question. S: In June we celebrate our Childrens Day. In September we go back to school. 呈现 复习 重点。 PPT10 13 2. Lets find your friend T: The first month and January are good friends. The first month is January. Whos Februarys friend?” T: Now we know that they are good friends. Where is your friend? Now lets find your friend! Lets go!” Stick the months on the blackboard 2. Find your friend Answer the question. S: The second month. Stick the cards on the blackboard. S: The second month is February. Watch an example(video) Find friends S1: Im March, are you my friend?” S2: Yes. Im the third month. Im your friend. / No, Im the fifth month. Im not your friend. Show in class Stick the cards on the blackboard S: The third month is March. 复习 月份 单词 和序 数词。 考察 学生 对其 的认 读和 理解。 Listening Compre- hension 1. Lets listen T: Now you find your friend. Look at here: Mike, Sara and Lingling! They are good friends, too. When were they born? We well listen to the tape for three times. The first step: listen. The second step: stick their photo on the birthday book. The third step: check. 1. Listen to the tape Listen to the tape Stick the photo on the birthday book. Listen and check Ask together Ss: When was Mike/Sara/Lingling born?” S1: Mike was born 考察 学生 能否 听懂 有关 日期 的表 达。 PPT7 14 on. S2: Sara was born on S3: Lingling was born on Sentence Review 1. Lets do the pair work T: I was born on October 3rd. When were you born? 2. Lets do the groups work T: Do you know your friends birthday? Lets work in four. Ask your friends birthdays and circle the date and then write their name down on your birthday book so that we can celebrate birthdays for your friends. Lets go! 1. Answer the question. S: I was born on. 2. Groups work Ask and answer S1: When were you born? S2: I was born on. S3: When is your birth day? S4: My birthday is on. Circle the date Write down the name. Show in class. S1: When were you born? S2: I was born on. S3: When is your birth day? S4: My birthday is on. 复习 有关 询问 生日 的提 问及 回答。 PPT6 Chant Learning 1. Lets answer T: Look at your birthday book? Whose birthday is it today? T: What should we say to her?” 2. Lets guess T: Lingling is very happy and she invites us to her birthday party. She 1. Answer the question. Ss: Its Linglings birthday. Ss: Happy birthday! 2. Guess the answer Listen to the riddle 改编 自书 中 Chant 环节, 考察 学生 是否 PPT6 15 wants to play a guessing game with us! First, Lets listen to the riddle. Second, read the riddle together. Third, if you know the answer, please rise your hand. Read after tape Guess the answer S1: There are thirty- one days in October. S2: There are thirty days in September. S3: Its thirty-one. 听懂、 理解 Chant 并回 答问 题。 Phonics Learning 1. Lets guess T: Today is Lingling birthday and here is a gift for her! But whats in the box? Lets check together! 2. Lets listen to the story T: Here I have a story! Lets enjoy it. 3. Lets read after tape T: Now lets read after tape and pay attention to the words that pronounce /e / such as bear, Ok? 4. Lets circle the words T: Take out your pencil. While we are listening to the story, please circle the words that pronounce /e /. 5. Lets check in pairs T: Talk in pairs to check if you circled the same words. 6. Lets check together T: Which words did you circle?” (Stick the words on the 1. Answer the question. Ss: Its a teddy bear! 2. Listen to the story. 3. Read after tape. 4. Circle the words that pronounce / e /. 5. Check in pairs. 6. Check together T: Which words did you circle that 听故 事、 跟读 故事, 熟悉 语音 故事。 再听 故事, 猜测 语音 单词。 集体 讨论, 验证 猜测。 PPT9 1 blackboard.) 7. Lets read the story T: Now lets read the story together. T: Lets read in four. Let go! 8. Lets find more words T: Look at here. I have more words. How to read these words? Try to read them together! (stick the words on the blackboard.) pronounce / e /? S: Bear, where, there, pear, pair, square, chair.” 7. Read the story Read it together Read in groups Show in class 8. Read the words. S: Air, hair, wear, care 借助 绘本, 再读 语音 故事。 拓展。 根据 发音 规律, 读一 读没 学过 的单 词。 作业:1. P25 Now I can write. 2. Finish your birthday book. 3. Read The Teddy Bear for your dear parents, friends or teachers. 1 附板书: 1 学习效果评价设计 评价方式 1. 学生在各个环节的参与程度:举手的次数 2. 学生在小组活动中的参与程度:学生互评 评价量规 1. 在 4 个重要学习活动中均举手为良好,在 2 个活动中举手为合格 2. 在 3 个小组活动互评中均得到同伴的肯定为良好,2 次得到肯定为合格 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 1. 板块重组,高效复习重点知识。在设计本课时,我对书中每个板块要复习的知识点一一做了梳 理,但是又考虑到书中的活动相对简单和单调,因此在能达到高效复习这个目标的前提下,我 为每一个板块设计了新的教学活动。相比其他的复习课各板块之间的联系不够,本节课力争将 每一个板块都联系在一起,前面的活动为后面的活动作铺垫,后面的活动对前面的活动有回应。 2. 活动为主,努力激发学生兴趣。在本课中,从导入环节的歌曲到上黑板上贴单词到根据生日贴 生日记录本到猜谜和读绘本,都为学生创设了丰富又有效的活动,满足了三年级学生好动的天 性,也激发了他们在课堂上的积极性。在学习语音词汇的时候,打破常规课堂通常只是学生听 录音,跟读录音的方式,而是用语音单词给学生们创编了一个小绘本故事,让学生在语境中学 习单词的发音,理解单词的含义,然后带着自己对单词和故事的理解,以小组为单位全班展示, 即朗读绘本故事。这种方法大大激发了学生学习的兴趣,真正做到了在玩中学,在阅读中学习 英语。 3. 关注思维,着力培养思维品质。在听力的环节中培养学生信息记忆及转化能力,学生在听的过 程中将听到的内容转换成图表的形式;在询问、记录同伴生日的活动中培养学生严密思维能力, 让学生有意识地根据英语语言规则来组织话语、表达思想。在学习语音词汇的环节中通过听故 事,读故事,自己寻找语音单词发音规律,小组讨论发音规律,一起总结发音规律,培养学生 观察与发现能力。
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北京版三年级上册UNIT THREE WAS BORN ON MAY 23RD_Lesson 12_Now can understand Now say_ppt课件_(含教案)_(编号:40cb4) 北京
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本文标题:北京版三年级上册UNIT THREE I WAS BORN ON MAY 23RD-Lesson 12-Now I can understand Now I can say-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:40cb4).zip

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